Chapter 141: Crowning Glory

He was sat on the throne, whilst his wife was sat on a smaller throne next to him. They had gotten married three weeks ago, in a small ceremony which had seen the entirety of King's Landing turn up. And now, it was the coronation. They were to get a joint one, though only he would be ruling as monarch with power, due to their laws. He looked at her and smiled, she smiled in return. She was not Margaery and he was fine with that. He wanted a fresh start.

The High Septon spoke then. "Do you, Tommen and do you Rhaenys promise upon the swords and blood of your ancestors do defend the realm, its people and its religions. Do you swear to be just and honest and truthful, to always put the interests of the realm before your own petty interests, and do you swear to always lead with your head and your heart?"

"We do." They answered together.

"And do you promise that in good times and bad to always work together, and to strive to bring peace and prosperity to the realm?" The High Septon asked.

"We do." They answered together. These vows were different the vows his father had said and the vows Joffrey had said. They were the vows that the Conqueror and his sister wives had said all those years ago. Tommen had chosen them, to show how serious he was at defending the realm.

The High Septon nodded, turned to the crowd gathered in the throne room and said loudly. "You have all witnessed the vows these two have sworn. They have promised to uphold the dignity of the realm. We shall now rise to them and present with them the crowns of the Father and Mother." These were crowns that Gendry had forged from a fallen star, they glistened in the light. The High Septon walked up the steps with a slight limp, Jon had tortured him over something or the other, and then he stopped before them.

"We as the representative of the Seven Who Are One, do hereby proclaim you King and Queen of Westeros." He placed the crown on Tommen's head and then on Rhaenys head. He stepped back and proclaimed. "Their Majesties, King Tommen and Queen Rhaenys." There was a loud cheer as they both stood up, their hands linked together. Then they listened to the cheers, stood for some more time, then descended down from their thrones to get changed and ready for the festivities.

The festivities were fun and filled with laughter. It made a nice change from some of the sombreness of the previous month and a half. Myrcella and Trystane had come from the Rock, Lord Eddard and Lady Catelyn had come from Winterfell, and Lord Edmure had come from the Riverlands. It was a lot of fun just to sit and drink and talk and eat, and not have to worry about somethings. Tommen did of course miss those who were not there, Joffrey, Mother, Father, Margaery, but he pushed that grief to the side and focused on the living.

One conversation with Myrcella made him smile. "I am proud of you, brother." She said. Her child was back at the Rock under Maester Creylen's watchful eye.

"And why is that?" Tommen found himself asking.

"Because you have risen to the challenge. You fought hard and you won." Myrcella said.

Tommen briefly wondered what she would be saying to him if he had bent the knee. Probably something less flattering. He pushed that to the side and simply said. "Thank you." Then. "I'm, proud of you as well."

Myrcella laughed and said. "I already knew that." He laughed as well, and for the rest of the time Tommen simply enjoyed the company.

He was happy to know that Robb had divorced Jeyne and was now married to Wynafryd Manderly, and that they were expecting a child as well. That was good, he wanted Robb to be happy. Eventually, the feast wound down and people began moving to the floor to dance. Tommen had never been a dancer, and felt at a loss at what to do. Thankfully, Rhaenys seemed to have the answer.

"Come with me." She said.

They both got up, and slipped out of the throne room. Ser Jaime saw them and smiled. Someone would likely come in a little while. As they walked down the hallway, and down the steps, Tommen found himself wondering. "Where are we going?"

"You'll see." His wife replied, a cheeky glint in her eye.

That got him interested so he kept quiet and followed her, eventually they were outside, Rhaenys shivered slightly so he took off his cloak and wrapped it around her. They continued walking until they got to the Godswood, which was covered in snow. "Rhaenys what are we doing here?" He asked again.

"Look." Rhaenys said.

Tommen looked and out the shadows appeared a beast with scales as white as snow, and bronze horns. Tommen swallowed. "This is one of Daenerys' dragons. Why are we here?"

Rhaenys looked at him and said. "Look at him."

Tommen looked at the beast and then for some reason stepped forward, he did not know what propelled him to do so, he just did. The beast looked at him, and he looked at it. Then the beast lowered its neck. "What's it doing?" He asked.

"It's offering you a place to sit." Rhaenys said.

"What?" Tommen asked, but again he found himself acting on impulse he got onto the beast's back and said. "I don't know what I'm doing." Suddenly the beast roared and Tommen laughed.

"It doesn't have a name." Rhaenys pointed out.

Tommen thought on that and then said. "Himavat, for the Valyrian god of ice."

The dragon purred at the name. Then the dragon let loose another roar and took to the sky. Tommen yelled with surprise. Soon enough, Rhaenys had joined him on her own dragon, they flew around the city once, twice, and then a third time, they landed after that. Once they were done, Tommen looked at his wife and said. "Well that was fun."