Alyssa PoV
We did try, a lot. But none of the things we threw hit the button and those of them that did, didn't have enough strength to push it. A small pile of things lies under the button and I'm getting more desperate by the second. Every minute now a guard can come in and although HYDRA is stupid sometimes, they are not that stupid.
Next to me I can feel Tim slowly giving up, no doubt he doesn't want to be recaptured. It's just no use, thanks to my stupidity we're stuck in here.
"I'm sorry." I say.
"For what?"
"It's my fault that we're here."
"No, it's not. You saved my life, back there."
"You wouldn't have died, you just would've been in a lot of pain."
"You're a mutant."
"Yes." I answer a bit afraid of his reaction.
"I won't tell anyone else."
I sigh in relief. "Thank you. I'm really sorry, if you hadn't walked me to the garage, you wouldn't be in this mess."
"Then you would've been stuck here alone. Why do they want you anyway? You can heal people, not exactly the M.O. of HYDRA."
"A few reasons, I can heal those that are almost dead. Although that takes a lot out of me, so they can torture prisoners longer. My abilities allow me to heal, but I can also take away a life."
He's silent for a few moments. "They can't get you, we need to get out of here." He says with a renewed determination. He goes back in looking in the crates for things to throw. After a while he suddenly shouts.
"Don't suppose you know how to shoot a bow and arrow?"
My eyes light up, maybe we'll get out of here alive.
"Can you bring it here?" I shout back.
He looks at me with raised eyebrows. "You know how to shoot this thing?"
"I had a few lessons when I was younger." I answer vaguely. Truth is that I don't know for sure if I can shoot with it. It's been so long since I've picked it up. It was back when my life was still normal, well semi-normal.
I take a deep breath and string up the bow, the arrow is pointed in the direction of my target. At the same time as I release my breath I let the arrow fly. It's a few centimetres next to the target.
Loading another arrow I try again, this time I close my eyes briefly and suddenly the muscle memory comes rushing back to me. I release my breath, thwack, right on the button.
"Open sesame." I whisper to myself, proud of myself that I still know how to shoot. I sling the quiver with the arrows over my shoulder. I've got no idea what HYDRA was planning to do with it, but I've got the idea that's safer with me.
"That was awesome, I didn't know you could shoot like that."
I smile a little. "We need to go."
"Right, lets go."
Wandering through the corridors, we look for the exit. Thankfully, we don't encounter any guards. When I see the green sign with exit on, I quicken my steps, practically dragging Tim with me.
I throw the door open and smile, breathing the fresh air in. The sun is already getting up again, we were there longer than I thought. Tim goes to one of the cars.
"They don't leave their keys in, we have to walk." I say.
I turn around to asses our situation and which direction we should begin walking, when suddenly I hear the sound of a motor coming to life. Tim is grinning next to the car.
"Where did you learn to hot wire a car?"
"I picked it up, in my youth. I wasn't exactly the goody two shoes."
"Nice, lets get out of here."
Tim is driving and not exactly holding to the speed limit, I don't care. The farther we get, the happier I'll feel.
"We need to dump this car as soon as possible." I say.
"Because it probably has a tracker on it."
He nods and goes a little bit faster, I know it's not a good idea to ride this fast. We seem suspicious, but I think the benefits outweigh the risks. When we reach the outskirts of New York, I relax slightly. We're a little bit closer to safety. Suddenly, Tim parks the car next to a subway station. We jump out of it and take a random subway.
Taking my hair out of my ponytail, I position us so that we're hidden from the camera. When I'm certain we're out of sight I take of my jacket, throw it in the bin and put Tim's jacket on. The next stop we get of. As we do that I nick a black baseball cap from a boy, without him noticing.
This will throw HYDRA off for a while, enough for us to disappear. I try to appear relaxed as we walk to Tim's apartment via different alleyways. As soon as we are in the safety of the house, Tim begins to talk.
"You've done this before, hiding from cameras, stealing baseball caps."
"I learned it the hard way when I was running from HYDRA."
"What are you going to do now?"
"Leave New York, probably." I say with a sigh. I don't want to run again, I just had something that resembles a normal life. Why the hell, can't HYDRA leave me alone?
"You're just gonna leave your life behind?"
"I've done it before."
"But- you have a job here, a life."
"You don't think I know that! I've been running from HYDRA since I was sixteen. Every single time that I thought I lost them, they showed up again. They tortured my friends to get information about me!"
"This time you have me. You work in the same damn building as the Avengers."
"That hasn't stopped them from kidnapping me in the freaking basement of the Avengers."
"Here's what you're gonna do, your going to work tomorrow. Your going to talk to captain America and explain your situation."
"You can't keep running from them your entire life. Someday you're gonna make a mistake and they'll catch up with you. This time you practically live next to the Avengers. I think this is the safest option." He says with so much confidence and determination that I almost believe him. "Please, Alyssa."
I didn't sleep that night, afraid that HYDRA would storm in any minute. The result is that I'm now dead on my feet. I stayed the night with Tim, so we're going to work together. The way to work is spent in silence. I want to say something, apologise for the mess that is yesterday.
When we arrive in the building, we use the front door. Luckily, no one looks like an HYDRA agent. Not that I would notice that they are, but they don't look at us twice. I feel more relaxed when I arrive in the safety of my lab and to my surprise Bruce is working here.
"Hi, Bruce. What are you doing here?" I ask suddenly suspicious that he's a HYDRA agent.
"Hi, there was an accident in my lab caused by one of my colleagues. We can't use it for some time, so they relocated us."
Nobody would suspect the poor, nervous, friendly scientist. As I observe him, I conclude that he would be an excellent agent. With his somewhat older age, innocent face, nobody would suspect him of being dangerous. I wouldn't like to encounter him when he's angry, I can imagine that he can suddenly burst of anger, terrifying the innocent bystanders.
"Are you alright, you don't look well." He asks concerned.
"I'm fine, I just didn't sleep well."
"Perhaps you can drink some tea, it has helped me in the past."
I smile at him, he surely wouldn't be a HYDRA agent, then again that's what I thought of him. For all I know Tim can be an agent. I immediately quell that thought, he's my friend and looked genuinely surprised that we were kidnapped. Besides, they tortured him. I notice that Bruce still looking at me, so I answer him.
"Thank you, perhaps I will."
To my surprise I'm quite relaxed while I'm working. Bruce is also a welcome companion, it's like he senses when I'm tense and begins a conversation to relax me.
At twelve o'clock I go the cafeteria, anxious to talk to Steve. To my disappointment he doesn't show up. What was I thinking, of course he wouldn't show up. He has better things to do than talk with me.
Okay, I've just seen Avengers Endgame and holy-. It's really good, I've cried and laughed at the same time. Some of these plot twists I didn't see coming and of course a lot of potential for future movies and fanfictions.
Tell me what you think of this chapter and what's going to happen next. Will Alyssa talk to Steve or not? Is Bruce really a HYDRA agent?