I don't know what this is. I was writing at 1 am and- yeah. I edited the last chap so if you want to you can go back and re-read it. HAVE FUN *creepy smile*

Hello Campers, welcome back to another chapter of Your guide to becoming a season PJO fangirl/guy. Last week we covered shipping and two of the many common ships. Today, however, we will be going through the entire process of reading a fan fiction.

I will be going through in steps so take notes (aka pretend to take notes).

1) Picking/Finding a fic

Before you can even get started reading, you need to actually find something to read. Usually, this is the hardest step for me. There are two routes you may take. a) Browsing through new b) searching for a specific kind.

I tend to go towards both of these routes usually, but everyone has a preference. If you want a fic that may have never been done before, something that is in progress, or maybe something that is unique than you want to search through new (FFN books Percy Jackson and the Olympians). But if you are looking for a specific ship or maybe a certain trope you would want to search separately. I would honestly recommend just googling what you want (ex: "Percy is roman fanfiction" or "Percy and Thalia fanfiction")

Another really helpful thing if you are looking for a specific kind of fanfiction is checking out communities. I have found some really good gems through that too. It's also easier.

Once you have decided on specifically searching, using a community, or browsing through 'new' you'll wanna start reading through the summaries. Never judge a fanfic by its title because most of the time the titles suck or are weird. If you're ever writing a fanfic and want to say "BAD AT SUMMARIES" in the summary just don't- please. I don't know about anyone else but that irks me to no end even though I did it once…

2) Reading


I swear the amount of times my heart has been broken by an incomplete really well-written fic of a rare pair or maybe something else is more than I can count on my toes and fingers.

Make sure to favorite/follow if it's really worth it because if you forget the name in a couple of days and it's lost, you'll only have Search History to look at. Also, regarding favorite/follow/reviewing, if you review try not to just say "I loved it" or "I hated it" because those ones don't really feel as personal to the writer and don't really help that much (In my opinion).

Pretty much the only thing I have to say about reading is; enjoy crying, smiling, squealing, and having your heart broken.

ALSO: PACE YOURSELF. I have literally read a 99 chapter (pretty long chaps) Harry Potter fan fiction in one sitting and stayed up until three in the morning.

3) Finishing (this applies to complete, not in progress)

When you're done reading and you liked it leave a favorite and follow (yes, even if it is completed) and if you really enjoyed (or love to talk about books/fanfics/movies) leave a positive review.

After that, you can go cry and complain about the beauty of it to your friends and family who probably don't care or understand.

4) Moving on

I understand it's hard. It was ama-zhang. You've fallen in love with either the OC's the author's style of writing, the ship, or the way Rick's characters are portrayed. But it's okay, we've all been through that. The best thing you can do is re-read, or leave it in the past.

If you really want to stop feeling sad about finishing, just think about the movies. That sadness will immediately be replaced with anger and fury as you wonder how they could have ruined something so perfect.

Another way to make you feel better issssssssssssssss PUNS AND INSIDE JOKES

That girl is a dam snack (bar).

Leo sniffed Percy's hair, it smelled very fishy. (don't ask why Leo is sniffing his hair, I don't even know what life is anymore)

You don't like my puns? My Apollo-gies


Hit or Styx? I guess they never nymph, huh? (sorry, that was cringe)


Anyway, to conclude this chapter I have a short little segment I wrote called "A CONVERSATION BETWEEN PERCY JACKSON FANGIRLS:"

It was a Friday, and they were doing what any normal fourteen-year-old fangirls did. Talking about fan fiction. Lexie was on her phone trying to find some good Frank/Hazel one-shots, while Lizzie was absent-mindedly drawing some chibi HOO characters. Kate was, as usual, writing down fic ideas as she reread Lost Hero for the 10th time. As for Rebecca, she was just looking around for any fics that were complete and featuring a pairing.

"Oh my gods," voiced Rebecca, breaking the easy silence.

"What?" Questioned Lizzie. "Accidentally stumble onto an Octavian/Percy lemon again?"

"No, worse. Also, why do you keep bringing that up?" the other girl grumbled, annoyed.

"Well, what then?"

"Is it really that bad?"

"Are you on wattpad again?"

"Or… AO3?"

(not hating on those sites)

Came a stream of questions, from the other three girls. Now they were curious. No matter how cringe-y a fanfic was, they had deemed it impossible to be worse than that perctavian one.

"Ew, no I only use fanfiction net," she assured, a bit disturbed at some of the things they were asking. "It was a-" she gulped, "Percabeth-where-they-end-up-together-right-away-in-the-first-chapter."

There was a collective gasp all around the room.

"You poor soul-" "What's wrong with that-" "PERLEO!"