Naruto x Massive Harem ( basically any pretty chick I can find in the naruto universe)


The Lady Killer Chapter 1: Tenshi-chan

Naruto Woke up and looked around his room, sighing as another day came yet again. He was close to putting his plan into action. He would leave the village and create another village, one where he would not be hated. At first he thought that it would be an impossible goal, after all, who the hell would be able to create another village on their own. He smiled as he remembered how he received his "special" abilities


As Naruto was chased by yet another band of angry villagers, he could only scream in fear as the mob only grew as time went on. Eventually he jumped on the roofs using the last of his chakra.

Dropping down into an alley, the seven year old was panting heavily as he thought he had finally escaped from them, however he heard yelling grow louder as a group of villagers came into the alley with torches in their hands. Looking closer he saw that the mob consisted only of women, looking at him with utter rage in their eyes. His screams filled the night as the mob was finally upon him. After two hours of being mercilessly beaten Naruto was finally knocked unconscious.


A soft dripping sound was heard, echoing through the darkness. Suddenly as he opened his eyes a light slowly came into being. He groaned in pain as he winced at every movement, although the pain was lessening quickly. He stood up slowly, panting loudly at the exertion. As he took in his surroundings he realized that he was in a sewer. A red liquid flowing through it instead of water, the metallic smell in the air made him suspect that it was blood. The damp air around him seemed to be flowing in the direction of a large room. Enigmatic sounds could be heard softly from inside the room. His curiosity piqued, he slowly started walking towards the room. His speed increasing as he heard soft sobbing coming from the room. Speeding up to a run he finally entered the room, viewing a large cage. It's bars going up high into the vanishing darkness. He saw a beautiful red-haired woman laying on the ground, Her hands to her face as she cried. As it seems she didn't notice him he slowly walked to the cage, feeling a sudden urge to comfort her, he slipped through the bars, slowly advancing towards her. She flinched as he put his arms around her and held her to him. Pulling her hands from her face quickly, she looked up at him in disbelief, and finally sadness and guilt.

"I'm so sorry" She cried out

As he saw her face he could only utter: "an Angel.."

In disbelief she turned bright red, before sobbing even harder than before. Thinking he just made it worse, he stood up to leave her alone, but stopped in his tracks as she grabbed his hands, and she almost screamed, a desperate look on her face "Please don't leave me! Please you have to stay with me." Complying he turned back to her, and once again took her in his arms as she sobbed into his chest, his shirt dampening with the fluids of her tears. He held her closely, content with the warmth of her body to his as he knew she took comfort in this.

After what seemed like hours she finally stopped sobbing, and she wrapped her own arms around him, pulling him even closer to her as she whispered to him: "I'm so sorry, you should hate me for what I caused". He looked at her wide eyed, and wondered how he could ever hate someone so beautiful and kind to him as he voiced his thoughts. She looked at him with a severe blush as her eyes showed guilt again. "it is my fault that the villagers call you a demon, it is my fault that they try to kill you, I am the cause of the terrible life you have led, if only I were strong enough to fight that raven haired bastard's control." She expected him to pull away from her and begin screaming at her for all the wrong she had done to him, and a part of her feared the rejection immensely, but nothing came. He simply stared at her and buried his head in her neck, whispering softly next to her ear: "I know, it's not your fault, you didn't choose to be sealed into me now did you?"

She was completely frozen, her mind running a thousand miles an hour, a combination of pleasure from the warmth of another body against hers, and a sudden new feeling, one she had never experienced before made her relax as she blushed bright red and softly sobbed again, before whispering almost inaudibly "Why don't you hate me? I ruined your life just by existing, I made everyone hate you, and I am the reason that you are constantly being beaten on" He tilted his head up, while she whimpers at the lost of contact, fear began to rise in her again as she feared for the imminent rejection that would follow next, but what actually happened made her eyes open wide in disbelief. He kissed her on her lips. She could not help but ignore her disbelief and moan loudly into his mouth as he caressed her mouth with his, she melted into his embrace, and after a few minutes he pulled away, her mouth following his slightly before letting him go, snapping out of her passion induced daze she asked him rather loudly: "Why? Why did you kiss me, why aren't you screaming at me in hate for what I did to you?" He smiled lovingly at her and responded: "i can feel the sorrow coming from you, I can tell that you regret everything, you are the first person to ever be kind to me without ulterior motives, even jii-san wants to turn me into a weapon for the village, and for this I could forgive anything you have done to me, but if you truly want to repent for your 'sins' then be mine. Love me, train me, and help me achieve my goals. I won't force you though, one who forces others to do things for him against their will, is a real demon. Ninjas kill each other, so why is it that when a demon murders someone it's suddenly a big deal. Leaders are such hypocrites. I have known about you for a long time now, could you tell me your real name please"

She listened to his speech as if her life itself depended on it, a fierce blush lighting her already red cheeks, to the point where she almost glowed. A small content smile crept up her cheeks as tears of happiness flowed freely down her cheeks, her eyes gazing lovingly at the man she loved more than anything in the world. Not known to the boy was the fact that the demon already loved him immensely, as she saw how he was tortured because of her a deep sense of guilt appeared, that overshadowed her love for the boy, but the moment he took her in his arms the love came back stronger than it ever had been before, and as she realized that her fear of rejection appeared, normally a demon couldn't care less if his/her host rejected him/her. The demon would take it like the weather forecast. But because she loved him she was greatly afraid of the possibility of the rejection that he was likely to give her. For it was unlikely that a seven year old child would forgive a demon lord for making his life a living hell. As he kissed her she forgot her sadness for a moment and the gravity of her actions seemed nonexistent, he was her whole world at that very moment. And the moment she heard him speak about her loving him she had already made her decision. She would love him unconditionally, doing whatever he wanted, because that was the loyalty of a demon, he would be the master of her heart.

She smiled dreamily as she closed the distances between their lips, once again capturing them both in a passionate kiss that seemed to stop the flow of time around them. As they finally parted, panting at the lack of oxygen, she finally answered him: "I have loved you for as long as I can remember, I will do anything for you, so tell me about your dreams, I don't care what they are, I will help you achieve them, you are my master, my real name is Harumi"

He smiled lovingly at her, a single tear flowing along his cheek as he was astounded by her confession, before he had thought the most she would do was act like she loved him out of repentance, but she really did love him. For some reason this made him unbelievably happy, and his smile grew wider as he hugged her closer, eliciting a content sigh from the demon lord. His face turned slightly serious as he spoke again: "Harumi-chan you may not know this, but my mind has matured to the point where I am already in mid puberty and just waiting for my body to catch up. As such I have long since gained a liking to women. The first time I laid my eyes on you I already wanted to have you, but I was afraid you would just be mean to me like everyone else. My dreams, though it pains me to say this, are to leave this village and to found a village in which I am not hated, as well as to live a life filled with passion. I realize that I may sound like a pervert, but I am afraid that due to the lack of any love in my life, I have developed a yearning for love and passion that no single woman can fulfill on her own, and as such I wish to have many women. It was a hard decision since I despise perverts, but it was the only conclusion I could come to. But the problem is that no one will ever love me, and as such I need help accomplishing both of my dreams. I need to be able to gather loyal followers, and I need a way to make women love me unconditionally, and like this I can do both at the same time.

He expected her to be hurt and yell at him for being a pervert, he suspected her to think that he was just going to use her as a one night stand, as such he was surprised as her smile hadn't faded the slightest bit after his conversation, she simply gazed upon him with great love, it made him want to take her then and there, but his body wasn't ready to do that yet. She finally spoke, her voice hesitant because she wanted him to stay with her longer: "I understand completely master. Your life was a hell in itself, and it is only logical that you would need great amounts of love, I can help you with both your dreams, and I will modify your body to be able to handle more training and grow stronger fast, as well as remove your limits. I will boost your intelligence, for it was my fault that it hasn't developed yet. I will also give you a bloodline that would make any women love you unconditionally and do whatever you ask of them. I think if you hadn't developed a need for love it would be weirder than what you have developed. And even if you just plan to use me, it won't matter to me, I still love you"

He smiled at her, and reassured her: "Harumi-hime, if I just wanted to use you as a one night stand, would you really think I would declare love for you while you were fragile? I would have just demanded sex from you and ordered you to help me. In your fragile state of love and guilt I could have asked anything of you and you would give it to me. Rest assured, I will not use you, I will never throw you away like garbage. For you are my first love.

She blushed profusely and kissed him again, before standing up stepping back from him, looking at him with an apologetic smile before speaking timidly: "I'm sorry I doubted you master, but be prepared, this will hurt a lot" a red haze swept out of her and slammed into him, sending him to the ground in pain, his body twitching as his genetic code was forcibly rewritten.


Outside his mind

The third hokage stiffened as he felt a familiar chakra flowing over the village, only this time it didn't feel threatening at all, it felt warm, like love. He quickly called an ANBU squad and shunshinned away to the source of the chakra.


On the ground in the alley Naruto lay twitching on the ground, his mouth open in a silent scream, the red chakra engulfing him. The third hokage appeared in a swirl of leaves, stiffening at the sight. Before he cursed to himself: "Damn, what is happening to the brat, I should have kept an eye on him, what if he grows too dangerous to be a loyal weapon of Konoha"

Right after he spoke that sentence the red chakra subsided and Naruto's body relaxed immediately, falling into a peaceful sleep, with a content smile on his face.


The next morning, Konoha hospital

Naruto woke up slowly, feeling better than ever. His body felt, lighter, stronger, he couldn't even feel phantom pain from the wounds he received yesterday. Deciding to ask Harumi about the changes he meditated, entering his mindscape almost immediately, appearing right in front of Harumi's Cage, dropping his mask of stupidity, he was stunned as his mindscape appeared much brighter all of a sudden. Filing it away in the ask Harumi category, he simply called her to him:"Harumi-chan! Are you here?"

Immediately a figure came running towards the bars, a wide smile on her face shouting excitedly: "I'm right here master um... would you come inside please?" Naruto smiled and stepped inside the cage, waiting patiently as she ran to him, before he couldn't take it anymore and he jumped her.

She was slightly startled as she was suddenly on the ground with him on top of her, before purring contently as she got the drift. He kissed her passionately on the lips and took her in a tight embrace, she sure could get used to his extreme need of passionate touch.

After about fifteen minutes of making out, he pulled away from the kiss, his face turning slightly serious, making a slight fear appear inside her that she had done something wrong

"Did I do something wrong master?"she asked, a sad tone in her voice, terrified that she made a mistake and ended their relationship before it had began, after all he could get every female on the whole planet If he wanted to

His face softened immediately, noticing her sad tone, before leaning closer to her ear and whispering: "Harumi-hime, you have done nothing wrong at all, and even if you did I would not hate you, I love you remember? This is not something that ends as soon as you do something that displeases me, I simply have to ask you some questions before we have fun" as he spoke a look of intense relief crossed her face as she let out a breath she didn't know she was holding, a dreamy look appearing on her face as fear was replaced by an even intenser love, every action he took made her love him more, she spoke again, her voice betraying how relieved she was that he said that: "Sure master, what do you want to know?"

"well at first I need you to tell me how my bloodline works, and what exactly changed in my body, then I want you to train me to be immensely powerful, can you do that my love?"

"Of course, I'll start with your bloodline, you're going to have to try it out in the real world though, you can't use it in here, but then again why would you need to. What you do is you look a girl in the eyes, and then channel chakra into your eyes, your eyes will flash white, and then the girl will be yours always, even if you try to kill her she will let you, additionally I'm working on extending the capabilities to basically create a catalog of all the girls you have, sorted by personality, measurements, cup size, tightness, etc. but I can't start with that until you have charmed your first girl. Then your body has been changed, your bones are harder, your skin is tougher, your muscles grow a hundred times faster. Your muscle memory learns three times as fast, the limit on your strength is gone, your muscles are denser, therefore not limiting your agility. Your body has been optimized to digest food efficiently. Your brain capacity has grown immensely, your rate of learning has quadrupled, you heal double the speed you did before. And best of all I made it physically impossible for you to get sick, become fat or have a small dick when you hit puberty. You will be at least 10 inches hard, also you have eternal life." she finished, licking her lips in anticipation.

He stared at her, slack jawed. Before exclaiming: "That's amazing Harumi-hime. I didn't think that was possible, shall we start training tomorrow?" he said, getting out of bed, he still had a year before he entered the academy, and he wanted to be the best student in his year, it is the only way a huge fan club would make sense, after all.

Putting his clothes on he looked in the mirror, channeling chakra to his eyes he was pleasantly surprised when his blue eyes instantly flashed white, something no one would notice. He jumped out of the window and fell right on top of Mitarashi Anko, knocking her on the ground, her plate of dango instantly ruined. She growled and looked up at him with a look of rage. Thinking fast he looked her in the eyes and made his eyes flash white. Instantly, her look of rage disappeared and switched to one of intense love and admiration. He looked on in slight surprise, before smile appeared on his face, and he whispered softly in her ear: "Quickly shunshin me to your house" She nodded and grabbed him, disappearing in a swirl of leaves


Anko's House

(this is a lime scene, NO I'M NOT GOING TO HAVE A 7YR. OLD NARUTO HAVE SEX WITH ANKO YOU SICK FUCKS! But as was stated earlier he has a desperate need for passion so he'll just do some foreplay and then stop, the flashback ends after this btw)

Naruto and Anko appeared suddenly in Anko's bedroom, looking around for a second, he told her to get on the bed and wait for him, she obeyed immediately and watched him roam through her house. He came back shortly after, having readied himself for his course of action. He got on the bed, looking appreciatively at her curves, which made her eyes glaze over. His bloodline truly was strong, making grown women lust after 7 year old boys.

He got on top of her, connecting his lips with hers, hearing a gasp and a low moan in pleasure, he explored her mouth frantically, tasting Sake in her mouth. He put his left hand under her shirt, moving it up to her sizable breasts, eliciting a loud moan from the purple haired woman under him, he snaked his other hand into her pants, caressing her slit trough her panties, he got a loud scream from her to tell him he was doing well. Feeling he should stop before this goes to far he gives her a final squeeze before getting up hearing a disappointed groan from the sexy lady underneath him. He tells her that if she is good, he will fuck her as soon as he hits puberty, she agreed excitedly.

-End Flashback-

(Naruto is now 14)

When he entered the academy he was already at high chunin level fighting skills, and already slightly smarter than the naras. He could easily throw a 500 pound weight over 30 meters, and had a strange arsenal of jutsus that not even the sharingan could copy, his chakra control was nearly perfect due to his hard work, with his strength he easily became the best of the whole class in everything, and with his powers he had a legion of fangirls within days. He had recently hit puberty, and his need for sexual interactions had been greatly magnified, to the point where he had to restrain himself not to just charm a random woman and fuck her till he drops, he decided to pay Anko a visit later today. But first they had an all out spar at the academy. Of course he was paired up with the Uchiha AGAIN.

Sasuke:"Yo Dobe i'm going to show you the power of the UCHIHA today, you have no chance. You should give up

Naruto rolled his eyes and shunshinned into the ring: "Yeah yeah whatever, emo lord, wanna hurry up I got other things to do." At this all the girls in the class immediately swooned over Naruto, yes even Hinata was a fangirl. Naruto suddenly got an idea on how to make his followers stronger. "Hey girls. I want you to get stronger. Don't be afraid of training. The strongest one in a month gets a date with me." All the girls Squealed and promised themselves to train hard.

Iruka smiled at Naruto and said: "Naruto Uzumaki versus Sasuke Uchiha, HAJIME!"

Sasuke immediately began hand sealing for a fireball jutsu, to which Naruto responded with one of his defense jutsus "GRAND FIREBALL!" Sasuke shouted, whereupon Naruto Calmly responded with "light style: Angel Wings" A pair of bright white Wings materialized on Naruto's back , looking to be glowing with power, they curled around him, protecting him from the flames. As the fireball ended the wings opened themselves, leading almost all the girls to faint as Naruto stood there, in the form of an Angel. He even had a halo. Every conscious girl (except Sakura) would have given themselves to him right then and there if he wasn't in battle. He just looked that awesome. Naruto held his hand high. Gathering a Orb of light in his palm, he solemnly recited " May the power of the Gods help me in this battle, Blade of Solomon!". The Orb of light grew larger and formed a three feet blade. Everyone in the room except Sakura and Sasuke knew he just used it to look cool, he could've finished this battle in 1 second. He spoke again, announcing his attack, the Uchiha tensed "Power limiter 2%, Blades of Light!" and after a single slash from his sword a blinding wave of energy shot towards the Uchiha at dazzling speeds, slashing him right across the chest, ending the battle "don't worry, he'll live"

Iruka was dazzled, Naruto had never used this kind of techniques, he forgot all about the uchiha being wounded and asked naruto if he could show him that move at 100% power.

Naruto simply nodded but asked that they to something big, that nobody cares about if he destroys it.

After fifteen minutes of walking the class, minus Sasuke and Sakura, arrived at a giant boulder easily 100 feet in diameter and 115 feet high

"Well Naruto this rock is big and unimportant so when you're ready.."


He held his hand up high, and a larger orb of light appeared in his palm "May the power of the gods help me in battle, Blade of Kami!" The orb formed itself into a glowing white sword easily 5 feet in length" everyone gaped at the blade, the glow alone made them feel pressure from it's power

" Power Limiter 100%, Blades of Light!" Naruto slashed twice, forming an X. Suddenly two huge blades of light shot forward, everyone had trouble seeing the blades move as they went right through the boulder, and continued cutting everything for 2 miles. Seconds Later

The rock fell to pieces, and the forest behind the rocks fell with thundering crashes. Everyone was simple staring at him, their jaws touching the floor.

"I'm sorry sensei that was only 50%, I haven't practiced with the blade of kami for awhile."

Iruka fainted.

After dragging their sensei back to class they were dismissed. Naruto shunshinned to Anko's apartment landing outside the door, ringing the bell, no one answered the door. Suddenly he heard a voice behind him: "What are you doing at my friends house?"

Spinning around he said: "I'm looking for Anko-san"

"Well she's on a mission right now, won't be back for another week at least."

Naruto mentally cursed 'Dammit i'm too horny right now, ah well she's pretty hot too'

"miss what's your name?"

"it's Kurenai kid, now go home"

Naruto smirked evilly, causing her annoyance to rise, when suddenly his eyes flashed white and she suddenly felt like he was the only one for her. Rational thought being drowned out as by a strong hypnosis, she suddenly loved him, and let a smile grace her face.

"do you live nearby, Kurenai-chan?"

"yes I live next door"

"do you live alone?"


"wanna have sex at you place?"

"anything for you"

They entered her place and he told her to lay on the bed on her back, she obeyed quickly and looked up at him with anticipation in her eyes. He took of his shirt and she saw his perfectly chiseled chest and his obvious six pack, her eyes glaze over and she started drooling at the delicious sight. He told her to take her dress of, snapping out of her daze she complied immediately, leaving her in only her panties and a bra. He took of his pants and her eyes glazed over as she saw the bulge in his boxers. He started to drool at the sight of her big luscious bosom, and her perfect curves. He took of his boxers, and ripped of her panties and slipped into her with a grunt at the tightness. Anhour later a loud moan could be heard.


The next day

Naruto groaned, opening his eyes, he looked right at Kurenai's sleeping face, and smiled, waking her up with a rub of his fingers in a certain place, he was pleasantly surprised as she opened her eyes, while letting out a moan at the same time

"Good morning Kurenai-chan" he said while slowly fingering her, chuckling at her attempt to answer normally

"ohhhhhh, go- AH! Good morning Oh! Naruto-kun" She answered, her moans interrupting her speech. He leaned his face closer to hers, giving her a quick kiss, while whispering in her ear: " Thanks for yesterday Kurenai-chan, I really needed that, and you're great in bed"

His hot breath on her ear made her shudder with lust, she started grinding her hips into his finger, hoping the pleasure would continue, with ragged breath she managed to form a sentence, a fierce blush decorating her pale skin: "It's no problem Naruto-kun, I love you after all, and you are certainly the biggest i've ever had, if you ever need any, i'll be waiting."

At this he smiled, and sped his fingers up a little bit, his other hand caressing her breasts, as he kissed her passionately. Her hips started gyrating faster, and she almost screamed in his mouth as she came all over his fingers. He pulled them out and slowly licked her juices of his fingers, causing her eyes to glaze over in lust. She crawled over him seductively, diving under the sheets, blowing her hot breath on his tip, making him twitch violently, she wouldn't tease him, no she would make the pleasure intense instead.

She put her hands around the base of his pole, slowly pumping the length with her hand. She flicked her tongue on the tip of his head, eliciting a groan of pleasure, and a slight buckle of his hips. She took in 12 cm before she gagged, and while sucking and swirling her tongue around him softly, she bobbed her head up and down, being rewarded with groans growing louder and his hands gently resting on the back of her head. She increased her speed, his groans growing more urgent before he finally tensed up and released his hot seed into her willing mouth. She swallowed every single drop and licked the last part of his head lustfully, instantly "Re energizing" him.

As he left Kurenai could only smile dreamily thinking of the boy she had just been with. She couldn't pinpoint why she loved him so but she was sure that this feeling was genuine, she would do anything he asked for her, even kill herself


Naruto's Appartement

Naruto sat at the table, eating a bowl of ramen, when suddenly his bell rang. Curious to the nature of his visitor he opened the door, to his surprise an ANBU with long purple hair. He could instantly see that he wanted this woman. Her appearance was so unique he just couldn't wait for another chance. Her hair and curves were so exquisite that he almost drooled at the prospect of fucking her, however as that wouldn't make for a great first impression he simply channeled chakra into his eyes and smiled as her posture seemed to change from on guard, to defenseless. Looking at her with a confident smile on his face he said: "what's your name?"

She immediately answered as if she were given a command : " Uzuki yuugao naruto-kun"

"Remove your mask for me pretty lady"

She sighed contently as he had just called her pretty, revealing a slim face, as if she were a model, her cheeks sporting a fierce blush as she looked at her new love. She giggled quietly at his reaction, he was slackjawed, and she detected slight movements in his pants. Normally she would have turned the perpetrator into a holy man for that but this time she smiled, content that she was having this much of an effect on him.

"Yuugao-chan, what did you come here for?"

"The hokage wishes to see you in two hours Naruto-kun"

"Well that should leave some time for us to have fun right?"

Her cheeks just invented another shade of red as she simply nodded, a dreamy look in her eyes,his smile grew wider as he lead her to his bedroom, glad to break into his new lover, Anko's temporary leave had done some good for him after all

"By the way Yuugao-chan, where do you live?

"On the floor above us Naruto-kun in appartment 3B"

"Great then I can come see you often without raising suspicion"


Two Hours later

Naruto appeared in a bright flash of pure white light, just before the Hokage's desk

"Yo jii-san"

The old man looked at him with wide eyes, obviously not knowing of his power, before snapping out of his daze

"Ah Naruto-kun, right on time"

Naruto smiled a fake smile, he already knew why he was summoned, he was becoming too powerful and the hokage wanted to gain some of naruto's strength

"Tell me Naruto, what was the attack you used in the forest yesterday, and what is this I hear about named blades?"

" The blades are my four light blades, the blade of shinobi, the blade of solomon, the blade of shinigami, and the blade of kami, and yesterday I used my blades of light technique"

"i see and why do you have four different blades, and how do these techniques work?"

" Well the blade of the shinobi is the weakest of the four, it is mostly used for Power Limiter percentages 1 to 15, the blade of solomon is my default blade and can effectively be used from 1% to 40% but it takes longer to summon thanthe blade of Shinobi, The blade of shinigami is one of the more powerful blades, ranging from 40% to 65% of my power, and the blade of kami is usually only used for percentages 65 and up, percentages that fall outside of the ranges are weaker than used with the correct weapon, which is why my technique at only 50% power wasn't as effective as It could be, as for how it works, i'm sorry jii-san but nobody can learn these techniques"

"and why would that be Naruto-kun? Surely you're not arrogant?"

"No jii-san the power of the light alignment is given as a gift from the gods, its great strength is a way fate repents for giving me all the wrong cards. It's those who go through immensely hard lives can have either light or dark alignment, depending on if they manage to stay sane through the process. It seems that the gods have given me a bonus for being even slightly happen in my hell of a life, therefore I have complete control over the light element. The greatest of all the elements. It can burn through any defense with heat like the sun or it could shield me from attacks with the resilience of time itself. The beauty of it is that I don't have to use hand seals at all, my blades of light is my weakest attack by the way. It's mostly a safe way to show off, because it can easily cut through diamond at 40%. No Hokage-sama, the only attack of the hikariton people in the leaf could possibly use is the flash. Which only blinds your opponents"

the hokage was looking at him in awe and slight fear, if the boy found out that he was trying to use him e would kill this entire village

"And Naruto-kun care to show me how to use this flash of yours" the hokage said, not completely convinced of the veracity of his statement.

"Very well. Think of a bright light, and channel your chakra in your palm while focusing on light being drawn into the palm of your hand. And then imagine a bright flash of white light before releasing your chakra, the hand seals you should use are, snake,tiger,dragon,horse,ram. Let me show you what it does"

Naruto raised his left hand up, pointing towards the Hokage. The man started sweating as a bright white light started to gather in Naruto's hand, before a flash of bright light came and he suddenly couldn't see anymore, he was so dazed that when he could see again he suddenly had Naruto with a kunai to his neck. Before he withdrew it and flashed to his seat again

The Hokage tried to replicate the effect, but made only a tiny wasp of grey light appear. Which only created a spark, barely enough to start a fire with.

"You see Jii-san you can't train the light alignment, you either have it, or you don't. And if you don't and you try to use it, your arm would probably get blown up. Because everyone can generate light energy, but almost nobody can control it even slightly. I personally love it because its attacks are really pretty. For example if I were to tell you how to do my strongest attack, and you would try it. The whole hokage tower and everything in a 300 meter radius would be eradicated. No matter how skilled of a shinobi you are, you can't gain the light alignment through work"

The Hokage mentally cursed as the boy showed so much more power. On top of that the chakra he puts out feels regal, commanding, and pleasant. At that last thought the hokage gained a confused expression on his face.

" I see you've noticed the only downside to the light alignment jii-san. The regal and pleasant feel of my aura make it impossible for me to use killing intent so scare people. However the commanding and regal part of my chakra gives me so much authority that I don't need it, killing intent is for weaklings. It's just boasting so you don't have to backup your claim of power."

"I see, are their any other aspects about this power I should know? Do you have any weaknesses you need help with?"

"not really jii-san, my Angel wings enable me limited flight, and light natured chakra enables me to move at the speed of light, however I cannot yet see clearly when I'm going that fast but that will come with time. But as I said, my light defenses are as immovable as time itself, my attacks cannot be blocked, the only possible weaknes would be higher than normal chakra usages, but with my immense reserves even my most powerful attacks take less than 2% of my chakra, and jii-san. Even in people with hard lives light alignment only appears in one out of ten million people. And they don't know of it since training in light energy without alignment is a good way to die. Can I go now? This conversation bores me."

"Y-yes you may leave Naruto, and don't forget graduation is tomorrow"

"Ya I know later jii-san"


The next Day

Naruto woke up with a smile on his face, his plan was coming along fine lately. He had already charmed over 50% of the women in this village, and 80% of the kunoichi. He decided that he could wear his true outfit today, a black muscle shirt with a white haori over it, the sleeves ripped off, he was wearing tight white pants, and had white leather gloves on. On the back of his haori read: "hikari no tenshi" with black angel wings under it

After getting a blowjob courtesy of Yuugao, who decided to stay in his apartment for awhile, he ate breakfast with the stupid "I Just Got Laid" grin present on his face. He enjoyed the omelette she had made for him. It seemed like a dream, Waking up besides a beautiful woman, she getting you off without you even having to ask for it, and she making you a delicious breakfast. He was slightly peeved as he couldn't stay with her for the rest of the day but he had to graduate today. He was also pissed that he had to bring kunai and shuriken with him, he usually didn't need them he could create them out of chakra, and his EXPLODED!

Arriving at the classroom just as the bell rand, he spotted Mizuki Grinning evilly at him, he had obviously thought of some evil plan involving Naruto. After all he was always trying to sabotage him. Naruto smirked, knowing that nothing would stop him anyway. He had something way better than the shadow clones after all. He had the light clones. Who could actually withstand several hits before disappearing with a bright flash, blinding the enemy as well. At first he was surprised that the light clones could actually be used for training, they somehow transferred their knowledge to him as they dispersed. He had found Mizuki through one of his clones last night, cackling evilly to himself as he made plans to put a genjutsu on Naruto's test so he would fail. Obviously Mizuki had not seen or heard of Naruto's power, because even if he failed the written test, his fighting strength would make it up to him in spades.

As iruka's head once again grew to monstrous size as he yelled, everyone shut their mouths as Naruto sighed loudly, before long his fangirls had started swooning over his maturity, now to any other person this would have been annoying as hell. But to Naruto, who desperately needed all the love and attention he could get, it was a godsend. So he simply used his winning smile. Sending them all into their dreamworld. Deciding to up their seriousness he simply shouted: "Hey Girls!" all the girls except for sakura, who is an idiot, looked at him suddenly, their eyes filled with anticipation at his words. "remember the promise I made you? Strongest by the end of the month gets a date with me. I was wondering if I should turn it into a moonlight picnic, what do ya think?" They instantly fainted at the idea of being alone with Naruto at night, but vowed in their dreams to train even harder.

Soon the exams started, Naruto immediately noticed the genjutsu over his test paper and told iruka about it, who removed the genjutsu, allowing naruto to completely ace the test. After that it was kunai and shuriken test, once again Naruto aced the exercise, then came the time for the sparring matches. Naruto was supposed to hold out against Mizuki for 4 minutes, luckily he was last so rendering the bastard unconscious was an option. Quickly using his flash technique he appeared behind Mizuki and chopped him in the back of his neck, sending him into the floor unconscious.

The Boys just stared at him slack jawed, the girls swooned. But Sasuke was fuming. Sakura was dreaming about sasuke's 2 inch dick and simply agreed with everything he said. "Hey dobe teach me everything you know or else"

"or else what, you're going to send the pink haired troll at me?"


Sakura's unpleasant voice gave him a headache instantly, and his eyes grew cold as he glared at her with all his might, making her shrink in her place

"Bitch you know why I didn't make you into one of my fangirls?"


"Cause I don't desire you, you are ugly, your voice makes me want to kill you, and your hair hurts my eyes. You just follow the Uchiha like some puppy, I only want girls with a personality."

Her head instantly slumped down, she had always wondered why Naruto had never tried to win her over, she knew he probably could if he tried to.

Naruto smirked dangerously as the Uchiha growled and charged at him head on, he simply jumped slightly over his head, before slamming his feet into the Uchiha's head, creating a nice face shaped crater in the floor, Everyone cheered. Except for emo and his whore

Next was the jutsu test, he performed all the jutsu perfectly and without hand seals, when he was allowed to show off a bit, transforming his Angel wings into being he started flapping them, a white glowing mist seemed to come from the wings and pooled around a tree, before naruto snapped his fingers and the area around the tree exploded in a pillar of light, quickly evaporating the tree and leaving a hole in the ground at least 20 feet deep.

Needless to say, he passed.

As he went home he decided that he really wanted to see harumi again fo some lovin'

so he sat on his bed and meditated, instantly appearing near her cage he heard a disappointed sigh coming from within the cage

"When will master visit me again? I'm so lonely."

He decided to surprise her, as she had her back to him, he quickly walked up to her and put his arms around her waist. Turning her around and pulling her to him as close as he could he whispered softly in her ear: "Harumi-hime, I have come for you finally" She sighed contently with a happy smile on her face as her body was pressed firmly into his

"I have missed you master"

"I am sorry that I kept you waiting so long but I had to make sure that I was any good in bed, before having you for the first time, Harumi-hime, after all you deserve only the best. For you were the first love remember. Also don't forget that without you at my side my plans wouldn't work anyway. You have nothing to worry about. Your body is perfect, as expected of a demon lord. Your unwavering love for me. Gives me such a full feeling. Knowing that i didn't force you to love me only makes it better" he whispered in her ear. Rubber his hands up and down her back, making her shiver in his arms "

I missed you Harumi-hime"

Her eyes glazed over in lust and love as she looked in his eyes, seeing no deception she fails to hold back a slight sob, He suddenly took her out of his arms, to see a tear running down her cheek: "Harumi-hime what did I do wrong?"

She was sobbing, she felt so ashamed, every action he took just made her love him more, yet she had the gall to doubt her master's love for her, she truly was a terrible being. Undeserving of her masters love.

"I'm sorry master" she managed to get out in between sobs

"Are you angry with me Harumi-hime? Can't you forgive me? "

"No master i'm not angry with you" she sniffled into his chest before sobbing harder

" I'm not worthy of your love master, I keep doubting your love for me, and I can't believe one as kind as you could love one as tainted as I. I'm sorry".

He just chuckled at her insecurities, he should have visited more often. But for now he had to do something about this


"Y-yes master?"

"I love you" he said, blowing his hot breath in her ear, making her shudder as a bright red blush lighted her face. Before he lifted her chin up to his face and kissed her hard on the lips. She stiffened for half a second before releasing a loud moan and melting into his touch. At that moment she simply didn't care if she wasn't worthy, it just felt so good. He held her head in place with one hands, his other hand placed on her stomach, softly petting it, eliciting a loud gasp followed by a moan of pleasure.

Suddenly pulling away, he spoke to her again:" Harumi-chan, you liked that didn't you

Flushed and panting she buried her head in his neck before whispering: "Yes master"

"Then let me tell you something, you don't decide if you are worthy of my love or not, I decide that, and as long as you love me. You are worthy of my love Harumi-hime, don't try to convince me that you're not worthy. As long as you don't betray me , and as long as you don't stop loving me."

Harumi looked at him shocked, but blushed fiercely as she realized that her master was not like other men, who would at least punish her for her doubt. Her gaze changed from one of shock to one of adoration, and admiration.

"Master you are like an Angel, the only true forgiving soul left in a place inhabited by so many with corrupted hearts. "

"No Harumi-hime, The fact that it is so special to find someone as caring as I, is a disturbing one. It should only be normal for a man to care about his love in a way that making her happy would making him happy also. But as it stands now a caring soul is hard to find. The fact that you are surprised by the fact that a human as I could love such a perfect and kind being as yourself shows me that the world is sick. I only hope that my plans can make this world change its ways. Now Harumi , I do believe I ruined the mood, so if you want to wait for a while I can understand, ill just leave you alone then"

She suddenly turned frantic and grabbed him to her chest like she was terrified of him leaving

"NO MASTER! I mean.. please stay, and... if you want we can... have sex"

"Is that because you want to have sex or because you think i'll stay longer if you offered yourself to me?"

She looked at him confused, before smiling wide as she got the hidden question

"Hai Master... I truly... want you"

He smirked slyly before asking her:" Oh my is that shyness in your voice? Are you a virgin Harumi-hime"

His jaw dropped as she simply nodded and lit up in a blush that would put a firetruck to shame, before he smirked again, his hormones taking over: "This is going to be so much fun!"

He whipped up a bed out of nowhere and put her down onto the sheets. Taking of his shirt as she took off her dress. He stood there with his white pants on making her drool at the sight of his abdomen. He stood drooling immensely at the sight of the perfect curves, and the perfect body in front of him. He could only mutter "well damn..." before he jumped her, snaking his left hand under her bra as he caressed her D cups with utmost care. She shuddered under his touch. Moaning softly while panting as her body was overcome with pleasure from his kisses on her neck and his hand on her tit. He slowly trailed his kisses as he moved his other hand down her front. Expertly circling around her navel before sliding down to her panties. Slowly he rubbed her slit through the silky fabric. Making her scream his name in delight as she grinded her lips into the motions he was making. He slowly slid his fingers inside her panties, smirking as he felt her tight slit was basically drenched in her own fluids, grinning against her neck as her moans grew even louder, her mouth continually open from screaming while a small trail of drool leaked from the side of her mouth. 'damn she's sensitive, she's basically screaming as if I am pounding her'.

He ripper her panties off and brought his mouth to her slit. Probing around inside, before thrusting it in deep as he searched for a certain spot inside her, his only warning that he found it were legs resting on the back of his head, fingers clenching his hair, and her walls tensing for a moment before a flood of her godly fluids came running into his mouth. He greedily lapped up everything as she screamed out in ecstasy, her first orgasm was a heavy one indeed. He still wanted more of her great taste so he started probing his tongue right into her sensitive spot, being rewarded with a large shriek before she tensed and came again. Feeling that it was time for mutual pleasure, he took of his pants, and watched her eyes grow wide at the size of his tool. Her eyes glazed over , as she drooled. She simply lay back on the bed with her legs spread. Giving him the signal to do whatever he wants to her. He slid back onto the bed, positioning himself at her entrance before he kissed her left breast.

"You ready my love?"

"please be gentle master." was his only answer. And as he slid himself inside her slowly, he could suddenly feel her tense up and he stopped, looking at her in concern

"Are you alright Hime?"

"Just give me some time please"

He was waiting patiently for her to adjust to the size of his tool, but her tightness was driving him crazy, he had never experienced a pussy this tight before. Finally she gave the okay and he finally pushed inside her, with a grunt. Her eyes almost rolled into the back of her head as he trust fully inside her, releasing a grunt of pleasure at the tightness of her walls. He slowly started thrusting deep inside of her, being rewarded with a fresh load of her holy juices. She was sure to be satisfied easily. As he sped up he could feel his body growing tenser almost in accordance with hers. Silently coming to an agreement he thrust balls deep inside of her, making her scream in pleasure, as her body thrashed around from the force of the orgasm

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