Hello, and I'm back with the final chapter of Not her first Auction.

Thank you for reading this whole fanfiction!

I don't own Ancient Magus Bride.


Lilac smiled as she sat on the windowsill of a hospital room. In the bed was a young boy looking at the ceiling-a young sleigh beggy that had been close to death, but now there was no lingering effects of the curse.

"I hope that you live a long life, child," Lilac said.

The boy smiled at her-which surprised Lilac. "I hope so, too."

Lilac pointed at herself. "Wait, you can...see me?"

"Should I not be able to?" the boy asked.

"I've only met one person like you that can see me," Lilac said.

"Like me?" the boy asked. "What do you mean by that?"

"Well, easy," Lilac said. "Do you know what sleigh beggies are?"

The boy shook his head. "Does that mean I talk to creatures that others don't see?"

Lilac shook her head. "Not exactly-that's its own separate thing. Sleigh beggies are basically Queen Bees-or King Bees, in your case." She giggled.

The boy made a face. "Is a King Bee even a thing?"

Lilac shrugged. "Who knows at this point. But that means that creatures like me-creatures that most can't see, although call us Fae-will swarm around you your entire life, whether you see us or not."

"Oh," the boy said. "Then are there other...Fae around me that I can't see?"

Lilac shook her head. "Most sleigh beggies can't see the Fae-there's only one other alive at the moment-at least, as far as I know. Although I didn't know about you until now."

"Who's the other?" the boy asked.

"Ah, ah, I'm afraid that I can't tell you that," Lilac said. "Maybe you'll meet her someday." Her smile grew. "You're going to be alright from now on. So promise me this. Live your life to the fullest and don't let anyone make you do otherwise."

"I will," the boy said.

"Well, I have to go," Lilac said. "There are other sleigh beggies that probably can't see me, but I need to visit all of them as soon as possible." She laughed. "If only I could teleport to all of you, but I'm trying to make sure I don't tire out."

"Oh," the boy said. "Will I ever see you again?"

"It's hard to say," Lilac said. "But I'm sure that, someday, our paths will cross-or come close to." She looked out the window, then flew away, leaving the boy to look at the place where she had been.

A few minutes later, a man walked into the room. "Oh, Fumiki, you're awake!"

The boy looked at the man and smiled. "I'm awake, dad."

A few months later…

After that visit, Lilac continued to go around the world, visiting as many sleigh beggies as she could as fast as possible. In total, there were one hundred sleigh beggies-and she never met another one that could see her, although a few of them had looked around the room and asked if anyone was there, clearly feeling her presence.

Not a single trace of the curse remained-well, in just about all of them, but she still had one more stop to make.

Lilac landed down in front of the Ainsworth household, then looked at it-when she had stopped here before, she hadn't really looked at the place, which made her feel a little bad-after all, this was where Chise was staying now, and it was technically her fault that Chise was living here-although it seemed that Chise was enjoying it, so that was good. It looked like a nice house.

Lilac walked up to the door and knocked. After a few seconds, a Fae woman wearing a pretty pink ball gown-like dress and bonnet opened the door.

Lilac waved. "Hey, I was wondering if I could see Chise?"

The woman held up one finger, then walked inside.

Lilac patiently waited, and after a minute, Chise, Ruth, and Elias all came to the door.

"Lilac!" Chise said happily, giving the Fae a hugu "How's it been?"

"Great!" Lilac said, hugging her back. "And with you?"

Chise pulled back and looked Lilac in the eye with a big smile. "It's been great!"

"Sweet!" Lilac said, then looked at Elias, who was noticeably in his skull form. "I see that you like being like that rather than being human."

"I'm used to this instead," Elias said. "Also, it's rather strange to be called Elias when I look human-at least, when I look like that."

"I bet," LIlac said.

Chise and Ruth looked up at him.

"Now that I think about it, you don't really talk about what you had been like before you lost your humanity," Chise said. "We don't even know what your name had been."

Lilac playfully glared at Elias. "Come on, you haven't said any of that?"

Elias shrugged. "Well, I don't think that it matters. I am who I am now, am I not?"

"Does it really matter what happened to me before I came here?" Chise asked.

"That's different," Elias said.

"Eh, not really," Lilac said. "So? Mind telling us a few details-at least tell us what your name was-or else I'll tell them what it is."

Elias thought for a few seconds. "My name...was Isaac."

There was a pause.

"Elias is better," Chise and Ruth said at the same time.

"Agreed," Elias said.

Lilac smiled. "Well, it looks like the effects of the curse have finally wore off completely."

"You talked to every sleigh beggy?" Chise asked.

"Well, I visited every one," Lilac said.

"Oh, right," Chise said.

"But, now that I think about it...there was one that could see me-a young boy," Lilac said. "It was really strange, honestly."

"Huh," Elias said. "I thought that Chise was the only sleigh beggy that could see the Fae."

"I thought so, too-but there's one other," Lilac said. "Maybe you'll meet him someday."

"What was his name?" Chise asked.

Lilac looked like she was going to reply, then she paused. "Um…"

"You didn't ask, did you?" Elias, Ruth, and Chise asked at the same time.

Lilac shook her head sheepishly. "No, I didn't."

"Should've seen that coming," Chise said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Lilac asked.

Chise laughed. "Nothing, really."

"Okay, then," Lilac said. "Well, then, I should go visit Titania and Oberon-since I promised that I would stop by and all that." She smiled. "And I don't break my Promises!"

They all laughed, then Lilac walked away.

Ruth and Chise turned to Elias as soon as Lilac was out of sight.

"So?" Chise asked. "Mind telling us the story?"

Elias looked at her. "Are you sure that you want to hear it?"

"Of course," Chise and Ruth said at the same time.

"Then let's go inside-if I'm telling the story, then it will be a long one indeed," Elias said.

With a smile, the three walked inside.

And that's it for this fanfiction! What did you think?

Thank you for reading the whole fanfiction-and sorry if it's a little open ended there. Who was that boy? Did anyone recognize the name? And what's Elias's backstory?

Honestly, I might be writing a sequel to this fanfiction-or, well, a kind-of sequel with the boy in it, but it won't be completely related to this fanfiction. I don't know at this point-it might not happen at all.

Well, anyway, see ya!

Lunetheart out.