Family Time

Pairing: BLT

A/N: This is the ACTUAL final chapter. I know I keep saying that, but it feels more final this time.

Tamsin groaned, resting her head on the hard counter and banging it dramatically. "Not again," she whined. Bo chuckled from her position next to the the coffee pot, where she was pouring a cup for the blonde. She pushed the cup into her hand, rubbing Tamsin's back with her free hand.

"I'll go," Lauren volunteered. Tamsin looked up and smiled gratefully at her.

"Thanks babe," she said, wrapping both hands around the warmth of her cup. From upstairs, Dagny gave another wail of displeasure. "Ugh, does this ever stop?" she questioned aloud.

"Sure," Bo said easily. "You stopped crying all night after a solid week when you had your sudden toddler growth spurt."

"Until then," Lauren continued, "You never shut up." She ran her fingers over Tamsin's arm as she headed for the stairs.

"Actually, you didn't shut up after that either, but you did sleep through the night," Bo reminisced. "That was a pleasant change."

"I wish she'd taken after you instead," Tamsin grumbled. Bo shrugged.

"She'll probably be half of each of us. She did try to draw chi two days ago. There's something you never did."

"Maybe Lauren shouldn't go alone," Tamsin's brow furrowed. "She doesn't have control over her needs yet."

"Nah," Bo said easily. "I charged her up this morning with some fresh chi. She'll be fine for a day or two."

"Raising the first Valkyrie/Succubus baby is turning out to be so glamorous." She took a long draw of her coffee, nearly moaning at the robust flavor, perfectly brewed. Although Bo poured it, clearly Lauren brewed it.

"And I don't care how much of a Valkyrie she turns out to be, we aren't sending her to boarding school." Bo said crossing her arms seriously.

"Chill, succubus," Tamsin raised her eyebrow at Bo. "I never even suggested it. She's gonna need more training than those bitches can give her anyway."

"We didn't send you to boarding school during your abbreviated time as a child and you turned out just fine," Bo continued.

"Better than fine, I'd say," Lauren agreed, walking back into the kitchen with their daughter in her arms.

"It was touch and go there for a while whether you'd survive to adulthood."

"Huh?" Tamsin asked her. "Why?"

"Because I wanted to kill you myself most of the time," Bo grumbled.

Lauren laughed loudly. "Luckily your child raising skills have improved. Remember when Tams was like seven? And you told her she couldn't eat ice cream for every meal?"

Bo groaned. "I'm still mad at you for that!" She stuck her tongue out at Tamsin, who held her hands up in question.

"You have to clue me in. Don't forget that I don't actually remember any of this."

Bo looked to Lauren. "You tell it better."

Lauren smiled indulgently at her as she settled in at the table with them, Dagny quieting now that she was being held.

"Well, you were eleven days into your rebirth," the doctor began.

"NO!" The blonde terror yelled as she weaved around the furniture in the living room, Bo hot on her heels.

"Tamsin!" Bo bellowed. "Get back here!" She cornered the Valkyrie by the kitchen counter, and she responded by kicking Bo in the knee as hard as she could.

"Oww!" Bo grabbed her leg, giving the blonde an opening to rush by her. She clutched the bowl in her hands protectively, tucking herself in between the couch and the wall. Bo recovered quickly, her eyes angry, and shrieking as she stalked the young girl.

It was that moment that Lauren came through the front door. "What the hell?"

Bo stopped in her tracks, looking at Lauren, still breathing heavy. "This little... little... hellion, has been eating nothing but ice cream all day, and she won't give me the bowl!"

Lauren blinked slowly, looking down at Tamsin's defiant glare, and Bo's nearly deranged look. "Ooookay. Let's take a step back and think about this rationally."

"Oh no!" Bo yelled. "You don't get to stroll in here, with your 'rational doctor' routine. I've been fighting with her all day, and she kicked me! And pulled my hair."

"She was mean!" Tamsin shot back.

"I was mean?" Bo asked incredulously. The Valkyrie nodded seriously.

"She wouldn't let me eat."

"Ye, I wouldn't let you eat a fourth bowl of ice cream. You need to eat something real too," Bo argued. She reached for the bowl again, and Tamsin pulled it back, grinning. Bo leapt forward.

They went down in a pile of tangled limbs, wrestling for the now spilled bowl of melted ice cream. Lauren couldn't tell who was winning: the powerful succubus, or the eleven day old child. She decided to let it play out for a few moments, since they both seemed to be holding their own. But suddenly, Bo screamed and pulled back. Tamsin's teeth were latched on to her arm and she was shaking it, trying to dislodge her. Bo's eyes were a brilliant blue, enraged.

Lauren stepped in then, tugging Tamsin away from Bo before she could lose her cool completely.

"Go up to your room, Tamsin," Lauren commanded, and the blonde immediately headed for the stairs, but not before sticking her tongue out at Bo while Lauren's back was turned. Bo growled, low in her throat and lunged, but Lauren held her back. Tamsin just smirked at her and gave her a small wave.

When Tamsin was out of earshot, Lauren couldn't help the wave of laughter that erupted from her. She quickly covered her mouth and tried to stifle it, but Bo's mouth dropped open in shock. Her eyes faded.

"You think this is funny?"

"I mean, c'mon sweetie. This is pretty humorous." Lauren tried for a little levity. "If you take a second and a step back..."

"No, that little monster cannot possibly be Tamsin. She's infuriating. A smug little shit."

Lauren pretended to think about that. "And that is not like Tamsin? Being annoying and snarky to you?"

"And being perfectly delightful to you," Bo followed up. "At least she's consistent," Bo finally agreed, slumping down with her arms crossed. "When she grows up, I'm going to kill her."

"I'm surprised you couldn't handle her for a few hours on your own," Lauren said slowly, thinking.

"I'm just frustrated," Bo said quietly. "I don't know what came over me. I'll talk to her in a few minutes. Apologize."

"When's the last time you fed?" Lauren asked her seriously.

"Eleven days ago," Bo said without hesitation.

"Babe," Lauren whispered, putting a hand on her shoulder. "You can't go that long without a feed."

Bo shrugged. "I've gone longer, I'll be ok."

Lauren shook her head. "No, you need to go feed."

"I don't want to," Bo replied stubbornly. "I haven't fed from someone who wasn't you or Tamsin since we got together, and I don't want to ruin that."

"We have no clue how long it will be until Tamsin fully matures, and you can't wait around hoping it'll be before you absolutely can't wait any more. Besides," Lauren teased her. "We still have teenage years to contend with, and I can almost guarantee that will be worse."

Bo giggled despite the situation. "That'll be a fun conversation... 'No Tamsin, you can't stay out all night with strange fae, instead, hang around with your weird girlfriend/caretaker hybrids.'"

Lauren leaned forward to rest her forehead against Bo's. "I know this is an odd situation, and maybe we should've done it differently..."

"No," Bo said with finality. "I don't want her anywhere else but right here with us, no matter how weird or hard it is. We need to protect her, keep her safe. She belongs with us."

"I agree." They stayed on the floor, next to the now stained carpet, holding each other tightly. A small cough from the stairs drew their attention. Tamsin was standing there, in the same clothes she had been wearing, but now they were too small since she must have hit another Valkyrie growth spurt. She looked about twelve now, and she must have grown six inches. Her pants in particular were far too short.

"Sorry," she said apologetically. "I'm bigger again."

Bo smiled and stood up. "Hey, I'm sorry we fought. C'mon, let's find you something new to wear." They were used to her sudden changes, and had picked up some various sizes in kids clothes a couple days before. She held out her hand, and Tamsin took it, looking down at the floor.

In Lauren's study, which they had converted into a temporary bedroom for Tamsin, Bo found an outfit she thought would be good. "Here, sweetie, try these. And then we'll do something with your hair. If we leave it much longer, birds might try to nest in it," she teased, ruffling it playfully. Tamsin giggled and retreated to the bathroom to change. Bo sat down on the bed heavily. She had to reign in her hunger. It was clearly agitating her, and she didn't want Tamsin to bear the brunt of her bad mood. By the time the blonde came back out, she'd forced a smile on her face and beckoned her over.

Tamsin sat obediently in front of her, letting Bo brush out her hair without complaint. This was radical progress, since until this point, young Tamsin wouldn't let anyone touch her hair.

"What do you think? A braid maybe?" Bo asked her.

Tamsin shrugged to her question, so Bo took it as a sign to continue.

"Who is the woman in all the pictures?" Tamsin asked her, out of the blue, startling Bo.

"What woman?"

"The one in the pictures around the house. There's you, and Lauren, and Kenzi and Dyson that I know, but who is the other woman?" Tamsin asked, craning her neck to look at Bo.

"That's... hard to explain." Bo settled on.

"Why?" She pressed.

"Because... well," Bo started. She hated the thought of lying to Tamsin, but was the truth better?

"You and Lauren look really happy with her."

"We were. Well, we are, or were?" Bo was starting to confuse herself at this point. Tamsin narrowed her eyes at the other woman.

Bo finally dropped all pretense. "She's you, sweetie."


"Yes, before your rebirth. It's something that happens to all Valkyries when they get older, apparently."

"But I don't remember," she said, clearly confused. She turned to face Bo completely.

"From what I understand, you will remember eventually. But you don't have to worry about it. This is normal and everything's ok." Bo soothed, pushing the hair back where it had fallen over her forehead.

"When you and Lauren were talking earlier... I was listening," she confessed, looking down.

"That's ok," Bo reassured her. "I'm not mad or anything. Well, I was before, but that's not your fault."

"But... isn't it?" Tamsin asked, looking up at her with a blush on her face. Bo tilted her head in askance. "You were saying that you hadn't fed."

Suddenly this line of questioning was starting to make sense. "That's true. I haven't fed in a while, but I promise I'll be fine."

"You used to feed from me," the blonde said with her eyebrows furrowed. "And now... you don't."

"Of course not, you're too young for that." Bo said seriously.

"You can though. I mean, you and Lauren have been really good to me and everything... and I want to help, in whatever way I can."

"Listen, sweetie," Bo said firmly, taking both of the young blonde's hands in her own. "We love you. And we would do anything for you. I appreciate that you want to help me, but you are too young for that sort of thing. You're still growing. Now, we are going to finish this braid, and we'll go back downstairs, and I'll make us all some dinner."

"You can't make dinner," Tamsin scoffed, turning back around. "You always burn it."

"What? That's crazy, I don't always burn it."

"You set the oven on fire trying to make a pot roast that one time," Tamsin said.

"That was ages ago! And I haven't done it since. Hey wait... that was ages ago. Like months. How did you know I did that?" Bo asked her, curious.

Tamsin stopped for a moment. "I-I'm not sure. I think I might have remembered it."

"Sounds like your memories are starting to come back," Bo said with a smile. She finished the braid, and patted the blonde's arm. "We can have Lauren cook us something since you are so concerned with my abilities. Or maybe we'll let you try your hand in the kitchen."

"Please. I can out-cook, out-fight, and out-sex a succubus any day," the blonde said off-hand, without thinking. Then she stopped, horrified. "I am so sorry, I don't know where that came from."

Bo laughed out loud at her horrified expression. "That's your natural disposition coming out. Now I know you're getting your memory back."

"I talk to you like that?" Tamsin asked her. Bo nodded. "Why do you still like me then?" She asked, only half kidding.

"You grew on me. Like a really hot fungus," Bo joked back. "Sarcasm is part of who you are. And I know that underneath it is love. Now c'mon. Let's get dinner. Maybe we'll order out. Might be safest overall." She pushed the blonde out ahead of her.

Bo laughed, remembering it. Dagny brought them out of their reminiscence by giving a loud wail, reminding them that she was still there.

"So I was a sarcastic little shit?" Tamsin shrugged. "Sounds like me."

"You were always very good for me," Lauren pointed out. "And gave Bo a hard time. So your personality was pretty much exactly the same."

"I promise to always be a very good girl for you, doc," Tamsin purred, standing to move behind Lauren and plant a kiss behind her ear. Lauren shivered in delight. The baby in her arms cooed, and reached her hands out to Tamsin, who took her with a smile.

"Sounds like you're an angel compared to your mom, huh?" Tamsin said to her, kissing her forehead gently. "Let's hope it stays that way."

Bo smiled at the scene before her. One thing was certain, whatever life threw at them, together they could handle it.