Hello readers! It's . here.

This is a repost of the first chapter, as a review by Sakura Lisel notes how Percy was considered as Potter member of the family as Lily had barely announced her findings of him, let alone signed some sort of adoption form.

I've decided to repost chapter one and make it slightly different so Lily could have time to make an official adoption.

Thanks! Please enjoy :)


Percy didn't remember, no, couldn't was the right word — couldn't remember how, when, where, why this was happening. It just was happening.

Darkness swirled around him, and if he concentrated the black was mixed with glistening silver and dark, endless purple. It surrounded him in a mix of colours, covering him like a hurricane until he couldn't see anything except for the swirling vortex of colours.

It, from time to time, gave him a massive amount of discomfort. During these moments, Percy felt as if the air was being squeezed out of him and it seemed the darkness was trying to squish him.

Percy saw flashes of his life in front of his eyes, in a mix of shimmery black, silver and purple; The moment of victory when they had defeated Gaia, his mom giving him a huge slice of blue pancakes, the feeling of being out of Tartarus, and Annabeth kissing him underwater, encased in a small air bubble.

As the images ended and the colours swirled around once more, he heard a voice. It was very familiar, but he was starting to get dizzy and couldn't place who's voice it was.

He watched the darkness swirl around him, and start to fade.

Perseus. Was my choice what you needed? Was it right? Remember, who you are, Perseus Jackson. Remember that you are the son of Poseidon. Remember your parents. Remember your friends. Remember Annabeth. Remember your life. Remember who you are, and you shall never be changed.


Soft morning rays flooded a small bedroom, and someone stirred from under a thick blanket. Lily Potter woke up, yawning and stretching.

She did her usual morning routine; washing, brushing her teeth, doing her hair, changing into muggle clothes, and flicking her wand to breakfast.

"Good morning, James," She smiled as she threw off the blankets covering a certain tall, messy-haired man.

"Five mor' minutes, Lils," James Potter mumbled, turning and stuffing his head on his pillow.

"Wake up, now."

"Ughhhh, why?"

"Wake. Up."

"Okay, okay, fine Honey."

Lily bit her lip to stop herself from smiling as James yawned, stretched and scratched his back. She glanced at the little baby cradle and saw Harry, still fast asleep. She sighed as she heard the screech of an owl

"I'm gonna go get the owl-post," Lily said. "The milk's on the table, if Harry wakes up."

"Sure," James yawned as he swung his feet off his bed.

He stood up, and walking like a zombie, trudged to the bathroom, pecking Lily on the lips as he passed. Lily smiled; her attempts at hiding a smile were useless. "Don't slouch," she called to James, and he grinned his annoying, yet endearing crooked smile. "Yes ma'am!"

Lily and walked to the front door, thanking Merlin that they hadn't been attacked by Voldemort's death eaters that morning, or Voldemort himself. Ever since she had had Harry, Albus had asked them to take necessary precautions. Sirius has been part of the precaution — he was currently hiding out, and was to visit them soon.

She narrowed her eyes as she heard a soft rustling noise — definitely human.

She decided to use her Order of the Pheonix skills. She waved her wand in a circle, and with a flick of her wrist directed it at the door. The wand vibrated violently, shaking her whole arm. The spell she had used was to detect human movements and people. If vibrated, it meant a powerful wizard, or muggle, was in the direction she had pointed at. She whispered "protego," and opened the door, wand at the ready.

She wondered if it was Sirius, and she opened the door. "Sirius?" She whispered, looking around. As she swiftly moved down the stairs, trying to look, she tripped over something and her spell broke.

"Oof!" She yelped, and panicking, immediately put up the spell again. "Protego." She sighed as she saw a bruise forming on her knees. Suddenly, she heard fast, urgent footsteps and turned to see James, still in his night things, running out, wand raised.

"Lils!" James cried as he saw Lily. "You okay, Love?" Lily gritted her teeth as she stood up, with the help of James. "Fine," She said, her voice thick. "I just tripped over — oh." She gasped as she saw a little bundle nearby her door.

It was a bundle full of blankets, and as the two parents knelt closer, they saw a baby boy bundled against the blankets. He had the start of messy black hair, and sea green eyes. Lily caressed the boys face as it sucked a pen with strange engravings Lily couldn't read. There was a piece of parchment tucked in the blankets which read; Percy.

"Percy," James said, and the boy gurgled solemnly.


That night, when Percy and Harry were asleep, two parents were discussing in low voices.

"Do you think Harry should have a brother?" James was always the Just-Do one.

"I guess, but think about everything he would need, and everything we had to do," Lily. The more thinking one.

After a long debate the decision was made.


Soon enough, Percy was Percy Potter, and Harry had a brother. And a mother, and father.

But that all changed on one chilly night in October.

-o(Several Years later)o-

"Wake up, you two disgusting creatures, wake up!" Harry woke up to the sound of Aunt Petunia's shrill voice. He heard a band on the door of his cupboard and then a sound of footsteps going fainter.

Harry was a ten year old, messy haired boy with a scar on his head. His eyes were emerald green, and his head was a raven black colour. Harry desperately shook Percy awake as he thought he heard someone approaching their little cupboard.

The cupboard under the stairs barely fit one person, so in Harry's opinion it was a miracle that two people could fit. Of course, Harry and Percy were both kind of skinny from the lack of food, but Percy had a strong complexion.

Harry's once again, shook Percy, which was, of course, like any other day, useless. Percy was a heavy sleeper, and it took ages to wake him.

He had messy black hair, the same as Harry's, but Percy's hair was slightly lighter and it looked like it had been blown by the wind instead of sticking out in all directions like it had been electrocuted. His eyes were green, as Harry's was, but it was a deep sea-green colour, instead of the emerald in Harry's. Percy was also taller by Harry than a few inches, which Harry found quite annoying. His complexion, as said, was stronger than Harry, which was also annoying.

Harry sighed as he looked at his brother's sleeping face. Percy occasionally had, what he claimed was, 'nightmares', but it seemed worse than that. Some nights he would move, choking Harry in a death grip. Some nights he covered the blankets in cold sweat, which was uncomfortable. Some nights he shouted nonsense words which made it impossible to sleep. This time, Percy's eyes were scrunched tight, and he was shivering like crazy.

Harry attempted to kick him, only to get a terrible ache in his leg. "Percy, wake up," He said, sighing. Harry managed to stretch out an arm and pinch Percy's nose, which got him groaning and waking up blearily. "What a pleasant morning it is," Percy said sarcastically. "To be woken up by being pinched!"

"Sorry," Harry sighed, "But you weren't waking up. It's Dudley's birthday." Percy's face turned dark, and he scowled.


Dudley was a fat pig with blonde hair and triple chins, just like Uncle Vernon, while Aunt Petunia was quite thin. As the two boys entered the room, they saw Dudley counting his presents. Harry glanced over, and Percy was frowning.

"-And the big one is from mummy and daddy."

Dudley's fat piggy face contorted into a frown as he studied his over piling presents. "Twenty three? But last year, last year, I got twenty four!"

Harry could feel a tantrum coming its way as Dudley's face turned red. Judging by how Percy was slowly backing away, he could feel it too.

"Alright then, how about we go to the market together and buy three more presents, hmm?" Aunt Petunia said, panicking. Dudley stared at his large bunch of presents and he scrunched his face, saying, "Fine."

Percy began to flip the egg while Harry scrubbed the dishes.

After a while, Aunt Petunia got a call. "Yes? Oh, yes." She frowned as she put down the receiver. "Mrs Figgs broke her leg — she can't take them." Every time the Dursleys mentioned Harry and Percy it was either them, they, creatures or something of that sort. They never mentioned their names.

So it was decided that Harry and Percy were going to the zoo with Dudley.