Ianto stood in the house looking around with a detached air, his feelings stomped as deep as he possibly could least he fly apart like the leaves still blowing in the open doors to the garden.

Strange but he could smell Gwen still, that cheap perfume lingering even with the rose petals and such scattered about. He sighed as he looked at all the things the old woman had collected over her extremely long life. What the hell was he supposed to do with all this, the Captain not much help as he swanned off with Gwen.


He picked up a photo from the mantle of a young Estelle along with the unmistakable Jack Harkness, knocking a little china fairy from the edge of the mantle and he cursed softly as it landed in his foot then rolled. At least it didn't break I guess. Ianto sank to his knees to grab it from under the old chair and his eyes met wide green ones.

"There you are" Ianto sighed, "Hello Moses."

The cat stared as Ianto slowly blinked and withdrew, sitting back on his haunches as he looked at the fairy, checking for damage but none was found. Ianto looked around the room and felt a strange sorrow. Finally he felt something.

This was hoe his Gran had lived, a sweet little cottage and a garden out back. Chair by the hearth and a mountain of all things piled up. Ianto wondered what would become of this place, she had no immediate family but Ianto knew she did once have a sister …. Her family the only one she knew. Seems she still loved the man who never came home from the war, his son a lovely balm. Shit. Did she leave it all to Jack?

Ianto's first concern was for the fluffy creature peeking out at him now, coming to the edge of the chair fringe to look up at him as Ianto sighed softly, "Come on. Let's see if I can find your carrier, you will have to come with me tonight, too late ot do anything else."

Ianto found the carrier in the hall closet where he thought it would be and gently lifted the cat into it, then lifted it and hugged it against him as he checked all the lights were off and the doors were closed, the wood over the broken windows seemed so … crass.

"Come on buddy, let's go home."





Ianto closed the door to his apartment and knelt to open the carrier, Moses sitting in the back of it glaring at him. "well… suit yourself then."

Ianto went to the small kitchenette and opened a tin of food from the bag he had carried in, the sound of the tin opener making Moses peek out with feigned disinterest. Ianto placed the place of food down next to the bowl of water and went to the bedroom, only a three room apartment. Kitchen, living, bedroom and bathroom. Pokey little thing but all he could afford at the moment. Lisa had tapped him out financially and he knew this was his life now. Easier ya know … since he would die young anyway. Right? All Agents did … well … those without Great Coats anyway.

Ianto settled on the sofa to watch the cat stalk from the carrier to the kitchen on his belly, sniffing at the food before tucking in, Ianto's check of the bins to ensure the right cat food now paying off as Moses chewed with his old jaws clacking.

Ianto settled back to consider things, make some calls and then try to rest his poor tired feet. It had been a long, hard day. The knock on the door was a surprise and he levered himself up, opening it to find Jack on the other side.


"Ianto, I understand from Tosh that you are clearing the scene at the house, thank you" Jack said then stopped talking as Moses stalked in the background, checking the height of the sofa before leaping up. "Moses?"

"It was too late to drop him off at a shelter and he's so old … they would probably euthanize him" Ianto shrugged, "Doesn't feel right. I will look around tomorrow for a home. Not allowed pets."

"What else is to be done?" Jack asked as he stepped inside and pushed the door shut, the closeness of the man unsettling Ianto who stepped back immediately to create space again yet that smell …. Gods. That smell.

"The funeral and such, I have the lawyer's name, will seek a will and hopefully there will be what arrangements she wants. I will see to it" Ianto said as he leaned back more "Since I have some time off it seems."

"Are you sure?" Jack screwed his face up in that way that always made him look like a small child apologising for spilling milk on the floor and once again Ianto felt that tug of affection he swallowed back down.

"Sure. For her"

Needed to clarify that.

Not for him.