Alright so this one is a bit different. Another commission, but decided to split it into two chaps. Usually don't do multi-chap fics cause of planning, but this one is still short and they're distinct chaps. Smut comes in the second chap btw so if you're here for that, won't be any in this chap. Basically all dialogue. If that's your game, then enjoy the fic!
Ruby sat on the couch, watching a screen projected from her scroll. She sipped her cup of hot chocolate before setting it down on the table in front of her and then leaning over against Blake. As Blake lifted an arm she snuggled in under it, getting comfy as they watched the movie. It wasn't much, just a simple rom-com about family and such, but it was a simple way of passing the time and relaxing.
Eventually it came to an end and Ruby moved out from under her arm, stretching a bit. Looking over, she saw Blake was a bit in thought, seemingly staring off into nowhere. "Hey." She says, "What's in your brain there?"
"What?" Blake asks, coming back to her senses and looking over at her.
"You were all zoned out. The movie that bad?" She asks with a chuckle.
"Oh uh, no, just thinking." She says.
"What about?" She tilts her head a little.
"Just... everything."
"That's a lot of thinking."
"Yeah." Blake says.
"Wanna talk about it?" Ruby asks.
"Well..." Blake hesitates.
"Come on. We're married, we're supposed to talk about things, remember?"
"Yeah, I know. I'm just not sure how to start."
"Well I do a thing where I open my mouth and push air out through it, that's usually a pretty good start." She says with a grin.
Blake smiles a bit at that. "I suppose that is how it works." She says and then pauses. "What did you think about the movie? The end of it specifically."
Ruby tilts her head at the question, a bit surprised, but answers anyway. "Seemed good. They got together, had kids, happy family. Bit cliché but eh, what do you expect?"
"So you liked it then? You thought that was a good happy ending?" Blake asks.
"Well yeah. Why? Did you not like it?"
"No, I did. It's just... it got me thinking. About us."
"Us?" Ruby asks, furrowing her brow a bit in thought, "Us how?"
"We've been through a lot." Blake says, "Magic, gods, grimm. We lost things, people, parts." She looks over at Ruby and the eye patch on her right eye. "A lot. But in the end, we won. We're here, living simpler lives. Still though, I kind of want a little more."
"More? Like, more adventure?" Ruby asks. "We're huntresses; we can take a few more jobs. I thought you liked the quiet life though."
"I do. That's not what I meant." She takes a deep breath and lets it out, looking over at her. "I mean more of what we have. I want that happy ending."
"Well we ha- Oh..." Ruby says as she realizes. "You want kids."
"I would like that, yeah." She says. "What do you think?"
"I uh... wow." Ruby takes a moment to process the information. "I'm not sure what to think."
"I know it's a big decision, but I'm sure we could handle it. We've made a fair amount of money, we've got a nice house, well-paying jobs. I think we can do this."
"Right..." Ruby turns away from her for a moment. "Are you sure though? I never really thought having kids was something you wanted." She says, "You never seemed to be interested in it."
"I haven't always been." She admits. "When we were younger I was more focused on fighting for faunus rights, and then saving the world, and other stuff like that. Huntress stuff. I've been thinking about it a bit more lately though. It is something I'd like, and I think I've always wanted to. It was just always far enough in the future I didn't think about it much. I think it's time though. Things are peaceful, we're living well, it all seems right." She smiles at her a bit. "What do you say?"
"I... well... this is a really big decision." Ruby says, not turning to look at her.
Blake furrows her brow a bit. "Ruby?" She asks, "Are you okay with this? Do you... do you not want to?"
"I just... I don't think we should rush into anything, you know?"
"Ruby..." Blake puts a hand on her shoulder. "I'll be honest I thought you'd be excited. I figured you would want to start a family."
"And I didn't figure you'd be interested in having some noisy kids running around. Guess we're both surprised."
"Ruby, look at me." Blake says, causing Ruby to turn to her. "Talk to me. What's going on?"
"Nothing's going on. I just don't think it'd be a good idea." She says. "Is it that big a deal?"
"Yes, it kind of is. Of course we need to make this decision together, but I would like to talk about it. I won't pressure you, but I think we should work this out."
"Well I'm the one who would be pregnant and I don't want to. I think that's it." She crosses her arms as she turns away again.
"Ruby don't turn away from me, please." Blake says. "I just want to talk. Why don't you want to start a family? You have a great family of your own, I know you were happy, you love your sister and your father, wouldn't you like to have more of that?"
"I..." Ruby closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, letting it out slowly. "I do love them. I love you too. I loved my mom too, but now I can barely even remember her. She was a huntress, and she died on a mission. Well, because of Salem we know now, but even if Salem hadn't been involved, the grimm are still dangerous. One slip up and... that's it." She looks at Blake again. "We're both huntresses. It's all I've ever wanted to be, and it's what we're both best at. If we had a kid, I'd have to give that up at least for a bit when I'm all, you know, pregnant. Even more though, we risk our lives with every mission. I don't..." She lets out a breath again to steady herself. "I don't want to do to a kid what happened to me and Yang. I don't want to leave them without one of their parents."
"Oh, I see." Blake says simply. "I suppose that is something we have to think about. I still think it's worth it though. I would hate it if something were to happen to either of us, but that's a risk everyone has to take when they have kids. Besides that, you're one of the best huntresses ever, perhaps the best. I'm not exactly defenseless myself."
"Blake." Ruby says softly, "I... It was hard, living with just Dad. I know we're happy and close and all that but, it's not as easy as it looks now. Dad was always so busy with teaching that a lot of the time it was just me and Yang. He tried, he really did, but it's not like that's an easy job. Without Mom to help with bills and taking care of us, he was having to do double duty. Yang got stuck taking care of me a lot and she was still a kid herself. We ate a lot of pizza and takeout for a long time. Like, a lot. Uncle Qrow showed up and helped a bit, but that was mostly just with bills. Of course I know now why he didn't want to babysit much." She sighs. "I know I turned out alright, but it wasn't easy as a kid, and it was even harder on Yang. I love my family, but I know how hard that was on everyone. I'm not sure I could risk that by being a huntress while I had a kid, and I don't think I could give up being a huntress."
Blake waits for a moment to make sure Ruby is done speaking before she responds. "I do understand where you're coming from. My family moved around a lot as a kid because of my father's position in the White Fang. I never had much in the way of stability, and we were attacked many times just by people, not even counting grimm. I was lucky enough not to lose them to fighting, but I did lose them for a while because of myself. I made mistakes and left them behind. I spent years with Adam as my main guiding figure so I know that it's easy to end up in a bad place. Sometimes I wonder if some of that sank in and if I had a kid I'd be like him, manipulative and controlling. Then I look at you, and I know how amazing you are, and I know you'd never let me be like that. Even more I know that if we had a kid, you'd be their mom, and somebody getting to have you as a mother is almost as good a gift as getting to have a kid."
"I'm not worried about whether I'd be a good mom." Ruby says. "Okay I'm a little worried, but I just... it's a really big deal. That kid would rely on us for everything. If something happened, it would hurt them. I don't know if I can be responsible for somebody else like that. I'm okay putting myself at risk now cause we all signed up for this. I don't want you or Yang or Weiss to be hurt if I died, but we all volunteered to be huntresses. With a kid, they don't have that. If I die or get hurt, they won't see it like that; they'll just see that their mom isn't there anymore." She sniffles a bit and wipes her eyes with her thumb.
"Hey..." Blake says softly and wraps her arms around Ruby. "I know that losing her was hard on you. I can't really even imagine what it was like. Of course I won't push you on this, it's your decision. I think it's a risk worth taking though. You love your family, and you're always happiest when you're helping others. You would be an amazing mom, and you're a good enough huntress that with Salem gone I don't think there's a big risk of you not coming back from a mission. Especially with that magic eye of yours." She kisses her cheek.
"I know you believe that. Honestly, it might be fun to be a mom, I don't know. Stressful as hell I'm sure, but fun." She gives a small smile, "I always did miss having an excuse to play with toys."
"The bottom drawer of our nightstand suggests you don't need an excuse to play with toys." Blake grins.
"Hey!" Ruby chuckles and elbows her lightly. "Not the kind of toys I meant." She sighs. "I'm not saying that being a mom sounds bad, just that I'm not sure I'm okay with the idea of having somebody rely on me that much."
"You know what it's like to lose a mother to the job, so you're not as eager to bring a kid in when you have that job." Blake says. "I get that. Don't worry; I'm not going to push you on this. It's your call. I would like to, but I love you, and I'm not going to jeopardize what we have. Just think about it. If you change your mind then that's great, if not then, I'll always have you."
"Right. I'll think about it." Ruby looks at her and gives her a nod. She knew what Blake had just said, but even so it hurt her heart a bit when she looked at her. Blake was willing to give up something so big for her; she owed her to at least give it plenty of thought.
"I'm gonna get cleaned up before bed." Blake says and stands up.
"Yeah I'll clean up in here." Ruby grabs their empty glasses from the coffee table. "Meet you there."
"Love you." Blake says and gives her another kiss before turning and heading off.
"Love you too." Ruby says as she watches her walk off. She wasn't sure how, but her simple life had suddenly gotten a lot less simple.
So that's that. Hope you enjoyed it and, spoilers, expect smut in chap 2. If you want a commission, hit me up, still got spots open. Thanks for reading, please leave a review, and have a nice day!