Chapter 12: Farewell

The cavalry had arrived.

Before Yuu could blink Izuku had already landed a hit in Overhaul and threw him off his feet with a single punch. The Reaper smiled as the three new arrivals quickly joined the battle, Eraserhead stopped Chisaki from activating his quirk and Nighteye scanned the battlefield.

His gaze turned to Mirio, "Eri is… behind… me…"

Yuu smiled as Nighteye embraced his pupil and the girl they had been fighting so hard to save. The reaper could see how proud he was, but there was a slight relief as well.

"It's fine now…" Nighteye told them, "You were amazing."

Yuu's gaze moved back to Overhaul, it was the first time since he had entered the battle that he had been able to get a good look at the yakuza leader. He had red bumps all over his body and he was repeatedly trying to use his ability on the ground, his eyes were wide with rage.

"Keep pressing him!" Eraserhead told his student.

"Yes, Sir!" Izuku responded as the charged forward.

"Get up, Chrono!" Overhaul screeched.

Yuu watched as a lock of hair pierced through the coat of the seemingly unconscious yakuza member and struck the scarfed hero. The man looked like he was frozen in time and Chrono explained what had happened.

As he realized what had happened Yuu's gaze moved toward Overhaul, and toward the green hero still charging toward him.

"Deku, fall back!" by the time those words left his mouth a spike filled wave engulfed the tavern.

Yuu looked around, he had been moved by Sir Nighteye and was now huddled together with Nighteye, Mirio, and Eri.

Before he could get his bearings a massive explosion sounded and smoke filled the previous position of Overhaul. Yuu growled and turned toward his hurt leg if he could heal that he could help Izuku fight Overhaul.

"I'll acknowledge with dignity, that you were stronger than me, Lemillion" Overhaul's voice boomed as lightning began to fill the cavern, "But in the end, it all comes to nothing. Now! I'll have you return Eri! The smoke cleared and revealed a four-armed monster, what had Overhaul turned himself into!

Yuu turned his attention to his wounds and begun to heal, he could feel his head cry out in pain and darkness form at the corner of his eye, he was using too much energy! It didn't matter to Yuu, he needed to make sure Eri got out. And the best way to do that was by defeating Overhaul!

The reaper healed his words and ignored the jabs at Mirio that Chisaki made. However, when he moved from his stab wound to his leg and took the chance to listen in to what Overhaul had said, "...You could've kept holding onto your dream. You lost your Quirk but persevered, and as a result, your friends got caught up in this, and now you're all just going to die."

Overhaul charged toward the huddled group, Yuu stopped healing his leg and prepared to launch himself forward.

Yuu watched Izuku threw a large spike toward Overhaul, which caused him to stop the charge. He took this chance, activated fast movement, and tacked the villain. The attack threw Overhaul back several feet, but Yuu landed on the opposite side of the cavern.

He heard Izuku continue the fight, but Nighteye's voice intervened, "I will be his opponent!"

"Like I'd let you." Overhaul responded.

Yuu managed to move his and see what was taking place. Nighteye had charged the villain and had thrown stamps at the villain, judging by the weight behind the throw, Yuu guessed they were very heavy.

"You go to Lemillion and Eri!" Nighteye told Izuku.

Yuu slowly pulled himself off the ground, his leg ached from the earlier battle. And with the added pressure from this battle, it was only a matter of time until it gave out. The reaper stared down at his leg, it didn't look good. He glanced up toward the Pro Hero and saw how well he was holding his own, he had that Quirk after all.

The teen turned his gaze down toward the wound and began to heal it. Somewhere else, Yuu heard Deku destroy a wall and create a path for Eri and Mirio.

At that moment Yuu turned his gaze back to Nighteye.

That was when he saw it, Nighteye went down. His eyes were filled with fear and grief.

Yuu launched himself toward the villain, "CHISAKI!"

The villain turned toward the charging reaper and backhanded him with one of his massive four arms, Yuu shattered through a nearby wall and gasped for breath. The air had been knocked out of him. He heard Izuku jump in and what sounded like a rockslide followed.

Yuu tried to sit up, but a scorching pain in his ribs made him lay back down and struggle for breath.

"Give it up!" Overhaul spoke, "It'll end up like I said-you'll all die!"

I won't let that happen!" Izuku responded a clear strain to his voice could be heard, "Even if that was already decided, "ll twist that future!"

Yuu could hear Overhaul send a volley of spikes toward Izuku, and from what he could tell the teen hadn't been hit.

The Reaper took a breath as he healed his broken ribs. He could hear the battle, Izuku had thrown all the energy he could into a kick, he could feel the ground underneath him shake at the power.

Yuu was glad he was on his side, if Izuku had been an Ability user he knew he would be able to beat him. But it would be painful.

"No matter how fast you are, compared to the other two," the Reaper's eye went wide, how had Overhaul survived that kick!?, "The lines of your movements are simple and easy to predict."

The sounds of new spikes forced Yuu to stand up as soon as the healing was finished. He slowly made his way to the destroyed wall and watched as Overhaul healed himself.

Yuu's eye went wide when he saw Izuku, he had a spike in his arm and leg, exhaustion filled his face as he heaved for breath.

"I'm done." Overhaul spoke. Izuku protested to his words and Overhaul raised an arm after he criticized the teenager, "Someone else is about to die because of you! Is that what you want?! Eri!"

Yuu's eye went wide when the girl entered the chamber, what was she thinking! She was falling right into his trap!

"No, stay with Lemillion!" Izuku begged the girl.

"Eri!" Overhaul began, "Do you really think this guy can do anything in this situation by himself?'

Yuu tried to throw Overhaul off his feet with telekinesis but fell to his knees with dizziness. He couldn't even use telekinesis? How much what Quirk could he use?!

"No, I don't…" Eri stared at the floor, her eyes wide with fear.

Yuu punched the floor as he heard Overhaul manipulate Eri! He was useless, without his abilities he couldn't help!

"Then, what should you do?" Overhaul asked in a calm voice.

"Go back…" She took a few steps forward, "In exchange… put everyone back the way they were!"

Overhaul lowered his arm, "That's right. It's easier to hurt yourself than to have others get hurt for you, huh?"

His gaze turned to Izuku, "The faint hope that budded with Lemillion has been smashed." Overhaul's gaze burned into the teen's skull, "Have you realized? That you're acting in the cruelest way possible to Eri. She doesn't want you."

Yuu watched Izuku grit his teeth, "Even if that's the case-" he ripped the spoke out from his ankle and smashed, "Even if you don't want my help-" he took in a ragged breath, "You're crying aren't you?"

Izuku's gaze left the floor and turned toward Overhaul, "I won't let anyone die!" He crushed the spike and formed a fist, "I'll save you!"

Suddenly the roof collapsed and Yuu grabbed onto the destroyed wall to stay up. The Ryukyu Agency had arrived, had their battle been happening the whole time?

When they landed Tsuyu immediately noticed Nighteye, who was face down in the dirt with a spike through his abdomen.

With a glance toward Overhaul's direction, Yuu made his way over to the heroes.

"Take care of Nighteye!" Izuku told the others as he made a rush for Eri, who began to be brought to the surface thanks to Chisaki.

"Everything's messed up. You pieces of garbage!" The Yakuza growled.

Just as Yuu made it to the other heroes a massive amount of rubble began to fall to the ground. The Reaper held his hand out and created a small shield above himself and Nighteye, by the time the rubble stopped falling Yuu collapsed to his knees.

He didn't have the energy.

A small hole in the smokescreen around them formed and Yuu could see Izuku jump upwards to save Eri.

His eye turned its gaze to the top of the pillar Eri was on, golden light bathed the sky and the girl leaped off the top with Mirio's cape in her hand.

"CATCH HER!" Yuu yelled up to the green-haired teen.

Izuku punched through rocks, parkored his way, and kept his momentum constant. Yuu could see the pain in his face, the teen had pushed himself to the brink.

When the teen caught the girl, Yuu let out a breath. Which was replaced with worry when a new wave of spikes pursued Izuku to the ground.

Yuu closed his eye and looked down to the ground, there was no way he was going to be able to survive that many spikes. He couldn't dodge well in the air.

It was over.

A powerful gust of wind said otherwise.

When Yuu turned his gaze back up, Chisaki was on the floor and Izuku was nowhere to be seen.

"What… just happened?" Ryukyu asked, her gaze surveyed the battlefield.

Ochako's gaze wandered around the chamber, "Where's Deku?"

"Watch out." Yuu warned the group, "He's up again." The Reaper's gaze was glued to the bloodied Chisaki, how was he even still standing? Yuu's eye went wide when Chisaki began to merge with the large villain beneath the rubble, "No…"

"Oh no!" Ryukyu seemed to be on the same wavelength as Yuu, she could tell it wasn't going to turn out great.

"It's… fine… for you." Nighteye weakly spoke, "At least, for the time being, he won't target any of you."

Yuu kept his gaze on the villain's actions.

"He'll head to the surface in pursuit of Mirdoriya and Eri," The pro hero told the group, "Then, he'll kill Midoriya."

Yuu turned wide-eyed to the pro hero, he frowned and glanced at Uraraka. Her face said it all, the fear in her eyes said it all. Unfortunately for her, it seemed like all the energy in her body had been sucked out.

She fell to the floor, unable to move.

Yuu frown grew and he turned his gaze to the monster in front of him. He wasn't familiar with quirks that could tell the future in this universe, but if his ability let him change the future… maybe Nighteye's was the same.

"We can't do anything after hearing that!" Ryukyu prepared to join the battle.

"Don't be stupid," Yuu glared at the dragon hero, "We have been attacking him for the better part of half an hour and he hasn't gone down yet, in your condition none of you would be any help!"

"So what?" Ochako protested, she ran her fingers over loose rubble around her, which caused them to float, "We can't just do nothing, you Don't know how the future will turn out!"

Yuu followed her gaze to the shadow of Overhaul's newest form and frowned. Was there nothing he could do to protect those around him?

"Froppy," Nighteye began, his every word labored, "Mirio would be beyond that hole in the wall, help him." He turned his attention to the dragon hero, "Ryukyu, take me… head to the surface with me."

Yuu sighed, he was growing weaker. The Reaper turned to Ochako, "let's follow them!"

"No please! Spare me! It wasn't my idea!" A new voice spoke, which caused Yuu to turn around and see a masked man with an orange shirt and black vest land just in front of Ryukyu.

Before he could utter another word Ryukyu growled and squeezed the man with her claw, and caused him to collapse into goop.

Yuu turned his gaze to Uraraka, "Take Nighteye, I can get up on my own."

With a flurry of orders, Ochako began to slowly ascend to the surface. Yuu, meanwhile, began to gear up for what would most likely be a painful ability use and the last one for a while.

When the girl cleared the rim, Yuu used fast movement and launched himself out of the chamber. He Landed on the street with his shoulder and rolled for a moment before he was able to stop himself.

"STAY OUT OF MY WAY!" Chisaki's voice boomed above Yuu.

He quickly looked upward and saw a bolt of green lightning chipped away at Chisaki's form. Chisaki growled and reformed his body once again, pained yells made their way down to the street.

With what must have been a thousand different punches, the arms and legs of Chisaki's form had been chipped away.

In a massive explosion, the Yakuza was thrown into the street. A plume of smoke formed and when it cleared, Izuku stood over Overhaul.

"Holy…" Yuu trailed off as he stared at the teenager who stood in front of his opponent. Pure power swirled around the teen and Eri, gold, and green light bathed the air around them.

"Eri-chan, are you a-" He began to scream, the golden light went haywire and black lightning began to swirl around Izuku.

The teen collapsed, whatever was happening it was too much for the teen to handle.

Yuu's eye went wide once more as Overhaul threw his arm and attempted to crush Izuku. The golden light flew through Chisaki's arm and separated him from his form.

He was thrown into the air and was quickly handcuffed by Ochako.

The Reaper turned his gaze back to the overwhelmed teen. The energy had gotten even worse, Eri's panicked face was all Yuu could look at.

Suddenly it stopped, Eri fainted.

Eraserhead had ended the chaos.

The battle was over.

Ryukyu, one of the heroes who only suffered minor injuries began the rescue and recovery process. Ambulances had been called and the injured had begun to be treated as well as they could on site.

The police prepared for a possible League of Villains attack that never came.

As it turned out the students had been the backbone of the operation, many of which had been gravely injured.

Yuu, for one, headed down into the chamber after a long break and made his way to Jason. He had a responsibility to return him and those underneath his command to his world, it didn't feel right to leave them here.

When he arrived to the teen he frowned, he had lost a lot of blood, "Reaper…" The man struggled to say, "Please, return my people… they… they don't deserve to be thrown into jail in a world that's not theirs…" Yuu frowned, those were Jason's last words.

The Reaper noticed a slight bulge in the breast pocket of the gangster and he reached in, a smile spread across his lips.

The index cards, they're intact.

"Reaper!" A familiar voice spoke.

Yuu turned around and saw Izuku, "Thanks for the help."

The student tilted his head slightly, "Are you leaving now?"

"Yes," Yuu turned his gaze to Jason, "I can return home now, It wouldn't be right for me to stay any longer than necessary." The teen gazed down at the floor below him a moment before he turned his gaze back to the green-haired teen, "Izuku, give everyone my thanks… tell Nighteye that he was amazing!"

After those words left his mouth, Yuu was surrounded in purple light and teleported himself into the chamber with the unconscious ability holders.

It took a full day to return them to their world.

When Yuu had finished and returned himself to his world he sat down on a beach and stared out to the ocean.

A world full of superheroes and villains. How long had he been there? A month? Longer? Yuu sighed and stared down at one of the index cards around his neck.

It read I'll be waiting…

With a small smile to himself, Yuu stood up and made his way up the beach.

He had a quest he needed to finish.

A/N: Thanks to all of you guys who have read Golden Eyes! The story has now concluded and I am ready to tell all of you my next project, a RWBY fanfiction. It will be titled Frontier and will be a medieval/fantasy AU. I hope you guys enjoyed this fic!