When the sun rose above the horizon, Fernando stopped bothering trying to get some sleep and got up with his mind still in turmoil.

The clock on his nightstand told him it was barely six in the morning, way earlier than he would normally get up. He had his feathers sticking out in random directions from his restless sleep and his stomach felt desperately empty. He hopped off his bed with an annoyed grunt and made his way to the kitchen. There should be some fresh fruit left in the bin or the fridge.

The transformed human noted with increasing annoyance how his reduced size considerably lengthened the time it took him to accomplish any form of movement. A simple trip from his bedroom to the kitchen took him almost three times as long as in human form.

Once in the kitchen, he (after a few tries) climbed on the table and picked a passion fruit from the bin which he dug his beak into. The lone fruit was more than enough for him and he let his mind wander as he was chomping away.

Gloria usually turned up around eight in the morning at the cottage. Except this day she wouldn't find Fernando having breakfast, but his letter on the table of the living room. He guessed he could still do a few things to strengthen his alibi. Like hiding the stuff he would take if he really went after Linda and Tulio. He had just the spot to hide those in the attic.

Now, if he wanted to go on a trip across the whole of Brazil and through the jungle, what would he take?

With a shake of his head, he hopped off the table and set to work.

One hour later, a family of macaws stirred awake a couple meters away, safe inside their birdhouse in the trees. Jewel was the first awake like always, and she nudged her partner whilst standing up. Together, they woke up their kids quietly yet with a few grumbles from their brethren.

Blu was still thinking carefully about the situation that had popped the day before and shook their entire world; in particular what he had accidentally eavesdropped from Fernando.

His reasoning kept going all the while his family flew to a grove of fruit trees where a couple birds were busy eating. The macaw parents collected a few fruits and shared them with the kids, but this morning everyone was disturbingly silent.

Bia, still sporting a bandage around her leg, was the first to break the awkward silence. With a look that encompassed the rest of the family, she started:

"I didn't dream what happened yesterday did I? I didn't turn delirious from the burn I hope?"

Tiago cocked his head to the side at that, and looked around carefully before opening his beak. He wouldn't want the other birds in the sanctuary to think they had all turned crazy.

"If you're talking about Fernando's transformation, then no, you definitely didn't. I think?" He asked his parents with a raised eye ridge.

He got a head shake from Blu and a sigh from Jewel. Neither of them could quite believe this but all evidence was against them for that matter.

"So what're we gonna do about it?" That was from Carla, who asked the question just as she was discarding the fruit core of her breakfast.

"What do you mean, what we're gonna do? We're gonna help him!" Tiago said as if it were the most obvious thing ever and then went on with a whisper "It's kind of my fault, after all..."

His mother scoffed at that, perhaps a bit angry about Bia getting hurt in the incident and she remembered the kidnapping he had done years ago.

"And how do you think you're going to help him, then?" She said.

"Mom! You saw him as well as I did, he doesn't know anything. Heck, he couldn't even walk straight last time we saw him! He needs our help, we're the only ones who know and nobody would believe him if he were to tell that story!"

"Pedro and Nico do know." She countered.

"Pedro and Nico have their club to deal with." Said Carla, siding with her brother. She, too, felt responsible for the incident.

Blu stepped in before the kids could get themselves in trouble with their mother. With a glance at Jewel, he opened his beak to address the issue.

"Kids, hold on a moment. Before you get into this, think about the implications. This could go a lot further than we think it could ... "But he stopped as Jewel brushed her wing tip against it.

"Actually Blu, I do think we should help. I just wanted them to lay down their arguments." She turned her eyes on her kids and went on: "It's important they know when to fix their mistakes, we will help him."

"Yeah!" Tiago jumped in the air with a sheer "Now I can teach someone my flying tricks!"

"More like crashing tricks..." Mumbled Carla

"What was that Carla?"

"Nothing Mom! Just a bit of fruit skin stuck in my beak!" She hastily answered.

"Well you're a mess alright, let's get you cleaned and preened now before the other birds start thinking you're just savages. Fernando can wait for now." With that sentence, she grabbed a reluctant Tiago and headed for a nearby waterfall to get him cleaned up.

"Aw come on!" Whined Tiago.

Meanwhile, a blue macaw chick was busy dragging a bag of supplies across the house. He had soon found out he couldn't open the hatch to the attic so he elected to hide the travel gear in a corner of the laundry room he knew people were unlikely to check. That was hard enough as it is because it took him close to an hour and a half before he managed to drag enough stuff away to make it credible, cutting it real close before Gloria turned up.

He was panting from the exertion, covered in dust and with his feathers even more messy than when he had woken up, but the work was done. It would stop people from worrying too much about him (not that they wouldn't, but he'd rather they believe he went on his own than that he had been kidnapped or worse).

Not knowing how his caretaker would react to an unknown member of the rarest breed of macaw being present in the house, Fernando used the time he had left to find himself a hiding spot in a bush outside the cottage, right by the main door so he could see Gloria coming. She arrived right on cue: just when the clock ticked eight, a white hatchback drove in the driveway. He saw the woman enter the house with a cup of coffee and a bag from the bakery in hand.

The macaw counted about five minutes before Gloria erupted from the doorway in a full sprint headed for the conservation centre, her coffee forgotten with the sudden rush of adrenaline. Fernando felt a bit sorry but he couldn't think of any other alternative. With a sigh, he used a string of vines to climb the cottage's wall and enter through an open window. At least he had figured out how to climb using his beak, semi-reliably.

Once inside, he elected to try his luck on the internet some more. Who knows, with the amount of results a Google search yielded, he was bound to find something relevant sooner or later...

"Quit whining Tiago, you know you needed that shower so stop it already." His sister Bia berated him on the way to the cottage. The family had decided to put off their planning (not that it was particularly busy save for Blu teaching them this or that, like reading) as long as they saw Fernando needed help.

"I know! But I don't need Mom cleaning me! I swear I can do it myself you saw it!" The youngest macaw children complained.

"Suuuure" Replied Carla ironically "we all know you just preen a bit and stand by the waterfall, admit it, you couldn't clean yourself if your life depended on it, lil' bro'"

To that, the young macaw couldn't find any swift answer and he just glowered for the rest of the flight. They followed their parents through the jungle of the sanctuary until they arrived back home at the birdhouse by the cottage. Instead of stopping there though, they flew straight through the kitchen window and landed there on the counter.

"Hello there!" Blu called as he landed "is anyone there?"

"Over there!" He heard Fernando cry out from the living room.

When Blu's family entered the room, their first sight was a discarded paper coffee cup lying on the ground with a paper bag. Fernando was standing looking at them from the couch by the Ipad, but his sight elicited a comment from Tiago at once:

"Eh Bia, if I'm not good at cleaning myself, what is he? A catastrophe?" He chirped

Indeed the young human-now-macaw was a prime example of dirtiness for birds that neither preened nor washed: his plumage was dulled by the dust that covered him and his feathers were a completely terrific mess. Jewel eyed him critically and wondered how one could go from relatively clean to such a mess in a single night. Fernando just answered with a shrug of his wings and a blunt answer:

"Eh, I had a rough night I guess, and I didn't get to take a shower just yet. Not that I think I can use it in that state, I should most likely stick to the sink."

Blu nodded at that and hopped on the couch beside Fernando. He held a wing towards the former human and made his proposition:

"Well Fernando, we had an idea we discussed together. In fact we would be happy to lend you some help, you know, to learn how to live on while you're stuck as a bird. As a matter of fact we could also help with finding a solution and... To be honest you really need to be taught about hygiene."

Fernando lowered his head shamefully and then caught himself and shook his head with an annoyed chirp.

"Yeah, you're right; I do need a bit of help." He stopped for a second, seemingly deep in thought "On another train of thought..." He turned to Bia "How is your leg? Not too stiff or too painful?"

"Not really, the salve does a great job at numbing the pain. I just avoid moving it too much."

"Great!" The boy exclaimed "That means changing your bandage won't be too much trouble; I swear your leg will be fine in short order. I will change it once I'm clean."

"And how is your research going?" Jewel butted in curiously.

"Not well at all I'm afraid. Any reference I look into about a transformation is either fiction or jokes."

"Eh, you're bound to find something sooner or later." Carla consoled him. Fernando just shrugged dejectedly. "How about you go get yourself cleaned for that change of bandage now?"

"I can show you how to do it." Blu commented.

"Thanks, that's kinda needed at the moment."

"Ah!" Tiago cried out joyfully "Now there's someone worse at cleaning than me!" He let out a cheerful cry and jumped in celebration, but failed to see a spoon lying on the counter, tripped on it, and fell in the trashcan by the sink.

The former human just looked owlishly (which was funny enough for a macaw) at the display and gave the rest of the family a bewildered look.

"That sort of thing happens often?" He asked.

"More than you'd think." Tiago's mother answered in annoyance. "Looks like someone is going to need another round in the shower."

"I'm impressed, he actually lasted a full hour before getting dirty again. That's got to be a record." Commented Bia with a chuckle.

"I heard that you know!" Tiago answered as he extracted himself from the trashcan, covered in grime.

Blu just sighed, pinching his beak between two primary feathers. He waved his wing in the general direction of the bathroom (with Linda letting him in quite often, he knew where it was beforehand and it was just more convenient than flying back to the waterfall).

"Let's get going" He just said. "You don't think we're going to be interrupted Fernando?"

He just shook his head negatively at that.

"Not for a while. Gloria may come back this afternoon with some cops looking for clues but I should have thrown them on a wild goose chase. Not that I particularly like it..." He ended with a bit of resentment.

Blu stopped walking towards the bathroom at that last comment and put his wingtip on Fernando's shoulder.

"Eh, no need to feel so down. We will get you out of that situation, I promise." He said in sympathy "You can always count on us."

The boy let out a small smile for answer and nodded shortly. He looked back to see Tiago following them at a distance. The youngest of Blu's chicks was shaking his wings to get rid of some fruit bits lodged between his feathers.

With a look towards the girls, who were seemingly listening to Bia on the counter; the group departed. The bathroom in the cottage was next to the bedrooms and was outfitted simply with a shower, a sink and a toilet. The shower's handles were now indeed out of Fernando's reach, but the sink could be climbed onto from the toilet.

Blu showed him how to rustle his feathers to easily let water through and how to scrub and preen using his beak... by using a very embarrassed Tiago as example. Nevertheless, Fernando managed to rid himself of the filth with a copious application of water, which in addition helped smooth down his feathers. If he was far from being able to reliably get cleaned without Blu giving advice next to him, he didn't let it on. It's not like he could pick out which feathers needed to be pulled out after such a short time after all.

He looked down at his beak, which compared to his former nose was enormous and scratched a dirty spot on it with his claw.

"How often do macaws shower Blu?"

"It depends. I try to everyday, whenever it's possible but some birds prefer not to because then they have to let their feathers dry. Worst case I know –no Tiago, not you- is once a week."

"Uh uh" Acknowledged the boy. "No problems with using a towel?"He waved at a stack of towels beside the shower for emphasis.

"Not if you don't mess up your feathers whilst drying, though Jewel isn't too fond of using human items, and the nature equivalent –a sort of moss, that is- is pretty rare and we prefer to use it as nest material."

Then, he motioned to Fernando and his son to follow him and they hopped off the sink and went to fetch two towels.

"Now," He started with a corner of a towel in his claw "You just need to brush sideways to the direction of your feathers to dry, then in their direction to smooth them down and you're good." At the same time he was saying that, he showed them the motion by brushing his own feathers.

That was easy enough thought Fernando, save for the fact that using his claw to grasp the towel meant he had to awkwardly hop around and flare out his wings to keep his balance. Unused to his current body as he was, he was soon hitting the floor with a dull thump.

"You alright there?" Tiago asked.

"I'm fine, I just have terrible balance."

He finished drying his feathers lying on his back, which was a tad easier. Being entirely covered in feathers gave a very different sensation than human skin and couldn't even be compared to clothing. It was sort of a less sensitive second skin... and very colourful. He stood up and pushed the towel next to the basket used for dirty laundry. He was still a bit damp, but nothing he couldn't live with.

"Okay, now that I'm presentable, let's get your sister's bandage changed Tiago."

And then he walked out the bathroom without waiting for Blu and Tiago. Slow as he was, it wasn't much of a problem and the duo caught up with him quickly.

"Say Fernando, why do you want to change the bandage that bad? It's still looking fine last I checked." That was from Blu.

"It's not about the bandage itself being dirty but what's under Blu. The burn salve needs to be reapplied daily and it contains a bit of disinfectant. It's to heal the burn faster and keep her from getting an infection. Also, I should be able to give you the heads up on how long it will take to heal fully. You told her to avoid putting too much strain on her leg right?"

"That was not too difficult to ask in the first place..."

"Yeah!" Tiago butted in; interrupting his father "She spends nearly all her time reading books in her nest, so if you tell her to hold off on exercise she would be happy, of all things."

Fernando just raised an eye ridge at that.

"Reading books? I didn't know you could read –well, except you Blu, from what Linda told me -, not that I know how you and all the birds spend your time here in the sanctuary."

"That's the thing actually." Blu started with a hint of a blush "I insisted with Jewel to teach her and the kids how to read and write. After that the subject came up when I was chatting with some friends. They wanted to learn it too, since it's pretty useful, so now I teach them every afternoon."

"So you're a teacher then?"

"I guess you could say that. Usually I give the adults some lessons first, then the kids. It's just about twenty birds per class most of the time."

"That's nice Blu, how do you give your lessons? I don't think you have a classroom for that, as far as I know at least..."

"There are a handful of books I borrowed from Linda that I keep in a stash, and many of the birds that fly around Rio have little trouble bringing back paper and writing supplies when they find some. Then we just gather the stuff at a big hollow that's sorta become the sanctuary's "school" and I can give lessons."

By then, the trio of males was standing chatting in the doorway to the kitchen, with Blu and Fernando having momentarily forgotten what they were doing.

"That's really cool. I would never have guessed you guys do that in your free time. Are you doing this alone?"

Jewel coughed to get their attention.

"At first I was, but now I've got help from a few other birds..."

Jewel coughed again, louder.

"There is Tina, who helps with the reading. Antonio gives lessons about life in the jungle. Oh and there is Julia too..."

"GUYS!" Jewel cried out, exasperated.

"Uh?" Fernando turned toward her, completely oblivious to them up until then.

Jewel just pointed her wing at Bia.

"Oh right sorry." He answered, sheepishly rubbing his wing against his head. "Got a bit carried away there."

Thankfully, he had neglected to put the medical supplies back in their shelf and they were still on the counter. He struggled a bit to climb on the furniture, but he was clearly improving. Blu and Tiago just flew up there, which earned them a glance from Fernando.

"I guess I'm really going to need to learn how to fly, right?"

"If you are going to be stuck as a bird for any longer, you will." Jewel answered."You may manage to get around on foot in this house but outside it would be too inconvenient... and dangerous of course."

"Dangerous? I thought the sanctuary was pretty safe." He said, busy retrieving what he needed from the medical satchel.

"By jungle standards, it is. Flighted birds are safe, but if you get around by walking you're going to run in some nasty things, like venomous insects. They're otherwise easy to avoid by flying, and we regularly chase them out of nesting and feeding areas."

"So I really can't cut it?" He replied unenthusiastically, pulling a tube of sanitizer and the salve out of the satchel with his claw.

"Why are you making it sound so bad? Flying is awesome!" Exclaimed Tiago, with a nod of agreement from his siblings.

"Humans don't fly." He answered flatly. "Gotcha!" He added, grabbing a small roll of bandages that was about to roll off and fall in the sink.

"Actually they do. And you're a bird at the moment too." Bia countered truthfully.

"It's not what I appear to be at the moment that matters." He pointed a feather at his head. "It's what's in there that matters. As for humans flying, we don't fly on our own like birds, there is always a contraption keeping us in the air or something to protect from the fall."

"Fernando... Are you afraid?" Carla asked.

He stuttered a bit, trying to find an answer and stopped himself. He shook his head and let out a small sigh.

"Sort of. Remember when you three were young and Linda and Tulio went on a hang-glider flight with you?" Blu's entire family nodded, that had been a particularly great day.

"That day, Linda proposed I go with them. Except when we got to the launching platform, I just wouldn't dare to make the jump."

"So you were scared." That was from Bia.

"Not of the flight per se. I was afraid of the possibility of an accident."

"I don't see the difference."

Fernando let out a frustrated chirp and just went on.

"Here's the thing, before meeting Linda, I had been living on my own for as long as I can remember. And when you're on your own like I was back then, being hurt or incapacitated means you can't fend for yourself. And if you can't, then you're a goner. So I've always been really scared of getting hurt."

A flicker of understanding passed through Jewel's eyes, she could relate with that to a certain extent. The jungle wasn't a kind place either, though she hadn't grown up completely alone.

Right then, Fernando looked a bit embarrassed and decided to change the subject quickly. That was getting a bit too personal; he had only ever told that to his adoptive parents.

"Regardless, why don't we get that wound sorted out for the day? Bia can you come over here?"

She sauntered absentmindedly over to him, still pondering about his explanation. Fernando just let her be and motioned for her to lie on her back. He then rubbed his claws with a healthy dose of sanitizer. Better safe than sorry, the disinfectant in the salve wasn't a miracle product.

It was a bit weird to treat her with the rest of her family practically breathing down his neck, but he managed to ignore it. First off he untied the old bandage and folded it neatly beside him. He had to give it to Bia, she was surprisingly good at keeping the bandage clean, more so than most birds in treatment at the centre tended to be.

The salve he had applied on the burn was now used up with no leftover he would have to clean, a neat bonus. And the burn itself was showing signs it was healing right, with no trace of infection –he let relief wash over him at that -. Maybe Bia would be able to take off her bandage within the week if it kept going like that. That last part he said aloud. The articulations, which had worried him the day before, showed no sign of damage.

Applying a new layer of salve was no big deal; his claws were actually a bit handy for that. It was like spreading butter on a sandwich. He made sure to use the appropriate amount and then grabbed the new bandage.

Rolling it around Bia's leg was quite a bit harder than applying salve and he had to ask Blu to hold one end of the roll for him. Even then, he had to stand on one claw and use the other and his beak combined to obtain what he would call a sufficient result. And it was not even as tight as he would have desired, so he added a bit of medical tape to make it hold a bit better.

"There you go, good for another day. If this keeps up you will be rid of the bandages by the end of the week, if my guess is right."

"Thanks a lot Fernando."

He waved his hand dismissively at that comment.

"Don't thank me. If anything it's my fault you were hurt in the first place."

"Well, you're definitely not the only one responsible in this affair." Jewel said, eyeing the three of her children. "If some chicks could learn to cohabitate without bickering we would not be in this situation."

Tiago and Carla looked down in shame. They didn't mean anyone to get hurt; it was a first for them to be faced with such consequences. Fernando didn't really pay attention, he wouldn't want to pry in their family matters and he had to put the medical supplies away.

"What time is it anyway?" He asked while carefully putting the salve back in the satchel, his back turned to the rest of the room.

Blu looked at the kitchen's clock.

"09.45, why does it matter?"

"If I remember how the cops work in this city, they won't spare a team to investigate my disappearance in the morning even if Gloria reported it immediately. That means I can use the time before... about twelve thirty to keep going with my research here on the computer. Then I will have to bail out of here because my presence here would be way too suspicious and I wouldn't be able to do anything anyway."

"How are you suspicious in this form?" Carla asked. "You should be able to blend in pretty easily."

"You forgot the whole blue macaw part. Nearly the whole country knows there is family of very rare macaws living here and if all of a sudden a chick that looks as old as the others appears out of nowhere? In close proximity to the rest? There is no way they would miss that."

Actually he wasn't too sure of that, but he would rather not take the risk and waste time being stuck in examination at the preservation centre. His decoy plan gave him some time, but he would rather be back in human form before word of his disappearance could reach his adoptive parents.

"Well if you're sure of that then all the better." Blu said. "Though I can't help but wonder how you know the cops don't investigate in the morning." There was a hint of suspicion in his voice.

"I used to run errands and deliver packages to get my food before I met Linda." He answered. "Not always the legal kind mind you, so I learnt how to avoid police patrols, and they usually spend their nights and mornings going tracking. Afternoons are mostly cops free because that's when they have to actually go investigate."

"So you're like a gangster?" Tiago asked.

"Was" Fernando said with a lot of emphasis "When it's a matter of eating or starving, you don't really look where the food came from. Fortunately I don't have to do that anymore, it was disgusting and crazy dangerous."

"Uh, guess Linda really succeeded in getting you off the streets."

"That's the single best thing that ever happened to me I tell you. Now I've a family that cares and a home. I swear I wouldn't be so stupid as to go back to that kind of things." He gave Blu and Jewel and long look. "And if that wasn't enough, the whole smuggling affair completely broke the deal for me." He sighed and gave Tiago and Carla a brief smile. "That was the first time I got to see that my actions were causing a lot of pain. I felt terrible so I helped Linda find you at the parade and the airport. You know the rest. So really, no worries about me being a gangster or something."

"You really gave that a lot of thought." Jewel stated.

"That's the conclusion I reached from talking with Linda. She's a great help when it comes to talking things out."

"Yeah, that's my Linda" Blu said with a smile.

"Back on the subject of today's planning" Jewel said. "So you're going to stay there this morning doing some research. I think you should use the afternoon to try to learn how to fly."

"Sounds good, but aren't you guys busy with school?"

"Blu and the kids are. I had a meeting with some friends but I can cancel that easily enough and teach you by our birdhouse."

"Sure, you really don't mind doing that I hope?"

"Don't worry about that Fernando" Blu butted in. "Jewel is one of the best flyers in Rio. Anytime a bird has flight related problems they call her. She's an expert in the air." Blu said with a loving smile. "Nobody would bat an eye if she said she spared some time to give a chick some flight lessons."

"Eh thanks, that's great!" He paused briefly. "So where do we meet?"

"Just meet me here in the kitchen at noon, I will be there." Jewel then turned to her kids. "And what about you? Blu and I will be going to Rafael's place."

"Works just fine for me" Tiago said "I had a few tricks I wanted to show to the horde."

"Can I just hang out with my friends? I want to go hang out with Vera and Nela. We will be around the watchtower." Carla asked.

"Sure sweetie, just promise me to stick there. No wandering around and having us worried like you did that one time." Her mother said sternly.

"I promise mom." She said, already spreading her wings. "See you later then!" And then she flew off.

"And remember: lunch here at noon" Blu called out after her, receiving an already distant "yeah" for answer.

"And what about you Bia?" Her father asked her.

"Err... If you don't mind, I thought that since I need to rest my leg, I could maybe stay here and help Fernando with the research." She said timidly. "If you don't mind of course, Fernando."

The aforementioned boy just gestured with his wings in a placating manner.

"No problem on my end whatsoever. We will just avoid fooling around with chemicals this time."

"Well, that's good then. You may stay. Just be careful, and avoid humans if they turn up sooner than expected ok? Bia, you know where to find us at Rafael's if you need to." Blu said.

"Let's get going shall we?" Jewel said.

With a nod from Blu and a "see ya' later" from Tiago; he, Jewel and Tiago flew off to their destination.

"Who's Rafael anyway? Sounds like he's an important guy around here." Fernando wondered.

"He's a toucan friend of my parents. Really friendly and knows practically everyone around here so he's kind of a figurehead for the birds. He used to be a famous samba dancer but now he's settled down with a lot of kids." Bia answered his question in one breath. "And by a lot of kids, I really mean it. He has twenty children if I recall it right."

"Twenty? You're kidding me?" Bia shook her head negatively. "That's the horde your brother mentioned?"

"Exactly, and if you want a bit of advice, avoid contact with them. They're huge pranksters. Now with Tiago alongside them like right now? We're lucky the parents are with them otherwise I would tell you to run for cover."

"That bad uh? What kind of pranks are we talking about?"

"Booby traps, ambushes, and expect a lot of tree sap." She said with a shudder. "By the way" she added "that stuff is downright nasty to get rid of once it's stuck to your feathers if you hadn't guessed."

"Don't you try to prank back sometimes?"

"Not really. I usually manage to avoid their traps unless I'm really distracted. Carla sticks with her friends for added protection and just throws sarcasm at them like there is no tomorrow."

"Looks like I'm gonna have to pay attention then." He motioned towards the living room where he had left the Ipad "What about we get started with that research? I was starting to run out of ideas but maybe you have some ideas."

"I might have some" she said, walking to the edge of the counter with a limp and gliding down to the ground. Fernando followed her by climbing down. "But it depends on what you've already looked for?"

They walked to the living room at a sedate pace.

"I mostly tried to look for information on things that could turn a human into a macaw. No result, even when I try with more general words like parrot or bird."

"No result at all?"

"I mean, yes, there are results. Except what I get are only fancy stories, fiction. Nothing real or concrete."

When he finished, he climbed on the couch, followed by Bia making a flying jump. He booted up the device and started up Safari. Bia tapped the tip of her wing against her beak.

"What if we tried a different approach? You already did a generalised research on bird transformation, but maybe we should look at this problem from the chemical angle. Yeah, let's try to look for chemical that cause transformations first, then we further that with what we know we used yesterday."

Fernando let out a positive grumble and entered "chemicals that transform people into birds" in the engine. A ton of results popped up immediately.

"And now the part where we look at these sites. Hopefully that works this time..."

Bia looked at the screen over his shoulder.

"That's err... a LOT of results."

"Yep" Fernando answered curtly and clicked on the first result, a link to a forum.