I feel today's going to be a strange day…

"Tamaki-kun, why is it that you are so beautiful?" a pretty girl asked.

"Because I want to catch your eye, if only for one second longer." Tamaki Suou answered.

"Why is it that your voice is so mellow?" Another asked. I would say obnoxious, but whatever suits her senses.

"So that my feelings might reach your ears." Suou smoothly replied.

"Why is it that you look at me with such moist eyes?" A third guest wondered.

"Because your fresh, young smile make the spring in my heart overflow." This guy should be a poet.

"Tamaki-kun…" the females gushed.

"The two of you would wear matching kimonos, huh?" a girl commented to Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin.

"The ones that everyone is wearing today are designed by our mother. If you like, we can take your order." Hikaru, the 'seme' twin, answered.

"It is our grandmother that dressed us, though." Kaoru, the 'uke' twin, continued.

"And of course, it's my task to undress you, Kaoru." Hikaru took hold of his brother's chin.

"Hikaru…" Kaoru blushed. "You're embarrassing me, in front of the others…"

"What a tender embrace!" their two guests squealed.

Ah, it smells like yaoi incest. Such a scent in the afternoon.

"Mikato-kun! you look so good in a kimono!" two females walked to where me and Haruhi stood. "And you, Haruhi-kun, look so cute! You look almost like a girl in it!" If only they knew...

"Fujioka's, you've been requested." Kyoya Otori's smooth voice called out. "Your clients have pretty well stabilized lately, haven't they you two? Keep it up. We're not planning to charge interest on the original debt you incurred, so just keep working hard, and pay it off. The rental fees for those kimonos are nothing to sneeze at, after all."

He really is the Shadow Prince… how can he smile so casually when saying that?

"Kyoya-sama! You're just too much, in that kimono. Are there any new photo collections of the Host Club coming out?" Two more guests interrupted.

"Unfortunately, nothing is scheduled at present." Otori gives them a closed eyed smile.

"The club makes much of its money..." Hikaru pops up behind Kyoya.

"... from the sale of promotional items, right?" Kaoru finishes.

"The promotional items themselves are poor. The photo collections are just amateur hidden camera shots. In order to draw even more for the club's expenses out of the school budget, we have to start coming up with some higher-quality products." The black-haired man pushed his glasses up.

Kyoya-kun is probably the only reason this club hasn't gone bankrupt yet...

I decided to ignore everything around me and sit down with my guests. A new addition was made, her name was Izumi. She was a quote 'Fabulous otaku who will take over the world'.

So, we got along pretty well.

"Kato-kun! Did you finish watching Book of Circus?" Her voice got louder as she got excited. She was a second-year class B, just like me. She had gotten me into anime recently, and I loved it. So many hot people~

As we talked, Haruhi walked near the table, having just escaped Honey-Senpai and Mori-Senpai's sandal problem. She had a smirk on and started talking about how sexy trees were. I stifled a laugh as Haruhi looked at her confused.

"What? Trees can be sexy too Haruhi-kun, geez." She sassily said when she saw the look.

Haruhi shook her head quietly and kept walking. She bumped into Hikaru and a small bottle fell out of his sleeve, High-grade eye drops.

"I should let you know, it's a common practice for a host." Hikaru said standing behind her. Kaoru stood behind me, as we weren't that far away.

"There isn't a girl around who won't swoon over moist eyes." Kaoru said.

"That's cheating." Me and Imouto said together.

"Oh. don't be so rigid." Kaoru poked my cheek.

"Here Haruhi. This is for you." Hikaru pulled out a desert from his kimono.

Just how much can he hide in there?

"I can have this?" She asked surprised.

"How charming." They said in unison.

"Haruhi-kun, you like confections?" two females appeared with hearts around them.

Do girls always travel in pairs?

"No, I'm not much for sweets. Still, it might be nice as a memorial offering to my mother." Haruhi smiled.

The girls cooed. "How admirable of you! Such devotion to your mother! Here, Haruhi, take as many as you like!" Tamaki started stacking the glass covered sweets in her hands.

"Are those fake tears too?" She asked unemotional.

"How could you say that?! My tears are always genuine. Being able to cry without using eye drops is the mark of a true host. Well? Are you impressed? Have you fallen for me anew?"

"Not really."

I tuned them out, along with the others.

"I don't understand you girls sometimes... Swooning over tears?" I asked Izumi-chan.

"Girls are like cake, only I actually like cake." She took a bite of her cheesecake, her white hair almost falling into it.

"Huh? We have a brand-new guest." The twins said.

That got my attention. I stood up and went to stand with the others.

The Hitachiins zoomed towards the light brown-haired girl who hid

behind the door. They offered her a rose. "It isn't any fun to just watch." Kaoru said.

"Come on." they chorused.

"U-um..." The girl mumbled.

"Hey. I'm always telling you to be more courteous to our first-time guests, aren't I?" I just realized Tamaki is wearing a pin-on ponytail. Pft… "Here, don't be afraid, my princess." He extended his hand to her. "Welcome to Ouran Host Club." He set a finger on her chin.

"N-" she squeaked.

"N-?" Tamaki mirrored.

She suddenly pushed Tamaki away harshly. "No! Don't touch me, you phony!"

We all gasped. Another girl with working senses! I like her so far!

"I'm... a phony?" Tamaki dramatically asked and ran a hand over his face.

"Yes! You're a phony!" The mystery girl pointed a finger at the king. "I can't believe that you are the prince figure in this club! The prince character doesn't go spreading his love around so readily!" Tamaki-kun stumbled back, wide eyed. "how can you be so stupid!? It's almost like you're a dim-witted narcissist!" Arrows with 'stupid', 'dimwitted', and 'narcissist' stabbed the blonde. "Incompetent! Mediocre! The pits!" each word stabbed the purple eyed boy.

Suou dramatically fell back.

"Oh, it's a new technique!" Hikaru yelled out.

"One-man slow-motion!" Kaoru said.

"By any chance are you… " Kyoya tapped his chin.

"Kyoya-sama!" the amber eyed girl ran towards him, stepping on Tamaki's fallen body. She hugged the shocked Shadow Prince.

~~~~~Blank never loses~~~~~

"Fiancée?" Hikaru asks.

"Kyoya-senpai's?" Kaoru follows.

By this time all the guests had left. I guess I'll see Izumi in class tomorrow.

"Yes. My name is Hoshakuji Renge. I will be transferring into 1st year, Class A tomorrow." So Haruhi and the twin's class?

"Look, he's mad." I said as we all looked at the depressed Tamaki in the corner.

"That's because Mommy was hiding something from Daddy." The devil twins answered.

"Whatever. Are you trying to make this married couple thing stick?" Kyoya asked.

"Of course, Mommy, aren't we a family?" I smirked.

"It is indeed love at first sight." Renge gushed. "The way you were adoring those flowers by yourself in the back courtyard, even when no one else was looking. And the way you kindly reached out to that injured little kitty."

"Who are you talking about?" The twins and I questioned.

"Could you have the wrong person?" Haruhi smiled gently.

"No! You can't fool these eyes!" Hoshakuji-san screamed at Imouto. "He's someone who is kind to everyone," Hikaru and Kaoru ran in circles yelling 'Who? Who? Who?' "And yet does not seek to have anyone take notice of him."

Did this girl hit her head? I don't know if I like her anymore.

"He loves solitude but is actually lonesome. The one who looks just like the star of the currently popular love simulation game, 'Uki-Doki Memorial,' Ichijo Miyabi-kun, and that's you!" She pointed a manicured finger at Kyoya's face.

Didn't Izumi tell me about that game?

Everyone froze.

"Uki?" Haruhi said.

"Doki?" Honey said wide eyed.

"An otaku!" Tamaki yelled horrified.

"She's an otaku!" Hikaru yelled.

"I've never seen one before!" Kaoru screamed.

So… you never saw Izumi? Do I categorize as otaku?

"I see now. You're infatuated with a character. You're projecting the character infatuation onto me, going so far as to delude yourself that we are engaged. This Miyabi-kun character probably wears glasses too, right?" Kyoya fixed his glasses with Renge in the back running with hearts in her eyes.

"Whoa delude, you say? Then, that story about her being your fiancée…" Kaoru trailed off.

"I don't remember ever acknowledging that. For one thing, I've never even met her before today." Kyoya answered.

"Mommy, you could have said so sooner…" I muttered.

He glared at him.

"According to my information, Kyoya-sama, I understand that you administer everything about this club." The girl with the giant bow blushed.

"That's right. Kyo-chan is our director." Honey said sweetly.

"The director? That's perfect! I've always dreamed of being the drawing card for someone's business." Renge smiled dreamily.

"We don't need one. We're a host club, after all." The twins deadpanned.

"I've made up my mind. I'm going to be the club's manager!"

She's not listening…

"Hey, Kyoya…" Tamaki looked tired.

"She's the daughter of a client that's important to the Otori family. I ask that you be sure not to do anything impolite." Otori said coolly.

Tamaki sighed.

"Everyone, it's going to be a pleasure." Renge smiled.

Out of all clubs to get stuck in, I got this one…

~~~~~I am Popeye, the sailor man! ~~~~~

"I thought about it last night and having a lady manager might not be all that bad." Tamaki explained.

Currently, we were sitting around a coffee table, discussing what had happened the day before.

"Why do you say that?" The twins asked.

"Don't you see? She had transferred into the same class as Haruhi. If the two become friends as girls, Haruhi might become more girlish." No, she won't, Tamaki. "The uniquely girlish air of tenderness about her could stimulate Haruhi's own sense of femininity."

"Good grief..." Haruhi muttered.

"This is a grand scale project in order to still Haruhi up to be more girly! Only having these two disreputable twins as close classmates, and Mikato as a brother at home, is not good for Haruhi." Suou-san pointed at us.

Excuse me? Say that again please.

"That's telling us, all right." The Hitachiins and I tilted our heads.

"People... "Here comes the bipolar girl! "Renge, your Host Club drawing card has baked some cookies." She's gaining points again.

"Oh… how ladylike! I'm so moved!" Tamaki advanced her, flailing his arms.

"I didn't bake them for you, you phony prince." Yup, more points.

Tamaki fled to his emo-corner.

"They're a little burnt, but I know what you're going to say, Kyoya-sama. 'Anything you make is going to be delicious, of course.' Oh, Kyoya-sama…" hearts flew around her.

"You're right, these cookies are burnt." Honey nibbled on one.

"Burnt is an understatement." I agreed after taking a bite.

Decreased points.

"Mitsukuni, Mikato, stop. They're bad for you." Takashi-senpai loomed behind us.

Renge froze and turned to us. Crap. She turned Medusa on us and chased us.

"Ah! She's scaring me!" Honey screamed, being carried by a running Mori.

I finally lost her and stood by Haruhi, the cookie still halfway in my mouth.

What? It's still good, though very burnt.

Haruhi glanced at me then at the cookie bag in her hand. She took one and bit it.

"They're savory, and not all that bad." Imouto said.

Hikaru suddenly came near her and tilted her head up. "Let me see…" he took a small bite of the cookie which was still in her mouth.

Kaoru showed up beside me. "I want a bite too." Then proceeded to do the same to me.


"Oh, Mikato, you have cookie crumbs on your face…" Kaoru mumbled after eating the bite of cookie. He licked my cheek.

I noticed that Hikaru had done the same to Haruhi.

Twin germs!

Tamaki started snarling as Imouto and I wiped our cheeks. The twins laughing evilly.

"Before anyone realized it, they've become a congenial classmate trio. And they brought Mikato along with them." Kyoya informed.

"You know, if you'd just say so, I could get them off myself. And if you wanted one, they're right here" Haruhi said and lifted up the cookie bag.

I nodded.

"Y-y-your reaction is all wrong!" Tamaki grabbed our faces. "This is where you're supposed to rebuff them, and casually brush them aside!"

"Please stop sexually harassing us, Senpai." Haruhi frowned.

I pushed him away and stood in front of Haruhi.

"Harassing you! If I'm harassing you, then they're twice as guilty! Aah! Police!" The king cried.

"Okay, okay, sir, we're sorry." Hikaru and Kaoru apologized.

"Renge-chan! Renge-chan!" Honey smiled. "Want some milk?"

"Too tepid…" Renge mumbled. "It's all too tepid! Except for Kyoya-sama, all off your characters are too lackluster. All of you hosts are lacking a 'dark' side! Girls are vulnerable to handsome young men going through trauma!" She pointed at us. "If you keep carrying on in this ridiculous manner, it's only a matter of time before everyone grows tired of it! Are you trying to ruin Kyoya-sama's precious business? As manager, starting today, I'm changing all of your character backgrounds!" We looked at her horrified. "Starting with you!" She pointed at poor Honey-senpai. "If all you are is cute, inside and out, then you're the same as a baby! As such, you're now 'the cute-face, who's actually a thug'!" Honey screamed.

"Morinozuka-senpai, you're the 'childhood-friend flunkie'! The twins will be basketball players, 'shut up in their own world'! Haruhi-kun, you're an honor student, face with 'intense bullying'! Mikato-kun, you are his big brother 'the softy turned bad boy'! And Tamaki-san, you are the school idol, esteemed for your looks, but actually, you have an inferiority complex… 'the lonesome prince'!" Tamaki gasped. "Oh, Kyoya-sama, you're perfect. You just stay your usual kind, affectionate self." Tamaki stumbled in the background.

"I'm honored." You smug, deceiving jerk.

A spotlight shined on Tamaki. "'The lonesome prince.' Indeed, that is perfect for me!"

"That's probably the one she got most wrong." Haruhi's eye twitched.

0 points now Renge.

"Kyoya-senpai… "Hikaru whispered as he and his twin grabbed the older boy's shoulders.

"Do something!" Kaoru pleaded.

"Seriously, Kyoya-san! She'll listen to you!" I joined in.

"But his highness seems up for this." He motioned to Tamaki.

"Renge-kun, Renge-kun... " He was leaning on a wall, covering his face. "Is this what a lonesome prince would look like?"

"My, that's pretty good, Tamaki-san. I'm sure it would be even more effective if it were raining." Renge complimented.

The twins, Haruhi, and I sweatdropped.

"Well, let's just see how it goes, why don't we?" Kyoya rubbed his chin. "Something interesting will come out of it, I'll bet."

~~~~~A weapon and meister must work together~~~~~

A stadium full of people cheered as Hikaru pulled a slam-dunk.

Hikaru danced happily, until he saw his beloved twin lying on the wooden floor, holding his knee.

"Get a stretcher! Take him to the infirmary, quick!" someone yelled.

"Kaoru!" Hikaru gasped. He knelt next to his twin who laid on a stretcher. "Kaoru, Kaoru!"

"Hikaru-kun, you can't. Get back in the game." A man wearing black put his hand on the sobbing boy's shoulder.

"Shut up!" the 'seme' brother pushed the hand away.

"Hikaru… Hikaru, take it easy." the 'uke' twin looked at the latter in pain. "You can't go trying to feel my pain." He put his hand on the worried boy's cheek. "Understand? You're not the one who got hurt."

Hikaru cried and grabbed the hand. "It's no use. It hurts. It hurts, Kaoru!"

"Your pain is my pain, it doesn't matter if no one else understands. As long as we're both there for each other, we can go on living." A voice that belonged to neither of the boys said.

Tamaki stood in the pouring rain. "I envy you two." he admitted. The twins looked up, they were now outside. "Being able to support each other like that…"

"Suou-senpai…" Hikaru began.

"But Suou-senpai, you're the academy's idol." Kaoru finished.

Tamaki looked down, his hair covering his purple eyes, "An idol, am I?" He swept his hair back and looked at them. "If people are going to celebrate me over a superficial title like that, then I'm sure I'd be better off alone."

"One injured heart intersects with another. They pass each other and wound each other. What are the hearts of these young men made off?" The voice asked.

Haruhi ran in the rain, inside of some woods. 'He' leaned on a tree, panting.

"You can't run away any longer." A mean voice called out to 'him'.

Haruhi slid down the tree and onto the wet floor. "You're going to learn what happens when you go against me." the voice was a small blonde boy.

"Don't, Mitsukuni." A tall man said the latter. "Every time you hurt others, you're the one who ends up being hurt."

"Don't try to give me any advice, Takashi."The blonde threatened. "You want me to put you over my knee again?" the rain made the small boy's hair cover his brooding eyes.

Another figure stepped towards them from behind Haruhi. He glared at the thug duo, a toothpick settled in his mouth.

"Didn't I warn you about hurting my brother, Mitsukuni? You very well know how I am when people don't listen. You might be a martial arts master and have Takashi, but don't underestimate me." Mikato glared harshly at the blonde.

"Will it be the light of salvation that ultimately awaits them? Or something else?"

"I hate it when people try to rise above their own station in life." Mitsukuni lifted his head to reveal hazel eyes.

Suddenly the small boy's eyes widened, and tears appeared in them. He launched himself towards Haruhi.

"Haru-chan, Mika-chan, I'm sorry! I really can't do this!" Honey cried.

I went to stand next to Mori.

"Cut!" Medusa-Renge yelled. "You there! Stick to the script!"

"But I… "Honey whined.

"Cameraman, hold up for now." The pointed her rolled up script to a man.

"Yes boss." He replied.

"Make the rain more heartrending!" The otaku ordered.

"Why have we suddenly gone from talking about changing our characters into a movie shoot?" asked Kaoru.

The four of us were handed towels and I laid mine on my head.

"And I have to say, it's an overblown film crew, huh?" Haruhi walked towards them with me behind her.

"Apparently, she rushed them here from Hollywood. haven't you ever seen them? That man is the director of 'Millennial Snow,' the vampire movie that was the number-one box-office hit across America last year." Kyoya explained.

One, I don't watch vampire movies. Two, we're in Japan, not America.

Damn you rich bastards…

"And another thing, how come this script has Kaoru being the pitcher?" Hikaru asked.

"Yeah!" Kaoru added.

"Pitcher?" Haruhi questioned.

I covered her ears. "Nothing you need to know about." I gave the twins a pointed look, only receiving a wink from Kaoru.

~~~~~Stay Gold, Ponyboy~~~~~

"Haruhi!" Tamaki ran towards us, ignoring me. Thanks dude. "How was my performance?"

"It was awesome, in one sense of the word." she stood up and handed him a towel. "At least insofar as how you're able to be so enraptured by this."

"I've discovered a whole new facet of myself. It's not this bad of an idea to go down this road for a little while." he laughed.

"Are you sure? Senpai, I think you're fine just the way you are." Don't feed his ego innocent Imouto!

"R-really?" He blushed. "Hmm, if you say so…"

I stood up with the towel still on my head.

"Haruhi-kun! Mikato-kun! You're on!" Renge called out.

"Okay!" We called back and headed over.

"Over here!"

Behind Renge were two tall and scary looking dudes.

Nope. Nope. Nope.

"I've just asked these two gentlemen to make a special appearance." She grinned.

"Appearance?" The one with brown hair asked.

"What are you talking about?" The dark blonde one asked.

I don't think you asked them…

"We're going to need some villains for the big climax, after all. The jumble of club members unites to battle some true bad guy characters. According to my notes, while these two may be from wealthy family, they are actually sons of members of the Japanese Mafia." Renge! Shut up! They look mad… "These truly are ideal parts for you."

"What's with this girl!" One asked.

"Whatever my dad may be, it's got nothing to do with me!" The other screamed.

"Hold on, Renge-chan…" Haruhi tried to stop her.

"Okay, just stand by over here." Renge ignored her.

"Renge-chan, stop…" I tried.

"Just a minute here…" The one she was pulling protested. He pulled away from her. "You think you can just push us around however you want to? Come off it!" He pushed her to a wall with equipment.

"Look out!" Haruhi yelled and ran towards her.

I pushed the man back gently. "Stop. You don't have to push her like that!"

Haruhi had landed behind Renge and all the equipment fell down. "Yow…" She said and fell the the ground.

My eyes widened and I left the man. Imouto!

"Haruhi-kun! Are you okay?!" Renge asked.

"Those boys are right. Renge-chan, if you judge people by stereotypes, you won't ever be able to see what's really important." Haru-chan preached as I kneeled next to her and hugged her gently.

"I'm not sure I understand what you mean." Renge timidly replied.

"Haruhi! Mikato! What happened!" Tamaki-san turned the corner to where we were and gasped at the sight.

Haruhi looked up at him, tears in her eyes. Tamaki growled and grabbed the brown-haired boy by the collar. He pushed him up against a wall and glared at him. "Which one of you started this?"

Oh, it's dark-Tamaki…

"W-wait, Suou! She's the one who started giving us a hard time!" The other Mafia son tried to explain.

"It's true, Senpai." Haruhi said as I helped her stand up.

"These boys aren't at fault." I agreed.

The duo ran away. "Run away!"

"Haruhi, does it hurt?" Tamaki took hold of her tearful face. I'll let him do it this time…

"Yes…" she pulled her finger away towards him. It had a contact on it. "It's my contact."

"Huh?" Suou and I looked shocked. "Your… Con...tact?"

"Yeah. It slipped out." She said innocently.

The Host King let go of her and laughed, relieved. "Oh, so that's it! Once you cry without using eyedrops, you're a full-fledged host!"

Renge looked at the cameramen. "Cameraman, did you catch that?!"

You did not just ask that.

"Yes, boss!"

"Except for the contact falling out, that was the ideal last scene! All it needs now is for Kyoya-sama to provide some moving narration!" She gushed in pride.

A smash and glass shattering grabbed everyone's attention.

"No! My camera!" The poor cameraman yelled in English.

Kyoya stood next to said camera with a rock at hand.


"I'm sorry, but I cannot allow there to be any record of a club member engaging in violence. I am extremely displeased at the way you're acting like such a pest." And so, the true Kyoya emerges.

"Why?" Renge asked. "Kyoya-sama, you're supposed to tell me not to worry about it, and then gently pat me on the head!" Tears fell down her face. "Why would someone as kind and affectionate as you…"

"That's not who Kyoya is." Tamaki said.

Renge looked towards us and fell to the ground, sobbing.

"It doesn't matter, does it?" Haruhi interjected. "Even if Kyoya-senpai is a little different from what you expected, Renge-chan, I think that watching people, and slowly, little by little, getting to know them, can be fun, too." Wise words sis...

I think she leveled up...

~~~~~Bill Nye the science guy~~~~~

"Hey there, come on in."

"I bought that video!" A girl exclaimed.

"Me too, Me too!" multiple girls joined in.


"That scene in the rain was the best!"

"The Lonesome prince!"

"The deep relationship between Hikaru-sama and Kaoru-sama was too much!"

"I want to see Honey-kun acting like a thug again!"

"And Haruhi-kun's poignant expressions!"

"Mikato-kun's bad-boy persona protecting Haruhi-kun!"

"Mori-kun was definitely some kind of masochist, huh?"

"Kyoya…" Tamaki lifted a finger.

"I may have broken the lens, but naturally, the footage that was already shot still remains. Of course, that one scene of violence is cut out." Kyoya wrote in his Death Note. "Sales have been pretty fair. That first-rate Hollywood staff did as good a job as you'd expect."

"Is this what you meant by 'interesting'?" The twins asked.

"It's best to have as much as we can in the club budget, right?"

When did he have time to calculate all this stuff?

"Take care." Renge said as she stepped towards us.

"Huh? I thought you went home to France?" Tamaki asked.

"I realized something. Your kindness earlier, when you risked your life to protect me, and your deer love, for giving those, at times, stern admonitions," She grabbed Haruhi's hand. "this is what you meant by watching people and falling in love with them, right, Haruhi-kun?"

"Yes?" Haruhi said as Tamaki flipped out.

"Come, let's go to my house to play some games together. You have to find out more about me, too." She dragged Haruhi with her.

What about me? Do I have to walk home alone now?

What am I saying? Haruhi come back to onii-chan!

I sulked towards my table, where Izumi was chatting with another girl about the movie.

"So, you ladies watched it too huh?" I asked and sat down.

"I could have spent the money on brownies and cheesecake, but I had to see your performance." Izumi replied. "I have to say, that was a cool looking bird in the woods scene."

Tamaki ran past us. "Wait! Don't take Haruhi-kun away!" I shot up and ran after him.


Well, that's the 4th chapter! After this, I only have the 5th chapter pre-written so I suppose I'll have to get back to writing, huh?

As always, I am so thankful for the support I receive, both from here and Wattpad (Though I haven't gotten any acknowledgment there )

DaughterofLoki1 - Ooo ~ Casanova is one I didn't even think about! Also, I did not think of using other ships since im basically sticking to the canon by watching and writing at the same time. Thank you for the vote and support, though!

Miss1Otaku - I am so glad that you liked his character! It might change a bit in future chapters, since writing styles change, but I will try to have him grow with the rest of the characters! Thank you for the support!

So now, we have a few votes in for our ship, remember that once I upload Chapter 6 (I might have changed the chapter) the voting will be closed! So far :

Mikato x Koaru – 2

Mikato x Hikaru – 1

Mikato x Casanova – 1

Thank you for all the comments!

Emily 🐾