• Rio is property of Blue Sky Studios
• This story was originally thought by StrikeTheDragon.
Hey guys. If I had to work on this any further, you would've had to wait for another week or less. But anyway, I am done and this here is the final chapter to StrikeTheDragon's Rio story. Remember to give a "good job" sign to him and let both of us know what you think of this.
But before this starts, I want to mention a few something. You guys may have noticed that "Big One" post I made, right? Well, if you have, then I should say thanks to you for being understanding. And don't worry. If you guys still ever want to say something to me, you can always leave a comment, and I'll make a response to it with whatever I need to. Specifically DeviantART journal posts or something here if I'm allowed.
Also remember that at the end of this, comes an unexpected twist, and a little announcement. But until then, enjoy.
One hour later, everybody was back inside the house. Linda and Tulio were at the front door, talking and having a good chat since Tulio was going to head the town's motel alone.
"You sure you're okay with having them all here?" Tulio asked Linda.
"Definitely. I feel like it would be comforting if the whole family got to stay together tonight. So just don't worry, I'll be fine with looking out for them myself until tomorrow."
"Okay, you have a goodnight then, Linda."
"You too."
"Oh, and one more thing, if you don't mind." Tulio smiled and leaned to give her a kiss to the cheek. It was quick, and she seemed to enjoy it as she said, "Ooh. Thank you."
"Y-You're welcome. Hmm. I really had a great time today."
"Me too. Goodnight, Tulio."
"Goodnight, Linda. And tell Blu and Jewel I said goodnight to them and their kids."
"I will. Bye." Linda chuckled and had her cheeks turn massively red as Tulio walked away and she closed the door. She made a loving sigh, and then noticed Blu and Jewel. They were standing at the computer desk and smirked at her.
"Oh. I guess you guys saw that?" She chuckled with embarrassment.
The two birds didn't say anything but did enjoy seeing their moment of affection.
"Okay." Linda chuckled. "How about we get you two and your kids to bed, eh?" She approached them and put them on her wrists before walking upstairs.
A while later, Linda was in bed and the bird family was inside a hand-made nest, big enough for all of them.
"Wow. So, you and Linda really were prepare for us coming?" Jewel asked, being impressed by how the nest looked.
"Yep. I, honestly, thought of this myself. I thought it would've seemed good as a home away from home thing for you and the kids. If you weren't comfortable with having to stay in a foreign human home for a while."
"Hmm. Well, thanks. But I think you should know by now that being in a human house doesn't bother me anymore."
"Yeah, I know. But still. I-"
"You wanted to make me happy. Which, I'll admit, that's what does bother me. You're always willing to do something good for me that it makes me feel like I'm not doing enough."
"Well, I like to think that your care actually says otherwise."
"Hmm." Jewel smiled at him, and gave Blu a slow hug. "Thank you."
"No problem."
"Uh, Dad?" Tiago spoke up. "Sorry to interrupt, but I don't want to go to sleep feeling grossed out." His sisters just laughed, and his parents rolled their eyes.
Jewel approached her triplets and said, "Okay, kids. Time for bed now." She brought them to their side of the nest, where they were able to lay down comfortably and were ready to hear their mother. "Are you guys okay if we let Daddy hear the lullaby I always give you?"
"Uh huh." They said happily.
"Okay." Jewel smiled, and Blu sat next to her, wanting to listen to what she meant.
Jewel cleared her throat, and sang a very special song. A song that always made her kids feel relaxed.
( "Don't Go Away" )
Moonbeams and starlight
Magical twilight
The warming ray
Hear it whispering your name
Rainbows at midnight
Sparkling night skies
Don't go away
Stay another day
The song sounded so beautiful that the kids feel asleep instant. Except for Tiago, who silently said, "Can you sing it again, please?"
Jewel chuckled and kissed her son's head. "Goodnight, Tiago."
"Okay. Goodnight, Mom. Goodnight, Dad."
"Goodnight, kiddo." Blu said, and gently pressed his head to Tiago's and his daughters. "I love you, guys." Then he shedded a tear before he and Jewel went to their side of the nest.
Blu whispered to his wife, "That lullaby was beautiful, Jewel. And the first day of having you guys all here…and it was better than I could've hoped."
"Me too. Thank you for making it that way, Blu."
"Actually, I think it was you who did that. And no matter what, I will always love you for it."
Then they approached a good spot to lay down in. Blu lied down, but before Jewel could come to his wings, she said "Um…Blu?"
"Yeah, honey?"
"You know…we haven't slept together in three years. A-Aren't a little nervous?"
"Nervous? Honestly, a little bit. But, I'm okay with it."
"Uh huh. You and I are still husband and wife, and regardless of what happens, I know we'll be okay. Heck, I promise I'll protect you. Nothing bad will happen. Come here." Blu asked nicely, and Jewel couldn't say no to him.
So she approached him slowly, and allowed him to put his wings around her.
"Are you nervous though, Jewel?"
"If I wasn't, I wouldn't have asked. This is just something I never thought I'd have again. The chance to sleep while being in your loving wings."
"Well, don't worry. Now, you'll get to be in my wings again."
"Okay." Jewel smiled, and rested his head on Blu's shoulder before they both laid down. Then she gave him a kiss to the cheek. "Thanks, Blu. I love you."
"I love you too. No matter what."
They held each tight and shut their eyes before going to sleep, and felt total happiness roam around in their dreams, knowing that things have become good for them again.
December 25, 2013, it was Christmas Day! Three days later, after they finally got together, the two humans and five blue birds were under one roof. They were all sitting together in the kitchen, and smiling because it was the most wonderful time of year for them. All around them were more holiday decorations than there were earlier, and about three of them couldn't handle how all of their excitement. Carla, Bia, and Tiago were flying all around the room, acting like Looney Tune characters because they were waiting so long for Christmas Presents. But their parents and Tulio were in the kitchen, talking and enjoying more of the view. Blu and Jewel were laughing at their kids' act of craziness.
"Haha! Blu, I honestly didn't think they'd enjoy the place this much?" Jewel said to her husband.
"Well, I'm honestly glad they are. It just makes this trip more fun for them and us. Before I get back to Rio."
"Yep." Jewel sighed. "And I'll be honest, Blu, a few days ago I would've argued with you more about you going with us."
"But now?"
"Now, even though I'm nervous about you coming back, I feel like having you at home will be the best thing for me yet."
"For you or the family?"
Jewel blushed over his question, but smiled and hugged him. "Both. And thank you for always being understanding."
"You're welcome. And one of the many benefits to that, is making you smile with that beautiful face of yours."
"Oh Blu."
Both parents wanted to enjoy the moment. Then they felt Tulio pat their heads a little.
"I can tell you two are doing alright?" He said. "I'll tell ya, I was serious amazed with how well you've gotten along since after you met. There were moments when I feared that your species would be gone but…it seems you two heroes changed that. That is something to thank Heaven for." Tulio smiled as well as Blu and Jewel did.
"He's right, you know." Said Blu.
"Without a doubt." Jewel replied. "I've always been glad that we got together. Nothing ever made me think otherwise. Nothing. I love you."
"I love you too. In fact…do you finally want to kiss me?"
"Oh. Um…" Jewel did want to kiss him, ever since they reunited, but she was always nervous because of how long they were separated and why. However, by looking into his eyes and having her heart move so fast, she didn't want to say no. So, she approached her husband's face very slowly, and was ready to kiss him. Which made Blu feel excited, until…
"I got the presents!" Linda cried, carrying boxed gifts for everyone. Then Jewel stopped before she could kiss Blu and said (in a whiny tone), "Aw, man."
Then Linda came to the kitchen table, saying "I hope you guys will love this."
"Presents!" The triplets cried out and flew to the table.
Blu and Jewel shrugged at each other and decided to wait, because they wanted to see their kids open their presents first.
"Ugh, I feel like I've been waiting forever for this!" Tiago said, and the girls felt the same way.
"What do you think is in them?" Carla asked Bia.
"I don't know. But if they came from Auntie Linda and Uncle Tulio then they have to be good, right?"
Blu said to them, "How about we let them explain first."
Linda spoke up to everyone, "Alright, guys. Since it is finally Christmas Day, I now have the privilege of giving you guys your presents. That includes you too, Tulio."
"Me? Oh Linda, you didn't have to get me anything."
"Well maybe not, but it is the holidays and we are an item now. So I thought it was only fair. Now, here is yours, handsome." She handled him a small present, and Tulio took it before saying, "Thank you, Linda. Now that you mention it, I also thought that it would be nice if I got you something too." Then he gave him her present.
"Really? Aw, Tulio." Linda's cheeks were bright red as she took her gift and opened it quickly. Which made Tulio want to race her.
The birds laughed as well as they did, and Tiago wanted to ask, "Hey Dad, while they're occupied, can we open our stuff?"
He and his sisters speedily zoomed over to their gifts and grabbed the right ones. Blu yelled "Hey!", but Jewel stopped him.
"Just let them have their fun. Oh, and by the way, are you okay with talking to me alone by the window?"
"Uh, sure. If you think they'll be fine that is."
"I'm sure they will. Come on."
They flew up to the front window, and before either of them spoke, they stared at the view of the neighborhood again. Everything looked subtle, calming, and peacefuly. Plus decorative for the holidays as well.
"It does look pretty nice." Jewel said. "Is it always this quiet?"
"Mostly. Other times you would hear cars go by and kids playing. Then it'd start to get really noisy when Alice and Chloe would show up. But thankfully, they haven't bothered me since their last migration."
"You think they went to the south or something?"
"I think so. And that was actually two years ago, hehe. If they didn't come back, then I think it's because of the same reason why I didn't want to."
"They met someone special? How would you feel if they did?"
"If I'm being honest…I would be kind of glad. Not only have they left me alone for two years, but I guess this would mean the girls met two boys that could teach them to be nicer."
"And…did you actually ever forgive them for bullying you for so long?"
"Hmm. I forgave you, didn't I?"
"Oh. Right." Jewel blushed.
Then Blu brought his wing to her shoulder. "Jewel…you are the one bird that I can always forgive. You're nice, you're tough, brave, beautiful, gentle, smart-"
"And the wife of a nerd-bird." She joked, but then realized that was a mistake and stuttered, "Whoops! I-I-I'm sorry, that didn't come right. That was dumb of me-!" But then Blu interrupted her with a kiss to the cheek.
"I don't care." Blu chuckled. "Being called a pet, or nerd-bird, doesn't really bother me when it's coming from you."
"W-Why?" Jewel almost froze.
"Because, I know you would never hurt me."
"Hmm. Oh Blu." She smiled and hugged her one and only, but as she made her embrace tight enough, Blu could feel her heart beating. It was like having another heart in him, and as Blu smiled, he brought his head to her, and could feel her heating up.
Blu enjoyed her embrace, but wanted to be more considerate and asked…
"Do you still feel guilty? About all that stuff you said to me when we first met?"
"Hmm. Blu, I…I would be lying if I said no. I have felt guilty for that and so much more. You risked your life just for me. You comforted me all that time when my wing was broken. You helped me find a home and taught me how to trust others. And most of all, you gave me three loving children that we can call a family. And what did I do? Nothing that I think it is as good as your acts of kidness."
"Hmm. I don't know. There are some things that I can think of that I would consider good."
"Like what?"
"One, you saved my life too, and without any hesitation. Two, you agreed to be my wife and girlfriend. Three, you agreed to stay with me. Four…(sniffling)…even though it took a while, you introduced me to our kids. Carla, Bia, and Tiago…are all wonderful. I love them, (whispering) almost as much as I love you. You have made my life one heck of an adventure."
Jewel gasped, and when she saw Blu with tears, she couldn't help but let go of hers too. So she moved closer to him, and touched his shoulders.
Blu softly said, "So, I'll ask this one more time. Can I come back to Rio with you when we're done here? Can I be your husband in person again and help you take care of our family? And always help you whenever you feel sad and guilty?"
Jewel didn't answer, but made her break grow with a big smile. Until she finally said, "Blu…yes. Please, please come back and always stay with me."
"I will. Aw, I love you."
"I love you too, Blu. I always will."
"Does this mean…you're also okay with kissing me now?"
"Oh." Jewel felt her nerves rack up again, but…she still wanted to, and when she quickly looked up, she saw something that motivated her too. There was a mistletoe above them, and seeing it made Jewel not feel too scared anymore. "Blu, I do." She said, and slowly came to him as they both closed their eyes and gently moved their beaks before…they finally pressed together.
After three long years, the two blue lovebirds finally had their kiss, and they enjoyed it as it tasted sweet and it made their tongues dance. Then, after half a minute, they let go and stared at each other lovingly.
"I love you." They both said.
"And we love you guys too." Said Carla, who was standing next to Bia and Tiago while they all saw their parents' scene of affection.
"Oh. You guys saw that?" Blu blushed.
"Unfortunately, yeah." Tiago joked.
"And we kinda liked it." Bia said. "But did you also notice the mistletoe above you?"
"What?" Blu chuckled and looked up. "Would you look at that."
"Also, after seeing that, there is actually something we wanted to share with you, Mom." Carla said.
"Uh huh." The triplets said before hovering to the two.
Bia explained, "You see…after we agreed to go on this trip, the three of us were afraid that you two wouldn't get along with each other. That's why, through our time with video chatting with Dad, we asked him and Linda to make something for you."
Jewel was surprised, and as she looked at Blu, he just smiled.
"Thank you, guys." Jewel said.
Blu asked, "Do you guys actually have it with you?"
Tiago, "I do. Right here." From his wing, he was able to bring out what looked like…a small silver necklace, and attached to it was a blue rhinestone heart. Jewel gasped over the sight of it as Tiago gave it to her. It was small but beautiful and was something that seemed make her heart feel bright and beating fast as she let more of tears flow.
"Oh, guys." She stuttered and slowly put it on. "I love it."
"Consider it as a symbol of our family, and a sign that shows that Dad is not the only one who's always forgiven you."
Jewel still had her tears flowing, and it made her say "I love you all." Before she was able to hug all of them. "So…when this trip is done, I'll be ready to go home whenever you guys are."
"Great. But before that, how about we celebrate our family holiday first?" Blu said.
"You got it."
Then the five flew back to the kitchen. They got laugh, talk, and were able to still have fun opening their presents. And as Jewel looked at her family more, she stared at Blu.
"What?" Blu smiled, noticing her impression.
"Oh nothing. But, Blu…I really want to thank you." Then Jewel hugged him again. "Thank you so much, for everything."
"Hmm. You're welcome, I think I understand what you mean."
"You being understanding is nothing new to me, and by the way…I promise that when we get back to Rio, I will be the best wife ever."
"That's funny. I'm pretty sure you've already been keeping that promise since our first kiss."
"Oh you."
Both birds smiled and made one more kiss before continuing their time with their family.
Then suddenly, all the way in the jungles of Rio, there was an enormous group of birds.
All of them were of different colors and faces, and they each appeared to be smiling and getting into position as the sun was up, and they were all about to sing…
( "Rio in Real" )
All the birds of a feather
Do what we love most of all
We are the best at rhythm and laughter
That's why we love carnival
Every bird in the area was singing, dancing, and flying through the air like there was no tomorrow. Including one pair of birds who sang along. It was Blu and Jewel. They were in Rio and partying along with every bird, singing and appreciating everything they had in their home. Their nest, their friends, and their family. Carla, Bia, and Tiago were also in the party, singing along…and dancing with three other birds that almost looked like spix macaws too. The eight birds and all their friends together were still partying with real fun and happiness.
Then when sunset rolled around, the family caught Linda and Tulio hang gliding, flying along with them, and heard one loud voice yell…
So it seemed that everyone was finally at home, made proper amends, and enjoyed their new life without any worries. Though for Jewel, as she was still flying with Blu, all she could think about was being happy with him and their kids. But once she began staring at the sunset, the whole world started to look brighter…and fuzzier, and as Jewel tried bashing her eyes repeatedly from the illuminating sphere…
"Huh?" Her eyes were totally opened, and she noticed that she was no longer in the sky. Instead, she was inside some kind of cave. It was large and filled with crystals and stones. It even had a pool, and all the crytals were reflecting the light of the moon.
"What the?" Jewel was rather confused with where she was at, until she saw that she was sitting up on a nest, right next to Blu, who appeared to be sleeping and mumbling. "Blu? Oh." Jewel was realizing what was going on. She and Blu were inside their private cave at the amazon, in their tribe. "It was a dream? All of that was just a dream?" She said to herself, and felt incredibly happy because of it. Blu never spent three years away from Jewel, and she never had to the raise her kids by herself (and with her friends). It was all just a dream. Jewel just felt completely happy because of it. So, she once again laid down and gently snuggled herself to her husband.
"Oh Blu. Thank you so much, for everything." She whispered, because that dream showed her how much Blu loved her, and was hoping that after that…they would both still love each other forever.
The songs were…
• "Don't Go Away" by Anne Hathaway
• "Real in Rio" by the Rio Cast Members
Another I want to admit is that this week has been a little busy for me. I did a little bit of house work, had to focus on my new semester in college, and other things. Thankfully I was able to get some things done, and was still able finish this chapter, and enjoy the week.
I hope you guys did too, by the way. And for this story, let me just say…a big round of applauses goes to StrikeTheDragon for thinking of this plot and asking me to write it too. Plus, there are a few things to explain.
If you gasped when you realized that this story was actually a dream of Jewel's, then I think you had the right to. Because, as it turns out, this is canon to Rio Restart. So this whole story is basically like a spin-off tale to it. That wasn't really Strike's idea, but I wanted to add a twist. Hopefully that was okay at least. If not then perhaps I can re-write that.
Also, at that one part where it mentioned the triplets dancing with "three other blue macaws", let's just say that while this story was in development…I had an idea for a sequel.
"Carla, Bia, and Tiago: Best Friends Ever"
A little tale that takes place in a universe where Jewel's dream wasn't a dream, and the triplets meet a few new unexpected friends that might make their family feel even bigger.
Another sequel in mind. And like this and Restart Forever, it's going to take quite a while. Sorry, guys.