The tension within the tent grew to an uncomfortable degree. Two stern men sat across from each other, each refusing to break first. Stannis sat in his battle armor, sword strapped to his side, ready to fight at any moment's notice. That's the way he's lived his entire life. None of that pompous gold robe that the cunt sitting on the Iron Throne now wears. Stannis is a warrior, and his cold steely gaze bore into the eyes of the man sat across from him.

Tywin was no less intimidating. Even at his old age, he still towered above the rest of the room in his seat with his impressive height and broad frame. Gold lions adorned the shoulder plates of his crimson armor, showing every bit the Lannister he truly was. A large red sash ran from his left shoulder to right hip and flew behind him like a cape, making him seem even larger than life. This was the man who's never lost a war in his life. His gaze, that of a seasoned lion on the prowl, stared back at Stannis unflinchingly.

Behind each of them sat their advisors. Melisandre stood behind Stannis' left shoulder, while Davos Seaworth stood behind his right. An impressive sight to behold, if not a bit strange. Tywin glanced disinterestedly at the man and woman behind Stannis. A foreign priestess and a former smuggler, strange company Stannis seems to enjoy.

Behind Tywin, Tyrion cleared his throat, the first to break the silence. "I suppose you received the letter, Lord Stannis." Tyrion began, "I do believe an alliance at this point in time would be in both of our best interest.

Stannis' trusted hand stepped forward slightly in response. "Forgive me Lord Tyrion. I'm not a learned man, I know, but Stannis is King of the Seven Kingdoms, he's not a lord. The Iron Throne is his by right." Davos said in an unmistakable Flea Bottom accent.

"My apologies, your grace. You must excuse me, I've never been one for courtesies and manners. I do admit, that's one area where my sister surpasses me." Tyrion said, "However, I do believe another currently sits on the Iron Throne who the Seven Kingdoms have proclaimed King."

"Joffrey is a bastard, born from incest." Stannis said, for the first time in this meeting. He met Tywin's eyes and only saw rage and indignation.

Tyrion, instead, accepted the statement. "And yet, there he still sits, on the Iron Throne ruling over your Seven Kingdoms. You need our help." Tyrion paused, "I do hope you consider. You'll not receive a better offer."

"I need your help? Did you see the fifty thousand men and horses on your way in?" Stannis snarled.

"They're certainly hard to miss." Tyrion refused to be intimidated by Stannis.

"There's nothing stopping me between my army and King's Landing. How many soldiers do they have inside King's Landing, a thousand, less than that? Your own host will not arrive in time to stop me. You must've been, what, three days ride ahead of your army? I can taking King's Landing before sun sets. Even if your host arrives, I still outnumber you. And you think I need you?"

Tywin, at this point, has had enough of Stannis' arrogance. "Make no mistake, Stannis. My army has been fighting in a war. They're battle tested and experienced. What has Renly been doing with his men if not sleeping with them? Tourneys? Your men have been playing at war. Each Lannister soldier fights with the strength of three green Stormlanders."

"You've been at war? I'm sure the farm boys and village women put up a great fight. Your only victory was pillaging the Riverlands." Stannis retorted.

"Then what about the Tyrells?" Tywin asked, sensing Stannis' weak point, "They've yet to declare for a king. You think they'd ally with you after you killed their precious Renly? They might just be a host of green boys, but forty thousand dainty roses will still prick you to death."

Before Tywin's threat can sink in, Tyrion interrupted to save the situation. "If you could take King's Landing so easily, why haven't you? The only reason I can see is you don't want to kill half a million of innocent people. It's the fastest way to win the war, but it's also the quickest way to lose the throne. The people in King's Landing may be common folk, but they'll outnumber every army in the Seven Kingdoms combined. You'll get torn apart by the people before you step foot in the Red Keep."

Stannis contemplated Tyrion's words and let out a low grunt, in agreement. If the Tyrells truly ally with the Lannisters, he won't be King for long. Not even the best commander in the Seven Kingdoms can hold off more than eighty thousand men with only about half as much. At least, not without dragons.

Tyrion glanced towards his father before finally continuing. "The best course of action now would be to join forces and rule the seven Kingdoms. Joffrey will step down from the throne and in return, you'll help us defeat our enemies. All of them. When we get my brother Jaime back, we stay in the West as wardens, and you'll rule from King's Landing."

Stannis contemplated his words for a moment and stood up from his seat, causing Tyrion to look up to him. "We march into the gates on the morrow. I expect to sit on the throne by then." Stannis turned around and walked swiftly out of the tent with his party following him.

"Well he's certainly a charmer." Tyrion let out with a small chuckle breathing out a sigh of relief. That was as good of a reaction out of Stannis as anyone could've gotten.

Tywin, likewise, relaxed into his seat slightly. He knew how much of a risk this was, riding into Stannis' camp with a small party. He knew Stannis is an honorable man, but war turns man into savages. "What'd you expect? He is quite different from his brothers, both of them." Tywin said, and allowed the first comfortable moment of silence to fall between them.

"When this is all said and done, when this war is won, my role in this world will be over. Jaime will live his foolish dream of serving as a glorified bodyguard. And you…" Tywin paused as he placed a hand on Tyrion's shoulder, "You will stay in King's Landing and act in my stead. If anyone wishes to step out of line, including Stannis, show them why lions are king. You have a sharp mind, and you'll do well in King's Landing."

Tyrion's eyes showed a hint of surprise. He couldn't remember the last time his father had offered him praise, if he'd ever done so. "What about you, you're still … young. I'm sure you still have a couple years left in you."

"Hah!" Tywin let out a true laugh at that. "The gods know I'm getting old, and before long, I'll just be a part of the past. The only thing that'll live on is my legacy. My family name, my house, and my children. Yes, even you. You'll continue and protect this legacy, do you understand?"

Tyrion gave a single nod, sensing the seriousness of the situation here. It wasn't everyday Tywin discussed topics like this, with him especially.

"I've done my part in the world. I've brought House Lannister up from near ruin. You should've seen your grandfather back in the day. The "laughing lion" his bannerman called to his face, and "Tytos the fool" they insulted behind his back. That idiot was no better than Mace Tyrell is now. Both just fat and soft men, unfit to rule. Before long, he'd lost all his power and gold to his bannerman. I reminded them who the Lions of Casterly Rock truly were. Now we sit at the top of the Seven Kingdoms. That, is my legacy. If enemies rise up to challenge our place in the world, you'll remind them why the rains weep o'er his halls."

Tywin stood up, deciding he's had enough of the day. "Night is approaching, we ride back to our camp. Stannis may have offered us guest right, but I know better than to trust his men. We'll lead our forces into King's Landing on the morrow and remove Joffrey from the throne. The sooner this business is done the sooner I can return to your mother in Casterly Rock. Joanna will certainly be angry at how long I've been away. They fury of a kind soul is nothing to be scoffed at. You should return to see her as well. It's been years since you left Casterly Rock and she surely misses you, perhaps the most out of all of us. With the way Cersei and Jaime have been, you may be our best child."

"Mother loves all of us. Even if Cersei goes against the family." Tyrion interjects, "She will not give up the throne without putting up a fight, especially to another Baratheon. Cersei will claw your eyes out before she lets you drag her out of the Red Keep. Mother lions are fiercely protective of her cubs afterall."

Tywin thought of his own wife and how protective she was of their children. He couldn't help but see the same protectiveness in Cersei, but to a mad degree. Tywin loves his wife. Ever since they were young, Tywin couldn't remember ever seeing a more beautiful woman. She took his breath away everytime he laid eyes on her. Even to this day, sometimes he would look at her, and he couldn't believe she's real. Tywin did everything to protect Joanna and the love they held for each other. Even from the Mad King. When Tywin saw the looks Aerys shot towards his lovely Joanna, he knew it was time to retreat from court. Ever since, Tywin's been fiercely protective of his mate the same way she was of their children. And everytime he saw Cersei, he saw a young Joanna within her and felt the urge to protect her from the world. But Tywin knew he had to steel his resolve despite his love for his daughter. He must put the good of his entire family before the wishes of an individual. To the rest of the Seven Kingdoms, he was still the brutal lion of Casterly Rock.

In a deep but clear voice, Tywin said, "I'll let myself be consumed by maggots before I let her and that stupid boy of hers destroy everything I've built. If Cersei resists to step down from power, she'll find herself confined to a chamber in Casterly Rock for the rest of her days."

Tyrion nodded in understanding. He slowly walked out the tent and towards their small group of Lannister guards. Tywin slowly followed behind, looking at Tyrion with a concealed fond smile. You were right about him, Joanna. He'd make a great Lord of Casterly Rock one day.

On the other side of the Baratheon camp, Stannis now gathered in his personal tent with his advisors after the meeting with Tywin Lannister.

"Well that went better than expected." Davos said, as Stannis, now seated at the head of his table, motioned for his two companions to take a seat as well. "Never expected a man like Tywin Lannister to give up the throne that easily."

"A desperate man in a desperate situation." Stannis answered, "But Tywin has other plans. Surely, one way or another, he'll dig his claws into the Lords at court. The king will be surrounded by lions once again."

"They say you keep a friend close and an enemy closer. Perhaps this makes keeping an eye on the Lannisters that much easier." Davos suggested.

"Whoever said that, didn't have many enemies. If you think the Lannisters will be deterred from betraying me at the quickest notice, you're a bigger fool than my brother Ser Davos." Stannis answered, "With the Lannisters now on our side, we must keep our eyes open at all times. Not only do we have to watch our enemies, but now we must also watch our allies. They may help us take the Iron Throne, but they'll make ruling much more difficult."

Stannis looked towards the Red Woman, seeking her opinion. "I've shown you the visions in the flame prior to this, my king. There won't be much of a city remaining if we attempt to siege the city ourselves. But now with the Lannisters by our sides, I can only see you sitting on the throne, your grace."

Stannis flinched as he remembered the visions of a city burnt to a crisp. Houses lay in waste, corpses burnt to a blackened char, and the Red Keep surrounded by thick black smoke, at least what was left of the castle. Whatever caused that destruction put the fear of god into Stannis. It was the only reason he hadn't dared step foot in King's Landing. Seeing Melisandre's displays of magic countless times, Stannis knew there were powers at play in this game that go far beyond the laws of men. And whatever force that can lay waste to a city worse than Balerion the Dread did to Harrenhal was a cause for great concern.

"Anything else? What in the Seven Hells could've caused something like that?" Davos asked. After he'd seen Melisandre's magic himself, he knew better than to scoff at her visions. Even though he was against using blood magic to win the throne, he knew thousands of lives were at stake here.

"I can only see what the Lord of Light shows me. He's a bit of a cunt in that way, only revealing what he thinks is interesting enough." Melisandre answered, as the fire on the candles in the tent flared to a large flame, almost singeing the top of the tent. R'hllor didn't take well to that insult. Before anyone can blink, the fire was gone, causing Stannis' eyes to widen and Davos to shiver. Melisandre only scoffed at the childish behavior.

"It'll be first order of business when I sit on the throne." Stannis said when he finally recovered and turned towards Davos, "We need to discover the secrets King's Landing holds."

A knock was heard on the doors of her chambers as Cersei set down her goblet of wine.

Her guard announced the presence of her visitor, "Lord Petyr Baelish, your grace."

Cersei cleared her throat and sent him in. Clear clacks of footsteps sounded against the marble floors of the hallway as Littlefinger appeared through the door to her chambers.

"You requested my presence, your grace? A meeting at this hour will start rumors in court." Petyr said with a sly smile, "Unpleasant rumors."

Cersei ignored the jab and pointed to the seat opposite of her instead. "Sit down, this concerns your king and the Seven Kingdoms." Cersei has always been surprised at how Littlefinger's accent made him sound even more devious than the words he actually spoke. If Cersei didn't know the unique accent that hailed from a land aptly named "The Fingers," she'd have thought that Petyr spoke with the voice of the devil himself.

Petyr made a show of looking around the chamber. "I wasn't aware this was a small council meeting. Where's Varys, or Pycelle?"

"Elsewhere. Those two snakes can't be trusted when it matters." Cersei answered.

"Ahh… Slanderous statements from the Queen, one might accuse. What could possibly cause one to doubt loyal servants to the crown, your grace?" Petyr asked sarcastically.

Cersei let out a small snort of amusement. "You should know better than anyone else of allegiances Lord Baelish. At the very least, you make it clear who you serve, at least to those who look beneath the surface. Your loyalties lie with nobody except yourself. You think that makes you dangerous, but it only makes you all the more predictable. But that's no slight against you. For someone of your birth to rise so high in the world, that's something I can respect. As well as your ambition. The others, on the other hand...

"Varys claims to serve the people of the common folk, but we all know that's a lie. Only the gods know whom he truly serves. And Pycelle, that old sack 'o cunt. He's loyal only to my father. Not me, or the Lannisters, or the crown. He'll sell everyone out the first chance he gets to please my father. No one seems to have an idea of why in the Seven Hells he's so loyal to my father."

Cersei, however, noticed a smug look on Littlefinger's face which he thought he hid. "Except for you it seems, do tell." Cersei said, as she laid back in her seat with her goblet of wine in hand.

"Old rumors I assure you, your grace. Only the imaginations of storytellers." Petyr answered. But upon seeing Cersei's unconvinced look, he decided to continued.

"Legend has it, our Grand Maester Pycelle was quite the oath breaker, even back in the day. Bedded not only whores, but highborns as well. Before long, word got around court that Pycelle here was quite the young stallion. After one drunken night, he found himself in bed with a woman he wasn't supposed to touch. Perhaps it was because of one of the harsher beatings from the Mad King, but Queen Rhaella found herself in the comfort of Pycelle's company that night. And for much more than health purposes. The pair were discovered by guards the next morning, and unfortunately for them, it was one of the few that was still loyal to the king. Before he could run off and expose the lovers, his throat was slit from behind from none other than Tywin Lannister. He had pitied the Queen, for at this point, his friendship with Aerys had already deteriorated into hatred. Aerys had tried to force Joanna into his own bed, but Tywin quickly saw an end to that. Seeing the Queen caught in this dire situation, he decided to help her. Pycelle was just the lucky fool caught in the middle. After that incident, he's sworn his life to Tywin Lannister and has served him since."

"How does a brothel keeper like you catch the hint of whispers so far away?" Cersei asked, intrigued at how Littlefinger knew secrets not even Varys, the Master of Whisperers can even dream of."

Petyr let out a small humorless chuckle. "You should know by now, that I'm much more than a brothel keeper, your grace. And neither are the girls in my establishment just whores. Knowledge is power." Littlefinger said, "You'll be surprised at the whispers and rumors that men let slip to beautiful women when they're drunk off arbor wine and sinful pleasures. Men of high stature in court, men that hold important secrets. Gold isn't the only price at my establishment. Information is what I seek… Knowledge is power."

Cersei had always scoffed at that notion. Her father showed her the merits of true power being power. Forcing bannerman and other houses to obey through the sheer will of his command and influence. But perhaps, seeing the extent of Littlefinger's own knowledge, it was time for her to rethink. "And what secrets would you let slip to a woman like me?" Cersei asked, with a hint of seduction.

"What does your grace wish to hear?" Petyr asked in response, deciding to partake in the queen's game.

"Everything." Cersei answered without hesitation.

Petyr nodded, already having guessed Cersei's intentions. "If your grace has the time, I'll reveal every secret I have. But perhaps, there's more urgent matters at the moment, regarding the actual reasons for this meeting."

Cersei nodded in agreement. Her curiosity will have to wait for another time. They still had a war to win, and the outcome can decide the fate of the Seven Kingdoms. "I wish to know what everyone's planning? Why Stannis awaits outside King's Landing, what my father intends to do…"

Petyr's eyebrow raised in surprise at that. "Does your grace not trust her own father?" He asked.

"I trust he'll always do what's best for the family, but that doesn't mean what's best for me or my children. He's never been on a losing side in a war, and yet the odds are hopelessly against us in this one. There's no idea to what he'll do next." Cersei answered.

"Your father's a clever man." Littlefinger started, "I met with him a fortnight ago in Harrenhal after the death of Renly Baratheon." Petyr thought back to his meeting with Tywin and the little cupbearer he'd had in his service. Perhaps it's best not to mention that tiny detail to Cersei. "I had proposed an alliance with the Tyrells of Highgarden. They're the second wealthiest house behind the Lannisters with their fertile lands, feeding soldiers and horses. They command the largest host behind the Lannisters, Baratheons, Starks. And Robb Stark has yet to march half of his army south of the Neck. The Tyrells are the only house yet to declare for a king. But your father seemed opposed to the alliance. The last my sources have heard, Lord Tywin was seen riding into Stannis' camp. Seems he found a new alliance to make."

Cersei cursed silently in her head. She couldn't say she was surprised by her father's actions. Littlefinger's words only proved her suspicions. Allying with Stannis most definitely meant her and her son being removed from the throne. "And what of Stannis, what does he plan to do?"

"Your grace, surely you've heard of the peculiar advisors Stannis keeps. Word from his camp has it a foreign witch has shown him visions of the future. Of the destruction of King's Landing if he attacks the city with force." Littlefinger responded. "Almost no one knows the meaning of those visions. Whispers say the legacy of Aerys II Targaryen remains buried beneath the entire city, waiting to swallow the entire city in dragon flame."

Cersei's curiosity was once again peaked with the prospect of such destruction, "And the truth behind such 'whispers'?" Cersei asked.

Petyr developed a sly grin that revealed his true intentions. "All truth. I've investigated the rumors into the crypts beneath the Red Keep. They connected to a system of tunnels that span the entire underground of the city. Perhaps, its original use was an underground bunker against dragon fire during the Dance of Dragons. You could how a civil war between dragon riders must've frightened the common folk. But now these tunnels are filled to its brim with barrels, numbering in the thousands below the Red Keep alone."

"What did the Mad King hide in those barrels?"

"The pyromancers call it wildfire. A green substance that burns hotter than oil. Once on fire, it is inextinguishable until the substance and the object itself burns away. A highly violent substance, that's for certain. One dropped torch, and King's Landing is wiped off the face of the map." Littlefinger stated ominously.

Fear finally replaced curiosity within Cersei as she realized what she and her family were sitting atop this entire time. "Who else knows of this?"

"Just me, the pyromancer, and Pycelle. The old fool stumbled across the tunnels when I returned, by then it was too late to keep the secret from him." Petyr responded.

Cersei sat up straight in an instant. "My father mustn't know about this. It's the only thing I have above him, my only way to victory. Pycelle must be silenced before he sends word to my father."

"Rest assured, your grace. No ravens have been sent since the discovery, not even Pycelle knows the exact location of your father at the moment. In any case, Pycelle won't see the sun. He'll be dead before the city bells ring in the morning." At Cersei's questioning glance, Petyr grew a sly smile on his face. "Like I mentioned, the girls in my establishment are much more than whores. The company Pycelle chooses to warm his bed at night are much deadlier than he believes. I had them slip a few tears of Lys into his wine. The maesters will claim he died of a fever in the morning."

"You've certainly thought of everything, Lord Baelish." The look in her eyes turned hungry, as she looked at the devious man before her. The way in which he spoke and his cleverness aroused her in a way her brother never had. Jaime has always lacked the ambition that she had so much of. They were opposite sides of the same coin. She was deceitful, whereas Jaime sought honor. She was lustful, whereas Jaime was cautious. They had been close because they only had each other. But faced with a man who resembled her in so many ways, she couldn't help being attracted to such a man. Cersei felt a surge of heat growing between her legs, and unconsciously rubbed her legs together for release. It's been so long, Cersei thought.

Deciding to continue their previous game, Cersei purred, "I suppose this is the part where I repay you for your secret." She leaned forwards suggestively, allowing her gown to swoop low revealing the tops of her soft bosom.

Littlefinger, for his credit, stayed emotionless as he stared right back into Cersei's eyes, unflinchingly. "What does my queen have to offer?" Petyr asked.

"Why don't I show you your reward, Lord Baelish?" Cersei said sultrily, standing up and walking towards where Littlefinger was seated. She came to a stop between Petyr's legs. Placing her hands on the armrest of his chair, Cersei leaned forward, giving Petyr a generous glimpse down the top of her gown. She's not wearing any smallclothes, Littlefinger noted. Cersei then moved close to Petyr and whispered, "Have you ever thought of fucking the Queen?"

Littlefinger gulped, barely able to maintain his control at this point. "What of Jaime, your grace? Surely he wouldn't be …"

Cersei silenced him with a finger to his lips. "I want you." She then gave the strings on her waist a tug, and began to strip off her royal gown. Her shoulders were revealed first. The smooth skin seemingly not aged a day since she first flowered. Then the silk flowed over her teats, inching teasingly slow. Finally, Cersei's magnificent breasts were uncovered and jiggled slightly as they sprang free of her gown. The rest of her dress dropped to her feet as Cersei bared her beautiful nude body to Petyr. She stepped over her dress on the ground, each breast shook slightly with her steps. The only objects remaining on her was a beautiful necklace with a green sapphire adornment that matched the intensity of her eyes and a thin gold waist chain that hugged her slim figure. Despite birthing three children, Cersei still boasted an impressively fit figure, only know with supple breasts from feeding.

Petyr couldn't help but break eye contact with Cersei while his eyes roamed Cersei's figure with lust. While some women like Catelyn shined the brightest in their own beauty, Petyr couldn't deny that the jewelry made Cersei even more desirable, beautiful, and forbidden. For someone of his birth to be faced in front of the most powerful and beautiful woman in the seven kingdoms, his blood started to boil, melting the ice in his veins. Just simply the carnal dream of fucking the Queen, drove him to lust.

Cersei ran her hand up the inside of Petyr's thigh and cupped his manhood teasingly while biting her lip and staring directly into Littlefinger's eyes. "I see I'm not the only one aroused." Cersei let out a small giggled, "It appears your name is quite deceiving, Littlefinger."

Petyr gave a smug look towards Cersei before standing up to a level height with Cersei. He brought her close with a hand wrapped around her back at the waist, pressing his manhood between her legs. His other hand cupped her breast gently, his thumb teasing her teat.

"I want you to fuck me until I scream my throat raw."

"By your command, your grace."