Author's note: Okay, I know my story is still a w.i.p., but seriously? Only 2 reviews from the same person and 14 views? I... I feel insult, you know. I pour heart and soul into these stories. I know I've only finished one story in my archives, but please... Give me some credit, okay?

Anyways, today we find out how the news of Delvin's knowledge of their secret will be taken.

Disclaimer: I do not Demashitaa! Powerpuff Girls Z. I only own this plot and my OC.

-Tokyo High School, Tokyo City; Japan- Time: 16:45, Date: 26th November

The bell rang, signaling the end of school. Delvin was patiently waiting at the gates leading into the school-grounds. 'Man, this brings back memories. I've only been eighteen for six months now, and already I'm feeling nostalgic of my time at school.'

Momoko was first out of school, followed by Kaoru. Miyako was last, and the glances she got from the boys made his blood boil. 'I think a talk is needed after this.'

Instead of a tackle, his cousin smiled up at him, and he smiled back. They had cleared everything last evening, and now it was time for her to keep herself to her end of a deal they made. But not before he can have a word.

"I hope I don't need to kick any of those lovestruck boys their asses?"

It took a moment before she realized what he hinted to. Miyako blushed and shook her head frantically, and he nodded. Momoko and Kaoru held back laughter, but couldn't stop a slight snicker.

"Like you can talk. I can name a dozen boys from my school you would fall for, Momoko. And what about those fangirls I spot in the corner, Kaoru?"

That quickly shut them up, both now wielding blushes of their own. Delvin shook his head before following them. The guise was that he simply wanted to pick up Miyako, but they both knew the real reason.

As soon as he saw they were alone, he started.

"So, you going to do anything today, Miyako?" He started. She shook her head, and he held his chin in mock-thought. "Shopping, maybe? Or just hanging out with your friends? Or are you going to kick someone's ass, Bubbles?"

The two girls in front of them froze, and whipped around like bullets, gawking at the brown-head. He chuckled at their reaction as their eyes flitted between him and his cousin.

"He knows?!"

"I actually figured it out after she saved me from that glass pane. Being honest, you really look a lot like them, I don't see how no one notices the similarities." Delvin explained, and pointing out something as well. The girls didn't stop gawking at him, and in the end he put their mouths close himself. "Look out, you might catch a fly like that."

"H-How?" Momoko managed to utter after a little while. He smiled at her, a glint in his eyes.

"Not so hard for me, Blossom."

"Wait, what?!" Kaoru yelled, and Delvin turned to her as well, a true smirk on his face now.

"I'm her cousin. Of course I would find out, Buttercup."

They stared at him like he grew a second head. He started snickering, and soon it turned into full-out laughter. After a little while he caught his breath, calming down a bit. By now the girls had regained themselves, and were glaring at him.

"You won't tell, will you?" Momoko asked, a serious tone in her voice. Recollecting himself a bit more, he looked at her with equal seriousness.

"Never. I don't have a death-wish!"

She nodded at him, and the girls looked to Miyako, who had been at the sidelines for now.

"You trust him, right?"

"Of course! He's my big brother!"

"Cousin." Delvin was quick to correct, but she didn't pay attention to that. The two girls seemed to be judging him, and he kept his cool, not failing under their gaze. After a bit, they sighed and relented.

"Fine. So, what now?" Kaoru asked, and Delvin smirked at this. He tapped his fingers together, and that caught their attention.

"How about for now, show me where you always go."

They nodded at that, and started heading to the laboratory.

-Tokyo Science Laboratory, Tokyo City; Japan- Time: 17:02, Date: 26th November

They walked into the lab, and Delvin had it hard not to gawk at everything he saw. They entered into the main-room, finding the Professor and Ken working at a few consoles. The black-haired boy turned to great them, but instead shrieked when noticing the boy behind the girls.

"Who is that?!"

Delvin smiled down at the young boy, although he questioned just how smart the kid really is to be allowed to work in a lab. Walking out from behind the girls, he offered a hand, crouching down to be more at level.

"I'm Delvin. Miyako's cousin."

"Ah, yes. Miyako called me yesterday. So, you figured out their secret identities, huh?" The Professor stated, a blaster in his hand. The boy paled, and was quickly to his feet, hiding himself behind the girls.

"Please tell me that isn't a memory-eraser! I swear I won't tell anyone!"

The girls sweat-dropped at that, and the somewhat perplexed looks on the Professor his face actually made Miyako gasp.

"It is?!"

He sweat-dropped, and quickly put the blaster away. That made everyone calm down a bit, but Delvin still stayed behind the girls, using them as shields. Miyako grabbed his shoulder, helping him calm down a bit.

"Professor, he promised to us he won't tell anyone, we can trust him." Momoko argued to the man, and he seemed to judge the boy. The way Delvin remained so calm, and his connection to his cousin. After a bit of thinking, he sighed, and relented. The girls smiled at that, and the brown-head trusted it was safe to stop hiding himself behind the girls.

"So, you are the Professor they told me about, eh? Wait a nanosecond… I remember you! You're Professor Drake Kitazawa Utonium! I read about you in my Science-Magazines back home!" Delvin exclaimed, stars in his eyes. The girls sweat-dropped, and Miyako slapped her face, actually groaning. Groaning?!

"Please, Delvin, don't be a nerd like that. It's embarrassing!"

"Hey, who can blame me for being a nerd like my dad?" He retaliated, and a spark flashed between the two. The girls stared in pure shock at the argument, surprised that the one normally keeping the peace in the team was able to argue with someone, let alone her own cousin?!

"So… Back to introductions…" Momoko started, catching the two before it could get any worse. They chuckled nervously at the looks everyone gave them.

"I'm Ken, nice to meet you." The black-haired boy introduced himself, offering a hand. Delvin shook it, with mild surprise at the boy's manners, and only now did he notice the robo-puppy standing not so far away.

"And I'm Poochi!"

And his jaw just hit the ground at the fact the robo-puppy could talk?! Blinking his eyes, it was Miyako who brought him back, closing his jaw softly before giving him a small slap against the cheek. Shaking his head, he got that fact processed before looking around a little.

"Nice place. Love the interior. And…" He stopped, eyes locking on the screen of a console. On it was a file, and a picture.

A picture of a man, dressed in an old-fashioned suit. Old square glasses were perched on his nose, and he was partially balding.

Everyone followed his gaze, noticing the picture as well. Miyako turned to her cousin, his stance still frozen.

"You know who that is?"

"Know him… If I know him… I-I… I despise that man! I hate him!" Delvin burst out, an anger-fueled expression on his face. The two Kitazawa's paled at that, and started whistling a bit. The boy noticed, and quickly turned to face them. "My question is: How do you know him?!"

"H-he's an old friend." The Professor admitted, and Delvin balled his fists. Miyako took his hands, and tried to calm him down.

"Why not try and explain?"

He took a deep breath, and sighed, nodding his head. She guided him to sit down in the couch, and he crossed his arms, doing his best to keep his cool. Everyone looked at him attentively.

"That man, his name is Durban. Professor Isaac Durban. He's a brilliant man, and once my idol. The day I visited my aunt and uncle in Milano for their work, I met him. But, after he left for his own work, I followed his car, and saw how he met a group of people, who dumped strange containers in a nearby scrapyard. My curiosity got the better of me, and I checked what those containers held."

"What was inside?" Ken asked, and Delvin his eyes widened as he realized he also had a younger crowd.

"You sure you want to hear? It... Is quite gruesome."

Ken paled, and quickly back-peddled his way out of the room. Poochi followed quickly afterwards, leaving the others a bit worried for the boy. The brown-head shook his head before looking back at the others, continuing where he left off.

"Inside the containers… Were the bodies of babies. Death. All but two. A joined container, inside two little girls, identical in appearance. Both had puffs of silver-white hair."

"Niya and Naya?!"

Delvin nodded, and the girls closed their eyes, holding themselves from exploding into anger. Kaoru had it the hardest, her head steaming red.

"Yes. I was able to ask Professor Durban why they did that, and he told me they were mistakes, failed experiments."

"What kind of experiments?" The Professor asked. Delvin closed his eyes, weighing the pros and cons of telling the others his greatest secret. Looking at the girls, he sighed, and left it to fate.

"Experiments with something called Chemical Z."

The girls gasped, looking at each other and then to the professor. His eyes were as wide as dishes, and he quickly closed them, rubbing his forehead.

"Continue." The man beckoned, and Delvin knew he needed to hear the whole story now.

"After that, I stopped talking with him. I grew to despise him, learning many other inhuman things he has done in his time as scientist. I took the girls in as my daughters, and learned they possess super-powers, to a certain degree. Niya has control over fire, and Naya can control water. They're like yin and yang. I've taught them how to keep their powers in control, and have kept it a secret from people."

Kaoru excused herself from the room, and the screaming that was audible from outside of the door told them enough. Momoko her fists were balled, and she flinched as she put too much strain on her still partially-injured shoulder. Miyako had tears in her eyes, and Delbin took her in a hug.

The professor had closed the screen, hands on the console of the computer. His eyes were closed, and he breathed out a sigh.

"For years we were friends. Never has he ever told me about his research. It's my fault. I told him about my trials to turn Chemical X more stable, that is what Chemical Z is in theory. Somehow, he beat me to it, and used it for inhuman experimentation. Lord knows what else he has done I was unaware off! Dammit!" He punched the console, and the girls were shocked to see the professor so angry.

"Believe me, I know your feelings."

A few hours later, everyone was talking with each other. Ken was there as well, along with Poochi. They had been given a censored version of the story, but that didn't mean the boy didn't rage out like Kaoru, surprising even the raven-girl herself.

Now they were telling the brown-head among them about the many adventures they had. Right now they were telling him about the RowdyRuff Boys, and that had led them to tell him about what happened yesterday.

"That… That sounds terrible. Whoever did this has taken control of their minds, and is forcing them to fight for them. But…"

"But, what?" Momoko asked, a bit intrigued by what the boy could be thinking about. A small smile made its way on Delvin's face.

"There might be a way to break the control."


The professor was almost practically in the boy's face, and he sweat-dropped, sending a silent plea to the others to help him. Ken was the one who dragged his dad further away from the boy, a glare aimed at the man.

Recollecting himself, Devlin pondered a little about it more before finally answering.

"They must be receiving some kind of signal to their minds for the control to work. I know a way to block those signals, and maybe even help destroy the control over the boys minds."

"And how will you do that?"

Devlin smirked, his eyes going to the professor.

"An electrical shock, straight into their brain. I know the frequency the neural receptors in the brain work with, and how to bypass them. I lucky discovery during science-class a year ago. The shock will reset the receptors, and undo the control of the signal. They'll go unconscious for a few hours, but when the wake up, the control will be gone and they'll be normal again. Or, at least as normal as those boys can get."

"Won't it have a bad effect on their minds?" Ken questioned, but the smirk never left Delvin's face.

"No, because it only resets the neural receptors. The neural cells themselves will remain the same, and the signals in the brain will continue working like normal. They'll still have their memories, personality. Everything will remain the same, only the mind-control will be gone."

The professor was looking quite astounded at the boy, but quickly recollected himself, and nodded, already knowing what to do.

"I'll need your help with the frequency. As soon as we have the basics done, we'll make it portable and safe."

Delvin nodded, and let the subject on that drop for now. He turned back to the girls, and they were staring a little at him. "Do I have something on my face?"

"How can you be so smart, yet so good-looking?" Momoko questioned, and the glare she received from Miyako was enough to give the blonde's message through. No hitting on her cousin. Delvin chuckled to himself, and instead looked to Kaoru, who seemed to be in another world.

"What's keeping your mind in a knot?"

The raven-girl looked at him a bit confused for a moment before she registered what he had said. She sighs, and looks away, propping herself on her hand.


"I can tell when someone's lying, even you. I can tell, what's wrong?"

She sighed, and let her head slump a little.

"Mitch, a boy from school, he… He started dating someone else today. I saw them kiss in the halls."

The girls stopped talking, and looked at their raven-haired friend, concern on their faces. Delvin nodded, already knowing what this is all about.

"You liked him, didn't you?"

She nodded after some reluctance, but didn't look anyone in the eyes. She knew the girls were giving her those pitiful eyes, but what she didn't expect was for Delvin to put a hand on her shoulder.

"I know how it feels. I had a crush on a girl from school, but she started dating someone else. I felt like shit after that. But, in the end, I didn't let it define myself. I said to myself that she wasn't worth it. If she didn't want to date me, than she didn't deserve me."

Kaoru managed a small smile at that, and nodded, seeing some merit in what he said. He smiled back at her before going back to his spot in the couch. Miyako smiled at her cousin, proud for what he did. He looked back at her, knowing why she is.

He always had a way with words, and a knack on cheering people up.

-Old Abandoned Warehouse, Tokyo City; Japan- Time: 20:11, Date: 26th November

A van was parked in the center of the warehouse. Standing in front of the open part of the van were three boys, red eyes gazing at void.

The RowdyRuff Boys, still under the mind-control.

A man in suit walked up to them, and they stood to attention. A few scientists were working on strengthening the control-signal in the van, and a man pressed a few buttons to assure they stayed loyal.

"You failed the first time, but were able to deliver some reasonable damage. Tomorrow we're going to try another strike, and this time you're not alone." The suited man stated before looking behind him.

From the dark shadows of the warehouse, a large bipedal machine walked out, two arms at both sides. The head was a simple disk with a red light going left and right, scanning the surroundings. The boys didn't look a bit intimidated by the thing, despite it being twice as large as them.

"This is the Mega-Z-Tron. I know, lame name, but that's what we've got! Anyways, he'll be fighting along sides you, and his goal is to gather a sample of Z-Ray Energy from those girls. For that he must take something from them, be it a lock of hair, spit, or even blood. Doesn't matter, as long as it has DNA in it! You got that?"

"Sir, yes, sir!" The boys stated in a monotone voice. The man nodded his head before gesturing to the machine behind him.

"Don't break the big guy. If he gets damaged, his nuclear core could melt-down and turn this entire city in ground zero. That's all!"

The boys nodded, and left to the researchers in a corner. The machine remained standing, but a few scientists started doing some checks on its systems and other things. The suited man entered into a second, military-styled van, and closed the door behind him. He grabbed a phone on the side of the consoles inside, and dialed a number.

When the call connected through, a raspy voice spoke up.

"I hope for you that the next mission is successful."

"Yes, boss. Don't worry, you'll get the data and the samples. But, what will we do with those girls afterwards?"

"I don't care. You can use them for your own fun if you like. Just make sure nothing leads to me."

"Got it, loud and clear. No one will know that world-known scientist Professor Isaac Durban in responsible for this 'accident'." The man stated with a smile, an evil hint in his voice. An unamused snort came from the other side.

"Just get the job done. You'll be payed handsomely in return."

"Good, I'm looking forwards to it already. Roger, out."

He clicked the phone back, ending the call. A dark smirk came to his face, and as he turned through the van, he picked a picture from the side. On it was a little girl with stark-white hair and pale purple eyes. His smile faltered. Putting the picture back, he sighed.

'Oh, Bell. If only you were here, my sweet daughter.'

-Suburbs, Tokyo City; Japan- Time: 07:32, Date: 27th November

Delvin yawned as he came down the stairs and into the living room. He smiled, finding the three most important girls in his life already seated at the table, eating breakfast. His cousin looked up and smiled at him, but when the twins noticed him, they left the table and sprinted to him, tackling the boy in a tight hug.


"Hey, girls. Good morning to you too." He said, peeling them off him so he could sit down and eat. His grandmother smiled at him before placing his own plate with food in front of him. He smiled at her before digging in, his daughters continuing with their own meal.

"School today?"

"Yep." Miyako answered, but her usual happy attitude was a lot less today. He frowned, and was going to ask, but his grandmother answered his question.

"Today its one year ago that Takaaki had to leave."

"Who's Takaaki?" He asked, and the sad smile that came to Miyako her face already gave him a pretty good idea.

"He… Was a boy I met when I was younger. He has a disease that made it so that his bones could easily break. He went to the hospital here in Tokyo, but his parents found a more likely solution in another country, so… He moved. Its… One year now since he left… I always went to visit him."

Delvin smiled sadly, understanding what she meant. She loved him, but he couldn't stay, so now she gets sad when she remembers everything about the boy. And today wasn't helping her.

"I'm sorry."

"It's nothing. You couldn't have helped, anyways… Just, let me be, okay?"

He nodded with some reluctance, not wanting to leave her being sad and all. But, he understood she wanted to cope with this on her own, and he respected that.

As they finished breakfast, Miyako grabed her bag, said her bye's to everyone, and left the house. Delvin stared at the door for a bit before his grandmother shook him back to reality.

"Are you sure that you don't…?"

"Grandma. I promised to myself that I see her as a little sister, nothing else. Besides," A dark look came to his face as he gripped the sides of his pants hard. "Not like I can offer much."

The elder woman nodded, and let him be. He sighed and walked up the stairs to the guest-room. He took his suitcase from inside the build-in closet, and opened a part where the brown-head pulled a few papers from.

He read some of the finer details, but the one thing that always stung in his eyes was right there, in front of him. Staring him right in the eyes.


He gripped the paper a little harder before sighing, putting it back in his suitcase. He closed the closet after putting the case back, and flopped down on his bed.

Closing his eyes, he let himself wander through his thoughts. He remembers everything he ever did with his cousin well. They promised, to be like brother and sister. He would never break that promise.

'I care for her like a sister.' He thoughts, but frowned a little as he remembered the teases from his mom every time. 'So why don't other people see that? She's my cousin, for crying out loud! Sure, I might not act like a normal brother to her, but we're close in a way no one can understand.'

He pulled the sleeve of his shirt up, revealing the long scar running down the side of his arm. He touched it softly, remembering the day he got this.

The day she saved his life. He clutched his arm, but softened as he let his mind calm down.

'She saved me that day. Brought me to safety and got the doctors to reach me in time. Without Miyako… I might have died that day. I'll always be grateful for that.'

He rolled the sleeve back down, and got up from his bed. He looked outside, and sighed.

Going out of his room and down the stairs, he found the twins playing a little game with each other. Smiling at them, and thanking the gods for the chance to have them with him, he walked into the room and put his hands on their heads.

"Anyone want to go outside and play?"

The smiles they gave him warmed his heart, and he knew he would always protect these two with his life.

-Tokyo High School, Tokyo City; Japan- Time: 12:15, Date: 27th November

The bell rang, signaling the start of lunch-break. Children flooded into the cafeteria, but the first to reach the end and get the candy they sometimes leave for those lucky few was no one else but Momoko.

She smiled as she sat down, already digging into her food. It wasn't like the things they gave her at home, but it was eatable nonetheless. She was soon joined at her table by Kaoru and Miyako. The latter seemed less cheerful than before, but they all knew why.

Takaaki. Today it's one year ago since he left.

They didn't bother her much with it, and she was grateful for that. Today just wasn't a good day for her.

As they ate, their belts suddenly started blinking, just at the time Momoko was going to eat her candy. Grumbling under her breath, they left the cafeteria, and went to the back of the school.

She grabbed the compact from her belt and opened it, the screen showing a very concerned Professor Utonium.

"Girls. Bad news. The boys are back, and they're causing havoc at the trainyard. And they also have a strange four-armed robot with them. I know we don't have the anti-mind control done yet, but you have to go and stop them before someone gets hurt, or worse."

They nodded, and knew this was going to be hard. But now they were at least prepared for the attack. The two others grabbed their compacts and they transformed.

"Rolling Bubbles!"

"Hyper Blossom!"

"Powered Buttercup!"

They took off into the sky, leaving their signature trails behind them.

After a little while, they found the boys destroying a train at the trainyard. Butch threw his boomerang, and it sliced the train in half. Boomer grabbed his sword and broke the rails to pieces. Brick was watching everything, and he caught the girls in the corner of his eye. He smirked devilishly, and motioned to his brothers to stop, and pointed at the girls. They nodded, not needing words to understand.

As the girls approached, they dodged the arrows being fired by Brick, and the boomerang from Butch. Blossom gripped her jo-jo, and tossed it, ensnaring the bow from the red Ruff. She pulled, and it flew through the air before landing on the ground.

Buttercup followed her lead, tossing her hammer to knock the green boomerang coming at her away. It flew through the sky and imbedded itself into the side of an old watch-office.

Bubbles held her staff tight, and as she landed, she immediately caught the blow coming from Boomer. Her staff clashed against the diamond blade.

Blossom pounded her fist into the spot where Brick had been standing. Looking up, he was floating in the air, taunting her. She growled, and undid her jo-jo from his bow.

Bad move.

The boy with red cap was at his weapon before she realized her mistake. Turning around, her eyes widened as she bend herself so she was on feet and hands, the red arrow shooting right over her. Thanking the gymnastic teacher for pushing her like that at school, she did a back-flip, and landed on the gravel ground of the trainyard.

In the meantime, Buttercup and Butch were having a show-down of who was the strongest. The boy was holding her fists, a dark look on his face as they tried to push each other away. His boomerang was still stuck, and Buttercup her hammer had been tossed to the side.

He suddenly smirked, and as she looked around, her eyes widened when a robotic arm hit her in the side, tossing her away from Butch. It drew blood, and a syringe appeared from the arm, taking a sample. She landed on the ground with a thud, and flopped a little before stopping next to her hammer. She grabbed it and used the weapon to get up, holding her hand to her side and healing the wound. 'Dammit, that was a cheap-shot.'

Boomer and Bubbles clashed with each other, staff hitting sword. She leaned in closer, but her eyes held sympathy, remorse. Pity.

"I'm sorry for doing this." She said, even though the blonde boy didn't react. He swung around, but she caught his attack in the center of her staff before tossing it away. "I don't want to hurt you! I know they're controlling you, Boomer! Fight it!"

For a second, he froze, and his eyes flashed from red to blue. She saw the pain, the sorrow. The self-pity. He was scared, she could tell.

The red quickly took over, and he continued his assault. She was able to catch the clash, but it pinned her to the ground. A robot arm suddenly appeared and gripped her by her twin-tails. Tugging hard, she screamed in pain as it took a few strands before retreating. It had brought her off-balance, and Boomer's sword crashed down.

And cut her straight across the arm. She yelled in pain, holding her left-arm as tears stung in her eyes. Blood oozed from the wound, and she paled as a few glints of dull white were inside.

It had hit bone.

Boomer noticed, and suddenly his eyes lost all red, going to pure and horror-struck blue. His sword dropped to the ground, and he quickly came to her side, looking at the wound with pain and self-disgust.

Buttercup had been struggling with Butch, but she was able to get him back. A slam from her hammer send him flying, and he crashed into the old watch-house.

He grinned though, and as he crawled from the Butch-shaped hole, he grabbed his boomerang and tossed it to her. Her eyes widened, and out of stupid instinct, she caught the thing in her hand.

She screamed in pain as the edge and force cut her hand. The raven girl dropped the thing, and blood seeped from the deep cut in the palm of her hand. She gritted her teeth, and tried to heal it. A green glow started closing the wound.

To her surprise, the boomerang suddenly levitated from the ground and returned to Butch, who was now standing only a few feet away. She glowered at him, but his gaze was different.

There was an inner war being fought, a few flashes of dimmer green passing that deathly red gaze. And through those flashes, his emotions were as clear as day.

He was fighting, the strongest Ruff was fighting with everything he got. And, to Buttercup her own surprise, she felt pity for the boy. He didn't wish for this, he didn't want any of this. He was being forced to do this all.

And he hated himself for it, every bit of the way. That he couldn't win this fight.

"I… I don't believe I'm going to say this, but… I'm sorry, Butch."

She flung her hammer to him, and hit him in the side, knocking him into a train. She didn't charge at him, but instead ran as she heard the pain-filled scream from Bubbles.

Blossom dodged another arrow, still fighting with Brick. She glared at the boy, and tossed her jo-jo, but he smacked it away. She was angry, really angry, angry enough to feel like it was time to go further.

She returned her jo-jo, and instead grabbed the bow in her hair. She took it off, but it remained the same shape, only sharper. She threw it like a boomerang, and it flew through the air. Brick was surprised, never having seen this attack before. It hit on impact, and kicked him back slicing through his shirt and jacket, exposing skin. And that skin was in its turn sliced open. He yelled in pain, and landed on the ground, groaning as his bow landed a few feet away.

Blossom put her bow back after tossing the blood of the edges. She towered above him, but when he looked up at her, she saw that his eyes had returned normal.

"A great… Fight from a-a real… Leader. F-Finish it. End this… S-suffering." He croaked, coughing up some blood. She paled at his request. But her eyes shadowed over. She took her jo-jo, and it started glowing a menacing pink. She held it high in the air and started swinging it around above he head. Her face showed no emotion. And just when she tossed it…

It slammed into the ground next to his face. He looked up at her with clear surprise, but her face was stoic.

"We will save you. Don't give up hope just yet. But, I'm sorry." She said, and before he knew what she meant with the last part, she punched him in the face. He was knocked unconscious, but she left him be, and looked around. The robot was looking at her, one arm with a blood-filled syringe and another holding a few blonde strands of hair. She growled in her throat, and already prepared her jo-jo.

Time to show those assholes what happens when you anger a Puff.

Just when she was going to toss her jo-jo at the robot, it caught her arm, and the second arm flew forwards, hitting her across the face. She felt her jaw break at a spot, and blood came spitting from her mouth. It caught that blood-mixed spit, and the arm let her go. She dropped to the ground, holding her broken jaw with agonizing pain. 'Shit, that hurts!'

Back with Bubbles, she was now joined with Buttercup, who was helping heal the terrible gash on her arm. Boomer had been standing there, watching it happen with mixed emotions on his face. He looked at the hand he used to hold the sword, and balled it in fist. He was the one responsible for her getting hurt like that.

He looked at the sword, and felt dark thoughts entering his mind. 'NO! Stay away! Leave me alone! Get out of my head, I won't listen to you right now!'

He clutched his head, and suddenly felt something on his arm. He opened his eyes, and met worried blue ones. Bubbles managed a small smile through the pain of the wound, that Buttercup was still healing. The raven-girl was looking away though, her eyes fixated on the unconscious form of Butch, who was still lying in the train.

"You're very strong for doing this."

He looked at the blonde girl, bewildered. Strong, him?

"No. I'm pathetic. I couldn't stop them from taking over my mind, and hurting you! I-I… I'm weak, I'm stupid and weak. I-… We failed to see the bigger picture, jealous for what you have that we didn't! We… Only wanted to be stronger, to be able to match you in battle. We… We never wished to hurt you, let alone kill you…" He felt tears streaming down his cheeks, but didn't stop them. Bubbles her eyes were sympathetic. She understood his pain. It was as clear as day to her.

"You fought back against their control, and now you've won!"

"Only for a bit." Boomer said, already feeling his mind loosing grip. Crap, he has to finish this fast. What to say? His eyes widened, and he pulled her a little closer, whispering something in her ear. Her eyes widened, and she looked at him with shock. He nodded his head before walking away.

"Wait! Where are you going?"

"As far away as possible. I… I can already feel myself slipping. I… I really am sorry, Bubbles." The blonde boy said as he walked away. Taking a last glance, he flew into the air, and vanished behind a few old buildings.

As she watched, she felt her arm being better. Looking at it, there was only dried blood and a bit of scar-tissue that would go away in time. She thanked Buttercup, and noticed Blossom on her knees, holding her mouth.

They were quickly at her side, just in time to watch Brick flying into the sky, an unconscious Butch in his arms. Boomer appeared from behind the buildings, but Bubbles saw with sadness that his eyes were red again. He had lost the fight for control. The robot took off as well, rockets firing from the large feet. It flew into the air, disappearing along with the boys.

As Buttercup helped Blossom with healing her jaw, the blonde girl looked at the sky, remembering what Boomer told her.

"They have a lab in the woods. Some villains are being kept prisoner there. Look out, they have weapons against Z-powered people."

She silently thanked the blue ruff, as she looked at the sun slowly going over the sky.

Lunchtime was probably over now. Might as well go back to the lab and recover.

Author's note: The girls have been defeated (in a sense), and now those people have what they wanted from them! What will these mysterious people do now? Find out this and more in the next chapter!

Remember to review, fav and follow! See you all soon!