Chapter 1

(Insert theme music)

"In tonights episode our two players are going to demonstrate that love is not only blind, but that it can come from many sources. One of which can only be found ... in The Twilight Zone!"


"Who says romance is dead?" Lanie was smiling widely since she had the perfect guy for Kate. …Again.

"I do. Every Saturday night," Kate answered distractedly as she looked over the dead body.

"A little lipstick wouldn't hurt," Lanie commented while still avoiding the body.

Kate, however, was not amused and gave Lanie a dirty look. Lanie was ready though. "I'm just sayin'. It wouldn't hurt to actually look like you want to enjoy your date."

"Oh, just like the last blind date you set me up with?" If Kate had taken a gun with her she might've actually used it on him.

Lanie bristled defensively about her latest choice of a blind date for Kate. "And what was wrong with Brad? He had the chiseled good looks that you're attracted to and he had rock hard abs. Plus he was on the FDNY Calendar. He was Mr. July. He was perfect for you. Just your type."

"MY TYPE! MY TYPE? Does my type start the date after we sit down for dinner, before we can even look at the menu and I quote, You want to have sex later? unquote." Kate gave her friend yet another dirty look and challenged her over her latest pick.

"OUCH!" Lanie hadn't considered that he would open his big mouth. "Okay, so he wasn't the one, but I've got one that–" Kate interrupted her, shaking her head.

"Lanie, stop, please. If I'm going to find the right guy, I'm going to do it on my terms. Not with one of the guys out of your black book who's only looking for a one night stand. I've had it with one night stands." Kate's whole body sagged. And while she hated talking about her personal life, especially next to a dead body with the boys not that far away, she did – a little.

"What I want is to find someone I can jump into it with. Just jump and not worry about falling or making a mistake. Someone to love and love me back. Who'll love me for who I am, not because of what he sees when he looks at me." Kate then challenged her big time. "Is there one of those in your little black book?"

Lanie sighed. "You want a knight in shining armor on a white horse to come charging in and swoop you up so you can live happily ever after. Honey, I hate to break it to you but those guys don't exist or if they do, some other woman has already found him and married him."

"He doesn't have to have shiny armor or a white horse. He just needs to love me. ME! So can you please stop, Lanie?" Kate had reached the absolute end of Lanie's black book.

"Fine, but what you want isn't just going to show up in your bedroom and proclaim his love for you. You have to get out there. Date a few losers so you know he's the right one." Kate couldn't just sit at home, reading a book while relaxing in her tub with a glass of wine.

"I know, I know. Just…I'll find him some day. That day just isn't going to be today, or here." Kate looked around. They were in some side alley where someone had dumped their dead body.

Their entire conversation ended when Espo showed up. He looked at his notes. "So far no one saw anything. It was phoned in anonymously. This area is filled with places that are rented weekly and owned by landlords that care little about their buildings." The people that lived there would tell them nothing, either.

"Or their tenants." Kate knew the place, too. She got back into her job and looked down at Lanie. "Cause of death?"

"Stab wound, perfectly placed, it looks like. Slipped past two ribs and stuck the heart. Death was nearly instantaneous. I might be able to get an impression of the blade for you after I get the body back to the morgue." Lanie kept looking the body over.

"ID?" Kate looked down at Lanie who shook her head. "So who's our vic?"

"Better question: Who would hire a killer to kill him?" Espo saw it as a hit. "Even gangbangers that still use knives aren't that good."

"Find out if he has any defensive wounds. If not, he was either surprised or he knew his killer. But why a stab to the heart? If it was a surprise hit, why isn't his throat slit?" It was quicker and easier if you attacked from behind.

Kate looked at Espo. "Get Ryan; I want you two to scan the area. This is a body dump. Tire tracks, camera footage, blood drops. From which direction did they come?" She glanced at Lanie. "Let me know when you have something," Then she walked off toward her cruiser.


Kate sat her dinner down on the kitchen counter. She'd stayed at work really late putting everything she had up on the white board, then had stared at it for she didn't know how long. Still staring at it hadn't gained her anything. It wasn't until the bullpen had gotten really quiet that she noticed what time it was.

She hadn't eaten much and knew she should eat something. So she stopped and got her favorite Chinese dish and brought it home with her. One glass of wine, her dinner, and she was sitting on the floor using her coffee table as her dining table.

Everything was quiet, just the way she liked it. Okay, maybe just a little too quiet. She was alone in her apartment. All alone. There were times when it got to her and she wished for a different life. It was just that she had made her choices and she hadn't yet succeeded in reaching the goals of those choices.

Her thoughts took her focus off of her meal and she actually stopped eating. She was just drinking as she looked out into her empty apartment. Another Saturday night and she was all alone. She hadn't even met anyone that she wanted to date in what seemed to be a very long time.

Kate shook her head. It was time to take her mind off her troubles. So with wine glass in hand, she got up and went over to her bookcase to look for a book to read. Something to take her mind off of everything. She ran her fingers over the spines of some of her books. Problem was she had read most of them. "Hmm." Kate found a title that she didn't remember having read before. "Demons." She couldn't remember what had possessed her to buy it when she had found it, but she had. She pulled it down and reread the inside jacket that would tell her about the book.

In a future uncomfortably close to the present day, the apocalypse has surpassed all expectations. Hideous demons roam the streets in an orgy of terror, drawing pleasure from torturing humans as sadistically as possible. Divided into seven clans, these grisly invaders–gnashing, writhing, bloodthirsty monsters–seem horrifically to belong in our world.

Ira, a young San Francisco artist, becomes involved with a strange group of scientists and philosophers desperately trying to end the bloody siege. Yet through it all, Ira continues to paint–for in his canvasses lie crucial clues to the demons' origins.

Yet the demons draw their strength from an all-too-familiar evil–a deadly malevolence supported by some of the greatest powers on earth, concealed beneath the trappings of status, success, and abused power. Ira and his allies– including a compelling young seeress–come to believe these demons didn't just appear. They were summoned. But the most shocking revelation is yet to come.


Kate moaned softly. A lot of things were traveling through her mind: Lanie, no boyfriend, work, her mother's murder, demons, dead bodies. It was all so…evil and never-ending.

She truly wished that there was someone. Someone to love and love her back. Their hearts and souls were one. She could just dive in and forget all of it. Love him and be loved in return.

Then Kate saw him! He was naked and standing right in front of her. His face was in shadow, not that she was looking at his face. All she had eyes for was his cock. It was amazing to look at. It was the most perfect cock she had ever seen in her life. It had to be at least two feet long if not longer. It was also large around. It was easily thicker than her upper arm. Not only that but the head was large.

The entire cock was incredible. Kate reached out her hand, desperately wanting to wrap her fingers around it. It was just that she couldn't get her fingertips to touch her thumb as she wrapped her hand around it. She ended up using both hands. It was silky smooth to the touch. The veins in it were impressive just to look at. However, it was the head that held her attention. It was the most perfect helmet of a cock she had ever seen. As she gazed at the head, she barely noticed her hands stroking up and down the entire length of the cock. It was perfect!

Just staring at it and stroking its length was starting to get her wet. She could no longer resist and leaned in closer so she could lick it. A moan escaped her lips at the first lick. Drawing her tongue back into her mouth she tasted him. It was deliciously amazing.

It was huge, beautiful, soft and slick, and luscious to taste. Kate reached out and licked the glans of the helmet as her hands continued to stroke its length. All she saw was this massive cock. It really was perfection.


Kate pushed her butt forward on the sofa just a little more as she watched his head lean down between her legs. She was wet and beyond horny. What she had really hoped for was that he would push that mammoth cock into her pussy and fuck her senseless.

Then she felt the touch of his tongue on her lips. She moaned from his touch.

Kate grabbed handfuls of hair and placed his head right where she wanted it, where she needed it to be. God, but his tongue was talented. Then suddenly his tongue was inside her. It was enough that it had her screaming out her pleasure at her first orgasm.


Kate found herself on her hands and knees. She knew what was coming next and her pussy, her soul ached for it.

She raised her head and looked behind her. All she saw was that immense cock aimed right for her opening. Then she felt it press against her lips. She wanted that thing inside her. To feel it reach depths of her pussy that no cock had ever reached in her life. She was all set to beg him to fuck her when she felt his head slip past her lips and into her.

She wanted him to fuck her so very badly. To feel that monster pounding her pussy into submission. Her pussy needed a good pounding and this massive cock was more than capable of doing just that.

Kate felt his body hit hers. He was inside her finally. All of that cock was deep inside her.

Feeling it slide back out of her and then slide right back in had her moaning from the feeling of being so full. It only took a few strokes until she could hear and feel him slamming his cock deep inside her.

The sound of his flesh slapping against hers. The feeling of having his gigantic cock pumping in and out of her. She was sure the only reason she was still on her knees was because of the bones in her legs and the fact that his hands were holding her in place.

Her legs were jelly and she was moaning loudly and crying out with every pound of his cock into her. His cock truly was perfect.

He didn't stop fucking her. She didn't want him to ever stop fucking her. She just needed one more bit of pleasure. Just one.

Suddenly his hands were on her breasts instead of holding her ass in place. Each hand pinched her nipples hard! It was enough that it had her screaming through her second orgasm.


Kate was back to sitting on the sofa with both of her hands stroking his enormous cock. It was still wet from having been inside her pussy. She could even taste herself on it. The combination of tastes was beyond amazing. The taste of his cock had been incredible. The taste of them both was beyond words.

She played with his balls while she licked his cock from the base to the tip, where she stuck her tongue into the slit. She heard him moan loudly. She smiled as she did it again. Kate continued to play with his balls while she tongued the opening at the tip. His moans were getting louder. She so wanted to taste his come. It was the one last thing she wanted. To taste his come in her mouth. To feel it flow down her throat.

She gave his cock another lick from the base to the tip as she heard him growl; her hands felt his cock spasm. She eagerly placed her open mouth over the tip and felt him spurt into her mouth. It was a lot and she hurriedly tried to drink it all down. Then he spurted out another large amount that actually escaped her mouth. He spurted two more times and Kate did her best to swallow it all.

His cock actually started to shrink a little. She used her finger to wipe his come off her chin and licked her finger clean. His come had the most amazing taste she had ever tasted in her life. All the other men's come had been a little salty and just a little off. She'd always done her best to not taste it and just let it spurt down her open throat. His come had her searching her mouth for every last drop.

He was the best, the very best!


Kate woke up slowly and at first she was a little confused. Looking around she saw that she was in her living room. Her dinner was still on the coffee table, as was her glass of wine, which was empty.

The next thing she noticed was that she was lying on her sofa and she was naked!

Then her mind remembered something. "That cock!" It had been monstrously huge, it had also been completely perfect. Even now what she really wanted to do was wrap herself around it. Stroke it, kiss it, lick it, and have it fuck her senseless.


Kate sat up and placed a hand to search her pussy lips. She found that she was still wet. "One hell of a dream." It couldn't have been anything else. No one alive could possibly have a cock that big. That big, that tasty, that completely amazing.

Had she? Had they? Kate looked around and saw her clothes were scattered about the living room floor.

"Just a dream." Why couldn't it have been real? It was everything she had ever wanted.

The only real problem was that she couldn't see his face. She couldn't picture much of his body either. All she really remembered was that cock. That impossibly huge cock.

Her logic told her that there was no way that cock would ever fit inside her. It would split her wide open. That and no woman's vagina was anywhere near that long. If all of that cock had been inside her it would be literally hitting her heart or a lung with every stroke.

There should be blood everywhere. It was real enough in her mind that Kate looked straight down. She saw a stain and her shoulders tensed, but she quickly realized it wasn't blood. The wine had been white so she assumed she had spilled her glass.

Her next thought was concern about what time it was. Looking at her dad's watch told her she had time to take a shower. She could stop for a little breakfast and a good cup of coffee on her way into work, not that swill that the machine in the breakroom made. That stuff was almost enough to get her to swear off coffee completely.

Kate started to stand up. This, though, caused just a touch of pain. It was enough pain and such a surprising pain that she sank back down on the sofa again. It also had her looking down and using a hand to search her pussy once more. The pain was familiar enough. It was the pain of having had sex after so long of an absence. Her muscles were complaining to her.

"It was a dream," she muttered to herself. It couldn't have been anything else.

Kate ignored the pain and went into her bedroom to retrieve her weapon. From there she searched each and every window to make sure they were all locked from the inside. Next came the front door. It was locked and the chain was in place. The windows and door were the only ways in and out.

It didn't make any sense to her. The pain told her that she'd had sex last night. But all the other evidence, what little she had, said it was impossible.

Her memory of last night was fading fast. Even the vision of that cock was fading.

Since it was impossible, she tried her hardest to remember the feeling of the best sex of her life. "Too bad it was just a dream," she murmured wistfully. Kate wished it was so much more. What she could still remember told her that it had been perfect. Just perfect.