PJatO || Jercy || PJatO || Jercy || Hollywood Heartthrob Hero || Jercy || PJatO || Jercy || PJatO
Title: Hollywood Heartthrob Hero – The Silver Screen Hero and the Real-Life Hero
Fandom: Percy Jackson and the Olympians / Heroes of Olympus
Disclaimer: All rights reserved to Rick Riordan for he created the awesomeness that is Nico di Angelo. And everything else related to Percy Jackson and the Olympians / Heroes of Olympus. Aside from the Gods, they belong to the old Greeks. This fanfiction and its OCs on the other hand are entirely mine. No money is made with this, though reviews are more than welcomed.
Warnings: m/m, canon divergent, celebrity crush, actor AU (kinda), fluff, pining, f/f, m/f
Main Pairing: Jason/Percy
Side Pairings: Octavian/Luke, Nico/Alabaster, Bianca/Annabeth, Charles/Silena, Chris/Clarisse, Grover/Juniper, Tristan/Beryl
Percy Jackson Characters: Perseus Jackson, Jason Grace, Leo Valdez, Piper McLean, Thalia Grace, Annabeth Chase, Bianca di Angelo, Nico di Angelo, Alabaster C. Torrington, Octavian, Luke Castellan, Travis Stoll, Connor Stoll, Chris Rodriguez, Clarisse la Rue, Silena Beauregard, Charles Beckendorf, Grover Underwood, Juniper, Ethan Nakamura, Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano, Frank Zhang, Sally Jackson, Tristan McLean, Beryl Grace, Mrs. O'Leary, Festus
Summary: Instead of giving Jason up when he was two, Beryl sobered up and got her act together. Thalia never ran away and Jason grows up with a loving mother and a nagging sister. He follows into her footsteps and becomes a child actor, playing Hercules in a Disney live-action show. And Percy? He grows up with a crush on Jason.
Hollywood Heartthrob Hero
The Silver Screen Hero and the Real-Life Hero
Part 1: The Adventures of Young Hercules
Jason Grace was two years old when things in the Grace-household changed. Beryl was desperate, overwhelmed and she had nearly lost her children. Zeus had screwed her over twice and when his wife showed up to screw her over a third time – and to take away her son – Beryl realized she had to set new priorities in her life. She had to change something, or else she would lose her kids.
Once upon a time, she was someone. She was a famous starlet, an actress with a bright future. And then Zeus had fucked her and left her. And she had her life barely back together six years later, when Zeus returned and fucked it all over once more and left her pregnant again.
She couldn't let the gods ruin her life any further. She was not going to allow them to take away her children. She had chosen to keep them, to have them both. She was not going to give them up now.
Thalia Grace was seven years old when her mother got her life sorted out again. She had been so desperate, if not for her baby brother, she would have run away already. But then something in her mother changed. Beryl started sobering up, throwing out all the alcohol, going to meetings. She started taking jobs again – small ones, background roles, dying on cop shows and such, everything to make the money to put food on the table for her children.
When Jason was five, he stood in front of the camera for the first time. It was just a five minute scene in total, playing his mom's son – and that he could! The kid who was supposed to play the part had gotten sick and Jason and Thalia had been there anyway, watching mom at work.
It was fun. Jason got to play scared and scream really loud and afterward he got a lollipop.
In fact, it was so much fun, Jason wanted more. So Beryl brought him to a few auditions and Jason played a couple small parts. Commercials, children on TV. Learning his lines was fun, it was like learning songs, like how he and Thalia learned the texts to all their favorite Disney songs and Jason totally could speak along to like all of Lion King, which was his favorite movie.
It was around that time that Beryl met a man. His name was Tristan and he was an actor, like Beryl. They played side by side in a buddy cop comedy, Beryl playing a ditsy blonde and Tristan playing the serious no-nonsense part. The movie was kinda funny, but mainly Jason was busy playing with Tristan's daughter. Because like Beryl, Tristan was a single parent and his daughter Piper was exactly the same age as Jason. The two five-year-olds were in the studio's daycare together.
Jason and Piper quickly became the best of friends and they hung out a lot. They often even shared a babysitter because Tristan and Beryl started going out to rehearse their lines together and even after the movie was done, they continued going out together.
"Da—ad. I don't wanna go home", protested Piper with a pout.
"Sweetheart, it's late and both you and Jason should be in bed already", argued Tristan.
He hoisted her up and kissed her cheek, throwing a last loving look at Beryl before he left the Graces apartment. Jason pouted as he waved his best friend goodbye. Thalia was watching them from the couch, looking up from her gameboy. There was such a soft smile on Beryl's lips as she looked at the now closed door. She wasn't stupid. She was twelve years old; she knew that her mom was totally dating Tristan McLean. But the guy seemed to make her happy and unlike other boyfriends, he didn't seem to make her drink or take anything else. She was still sober, she was taking bigger roles now. Thalia... was proud of who her mom was at this point.
"What... do you kids think about Tristan?", asked Beryl as she ushered Jason to his room.
"He's cool. He made brownies with Pipes and me last week", grinned Jason. "And he rehearsed my lines with me! He taught me really cool tricks to learn too."
"He's okay", shrugged Thalia, acting indifferent. "Piper is cute though. Always wanted a little sister. If I can't exchange this one for a sister, I'd take Piper."
"Hey!", exclaimed Jason with the biggest pout.
"Eh, still love you, squid", grinned Thalia and ruffled Jason's hair. "Mostly."
Beryl smiled amused as she helped Jason change into his pajamas. "So you like Tristan and Piper? And... would you like it if we'd... see them more often?"
"Ye—es!", exclaimed Jason. "They're awesome!"
Beryl chuckled as she brushed Jason's hair out of his face. "That... That's good because I like Tristan too. A lot even. I haven't... liked someone that much in a while."
"But you don't like him more than me, right?", asked Jason wide-eyed.
"Oh, baby boy, I'd never like anyone more than the two of you", assured Beryl and pulled him in to tickle his stomach and pepper his face with kisses. "You're my prince and princess after all."
Jason caught his first big break when he was seven. He played a mischievous little boy in a fun family comedy. His face, large on the poster. Tristan and Beryl took the kids to the premiere together and it felt like a real actual family. They had been living together for a couple months by then. Thalia complained about having to share her bathroom with them, Piper and Jason sneaked out to whisper and stay up past their bedtime, Tristan made them strawberry pancakes and in the evening they all had family dinner together.
The year continued being awesome for Jason, because months later, he actually got a dad. Beryl and Tristan officially got married. They put Jason into a stupid suit that he didn't really like, but it was okay because they also put Thalia in a dress and that was a picture Jason would be using for blackmail for years to come. She kept glaring and being grumpy which only made it better for Jason, really. But the wedding was great, his mom looked like a real Disney princess and she looked so happy. And they had awesome cake and food and the next day, there were photos of their family all over the newspaper, because mom and dad were famous actors. Dad. He had a dad now.
Luke Castellan had been on the run alone for a long time before he had met Annabeth Chase two years ago. He took the frightened young girl under his wing and together, they continued traveling the United States. A few weeks ago, they had taken in another stray when traveling through Texas. Leo Valdez, the most adorable wide-eyed little boy, afraid of his own fire-powers. Annabeth latched onto Leo as a little brother. She was incredibly intelligent and responsible and Luke could not be prouder of his little sister. The three of them had to be able to rely on each other.
"Hey, you fine there, little lion?", asked Luke with a smile, wrapping an arm around Leo.
The little boy cuddled up to him and stared at him with large, innocent eyes while munching a doughnut – Luke had snagged a couple earlier at a coffee shop. Leo shook his head and snuggled more up to Luke. The kid was so traumatized from losing his mother, it was really hard getting him to open up and making him trust them, but Luke and Annabeth were slowly getting there.
"What's wrong?", wanted Annabeth to know with a frown.
"I miss my mom", whispered Leo upset, nibbling his doughnut.
"I... I know, kid", sighed Luke with a frown, rubbing Leo's arms. "And I'm sorry you lost her, but... you got me and Annabeth now and we'll watch over you. We're your family now."
There was something akin to hope sparkling in Leo's eyes as the little fire-bender nodded.
A kind smile played on Sally's lips as she let Percy drag her along. He was absolutely excited about this new movie – Minor Mischief – and the two had already seen it once, but today they were going to see it for the second time. Normally, that kind of thing wouldn't be in the budget for them, but Percy had wished for it as a birthday present. He was turning nine today and how could Sally deny him anything. Percy seemed to adore the mischievous blonde main character in the movie, who kept playing pranks and getting into trouble but was ultimately a good kid.
"He's awesome", declared Percy with a giddy grin, kicking his feet back and forth.
"He is really, really cool!", agreed the little boy sitting next to him in the theater.
"I've seen the movie before, you too?", asked Percy curiously.
"Twice already!", declared the younger boy. "I'm Leo! That's my big sister Annabeth!"
The blonde girl on Leo's other side leaned forward to wave at Percy and Sally. Sally raised one curious eyebrow. Their clothes were sloppily patched up and there was no adult with them. There was no way those two kids had actually paid for the tickets. They looked like street-kids.
"Do you want some popcorn?", offered Percy, holding his bag over to Leo and Annabeth.
Leo's eyes sparkled and he happily grabbed two hands full, stuffing his face like a hamster. Sally laughed at how adorable the little boy looked. Until the movie started, Percy talked very animatedly with Leo and Annabeth, though the latter kept out of the conversation for the most part. It was nice seeing Percy talk to other children, he was such a longer. Mostly due to his heritage, being a demigod had othered him. He talked to fishes at the aquarium, he was 'different'. Sally hated that, she hated that her little boy couldn't make any friends.
"Oh, the movie is starting! Sh!", whispered Leo, bouncing in his seat.
Part of Thalia had always known she was different. She had powers. She had first noticed that when she was around seven and really, really angry – Jason had barely been born and their mom had gotten drunk and left Thalia to tend to Jason on her own when suddenly, the lights had fizzed out. Electricity coursing through Thalia's very being. Over the past years, Thalia had noticed that there was more to it though. There were monsters out there, monsters chasing her. And there was a... a kind of magic barrier that prevented other normal people from seeing those monsters. Thalia taught herself to fight – with a pocket-knife she had borrowed-with-no-intention-of-returning and also with her powers. There was more to it though, the magic barrier was more than just that and Thalia could actually manipulate it. She had taught herself how to manipulate it. Because the monsters started to pay attention to Jason and Piper now too – and Thalia was not going to allow them to hurt her little siblings. The two were only eight years old and Thalia was doing everything in her powers to keep them safe. She could bend the protective barrier that shielded monsters from the eyes of the mortals so that instead, it covered her and her siblings from the monsters' eyes (and noses).
At fourteen, Thalia Grace knew how to manipulate the Mist, without even knowing what the Mist was, and she had learned how to protect herself and Jason and Piper, without any trainer.
"Thals, I'm bo—ored", groaned Piper as she collapsed next to Thalia on the bed.
The two were alone at home. Jason was off shooting Major Mischief, the sequel to the hit-movie Minor Mischief from last year. It had proven so popular among kids and preteens that the studio decided to double down on it and shoot a sequel. Tristan was with him, watching out for Jason (Tristan and Beryl never left him alone on a set, making sure their son was never overworked and that the shooting was still fun for him). And Beryl was off to work herself – she had landed a leading role in some sit-com. The family sat together and watched all the episodes together and it was actually pretty funny. The story of three unsuccessful actors in Los Angeles who lived together, following their misadventures and random jobs alongside of failed auditions. Beryl had related hard to the role of Betty Gold when she had first auditioned and she really enjoyed working on the show.
"What do you want to do, Pipes?", asked Thalia as she joined her little sister.
"I dunno. Something fun. Can we like... do something cool?", asked Piper hopefully.
"Sure. Come on", grinned Thalia and went for the toy-swords Jason kept.
Playing princess and knights had always been their favorite thing to play, Thalia had been using it slyly to teach Jason and Piper actual sword-fighting so they would one day be able to defend themselves against monsters too. Piper grinned broadly as she took one of the swords and took stance to attack Thalia. The younger girl had really taken to Thalia as a role-model, much to Beryl's dismay. Beryl had kind of hoped to have a daughter to play dress-up with in Piper, but Piper preferred the fun punk-look Thalia was wearing. Thalia had her hair dyed dark-blue and had a mohawk these days, both things Beryl had only very reluctantly allowed after Tristan had encouraged it – it was Thalia's way of expressing herself and if she'd have wanted to dye her hair blonde and get broad princess-curls Beryl would have allowed it too, after all.
"The cookies are done, guys! If you don't help me decorate them, I'll eat them on my own!"
"What? No—o! You can't Luke!", exclaimed Percy and rushed over to the kitchen.
Luke laughed as Percy collided with his side, pouting up at the teenager. As always, Annabeth and Leo were quick to be after Percy. Luke grinned as he handed out the colorful sugar-paste. From the other room, Sally poked her head out to smile at them. Ever since their first encounter with Leo and Annabeth half a year ago, they had met the kids repeatedly. Over the following weeks, Sally had come to realize that they were indeed runaways living in the streets. Luke was the oldest of the trio, but even he was only seventeen years old. He was a kid too and Sally hated to see those children having to fend for themselves. So she had made a decision. She had offered them a roof overhead. They got an additional bunk-bed for Percy's room, cramming Annabeth and Leo in with him, while Luke seemed fine sleeping on the couch in the living room.
Taking the children in had been a very important decision in her life though, because it had been Luke who had spoken up, even before she took him in, that she deserved better than Gabe, that he shouldn't hurt her and Percy. That there had to be something better for them. It was how she learned that the three children were demigods too, because Luke had noticed that Percy was special like them. There was another way. Poseidon had told her about Camp Half-Blood. A safe haven for demigods. But she had never wanted to part ways with her son. Luke made her see that keeping him here and making them both suffer under Gabe was not a solution either though.
They came to a compromise. The children spent their summers and their vacations at Camp Half-Blood and the school-year, they lived with Sally. She didn't like the idea of them living at a summer camp, that was just ridiculous. They had to go to school, they needed a home.
Luke had been overwhelmed and confused by her kindness. That she did not just dump them at camp and be done with it, that she insisted they attend school, that she offered them to live with them. She provided the motherly warmth Luke had not experienced in too long. In return, he helped her out at home. He was great with the three younger kids, he gladly helped out with groceries and cooking and he babysat whenever Sally had to go to work.
"Are you kids excited for summer?", asked Sally with a small, nearly sad smile.
She watched the four decorate cookies. Leo's were all-red, Percy's were all-blue and Annabeth's had messy, vague owl-shaped beings on them now. All three were covered with the colored sugar by now too. Luke grinned as he ruffled Percy's hair, making the younger boy huff.
"I dunno. I've never been to a summer-camp before", hummed Leo. "But if Annie and Perce and Luke are there with me, it'll be lots of fun, I'm sure!"
"Oh!", exclaimed Percy suddenly, staring at the TV magazine on the table. "Oh my gosh!"
"What?", asked Annabeth confused. "You know, we're talking about something here."
"Shush, unimportant! Look! They're going to make a new TV show!", exclaimed Percy, grabbing the magazine and leaving blue sugar-prints on it as he lifted it up. "What does it say?"
Jason Grace was smiling from the double-page and Luke rolled his eyes at that. Percy totally loved Minor Mischief and they had already marked the release-date for the sequel Major Mischief early next year, both starring Jason Grace. Luke took the magazine from Percy to see the article.
"Jason Grace signed on for a Disney channel TV show. The Adventures of Young Hercules will be a live-action prequel of sorts to the cartoon series. Grace (9) is said to play the titular hero", read Luke amused. "With his mother Beryl Grace signed on for cameo appearances as Hercules' godly mother Hera. Both have expressed excitement about the project."
"A TV show about Hercules with Jason Grace", whispered Percy in awe and excitement.
"But the Disney movie and cartoon were so inaccurate", complained Annabeth with a frown.
Sally sighed, though with a fond look on her face. The attention span of a demigod was not exactly the longest. And Jason Grace tended to distract Percy. He had played in a couple of comedies in the past few years and Percy totally loved everything he played in. Oh well, it wasn't as though she couldn't already guess the answer to her question anyway. As long as the four of them could stay together, they were happy to face any great adventure. And so far, for them, summer-camp sounded like a great adventure. Sally just hoped it would also be a safe adventure...
Author's note: This was SUPPOSED to be a oneshot! :D But I just love writing them as kids and getting into the details of how a canon divergent affects little things so I accidentally multi-chaptered it. So, here's a bunch of words I never expected to say: I hope you guys enjoy my first multi-chapter Jercy fic! ^o^
If the plot-pitch seems familiar, that's because I pitched the idea on my tumblr (come visit me at takaraphoenix ;3), where it gathered enough notes for me to go "Mmmh maybe I'll write it after all".
It'll be a three-part story. This, the first, pre-series. The second part focusing on the plot of PJatO and the third one focusing on HoO.
And, like with all my stories, you can find this on my updating schedule on my profile to check when it'll next be updated! ;)