Hi, everyone. Here I am, finally replying to the comments left on this prompt.

Sorry for the delay.

I12Bfree: Thank you! I'm glad you think so.

Allie: Thanks a lot. It surprised me too, honestly. Although orginally there was supposed to be angst involved cause this prompt was actually part of another story.

pandawhere: I know! That was so sweet and I'm glad I thought of it. I feel like, after they start dating, there will be many things Gray will let her do because it is HER aka the woman he loves.

Cheese: Thanks! I absolutely adored your comment. You're right, Natsu is lucky that's all he heard.

glodenglowingsnowdemon: Glad you loved it! I'm always happy to deliver sweet and adorable Gruvia scenes. They deserve some happiness after the hell that Mashima and I put them through.

MasterGildarts: Thank you! I hope so too. Noting would make me happier than seeing Gruvia and NaLu dating in canon.