A/N: A Story that has sat in my computer for a while. It was originally labeled simply as "Evil Lily" I went ahead and edited some grammar issues and decided to publish this. If any issues appear, telling me so is very appreciated. That said, this story contains numerous references. If you spot those than send me a PM with all of them.

That said, for those new to my stories, prepare to enter my little world of craziness.

Or maybe don't.

Voldemort loved hearing people scream before her. The melodies that floated from their dying lips were some only few could truly appreciate, and Voldemort was definitely a part of the few.

[Avada Kedavra]

She watched as the body of James Potter slumped before her, his eyes wide and mouth open, moments from casting a spell. All that escaped him, however, was a soft groan.

"Now, were is the brat and the bitch. They should be here... ah, there they are."

She heard the soft whispers of a woman, followed by the yelps of an infant child. Voldemort curled her lips into a wicked smile, as she trudged up the stairs towards the second story, and then into the child's room. She looked around, before casting a few detecting spells. Neither came up with any entity other than the child. She looked around some more, before she noticed something in the corner.

"Vanishing Cabinet! The bitch fled, and left the child. Oh well, Eileen did want to kill her herself..."

Voldemort turned her attention to the child, raising her wand above their head.

"Goodbye, my 'nemisis.' I barely KNEW YOU!" She screamed.


The green bolt blasted towards the child, before, by the miracle of a million gods, it bounced back and struck it's sender, destroying her corporeal form!

Or, at least, that's what it looked like to Voldemort.

In reality, it was a lot more complex, involving numerous soul and blood based protections.

"Tsk tsk tsk, Voldemort you old girl, you know you can't kill my son! After all, you have to marry him. I have it all planned out!" A woman with dazzling blood red hair said, the Cloak of Death hanging off her shoulders, and a wand of Elder wood, though not the Elder Wand, in her hand, "It will be PERFECT! Eveningshade, Potter, and Gaunt! The descendants of Peverall united, as well as their marvelous tools! Hoho!"

The woman smiled as she kicked the cloak on the ground, lifting her child into the air and kissing him sweetly on the lips.

"The Dark Lady; She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named; Voldemort: Merope Tom Marvelo Riddle-Gaunt. What a lot of names you had! Almost one for every soul fragment you made. Or, at least, the ones you made willingly." Lilith Eveningshade smiled sadistically, "For, because of my trap, you have bestowed upon my child a fragment of your soul, and sealed your fate as his wife! House Peverall will rise on the day you're finally wed, the day I had planned since I was six! That my parents had planned since before I was born. My father may have been barely magical, and my mother a dirty squib, but they raised me well. This world is for the pure only, and I, through my rituals and actions, have purified myself to a prestige above all others. My child is, and my grandchildren most definitely will be, of a bloodline more powerful and more perfect than any before."

Lily cooed at her baby boy, the infant Dark Lord in the making smiled at his mother and laughed. He gripped her prodding finger, and began to suckle on the tip of it.

"Oh how sweet you are now, but you'll be even sweeter when you grow up. What with all your numerous wives and followers, as well as a former Dark Lady, at your command. Oh, my little love, you'll bring such power and prestige back to the once revered, respected, and feared name of Eveningshade!" Lily cooed, laughing only slightly maniacally at the end, "After all, there are so many unfortunate families that were left with only female heirs. Abbot; Bones; Longbottom; Malfoy; Carrow, most likely; Yaxley; Bulstrode; LeStrange, though I believe Dumbledore has gotten his meddling hands onto Bella's daughter; Parkinson; the Olivanders are down to Garrick's squib son, and the closest relation is to the Lovegoods, who're down to, well look at that, a single female heir; the Eveningshades are, well, you're the heir, as well as to Potter; Greengrass has two daughters, one your age; McKinnon, oh poor Marlene, you really should have signed the marriage papers, it would've made it much easier to take your name, but we shall anyway, your daughter still lives; Black is already ours, with the soon to be imprisonment of its current lord, and your eventual marriage to any who could claim the title; and finally, there's Gaunt. Oh, Gaunt, thou art mine love true. Though your heir is a filthy half-blood, she will have to do. All that's needed is your half to revive House Peverell, oh House Gaunt, the Riddle part, along with any other mud, can be cleansed with the right rituals. She already has the belief, and the strength, after all. What she needs is the purity."

Lily, or Lilith, placed her son back in his crib, and wiped the traces of her magic from the surrounding area. She quickly enlarged a replica of her Lily Evans form, and blasted it with an Avada Kedavra from Voldemort's wand, placing said wand into the robes on the floor.

"Now that I think about it, my sweet love, many other families are close to having the same fate as those mentioned... Rosier is almost down to just a female heir, and Prewett has only the Weasley's as relatives. While the Weasley family has many, many heirs; they don't have the sway in the Wizengamot to claim the House of Prewett. They'd need to marry into some money, and pureblood money at that. But who would want to marry a Weasley? You, perhaps? Sure, she will have the Weasley rowdiness at first, but we can reforge her into a perfect little pureblood princess with a bit of tweaking." Lilith asked her infant child, smiling at her plans, "You'll take the world by storm, my child, and I'll be by your side all the way! After all, someone has to teach you all these things. Love, life, pleasure, pain, and all else in between! Now, all Lilith Eveningshade has to do is get you under her care, good thing Miss Lily, her finest little trick, has already secured that. Ha. Hahaha. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!"

Lilith cackled deviously, her plan laid bare before her child. She knew she would succeed, for she'd rigged the game from the start. Little Harry laughed along with her, innocent to the happenings of the world.

Lilith quickly got ahold of herself, coughing slightly to stop her minor bout of mania.

A faint pop alerted Lilith to the presence of Sirius Black. She smiled, kissing her son goodbye, before leaving a rage increasing rune circle on the entryway and jumping into the Vanishing Cabinet. Sirius wouldn't be able to see straight through the hate he'd feel, and then he'd fall right for her and her faithful, rat-like servant's trap. Lilith hopped out of the other Vanishing cabinet with a soft sigh, throwing some explosive runes behind her to destroy the thing. She turned and faced Godric's Hollow, and her son. She sighed, lifting her hand in the air as she did so, and apparated away to Eveningshade Isle.

"Pettigrew, what news have you brought me." Lilith stated from her position at the head of a large, ornate dining table. The halls of Eveningshade Manor may have been abandoned for almost fifty years, as the last occupants had been her grandparents, but house elves were creatures that were quick as they were disgusting. In Lilith's opinion, a creature who lived only to serve was as vile a thing as one could be. It didn't help that they were more disgusting looking than the mess before her. Peter Pettigrew looked like he'd seen better days, his wide and tall form hunched over, and his eyes beadily peering around the room.

"L-l-lady Eveningshade, I-I-I..." Peter began, before standing all the way up, his nasty attire being replaced with a butler's outfit, a smile on his face, "Have brought you good news! Black has been captured, and his trial is set for the very end, right after Malfoy and his cousin, just as you requested, madam."

'Excellent acting as usual, you wonderful little tool of a man.' Lilith thought, smiling contentedly.

"Good. The Wizengamot will be riled after Malfoy 'somehow' escapes prosecution, and Bellatrix will stand to prove that the House of Black is as nutty as they're rumoured to be. With my changes to the Will of House Potter, and my provokings in the Wizengamot, Lord Black will be losing his titles and freedom very shortly, and with them, the right to raise little Hadrian." Lilith stated, taking a bite out of her pheasant afterwards, and then dabbing her mouth clean, "Then, I'll raise him the right way, and not that fool Potter's way. Muggles and squibs are equal, absolute posh. Compare the likes of me to any mudblood, you'll see the difference. The only time that a 'mudblood' is truly skilled, is when they aren't even muggleborn, but squibborn. Born to those like my mother, but who decided to completely leave behind the wizarding world. Their parents may be unfortunate, but at least then they are pure."

"Of course, madam. You are right as usual."

Lilith smiled at Peter's comment. She loved this toy more than others. It was fun, and very useful, to break his mind into a million pieces, and then reshape it to her will. He truly did deserve a reward for this performance though. But what to...OH!

"Hmhm, come here. I have a gift for you, and an additional piece to your disguise." Lilith said, gesturing the man over.

"Yes, my ladyyyyyyyYYY!" Petigrew started, though he devolved into screams as Lilith chopped off his hand.

A silver mist began to form out of the crimson haired woman's wand, and slowly, it began to form into a corporeal hand on Peter's stump. The man looked at his hand replacement, and gave Lilith a genuine and wide smile.

"Thank you, my lady!" He said, grovelling before her.

"Oh, it was nothing, my faithful butler Percival." Lilith replied, "Oh, and by the way, how's your mother doing?"

"My mother is dead, what do you mean?"

"Oh, really? I thought she was in Germany, alive and well. Wasn't that where you went for the past three weeks?"

Peter finally caught on to what she was doing, realizing that she was giving him an alibi.

"Oh, you meant my grandmother. She's doing just fine for a nearly 65 year old woman. Looks not a day over thirty. Thank you for asking, madam. Though, she is still upset over my mother's recent death." Peter said.

"Hmmm. Your welcome."

Lilith quickly finished the rest of her meal, stood up, pushed in her chair, and went to leave.

"I'm going to excuse myself, I have a speech to prepare, after all."

Chaos, absolute chaos. The Wizengamot was in a frenzy, insults and threats flying from every mouth in the room. Bartemius Crouch Senior, Minister Bagnold, and old Professor Dumbledore all trying to keep the room semi-sanctimonious.

"QUIET! ORDER NOW!" Bartemius shouted, amplifying his voice with a Sonorus charm.

The room slowly deescalated, and then silenced itself after a good three minutes.

"Alright, I hereby declare the trial of Sirius Orion Black, current head of the Ancient and Noble House of Black, STARTED!." The older man shouted, hitting his gavel three times in succession.

"Sirius Black, you are here today for the crimes of: murder of a pureblood lord, murder of a lady of an ancient and noble house, the murder of an heir of an ancient and noble house, attempted House-title theft, murder of a member of a pureblood house, and the murder of 23 muggles. How do you plead?"

"NOT GUILTY!" He roared, tears flowing down his cheeks.

The Wizengamot went into an uproar. This monster, this traitor, before them even dares suggest that he was innocent? Everyone knew it would be him as the secret keeper, there was no way! And then they had caught him in the act of murdering his best friend. What did he mean, not guilty!?

The courtroom slowly settled down to the rapping of a gavel.

"Under what evidence was I the secret keeper? And under what evidence had I killed those muggles?" Sirius screamed, scowling at the crowd.

"You are the last known secret keeper for Lord Potter, and as such, you are being tried as only you could have given away his location.

"LIES! It was- It was PETTIGREW!" Sirius shouted, his form was the image of madness, and his voice filled with desperation, "IT WAS IN JAMES'S WILL! Yes, in their will!"

"Their Will is nowhere to be found, I'm afraid. Someone must have tampered with it. How utterly convenient for you, that your best friends will, which declares your supposed innocence, 'happens' to go missing." A man in the Wizengamot shouted.

"Oh, but I have the Will. I got ahold of it recently, as Lily was my cousin, and had it read. I have presented it to Minister Bagnold, and DMLE Head Bartemius Crouch as evidence. I believe that it will settle affairs nicely, without much bureaucratic nonsense." Lilith said, all eyes turning towards her, smiles appearing on numerous faces on both sides; the dark because she and House Eveningshade were dark, and the others because she was seen as one of the most honest and influential young members of the Wizengamot, and a lady of one of the Sacred Thirty families.

"Though, according to the goblins who had stored it, and the Ministry Officials I talked to, a certain Mr. Dumbledore had requested it be sealed for 'safety reasons' or something. Quite odd, don't you think?"

Dumbledore paled at the exclamation, and the dark families looked like sharks in a feeding frenzy.

"Thank you, for the information, Lady Eveningshade, it will get this over with quicker. But could you refrain from inordinate statements during official trials?" Bartemius asked, thoroughly done with everything.

A young witch had walked over to the center of the room, and placed a magical looking item on the floor, before inserting a small glass orb into it. A enlarged, holographic version of Lily Evans appeared before the assembled lords and ladies.

"I, Lily Potter, nee Evans, in sound mind and body, do declare this one Will, as of October 29th, 1981, the foremost of it's sort, and nullify all others previous."

Sirius stared, a smile forming and tears rolling down his cheeks, believing himself saved.

'Oh how that pathetic man is wrong!' Lilith thought, the Lily projections continuing to state different matters of inheritance.

"And to Sirius Black, we leave him a lump sum of 15,000 galleons, and James's private stock of Firewhiskey. That is, if he hasn't betrayed us."

Sirius's face quickly turned to a look of horror.

"If we have been found dead in Godric's Hollow, then that is the case. He was our secret keeper, and only he knew of our location. In that situation, he is to receive, and I quote James on this, 'a thorough fucking with an iron rod up the arse, and a good hundred years in hell.' As well as that, I shall be kind and allow him a single, bent galleon. If this action is true, and Alice Longbottom is deceased, then the next in order for the possession of my child is my cousin, Lady Celia Lilith Eveningshade."

Sirius looked like he'd been shot in the gut. The absolute betrayal evident in his entire posture.

"No, it can't be... NO! IT'S FAKE! LIES! LILY WOULD NEVER! YOU-UGHH!" Sirius began screaming and thrashing in his constraints, before five aurors hit him simultaneously with Stupifies. He was carted off quickly, the entire Wizengamot voting him guilty immediately. Lilith looked shook, and sad. On the inside, however, she was partying like her team just won the Quiditch World Cup 300-0.

"On to other matters at hand, we must discuss the fate of Heir Hadrian James Potter. As there is enough tension to do so, we must, technically hold a vote. All in favor of going against the Will?" Bartemius asked.

No one. Not one single person. Except, of course, Dumbledore.

"I believe that, while I will admit her to be an amazing witch and an upstanding member of society, Lady Eveningshade is not the safest option. Lady Voldemort still has many supporters, and I have reason to believe that she herself has not died. As such, I think that we should, sadly, allow young Hadrian to go to Lady Potter's muggle sister. Voldemort will not be able to track the child back to there, and the blood magic that Lily has placed on the boy work best when powered by those with similar blood to hers."

Lilith immediately stood up, a defiant and angered look on her face.

"You- You insufferable old man! You believe that a pureblood heir of an Ancient and Most Noble house is best fit to live with a muggle and a second generation squib? How dare you!" Lilith shrieked, false tears falling down her cheeks, "And this is all because of blood, and the ability to protect? Are you calling me weak? Suggesting my blood is worth less than a pathetic muggle's?"

The whole of the dark families were glaring daggers at the old man, and numerous others were joining in. Some of his most faithful had even began to look at him questioningly.

"Lady Eveningshade, it is not an attack on your blood purity, or on your magical prowess, but-"

"Do not give me your honey coated words! My cousin is dead! And you wish to take from me my nephew as well? Over some sort of contrived reasoning? Nay. I see what you desire. You're upset that the mighty Dumbledore isn't the one in the spotlight, you just have to get it back at any chance or cost. Hurting anyone else in your path! You claim that Voldemort isn't dead, and accuse the rest of us of being spies! You're a fear monger, Dumbledore, and I- no, we've had enough. Voldemort is dead, and she isn't coming back. I- No, I'll speak no more. Just... I'm sorry for being so harsh, but I can't just- just sit here and take insults from some old fool!" Lilith said, breaking down, sobbing violently as she cradled her face.

Of course, it was all an act. Well, she was truly angry about the suggestion that her squib sister get her precious, pureblood heir. And the lying about the nature of her blood magic.

"My dear, I-"

"Silence. This matter has been voted on, a vote of all, sans one Mr. Albus Percival Wolfric Brian Dumbledore and seven non-voters, in favour of House Eveningshade. Lady Eveningshade, you are henceforth the legal magical guardian of Hadrian James Potter, now Hadrian James Potter-Eveningshade." Bagnold stated, "And with that, I now pronounce this session of the Wizengamot, closed."

"Oh, you cutey-patootie! You lovable thing!" Lilith said, cradling her child, "Now that you're mine, how about we go on to make you look the part!"

Lilith placed the boy in a comfortable and expensive crib, which magically cushioned and rocked. It had numerous safety spells in place, to prevent the various causes of crib-death, of course, and had been in the family for generations. She would spare no expense on her child, as he needed to be perfect. Oh, how he would do her and House Eveningshade, and House Peverall, proud. She sighed, before shaking herself from her daydream.

She then focused on the bubbling, blood-red potion in her cauldron.

"Three drops of your blood, a drop of mine, and DONE! This should get your features to more effectively resemble my own, and not that prat. Let's see, this cup gets three grafts of skin, to give you the Eveningshade marble tone." She plunked three slices of her flesh into a chalice filled with the potion, "This one get's one of my hairs, to give you the marvelous Eveningshade crimson." She filled another chalice, placing a single strand of hair within it, "And this one will be filled with three slivers of my bone, to help you gain the Eveningshade height!" The last chalice had three thin, white sticks placed within it, and bubbled a different color of red from the others.

"Hmmm, this last one could be more pink, I- OH! There it goes! Okay, my precious baby, open up!"

Lilith took a syringe of each of the chalices' contents, and squirted each in quick succession into Harry's mouth. He screamed for a second, before the sleep potions she mixed in took effect.

"Nighty Night, my love. Sleep well, for tomorrow begins our brand new life!" Lilith said, looking as the changes too affect.

Harry's hair was the first to change, but, to the shock of Lilith, it turned the color of a dark cherry instead of being like her own crimson hair. The color was not at all unheard of amongst the Eveningshades, but it was much rarer, which made her smile. His skin paled, turning a perfect marble color, and all blemishes vanished from it. His height hadn't changed, but she didn't expect it to. That difference would take years to notice. Most Eveningshades were tall. She herself stood, when including hair, 184 cm tall; and her father stood at an impressive 196cm. Legend held that, in the 1500's, the, at the time, current Lord of Eveningshade had stood at nearly 270 cm, which started a few accusations of him being a half giant. The issue had been dropped when Lilith's great-great-grandfather had himself tested, only to find he had negligible amounts of giant blood, the small amount dating back to before the third century. Lilith herself had none. It was most likely just rumours that had fueled the legend of that lord. Or maybe, he had been through a ritual to make himself so large. Who knows.

"Oh, oh my. You look like quite the handsome young lord now. I could just eat you all up!"

Lilith leaned in and kissed Harry over and over on his stomach, and once on his forehead. Right upon his scar. The infamous lightning bolt, that the world would soon find synonymous with power.