Nothing or Everything!


Part:Three Final Countdown

The skies above the South Pacific Island.

James Bond controlled the experimental jet pack above the cloud cover above the island Following him is Samus in her ship and chasing them is the space dragon Ridley.

Whom is roaring with anger to which both had eluded him so far and he had no intention to let them get away. The rainstorm was a problem considering, blowing wind, lightning, and water spout was an obstacle.

Now there are open skies. They are free to do as they please. Like a buzzing bee Samus fired upon Ridley once he came out of the cloud cover, lasers shot out of Samus's ship with a full-scale barrage.

Proved to have little effect on Ridley who flies after Samus. She is at the controls of her craft and dodging lasers from Ridley's, that is a new one for her. Ridley firing lasers from his eyes and his feet talons latched on the hull of her craft.

Using the controls to shake the space pirate off seemed to only tighten his grip. Suddenly James landed on the back of the dragon and used the paralizers guns to fire blast shots.

Ridley growled, for he used his spiked tail to swat the human off of his back. Only for the space dragon to miss and hit himself upside head, James flew away fairly quickly to avoid being swatted off.

Ridley glared at the human. He will deal with the annoying pest. So, he got off of Samus's ship and flies at James Bond firing lasers from his eyes, the master spy dodges it until a stray shot hits James along the side of jet pack.

He is free-falling out of the sky, goes through the cloud cover in which he is back in the rainstorm once again. A trail of smoke follows behind him, also behind him is Ridley. James quickly pressed the restart button of the experimental Jet pack.

It won't start, James is drawing close to the ocean waters and Ridley flies straight for him. His sharp talons are ready to strike, his mouth open to chew him up and spit him out. Until the very last-minute, the Jet pack started up.

His feet nearly touched the ocean waters, while doing a u-turn away from being dinner for Ridley. The space dragon braced for impact and splashed hard into the ocean waters. He almost crashed into the bottom.

Using his wings to swim up to the surface, he spots the human flying up to the cloud cover again. Ridley flew up and in supersonic speeds to head back up there. Once Ridley was there, Samus fired a plasma shot from her arm cannon.

She installed the Q chip into her ship, so he can control it and she kept on firing plasma beams and James fired blast shots from the paralizer guns. This is getting Ridley's nerves. He folded his wings to act as a shield.

He decided to use this attack, and he was saving it to use on Samus. Better to use it now to wipe them out, it may weaken him, it's well worth it to get rid of these pests. He builds up enough energy, his eyes are burning red while hovering there.

Then he released what he had built up. Like a swirling tornado, Ridley fired energy shots from all directions to at least hit something and Samus's ship raised it's Shield's, James had joined her on the hull of her ship.

Several shots from Ridley bounced off the shields. To anyone watching the skies can see a light show of colors. Ridley kept on firing and firing until he stopped, he took a deep breath. This maneuver nearly drained him of his energy.

He has a healing factor that slowly healed him back up, glaring around to see if they had survived. Looks like they did not and laughed a bit, finally they are gone and roar of an engine echoed in the background.

Looking up at the sun, which nearly blinded him. Samus's ship with Samus on top of the hull of her craft and James Bond with the sun to their back fired upon everything they had down on the space dragon.

Blast shots, plasma shots, along with lasers and missiles that came from Samus's ship rained down upon Ridley. The space dragon used his wings to shield himself, his eyes stare at the weapons fire raining down upon him.

Suddenly looking to see if they had stopped, he shocked to witness something.


The tip of his own ship pierced through his wings like a sword and stabs him in the chest, going through to his back. The space pirate ship flew in so fast, he had no time to react and the ship is falling into its intended destination.

The island!

It was originally planned by them, to have Ridley's ship used as a weapon and what better yet to kill two birds with one stone. The power core of the island is ready to explode taking the island and everything else.

All Ridley could do is scream.

"Samus, I will get you for this." He yelled and turned his head to see "Oh...shit."

Like a fireball in the sky, the space pirate ship is diving on the island. Ridley tried to get away, it was too late. He watched in horror his world suddenly turned dark.


When the ship crashed upon the island, the power core exploded in a tremendous blast. Engulfing and taking everything with it.

The blast cloud expanded in all directions, even above in the sky. If satellites picked up the blast, it would give off readings as if a volcano had exploded from deep within the ocean waters of the Pacific.

Samus's Aran and James Bond had stared down at what they had just seen. Once the cloud had died down, the island is gone. Like it never had existed from the beginning. The pair just stared at each other.

"Well that was a real blast," Bond quipped at what he saw.

"Indeed, it was." Nodded Samus in agreement.

"007, M is trying to contact you."Spoke Q by using the outside loud speakers of Samus's ship.

"Patch him through," sighed Bond.

"Commander, what the bloody hell just happened." Said M,"Satellites reported an explosion, other nations have gone on alert."

"You could say I had a close encounter of the third kind? Smiled Bond.

"Commander I have no time for jokes," said M "What really happened, the honest good truth."

"Okay terrorists took control of the island and killed everyone to try to break into the vault." Said Bond "The situation was very explosives in a way of speaking."

"Sigh, fine." Muttered M,"I will tell the defense minister of this matter. Good work, 007. Return to England when you can!"

"Always a pleasure, sir." Replied Bond.

The conversation had ended, which Samus and James Bond headed inside of her ship. She got out of her armor and stretched for a moment to loosen herself up.

"You plan on heading back to your home." Asked Samus! "I could give you a ride back."

"It can wait," responded Bond "Are you heading back out into space."

"I would like to see what pleasures this world has." Suggested Samus.

James walked up to her and used his finger to circle around her breast and responded "The pleasure would be all ours."

She blushed and unzipped her top, replying "Yes it would."

"Anything I need to tell M? said Q.

"I have my head in the clouds for a holiday," Bond speaks to Q.

He went over to take out the Q chip and toss it over his shoulder. Both walking over to each other. They kissed while stripping each other, then Samus stumbled back which James is pulled into her. Her hand pressed a button, the ship rises above orbit of Earth.

"Oh, James." Moaned Samus.

The ship started to rock up and down after that.

Meanwhile on a distant world.

In a dark room, which the lights suddenly come on. It had a lab like feeling to the place. Numerous of space pirates have assembled in the lab and looked upon a large chamber pod.

A pair of eyes glow red from within. The chamber door opened, a clawed hand reached out followed by the head of a familiar face. It's Ridley.

He roared with laughter, while the space pirates watched on.

The End!