Okay, I was watching some Star Wars clips and this idea has been mocking me ever since, echoing in my brain with the intensity of a fire alarm, and after quelling the urge for a while, I can resist no longer - I'm writing it out. And honestly, I don't know what this is; I don't know whether it will be a one-shot or a longer story. So, without further ado, here is my take on one of the greatest scenes in cinematic history, the infamous scene on Bespin in The Empire Strikes Back.

Basically, it's how the scene, which is almost perfect, would be different if George had known what the prequels would disclose and truly, and I mean truly, delved into Darth Vader, showing just how powerful he really was. Because, in hindsight, the original trilogy has several plot holes that don't make too much sense. Here's my attempt to fix, in my opinion, the most blatant one in all of Star Wars, and add some things, too.

Disclaimer: I do not own Star Wars or any characters involved in the franchise. Sadly, most sadly, it belongs to Disney.


He had lost, and it was as simple as that. His father's lightsaber, the only valuable item that he had possessed from his heroic father, the tool that, when he had wielded it, had given him such gladness, such joy to be united in spirit with his father, had fallen, probably never to be seen again - and along with his hand, too. The physical pain had long since passed, a mere flickering flame on the edge of his consciousness that waned with every breath that shuddered through his air-starved and exhausted lungs.

How had it come to this?

He had destroyed the Death Star, saved the entire galaxy from the technological terror that the Empire had constructed. He had risen through the ranks of the Rebel Alliance, hailed as a hero by all, the Skywalker name once again giving hope back to the galaxy, and most importantly, he had been making his father proud, emulating the Hero With No Fear, the greatest of the Jedi during the Clone Wars as best as he possibly could. While he hadn't reached the rank of his father's General, he had reached Commander at only twenty-two years of age. He had hoped that his father, where ever he and Ben were, looked down on him with pride.

But then Ben had appeared as an apparition, a specter back from death on Hoth, speaking about a Jedi Master named Yoda, and Luke had been filled with hope. A teacher! He could finally learn about the Force, about the energy that buzzed in his body, making him feel safe, but during some stressful times, make him feel powerful, as well.

Yoda hadn't been what he had expected, and after overcoming his shock, he had suffered under the tiny creature's tutelage, but he had mistakenly believed that he had grown stronger, that he could battle Darth Vader and live. What a fool he had been, what an outrageous fool! He had deluded himself into believing, truly believing that he could defeat Darth Vader, the slayer of the entire Jedi Order, the murderer of his father.

When he had been just a boy on Tatooine, Uncle Owen had forbidden him any knowledge on the workings of the galaxy, but he had found ways around his uncle's orders, listening to the stories, the stories that had always struck awe and fear in his heart. Darth Vader had been a named whispered with thinly-veiled terror through the mouths of every creature that he had ever encountered, even the leaders of the Rebel Alliance when he later met them - and Han and Leia, too! And for a long time, when he had been growing up, he hadn't believed the stories, not one bit. He had instead concluded that Darth Vader was just a monstrous persona that the parents on Tatooine used as a bedtime story for their children, forcing them to behave or Darth Vader would snatch them away from their families.

But now, staring up into the mask, seeing his own terrified reflection staring back at him, he cursed his stupidity, his dim-witted arrogance. Oh, how his father must be ashamed of him, the son who was too weak to avenge him, too weak to beat the monster who had cruelly murdered him, taking a father away from his offspring.

"There is no escape," Darth Vader's booming baritone echoed in the fear-tainted air. "Don't make me destroy you," Luke felt a sob begin to swell inside, Vader's words a terrible omen. He was going to die, and nobody would save him. Yoda had been right, and so had Ben. He felt his heart throb in fear as Vader took a small step forward, the red lightsaber powered off. "Luke, you have not yet realized your importance. You have only begun to discover your power. Join me and I will complete your training, revealing the true natures of the Force, gifting you untold power and control. Then, with our combined strength, we will end this pointless, destructive conflict and, finally, bring order to the galaxy, at last."

He shivered, wondering why Vader would be so interested in the son of the man whom he had murdered. His jaw clenched, and he hissed between his teeth, feeling a part of his soul ignite with strength. "I'll never join you!" He cried out, blinking back tears, knowing that if he was going to die, he refused to give Darth Vader, the terror-plaguing and planet-killing monster, the satisfaction.

"You don't know the power of the Dark Side," the looming form of Darth Vader hovered over him, the unholy hissing sound of his respirator ever-present. "Obi-Wan never told you what happened to your father, I can sense it."

True anger flooded Luke's heart and he scowled up at the massive monster, maneuvering his body across the pipes, trying to hang on, trying to avoid a death by plummeting. "He told me enough! He told me that you killed him."

A triumphant emotion hung between them suddenly as Darth Vader seemed to grow even larger. "No, I am your father," the words floated in the musky, stale air of the reactor site. Luke felt himself stagger as a wicked bile rose in his stomach, forcing him to lean forward against the pipe to maintain his balance. How dare that monster? What kind of mind-game was the planet-killer inflicting so cruelly on him?

He snapped his head up, shaking it in disbelief, unable to quell the abrupt feeling of truth that he mysteriously felt – as if a piece of his broken soul had been found – from showing on his face. "No, no, no. That's not true!" The longer he stared up at Darth Vader's mask, the more the words echoed torturously in his ears, the hum in the Force not doing anything to help his now-shattered mind. "That's impossible!"

Vader leaned forward, almost looking like he wanted to reach out and touch him, "Search your feelings, Luke, and you'll know it to be true."

Luke did, unable to stop himself, and the Force was deafening in its declaration, supporting Darth Vader's proclamation like a proud mistress. His features twisted in horror, in such terrible anguish as tears spilled down his cheeks, "NO!" He cried out, his wail exploding out of his lips with abandon, "This can't be," he clutched at the pipe, shaking sorrowfully as the truth was finally revealed, and he understood.

Ben had lied to him, egregiously so.

"Luke, now you see, don't you? Can't you feel it, the connection that we share?" Vader's hand raised into a powerful fist, shaking with the force of his emotions. "You are my son, stolen from me the very day of your birth. Ever since when I learned it was you who had destroyed the Death Star, I swore that you would be mine, as you were always meant to be before Obi-Wan interfered." The air around Darth Vader - his father! - exploded with poisonous fury and Luke abruptly gasped, wondering how a single being could hold such power. It was thick and overwhelming, almost making him fall off of the pipe as his knees buckled from the intense blankets of strength bearing down on him, and he glimpsed the true depths of Darth Vader's strength; it was a black hole, a maelstrom of unholy darkness that sucked in all origins of light, a concentrated and godlike source of chaos and destruction, the withering promise of agony and suffering, of annihilation as death itself bowed to… his father. "Come with me, it is the only way. I will destroy the Emperor; I have foreseen it since your discovery. And with you by my side, as you rightfully should be, we will rule the galaxy as father and son. It is your destiny, Luke."

He raised his tear-stained face, carved with anguish, seeing his father put away his lightsaber and then hold his hand out towards him, begging him. And a part of Luke did want to accept, the part of him that had always so desperately longed for his father to be alive, a part of him that was a lot bigger than he ever wanted to admit, but he couldn't join Darth Vader, no matter their relation.

A deathly calm swiftly overcame him, and his decision was made. Unable to look at his father, he relaxed his grip, feeling his finger slide off the pipe like it was covered in fuel vapors. In the next instance, he steps off the pipe, feeling the rush up to meet him, pulling him down to a painful death, but a death that was better than the truth he had just learned, of the life he could potentially live had he joined his father.

The wind was painful as he plummeted, cutting through his skin with the precision of a Jedi Master. For long moments, everything was calm as he felt peaceful with his decision, not regretting it, praying that someone could rise up to defeat the Empire and… his father.

He froze, the wind no longer cutting into him with deadly rigor, and he simply floated in the air, unable to move any part of his body. He dimly realized what had happened as he slowly began to float upwards, and he panicked, thrashing, writhing, cringing as he tried to use the Force to escape from Vader's grip, but it was impossible.

It wasn't like earlier when they had been fighting; a mere charade, Luke had finally discerned. His father had toyed around him as all predatory beasts do with their prey, but now, as he couldn't even move in his father's grip, the truth was brilliant: his father was beyond powerful and if he had wanted to, even a little, he could have effortlessly crushed Luke, erasing him from the history of the galaxy, but he hadn't.

Vader's mask entered his vision, his shocked and heartbroken features staring back at him. "A pointless endeavor, Luke. There is no escape."

"Please, please," he croaked out. "I want to die - let me be."

"No, your destiny isn't fulfilled. I will soon present you to the Emperor, whom you will become acquainted with. You will then learn an ability that I cannot access, and after you've learned lightning, I'll kill my Master, paving the path to a galaxy ruled by father and son."

"My destiny isn't yours to command!"

His father's mask tilted dangerously, "It has always been, and it will always be mine, my son. You are of my blood, making you far stronger than you could possibly know. Your skills are abysmal. You don't truly think that you would survive if I actually meant you any real harm, do you, Luke? No, but soon, you will achieve strength and fulfill your destiny - I have foreseen it. I will raise you up, teaching you things that no one else knows. Obi-Wan, the child-stealing thief, has taught you very little, if anything at all. How have you accomplished skill so quickly? By yourself? No, I sense that someone else has taught you - and it was recently, too." A dangerous feeling began to cloud the air and Luke felt dread and horror war within his mind, a foreign – and yet familiar at the same time – presence searching through all of his memories, a terribly powerful presence, one whom could destroy his mind so easily, if he so wished. Fury exploded through his mind, but it wasn't his own, "Yoda," his father's baritone hissed out, retreating out of Luke's mind. "I have always suspected that he hadn't perished, but now I know for certain, and I know that I can finally destroy him, at last. He is on Dagobah."

"No!" He cried out, trying so desperately to escape from the grip surrounding his body like a suffocating blanket. "Leave him alone!"

"If you only knew all of the truths that have been hidden from you," his father pulled Luke closer, his body still levitating in the air with no hope of release until Vader deemed it. "Once your training is complete, perhaps I will allow you the gift of slaying Yoda, the fool who was unable to save the Jedi, and then your journey to the Dark Side will be complete…" his father trailed off abruptly, masked-head turning to the side, his ominous breathing ever-present. "I sense a presence, a presence that I haven't felt since Order 66, but one that I would never forget." His father's mask snapped back towards him so fast, in a blurred motion, that Luke gasped. "You bring him here? Does he covet death that much?"

"What are you talking about?" He demanded, the waves of exhaustion threatening to drown his mind. "Who are you talking about? Who covets death?"

"Yoda is here, I can feel it." His father abruptly marched away, Luke's floating form following like an obedient shadow. "He followed you here,"

"No, that's not possible!" He rasped out, "Yoda wouldn't! He condemned my choice to leave, warning me that- "

A green glow abruptly ignited ahead of his father and that's when Luke felt it, the brilliant presence in the Force, a source of light – that was still, in spite of the power, swallowed by the unholy darkness his father exuded. And before his now-motionless father stood Master Yoda, looking much healthier and stronger, a green lightsaber burning in his hand.

His father's breathing never changed but the intensity of his rage increased to such horrifying levels that Luke flailed, writhing in his grip, the rage threatening to warp his mind, his very soul.

"Let young Skywalker go," the tiny Jedi Master demanded, no longer appearing to be a frail, withered, and feeble-looking being, but a being who Luke could finally see as the wisest of the Jedi.

"You've come a long way to die, Yoda," his father boomed out. "You must truly covet death, so I will fulfill your request." His red lightsaber burst to life, the glow turning the atmosphere a reddish hue.

Yoda hummed, "If this is the day when I return to the Force, hesitate I will not." And before Luke's stunned eyes, the tiny creature darted forward with fantastic speed, green lightsaber lunging towards Darth Vader's chest.

His father's lightsaber smashed against Yoda's with terrible strength, pushing the Jedi back, heaving blow upon blow ceaselessly, sparks flying. "You had cut yourself off from the Force," Darth Vader sliced through a hurled pipe easily. "Clever, most clever. No wonder the Emperor or I never sensed you, receiving nothing. And Obi-Wan had done the same."

"Darkness in your future, I had always glimpsed," the Jedi Master declared, flipping around his father with Force-aided leaps. "But foresee the monster who you would become I did not." Yoda twirled around, blocking a lightsaber strike, and at the same time, shoved his small hand at Luke's floating form.

The grip surrounding his body flickered, but he wasn't released. "My son will not be taken from me once again," his father growled out, the grasp tightening on him painfully.

"Your son, he is not," Yoda declared, wavering under Darth Vader's mighty blows. "Anakin Skywalker's, he is; not yours, Darth Vader."

"Anakin Skywalker was weak. I destroyed him," his father's fury had reached levels that Luke had never known existed. Objects around the reactor began to shake and then they levitated, migrating towards Luke himself, as he relentlessly pursued the acrobatic Yoda. Even the shadows themselves seemed to respond to his father's power, aggressively darting out to try and snare Yoda. "I have unlocked powers that the Jedi have never grasped, and with you dead, I will have finally finish what I had started: the Jedi's extinction."

Yoda suddenly pushed both his hands out harshly and Darth Vader slid back, lightsaber held in front of him protectively. "Failed you we did, I see now. Grown stagnant the Jedi did, preventing the rise of Darth Sidious and yourself, we were unable to do. No victory will you achieve, however. A new era for the Force, young Skywalker will bring." He Force pushed his father away several more times, catching him off-guard, and leaped towards Luke after Darth Vader fell for a moment, "Young Skywalker, flee you must!" Holding out both of his hands, lightsaber still ignited, Yoda's eyes closed and Luke, slowly, felt the grip dissipate.

"No!" His father roared and Luke watched shell-shocked as Darth Vader jumped forward and hurled his lightsaber at Yoda's unprotected back. The Jedi Master quickly, with his eyes still closed, thrust his lightsaber down behind his back, deflecting the red, incoming lightsaber right back at his father, bouncing off of the green lightsaber perfectly.

Luke's eyes widened as he finally fell to the platform, falling to his knees, he was so weak, and he wondered if he was about to watch his father die before his eyes when he had just, no matter his vile deeds, discovered him. But Darth Vader effortlessly plucked his approaching lightsaber out of the air.

"GO!" Yoda cried out forcefully, a calm hurdling into Luke's mind. Even though he knew that it was a Force suggestion, as Ben had done all of those years ago, he found himself unable to resist. The Jedi Master bolted towards his approaching father's looming, outlined-in-red shadow, "Have him, you never will!" Green clashed against red as the power in the air became tangible, prickling his skin painfully.

He clutched his stub of a hand and looked around, eyes frantically darting everywhere. As his father had repeatedly said, there was no escape. The only exit was on the platform where Yoda and his father were battling ferociously. Remembering his earlier choice, he stumbled back towards the ledge, stomaching the realization that the only possible chance for his survival was to jump.

Looking back one last time, he glimpsed his father and Yoda clashing violently, the entire platform shaking. It was an awe-inspiring sight; never before had he imagined such a battle, never imagined the speed between his father and Yoda. The two Force-wielders fought each harshly, brutally, even the Jedi Master twirling around fiercely, the two lightsabers mere blurs of beautiful light as impossibly heavy pipes and walls were being thrown at each other all the while they were fighting.

Shaking his head, Luke inhaled deeply and the Force filled him, bringing clarity and peace, giving him the strength to do it once more. For a few more moments, he gathered his courage and his eyes snapped open.

Just as his foot left the edge, he froze once again, hysteria threatening to overwhelm him. Not again! He had to flee but he was unable to move any of his limbs, just his head. It was just like last time, and when he finally turned his head to glimpse the scene, his breath stuttered in shock and horror.

Yoda was dangling by the neck in his father's fist, gloved-fingers curling across green flesh ominously as the Jedi Master's hands clutched desperately at Darth Vader's own hand in a pitiful attempt to free himself. His father held Yoda in one hand while the other was held in Luke's direction, clenched slightly. "No," he growled out.

Choked gasps echoed from the Jedi Master and Luke was helpless, unable to anything but watch as his second teacher was murdered right in front of him - just like Ben had been! Blood drizzled out of Yoda's mouth and suddenly, one of his hands left Vader's grip, reaching out to the side, shaking as death was imminent.

A lightsaber exploded out of some of the smashed pipes, blurring towards Yoda's outstretched hand, and in a second, the green blaze ignited, alighting his father's shadow even more monstrously. His father's head snapped back towards Yoda, but he was too late. Without hesitation, the Jedi Master swung the lightsaber, severing the left hand that was physically choking him.

Luke gasped as his father roared, the entire reactor shaking precariously, and he was freed! He saw one last glance of his father throwing Yoda threw one of the walls, stomping after him, distracted, and Luke had never been more relieved.

He leaped off of the platform.


Hatred flared in his mind like a supernova as a terrible, malignant snarl was hidden beneath his mask. His mind had finally tapped into the true power of the Dark Side, and the moment when he had done so after Yoda had injured him, the black and malevolent energy had begun to pulse through his body, engulfing him wholly.

When the lightsaber had sliced off his hand, it had brought back terrible memories that Anakin Skywalker experienced, ones when Obi-Wan sliced off his limbs and when Dooku maimed him, slicing off his arm. And now, when Yoda had done the same, the culmination of the onslaught of memories overwhelmed him, the hatred and rage flooding through his body.

He stomped towards Yoda after he threw him through the wall, lightsaber ignited in his one remaining hand. Debris was crunched beneath his steps, "You will regret your actions," he growled out. "You've lived your last day, Yoda,"

"A decision which regret it, I will not," the Jedi declared, climbing unsteadily to his feet, green lightsaber held tightly.

Vader fell deeper into the power of the Dark Side even further, the cold and churning depths eagerly drowning him, the arrogance of Yoda adding fuel for his fiery rage. Nothing mattered, not even his son. He would gather Luke after slaughtering the Jedi; the boy had nowhere to go, even if he jumped. He would be trapped, and Vader would inveigle him no matter what.

No, all that mattered right now was vengeance, revenge for all of the lies and humiliations that the Jedi Council had dealt him, and he would have it! He lashed out ferociously, his stubbed-hand Force pushing Yoda into another wall, the sound of bones breaking doing nothing to deter him.

"Never trained you, we should have," the Jedi Grandmaster croaked out, blood dripping out of his mouth, pain carved deep into ancient flesh. "Turned you away, I should have." Yoda slowly stood to his feet, the Force wrapped around him, trying to help him heal. "Sorry I am to be so cruel, but the truth is what I speak. A chaos-bringer you are and an unfit Jedi you were," the green lightsaber blurred towards him and Vader sidestepped, swinging his own lightsaber, nicking a small gash into Yoda's leg.

"It was the Council that was corrupt," he growled out, the memories of Anakin Skywalker poisoning him. "The Jedi, the Knights of the Republic - lies! You were as corrupt as the Republic itself. You were the true Masters of Deceit, were you not? Able to rival the Emperor himself with your lies, especially you, Yoda."

Yoda limped slowly, fingers curling around his lightsaber, "No matter how many Jedi you kill, the Force will find a way, convincing more to rise against you - and more Jedi, how ever they come to be, will coalesce, too!"

"They will fall, as well," Vader jumped forward, smashing his lightsaber into Yoda's again and again, forcing the Jedi Master to his knees. Then, with a quick sweep of his lightsaber, he knocked the lightsaber out of the hands of Yoda, quickly calling the Force, crushing the weapon before the Jedi could attempt a similar trick as he had done earlier.

Yoda's eyes were dimming, resignation shining, "Young Skywalker, yours he will never be,"

"He will fulfill his destiny by my side," he loomed over Yoda's collapsed form, his lightsaber powering off, the shadows in the room thrashing in joy. "At last, the Jedi are no more," he raised his fist. "Yoda, your death will not be a gentle one," he grabbed the Jedi with the Force and hurled him around the room, the echoing sounds of groans and bone snapping a relief to his soul, smashing Yoda against everything.

And then, once the former Grandmaster of the Jedi Order laid motionless on the ground, but clearly still alive, Vader tightened the Force around his throat, squeezing, closing it shut. Yoda's eyes snapped open and he gasped, blood streaming out of multiple wounds, the milky coloring in his eyes, too, turning red as the vessels burst.

"Win, you… wi- will not," the Jedi managed to choke out. "Fe- fear you, I ne- …never have,"

Vader snarled beneath his mask, his voice modulator providing no emotion. "Then you will die braver than most, Yoda," he fully closed his fist and with an echoing sound, Yoda's neck snapped to the side grotesquely.

And then, immediately, before he could savor the feeling of killing the most powerful Jedi who had ever existed, Yoda's body vanished before his eyes just as Obi-Wan's had on the Death Star when he had killed him. All that remained were the Jedi's robes and kicking them with his boot, nothing remained.

He whirled around and stomped back towards his son, lightsaber off. He reached for his son's presence in the Force and ignoring the presence of one of his Master's Hands, hiding in the shadows, alarm spread through his mind when he realized that it was much further away than it should be. And when he stepped through the hole in the wall that he had created when he threw Yoda through it, his fears were confirmed. Luke had jumped off of the platform, succeeding this time when last time Vader had caught him.

Vehemently cursing Yoda and the Jedi's obstinate need to interfere in matters that weren't his concern, a trait that every Jedi that he had ever met shared, Vader marched back towards his ship, not wanting to admit that he was hurrying. Everything that he had ever wanted was almost within his grasp and he didn't intend on letting his son escape; the boy was too naive and young to truly understand, truly the son of Anakin Skywalker.

Already, he could feel Luke's despair and anguish through the Force, but he paid it no mind, focusing on securing his son in his Star Destroyer. He wasn't too concerned because even though the mulish Princess and the Wookie had managed to escape because Lando Calrissian was a fool, a very predictable one, Vader had already tasked his men with disabling the hyperdrive of the Millennium Falcon, snuffing out on potential plans to leave Cloud City. His son had nowhere to go and it was all because of Vader's design.

He passed the bodies of fallen Storm Troopers, the sight cementing his decision to kill the Princess, the Wookie, and Calrissian. These loyal and honorable Storm Troopers were helping him bring order to the chaotic galaxy that the Rebel Alliance had stirred. Memories from Anakin Skywalker brimmed, images of the great Clone Troopers, the 501st who would later evolve into the Storm Troopers, his own personal squad, defending him and were even more loyal to him than the damned, hypocritical Jedi Council.

"Bring my shuttle," he commanded to the two aides on the platform. "And I want a direct communication with Admiral Piett."

They stuttered to attention, "At once, my lord," one raced to the end of the platform while the other approached him with the hologram

"Lord Vader, I need to inform you that Lando Calrissian betrayed his word, jetting off in the Millennium Falcon." Admiral Piett's demeanor was poised but the fear carved into his face was plainly visible.

Vader waved his hand, "Dispense with the notification, Admiral," he walked past the aid and into his just-arrived shuttle. "I'm more than aware. You did debilitate the hyperdrive, yes?"

"Of course, my lord, it was my top priority,"

"Then I'm not concerned; our only objective from this moment is capturing Luke Skywalker alive, and when that is complete, I want the Millennium Falcon and those fools brought before me."

"I will notify everyone at once," the Admiral quickly vanished from the hologram as it shut off.

Vader watched through the window of his shuttle as the ship docked in the Star Destroyer, and he swiftly exited the ship, sweeping across the room without a glance at anyone, and just as quickly entering the bridge.

Admiral Piett came to his side, "I have just notified every one of your orders, my lord. All weapons are now set for stun instead."

He ignored him, stepping closer onto the main platform, staring out the large window as the planet of Bespin was visible, Vader briefly closed his eyes, searching for his son's presence, and when he found it, he was unsurprised. Luke had managed to regroup with his foolish and pathetic friends, now trying to escape from Cloud City on the Millennium Falcon, trying to get away from Vader himself.

"I have just received a word, Lord Vader, that the Millennium Falcon will be within the range of our tractor beam in moments." Piett came to him again, the bringer of good news, "Though, I must report that there are numerous descriptions from the pilots that an unidentified individual jumped onto the Falcon as they were in pursuit- "

"It is Skywalker, Admiral," he interrupted. "Prepare the boarding party, and remember, Admiral, that if Skywalker is injured in any way from anyone onboard this Star Destroyer, I will be most displeased and entirely unforgiving."

Piett paled but remarkably kept his composure, a first that Vader had ever experienced in his presence. "Of course, my lord, Skywalker will be injury-free."

"For your sake, Admiral, I hope so,"

"Of course, Lord Vader,"

"Good, now see to it," he waved him away, an eagerness engulfing his mind, a level of excitement that he hadn't experienced since… Padme had revealed her pregnancy. And now, he would finally have his son, as he should have had him from the moment of his birth. Now, he watched as the TIE fighters chased the now-visible Millennium Falcon through space, and as his Star Destroyer came ever closer, only moments away from capturing the ship in the tractor beam, anticipation swelled in him.

Easily with his eyes still watching the Millennium Falcon, he reached out towards his son's presence, and linked their minds, "Luke," he whispered through the Force, the words echoing in his son's mind.

His son's distraught horror managed to pierce his defenses and he was unable to prohibit the sorrow from flushing through him. "Father," his son's broken voice fluttered.

"Son, come with me,"

When Luke refused to answer, Vader delved into the boy's mind, gathering everything, and his fury was barely leashed, but he was unable to keep his robotic fingers from twitching as his son's yearning for Obi-Wan was almost tangible and Vader swore silently that when he finally had his son in his possession, as he rightly should be, that he would destroy any memory of Obi-Wan from Luke's mind.

"Alert all commands. Ready for the tractor beam," the Admiral announced behind him. "These enemies of the Empire must be brought to heel."

Vader, upon feeling a ripple in the Force, instead of viewing all of the men preparing to board, ripped into the minds of everyone in the Millennium Falcon, including his son's, and after a moment, he knew everything from gathering the apex of all of their thoughts as they were in the cockpit of the ship: somehow, they were about to activate the hyperdrive.

Swiftly, he grasped the Force and brutally began to choke Calrissian, the mulish Princess, and the Wookie whilst he froze his son's movements, preventing them from escaping. He did admire their efforts, but it was useless as a fiery triumph spread through his mind.

Luke would finally be his!

Abruptly, the Millennium Falcon blasted into hyperspace, the hold that Vader held over them all painfully diminishing more and more, and before he was fully unable to grasp them, he twitched his fingers, gruesomely snapping Calrissian's neck to the side, killing him. And then, immediately after, the Force lashed back against him as the hold was destroyed as the Millennium Falcon traveled through light speed, making him take a step back from the sheer impact.

He stared uncomprehendingly for a moment as the reality that his son was lost to him slowly dawned on him. For a brief second, time paused, and he felt sickeningly weak, a reminder of Anakin Skywalker. His blackened heart beat faster and his anger began to simmer as his imbalance was apparent, the Force itself beginning to hiss and crackle, awaiting bloodshed and a gruesome slaughter.

Slowly, so ever slowly, his fists clenched tightly, shaking even, the bionic parts grinding against one another. An unseen wind lashed through the bridge of the Star Destroyer, smashing into unsuspecting but terrified agents of the Empire. Small cracks appeared in the glass on the large window, the sight of the TIE fighters no longer chasing the Millennium Falcon visible, spider-webbing chaotically.

'A chaos-bringer you are,' Yoda's words suddenly floated in the air.

The Dark Side howled in his mind, exploding as the powerful, darkness-touched energy pulsed through him. It welcomed him eagerly and lovingly into its dark arms, giving him unholy power and strength. Dimly, he recognized that he was choking everyone on board the Star Destroyer, the glass becoming precariously close to fully shattering; he didn't care, his lust for blood a glaring wound in his mind.

Somebody had betrayed him, and it was the only explanation. How else could the Millennium Falcon's tenants have suddenly been able to 'fix' their hyperdrive?

His rage and hatred swallowed him whole, unleashing his power in a maelstrom of unholy darkness. The unifying and echoing sound of every person's neck on the Star Destroyer breaking pierced through his mind, and it did nothing to appease him.

The power began to throb through him, a painful prickling in his rage-flooded mind. He needed more!

The glass fully shattered and all of the dead bodies were sucked into the vacuum of space but with his power untethered from the chains of restraint and will, Vader still stood on the bridge, the unimaginable pressure of space unaffecting him as a Force shield had been erected instinctively.

Nothing could help him, nothing. No solace would ever be reached until he was reunited with his son, and when he found him, he would never let him go.


Well, that's the end of it. I hope you enjoyed it. And like I said earlier, I have no idea what this will be: a story or just this one-shot. Oh, and by the way, the blatant plot hole was Vader letting Luke drop and doing nothing, just staring.

**Darth Vader is shown to be his actual strength here instead of how the Empire Strikes Back depicted him. I think that most people would agree that Vader was incredibly strong and that he was toying with Luke the entire time on Bespin, but the second when Return of the Jedi is mentioned, everyone suddenly hops onto the Luke kicks-his-father's-ass train. No, that's not true. And I hope that this showed how much more powerful Vader is than anyone except for, maybe, the Emperor. Vader has been training in the Force and lightsaber since he was nine years old. Luke started a decade later and has had no teachers except for a few weeks with both Obi-Wan and Yoda, nowhere near enough time learn hardly anything. In Return of the Jedi, maybe it was just me, but I was given the thought that Luke hadn't seen Yoda, when he went to visit him, since his duel with Vader. If that was, indeed, the case, Luke wouldn't have learned much. The Phantom Obi-Wan wouldn't be able to teach him so much that he could suddenly kick Vader's ass at the end of the film. (Though, that was only because Vader didn't want to fight his son. "Your thoughts betray you, father. I can feel the good in you, the conflict. You couldn't bring yourself to kill me before and I don't believe that you'll destroy me now." See, even Luke recognized it!)

Also, there is no way that Darth Vader, easily one of the most powerful Sith Lords to ever exist, would let Luke Skywalker, his newly-found son, who he is obsessed with, fall off of the pipe or whatever it was called. He would instead simply catch him with the Force like what happened here. I've heard people declare that Vader wasn't strong enough to do that, but that's ridiculous from what we've seen of Vader in Canon and Legends are wherever. Also, people chalking it up to pure shock, that's also ridiculous. Vader is someone who doesn't become shocked - the only time that would actually make sense, logically, for him was when he had discovered that his son was alive and that he even had a living son.

Yoda shows up! I hope I caught some of you off-guard with that, and I thought that it made a lot of sense. Yoda must have had a ship that was on Dagobah because how else would he have arrived on the planet after Order 66? So, eventually, realizing that Darth Vader would never do something so stupid as to let his son potentially fall to his death, - *smacks forehead* - he arrives at Cloud City in time to save Luke from becoming Han 2.0, frozen in carbonite.

Okay, I despised The Last Jedi with such a fierce loathing that I wanted to torch the theater after I had watched it. If you like it, that's fine, but I hate it and refuse to acknowledge the film as anything to do with Star Wars - it was, to me, like a weird alternate universe where nothing made sense, and nobody used logic when making it. But I did find the fact that Luke (Who I will be calling 'John' Skywalker from now on when mentioning that character who was presented in the egregious movie.) shutting himself off from the Force was an interesting narrative. Obi-Wan must have done the same when he lived on Tatooine for almost two decades and maybe Yoda had as well, but I think that since Dagobah was a living Light Side locus for the Force, the planet simply kept him hidden, but in this story, that wasn't the case. Because he 'reconnects' with the Force, Yoda is a lot healthier and stronger, acting and looking like he did in Revenge of the Sith. Yes, I do think that Darth Vader, a being who has been familiar with the Dark Side for years and who has been a Sith Lord for years, would beat Yoda, especially this version of Yoda.

That's all, so I hope that you enjoyed it. If you want to leave a review, I'd appreciate it.

Stay Safe