I'm finally back, people! Hopefully you enjoy this chapter. The next one will definitely be up soon, since I'm motivated to get more of this done. And I also want to expand Himinn's character a little more.

Hiccup: I still want to know where she got those pictures...

Hey, didn't I dump you into a tank of sharks?!

Hiccup: I'm still alive. Plot convenience plus main character syndrome.

...well, it's better than Ash Ketchum syndrome. Regardless... Dazzling? Magnificent? Exquisite? If you would?

Hiccup: Who are- oh. Never mind. TOOTHLESS!

Hiccup was still looking at the Night Fury, who had scorched a patch of ground and was curling up on it, briefly looking up to watch a bird flapping away from its nest.

He looked back down and spotted Hiccup sitting on the ground, offering a friendly wave.

The dragon huffed, shifted his body, and curled his tail in front of his face. Hiccup scooted closer, reaching out curiously to touch the fin.

The tail can up, revealing the dragon glaring, and Hiccup shot to his feet, spun around, and sheepishly trundled away.

Himinn snickered. "Rejected!"

Hiccup noticed the Skrill looking over to her and heard her say, "You wanna see something neat?"

He walked over, and immediately noticed the pieces of paper in her hands. Wait a minute, are these...

"...and here's one of him barfing on Dad's head. I don't know why he doesn't like me showing these to people, they're quite funny. I'll have to thank Bucket and Mulch for them later..."

Hiccup, realizing that his sister was showing his baby pictures to a dragon (who looked very amused), let out a scandalized cry of, "Himinn!"

The Princess, observing the baby pictures from Bolt's eyes (and wondering why the human girl found them so amusing), received a sudden signal from a dragon in the field. She sprang on it at once. Oreo! What's going on?!

The Gronckle responded immediately. I was patrolling the area with Rattlesnake and Magnificent, and we saw Vikings approaching the fog! We can't defeat them all with a three dragon squad!

Understood. I'll send reinforcements at once,

Ignoring the sinking feeling that meant she would have to get her mother's attention, she got the older Red Death's attention. Oreo, Rattlesnake, and Magnificent have encountered Vikings! They need support!

Her mother rose. And why should we send any?

Because if you do, you'll still have three dragons that can bring you food.

The queen considered this. Basilisk. Lazuli. Blast and Blitz. Go aid your comrades. Take as many dragons as you require.

A blue Gronckle, a purple Whispering Death, and a red Zippleback all flapped into the air, letting out roars. A group of Monstrous Nightmares flew up and joined them, followed by a pair of Deadly Nadders, another Gronckle, and several more Zipplebacks.

The sky was beginning to darken as the sun set, and the Night Fury was now hanging in a tree by his tail, wings covering his face. He moved one aside, looking curiously at the children and Skrill on the ground.

Hiccup was sketching something, Himinn looking eagerly over his shoulder, and Bolt looking curiously over hers.

And then another guest joined their little party, the Night Fury peering over Hiccup's other shoulder, watching mesmerized as the stick the boy held drew out patterns on the ground... patterns that looked almost like...

The dragon's eyes widened. On the ground, unmistakably, was an image of him. Himinn laughed. "Nice, bro! Ooh, do you take commissions?"

Hiccup simply smiled. "Well, you're gonna have to pose for me-"

He was interrupted by the Night Fury, who had just walked over with an entire sapling in his mouth, scraping the end of it over the ground, tracing lines in the sand. Himinn motioned quietly to Bolt, who slowly moved away from Hiccup's rock, the girl following a moment later. "Let's head over there, big guy. This seems like a moment for just them."

Hiccup, meanwhile, was completely transfixed by the Night Fury's scribbling, watching in uncomprehending awe, until the dragon spat down his gigantic pencil, grunting in satisfaction at the tremendous scribble covering the ground. And it was a good thing Hiccup didn't understand Dragonese, because the Night Fury had just said, "There! Looks just like him!"

Himinn stared at Bolt as he collapsed with laughter, a small smile creeping over her face. "Looks like we have a few things in common, huh?"

Hiccup blinked at the incomprehensible scribbles. Maybe it looks like something from outside? He began walking out, and stepped on one of the lines. The Night Fury let out a snarl.

Hiccup's boot was back up in an instant. Then, cautiously, he laid it on the line again, provoking another snarl as the dragon slitted his eyes. He lifted it again, and it was instantly pacified. Huh...

He took a step outside the line, and the dragon growled in what sounded like approval. Okay then!

Hiccup began what felt like a rather bizarre dance, weaving his way around the lines, twisting until he reached the end of the doodle.

He examined it. Still doesn't look like anything.

Then a hot breath warmed the back of his neck. Nuts.

He turned around, and the Night Fury was right there. Hiccup stared, completely absorbed in its wide green gaze. Odin's beard. I must be the first Viking to get this close to a dragon!

He reached out to the black, scaly face, but the dragon retreated with a growl. Hiccup drew his hand back, briefly frowning at it. Right... we're enemies. I can't just... hold out my hand and expect instance acceptance.

We have to meet halfway.

Hiccup slowly turned his head aside, not looking at the dragon, as he held out his arm as far as he could. The dragon simply stared at it. He's not doing anything... maybe he... no, he's a Viking! He can't possibly...

Except he does.

The dragon stretched out his neck, closed his eyes, and gently pressed his snout into Hiccup's hand.

Hiccup almost flinched, then stared up in astonishment at the dragon, who stared right back. Then he sniffed and snorted. "Wash your hands next time, human."

And then he spun, dashing away, leaving Hiccup staring in surprise.

Himinn walked over, resting a hand on Hiccup's shoulder. "Hiccup... do you know what you just did?"

Hiccup mutely shook his head.

"Bro... I think you just made friends with a dragon."

They got back to town in time for the Dragon Training evening supper, this time on a watchtower. Gobbler was just finishing up one of his tales. "...and I saw the look on his face. I was delicious! He must've spread the word, because it wasn't another month before one 'o 'em took off me leg!"

Fishlegs grinned enthusiastically and opened his mouth, but Jardar stopped him. "Legs... if this is, in any way, going to involve something gross... please. Just don't."

Snotlout was more than capable of filling the silence. "I swear, I'm so angry right now! I'll chop off the legs of every dragon I fight!"

Then he stared at Astrid, and decided to be even more stupid. "With my face!"

Himinn, perched on top of the catapult, dropped one of her swords. The butt of the hilt struck him squarely on the middle of his helmet, and he slumped into unconsciousness.

Gobber chose to ignore this. "Nuh-uh! It's the wings and the tail that ya really want! If it can't fly, it can't get away. A downed dragon, is a dead dragon."

Hiccup heard this and instantly began thinking. That Night Fury is missing a tailfin... the Mangler must've taken it off, and now he can't fly!

And almost instantly, the solution hit him. He montioned to Himinn, who understood immediately. She sprang down from the catapult, landing beside Jardar. "Well, I'm getting pretty tired. I think I'll head home. See you later, Sweetie-Pie!"

Jardar blinked, then nodded in understanding, pecked her on the cheek, and bade her a merry farewell.

On their way down, Hiccup looked at his sister. "What was that all about?"

"Oh, Jardar and I made a system for that! If we ever need a distraction, we use a pet name as the signal. The others are in on it too, but we need a way for it to work since they don't have significant others."

"Huh. Clever. Wait, aren't the Thorstons making a contract for Scruffnut to marry Helen?"

"...actually, I dunno. I'll have to do some discreet questioning."

"Or you can just ask them."

"Yeah, but that's not as fun!"

"Fair enough."

They got to the forge, and Himinn immediately started asking questions. "So, why the forge?"

Hiccup explained his idea, and Himinn was suitably wowed. "You think you can do it?"

"I don't know. But I'm going to try. You gonna help?"

Himinn smirked widely. "Just tell me what you need me to do."

And as the moon shone in the sky, the Haddocks got to work.

Yes, I know, it could've been longer, but as much as I want to get this story out, I still have prior commitments... and I'm also really freaking lazy. Until next time though, stay tuned!