Chapter 4 – An Eventful Evening

The following evening was very eventful. They spent the rest of the day at the camp. It was the safest thing to do, and Merlin really didn't feel like traveling with a bunch of children. Merlin didn't even have time to think about the curse. He was too busy trying to keep the knights alive. He patiently played a father, solving conflicts, keeping an eye out so no one wandered out into the woods and giving comfort when the "younger" knights fell and hurt themselves. Merlin had just once again solved a conflict between Arthur and Gwaine over yet another stick, when a loud scream was heard. Merlin quickly turned around. All the knights were standing by the stream. All but…

"Where's Percival?!" Merlin shouted in panic as he sprung on his feet.

The knights didn't answer, instead, they pointed into the stream.

Percival was in the stream, laying on his back, screaming. The stream was very shallow, but Merlin could see that it didn't matter. Even though his face was above water, the five-year-old in Percival was convinced he was drowning. Merlin immediately jumped into the stream. The water reached him half-way up to his knees. Merlin helped the big knight to sit up. Percival was trembling.

"You're alright. I got you Percival." Merlin said softly. "I got you."

"Merlin," Percival said, a tremble in his voice.

"It's alright." Merlin said. "You're safe."

Percival looked at Merlin with big eyes. Then suddenly, a wide smile spread across his face.

"I almost drowned!" he proclaimed, and Merlin could swear there was pride in his voice.

Merlin couldn't help smirking, even though his heart was still beating rapidly.

"Yes." He said, even if that wasn't quite the truth. "Yes, you almost drowned."

Then he got serious.

"You see now that water can be very dangerous. Can you promise me that you will stay away from the stream?"

Percival nodded.

"I promise."

Then he smiled, rose out of the water and ran away. Before dinner, Percival would have managed to fall into the stream two more times.

After the first stream incident, Leon disappeared, only coming back when Merlin was about to serve the other knights dinner. It was as if he had smelled the food from miles away. He took his plate from Merlin, and went over to sit under his tree without a word. He sat there for the rest of the night, until he fell asleep, tilted against the tree. Merlin looked over at the teenager, but whatever thought that was forming in his mind, it was interrupted when someone poked him with his plate. Merlin turned around to see Arthur standing next to him, poking Merlin in the arm with his plate.

"Yes Arthur?" Merlin asked.

The other knights, besides Leon, was sitting around them, eating their dinner.

"I like this food. Can I have some more?" Arthur asked, holding out his plate.

Merlin was just about to mention that it was exactly the same meal as the one Arthur had thrown on the ground at lunch, but he decided against it.

"Sure." He said, putting some more food into Arthur's plate.

Gwaine put down his plate on the ground.

"All done." He explained and ran over to the big branch that he had dragged there earlier in the day.

Merlin just sighed. He couldn't wait for the knights to fall asleep, so he could visit Kilgharrah and finally brake the curse. Being a father for a day was exhausting.


Merlin looked up. Percival stood next to him. He held out his plate. There was still a potato and some bits of meat left.

"I'm all done." Percival said, his voice small. "I'm sorry, I can't eat more."

Merlin's heart filled with warmth.

"It's okay Percival." He said. "You ate as much as you could."

Percival smiled and started walking away. It looked like he was heading towards the stream. But before he got far, he turned around and smiled at Merlin.

"Thank you for the food." Percival smiled, before he spread his arms, roared towards the sky like a dragon and ran around in circles.

Merlin was still for a whole minute, before a huge smile spread across his face. Maybe being the father-figure had its perks.

Merlin forgot those perks as soon as it was time for the knights to go to sleep.

"Gwaine, for the last time, you can't have you tree branch by the fire. If you do, Percival won't have room, and he'll be cold."

"But someone will come take it otherwise!" Gwaine complained.

Merlin sighed.

"I promise I'll watch over it while you sleep. It'll be there when you wake up, I promise."

Finally, Gwaine gave up, and put his branch away. He put his cape on the ground, lay himself down on it. Within minutes, he was asleep.


Merlin automatically made a hushing sound before he saw who had made the noise. Arthur stood by the fire, his hands entangled in his cape.

"What is wrong with this cape? Why won't it come off? Merlin, come and help me!"

Merlin sighed and went over to Arthur. He reached out to help him, but then stopped himself when he thought about something.

"What do you say Arthur?" Merlin asked.


"If you want me to help you, what do you say?"

Arthur thought about it for a second.

"Please?" he tried.

"Exactly! Remember that." Merlin said. "Now what do you say?"

"Merlin, can you help me with my cape? Please?" Arthur asked.

"What lovely manner. I do like a man who says please." Merlin teased. "Of course, I will help you."

He helped Arthur with the cape.

"Thank you." Arthur said, and Merlin smiled.

"Just my luck." Merlin muttered. "You're only bearable when you're an eight-year-old."

After what felt like forever, all the knights were finally asleep. All except one.

"Merlin! Merlin, look!"

Percival was sitting on a rock, small puffs of smoke coming out of his mouth as he breathed out. Merlin had tried to put Percival to sleep for hours, with no luck, and was now waiting for him to fall asleep by himself.

"Look Merlin, I am a dragon!" He breathed out, more smoke coming out of his mouth.

Merlin couldn't help it. He smiled.

"I see. What kind of dragon are you?"

"A white one!"

"A white one? That is a great choice. The white dragons are very strong and intelligent."

"How do you know that?" Percival asked, his eyes full of wonder.

"I read a book about them once." Merlin said with a secret smile.

Then he decided that he couldn't wait anymore for Percival to fall asleep.

"Percival, come with me. I want to show you something."

"Where are we going?"

"We are going on an adventure. It will be fun, I promise."

Percival flew off the stone, a big grin on his face. He looked smug.

"Just promise me you won't tell the others." Merlin said.

Percival's smile got a little smaller at that, but he nodded. He jumped off his rock and followed Merlin into the woods.

A/N: It's been forever, I know. But I haven't given up on this story yet. I WILL finish it. And for those of you who wonders, I'm planning on writing a chapter that takes place after the original story. I hope you liked the chapter and thank you so much for reading, reviewing, following and favouriting.