Chapter I

A/N: This is my second sojourn into Westeros, but this time in a different era. Robert's Rebellion era to be precise. After reading many stories set in that time, I decided I wanted to try my hand at it. I personally think Robert had the potential to be a good man, so I will be working on that here. It'll be slow, but he'll get there. This is a Robert/OC story. The OC is a Stark cousin, daughter to a younger sibling of Rickard. Her mother was from House Reed, and she'll be a greenseer. I will be careful to not to have her overpowered. Italics are visions or watched conversations whilst warging. Bolded italics are thoughts in the visions and warging. And here is the one time warning:


She did not like the grin on the face of the dragon prince as she watched through the eyes of a hawk. It said that he was very much used to getting his way.

"So the She-Wolf agreed my Prince?" asked Lord Commander Hightower.

"In her letters she all but fell over her words. Lady Lyanna will do anything to escape my dear cousin," the prince snickered.

Runa was far from surprised that her cousin wanted to avoid marrying Robert Baratheon. Lyanna had been making her displeasure known on the matter for years. But running off with the married crown prince? That was considerably more reprehensible than fathering a bastard. Knowing Lyanna as she did, her cousin would likely run off without a note, giving no thought to anyone but herself.

Something like this could start a war, not that Lyanna would care since she fancied herself in love with Rhaegar Targaryen. Ever since the Tourney at Harrenhall when he'd seen her ridding herself of the armor of the Knight of the Laughing Tree.

Oh, and Uncle Rickard knew about Lyanna's little escapade. That was one of the reasons her wedding to Robert was being moved up.

"My marriage with Elia will be annulled once Lyanna is with us," the dragon prince stated. She must have missed parts of the conversation.

"What of Rhaenys and Aegon?" The Sword of the Morning finally spoke.

"They'll be disinherited. And declared bastards. The three heads must come from only one mother," Rhaegar replied before riding a little further ahead.

In doing that he missed the rage that clouded the purple eyes of Arthur Dayne, who quickly recomposed himself looking around suspiciously.

"Looks like the famous Ser Arthur Dayne is more a Dornishman than a Kingsguard and loyal friend to Rhaegar. Will have to watch that."

Runa snapped back to herself, laying on her bed.

She needed to find Uncle Rickard. And she needed to do it fast. Lives depended on it.

Rickard listened to his niece's story. And he knew that those who didn't listen to greenseers usually wound up in trouble. As soon as she finished, he summoned Rodrik Cassel and said, "Go to the stables. My daughter should be there and bring her before me. Do not let her out of your sight."

With a bow, the master at arms left the study.

"Did you see anything else niece," he asked some time later.

"I had a vision of what would come if this were not prevented. It was not a pretty sight, please do not ask me to repeat it uncle," his niece shuddered.

Rickard was about to ask another question when they heard Lyanna long before they saw her. She was screeching at the top of her lungs about how she "needed to get to her silver prince." Once Rodrik dragged her in they both got a good look at her.

She'd hacked most of her hair off to try and look like a boy. Her clothes were that of a squire.

"Looked what the cat dragged in," Runa drawled before saying, "Nice try dear cousin. You know very little can be hidden from me."

"You ratted me out?!" Lyanna screeched. She had not forgotten that her cousin was a greenseer, but had believed that Runa would not find out.

"I would prefer to call it warning one of my favorite uncles that his daughter was likely about to cause a war because she won't swallow the draught and marry who's she's been contracted to marry to run off with a married man," she sneered.

"Robert Baratheon fathered a bastard!"

"There are plenty worse things a man can do than father a bastard. Like annulling his marriage and declaring the children he already has to be bastards," Runa replied calmly in the face of her cousin's ire. To her Ser Rodrik she said, "Have a guard go to my cousin's room. Check the loose floorboard. There are letters that should help us deal with the Crown Prince once he arrives."

Lyanna lunged for the guard, but Ser Rodrik restrained her. The guard left unmolested.

This time Runa's uncle spoke: "You have made your opinions quite clear on Robert Baratheon. And your cousin speaks true. I have seen men do far worse things than fathering a bastard: Murder, rape, treason... He is fond of you in his way. You will wed Robert Baratheon and not incite a scandal or worse a war by running off with Rhaegar Targaryen."

Runa cut in with, "And even if you got away with your little plan, you wouldn't live long enough to give him his precious Visenya. Say what you will about the Red Viper of Dorne, he would do anything for his most beloved sister, niece, and nephew. And he'd find a way to make it look like an accident."

Lyanna, for once, was actually speechless. It was obvious that she'd forgotten about Oberyn Martell.

The guard returned with the letters. Lyanna again made a grab for them, Rodrik quickly restrained her. Once Rickard received the letters he ordered, "Ser Rodrik, take my daughter to one of the interior guest rooms. One of the ones that are locked from the outside and no windows."

Rodrik hauled his Lord's daughter out of the room. Instead of screaming like when she was coming in, this time she was pale and silent.

Rickard skimmed the letters. It was obvious that Rhaegar was using the Pact of Ice and Fire to convince his daughter along with his honeyed words. Along with promising that he would "rescue" her from his cousin.

If he truly wanted to fulfill the pact of Ice and Fire he wouldn't be going about it like this.

When Rodrik returned, Rickard said, "It seems we will be having a royal guest soon. Gather up some guards and I will be greeting them into Winterfell."

Where is she? My lady Lyanna should have been here by now, Rhaegar thought as he waited in the Wolfswood.

He looked up at the sound of hoofbeats. But instead of a single rider on a horse, it was a group of 20 guards led by Lord Rickard who when he came level with Rhaegar said, "Your Highness. It seems that you and I have matters to discuss concerning my daughter."

He didn't like the odds of the fight even with the finest Kingsguard with him. Rhaegar had wanted to get in and out of the North as quiet as he could.

Things were not going to go his way.

Rickard listened to Prince Rhaegar's plans, keeping his face as impassive as possible.

Is he really so far gone from reality that he thinks this plan of his would have worked? Looks like the coin the gods flipped when Rhaegar was born has fallen on the side of madness. He's hidden it remarkably well.

"So it only for the pact of Ice and Fire that you're doing this, and not the Prince Who Was Promised Prophecy and your desire to remake the three heads of the dragon?"

The look on Rhaegar's face was something that would bring a smile to his face for the rest of his days. And while he restrained a smirk now, he noticed that the Sword of the Morning did not bother trying.

"How did you-" the prince spluttered.

"The North has its ways of finding things out that would be kept from it,"Rickard replied before continuing on with, "I have no desire to anger Dorne and frankly the letters you have exchanged with my daughter make my skin crawl." Holding his hand up to stop the prince from making an excuse, "If it only was the Pact of Ice and Fire you wanted to enact, you would have come to me completely above board. Instead you are sneaking around like you are hiding something shameful. Which you are."

"By what right does the direwolf judge the dragon," the crown prince snarled.

Before Rickard could reply, a guard in Stark livery burst through the door. He bobbed a bow before saying, "My lord, you need to come to the room where Lady Lyanna was put. There's something you need to see."

To the prince he said, "You coming along is wise, given your involvement in the situation."

When they came to the room, the guards were pale as ghosts.

Ser Rodrik murmured, "My Lord, I am so sorry."

Rickard opened the door. Hanging from a low rafter was Lyanna, the noose was made from bedsheets.

Under her was a note that said "If I cannot be with my Silver Prince, I would rather be dead."

He would have to grieve later. Rickard turned towards Rhaegar snarling, "This is the right of the direwolf judging the dragon."

A/N 2: Let the fallout begin. I am looking forward to seeing what people think. I do not agree with what Lyanna did, but I've always gotten some Romeo and Juliet vibes off of Rhaegar and Lyanna along with vibes like Helen of Troy/Sparta and Paris. SSD.

Fancasts will be shown as the characters are introduced

Rickard Stark- Gabriel Byrne as he looked in Vikings

Runa Stark- Hayley Atwell as she looked in Pillars of the Earth