Author's Note: So I have a bit of a twisted mind and this idea came to me suddenly. A bit AU with no Flash or meta humans. Warning: This story contains disturbing elements.

It was the sudden pain that brought Iris back to consciousness, and the sudden light from the room intensified the ache she felt in the back of her head. It took her a few seconds to register her current position, the unfamiliarity of the room she was in did not trouble her at first, until she saw the emptiness of it. White walls upon a white floor and the light so bright she could see every wrinkle and beauty mark on the hand blocking her face from the ceiling lights.

Panic began to emerge and Iris looked around, hoping to find something, anything, an answer perhaps. From across the room there was a bed, similar to the one she laid on, with a figure lying across it.

Where the hell am I?, she thought to herself, unsure of what was going on. Iris could barely remember anything after she exited her car. She remembered parking in the driveway, taking bags of light groceries from the back seat and something covering her….Oh.

A new wave of panic began to emerge at the sudden realization that something must have happened to her. Was she kidnapped, she thought. Did the kidnapper drug her and rape her? Iris looked down and pulled her skirt up, her dressy skirt she often wore to work, and saw her panties were still there. There was no pain between her legs or remains of someone's evidence and Iris let out of breath of relief.

Still, she was in a unfamiliar room with a stranger across from her, still asleep on his side. He appeared tall and lanky, wearing casual clothing with his shoes still on. His hair, the only other visible part of him was a dark chestnut brown, strands of it in every direction, as if it was pulled over and over again. There was a moment in which Iris considered the possibility that the tall sleeping man was the kidnapper, until she thought about how foolish it would be for the him to sleep in the same room as she, putting himself at risk of an attack if she were to wake before him.

Iris got up from the bed and felt weakness in her legs for a few seconds until she adjusted to being in a standing position. She thought about walking over and waking the man up, thinking that he may know more of what's going on than she, but quickly changed her mind, spotting a door on one side of the room. Iris rushed to the door and pushed against it, as there was no handle or door knob, and found that it was closed tight.

"No, no, no." She cried and pushed harder on the door, in panic, eventually using her fists to hit the structure. "Hello?!" She yelled, continuing to bang against the door until her fist throbbed with pain. "Let me out!"

A sudden groan was heard from behind her and Iris knew that the man was waking up, most likely from the noise she created.

"Fuck, what is that?" The man rolled over and Iris could see his face for the first time. The man's eyes were closed shut, most likely feeling the same pain and discomfort from the bright ceiling light.

Iris, not thinking twice, rushed over to the man and kneeled beside him on the floor, placing her small hand against his face. "Hey, hey. I, um, need you to h-help me find a way out." Iris managed to say, somehow finding the strength to remain somewhat calm, despite the rapid beating she felt as she placed the palm of her other hand against her chest.

"Wha? Who are you?" The man's voice was hoarse and deep and harsh, as his eyes narrowed on Iris's face. He grabbed her by the wrist, the one connected to the hand against his cheek, and pulled it away. His harsh movements took Iris by surprise at first, but she could understand his reaction as he probably had as much knowledge of what was currently happening as she. The man got up from the bed and walked over to the door that Iris was pushing against not too long ago. After a few attempts to open, to no prevail, the man cursed loudly in defeat and slumped his back against the door, sliding down until he was sitting on the ground with his knees bent and his large hands grabbing fistfulls of his hair.

"Look, um, sir…" Iris did not know what to say or what to do. No amount of experience in the field of journalism could prepare herself for the danger that she found herself in this time. She imagined that she made a few enemies along the way, exposing the city's most corrupt would guarantee that, but she could not imagine what she could have possibly done to allow for this situation. Before she could continue with her thoughts, the man responded.



"My name is Barry." Iris saw that the man was looking at her now, taking a quick glance at her current state of dress before returning his eyes to her face, with a confused expression.

"Oh, um, I didn't know we were touching on first name basis already." Iris joked inappropriately and she saw the corner of Barry's mouth turn slightly upward.

Iris looked around the room for something that could help them get out of this prison that they were in. Something caught her eyes when Barry spoke again.

"So can I know your name?"

"What? Oh, it's Iris. Does that look like a camera to you?" Iris pointed to the small device on one of the corners of the room, opposite from the door. Barry followed her finger, although the item was not hard to miss. There was very few things in the room with them, and the walls were all pale, making the device stand out.

"Holy shit." Barry got up from his place on the floor and walked to the corner. He was a tall man but not tall enough to reach the camera. "Do you think the person is watching us?"

"God knows. Probably." Iris breathed out, and her heart began to beat faster at the thought of someone watching them.

"Ok, um, what is the last thing you remember?" Barry asked, now focusing on Iris, who stood frozen in the middle of the small room.

"I..I remember coming home from the store. I got out of my car and I felt someone grab me from behind. And something covering my mouth…" Iris eyes widened at the sudden memory of feeling the wet towel pressed against her mouth. She still could not explain the pain in her head when she awoke from this hell.

"Fuck!" Barry whispered. "I was leaving my apartment…"

Barry looked up at Iris and saw the tears welling in her eyes. Something about seeing the sadness and worry in her eyes prompted him to approach her and place his hands on her gentle shoulders. "Hey, hey, listen. We are going to get through this. We are going to find a way out, I promise you."

Iris brushed the tears that spilled down her cheeks briskly. There was a pause and Iris nodded, hestinantly. She could not imagine how they were going to get out of this situation but a part of her had hope that her father and brother or even her boyfriend would notice her missing. Perhaps if she stayed at her father's house instead of moving into the apartment she currently resided in by herself, her family would notice something wrong when she did not return home the next day. A small part of her hoped Eddie was currently making attempts to reach out to her, but she couldn't imagine him calling her so soon after the big fight they had the night before.

There was a few moments of silence before a voice emerged and broke through the four walls, it's origins unknown until Barry noticed another small device on the other side of the room, where the suppose door was. It, too, was hanging high on the wall barely touching the ceiling, as if strategically placed there for the purpose of communicating with the captives held prisoners within the four white walls.

"Now that you both are awake, we can begin." Barry and Iris looked at each other in confusion before looking at the speaker, noticing the distortion in the deep voice that was addressing them. There was a moment of silence followed by shuffling before the voice returned. "I'm going to make this quick. If you two want to return home safely, there is something the two of you have to do."

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Barry yelled in question. One hand remained on Iris's shoulder and Iris could feel his fingers twitch as he spoke.

"You have to put on a show."

Iris looked at Barry in confusion. Put on a show. Iris's eyes widened at what she thought he was possibly suggesting.

"You w-want us to…"

"Fuck." The voice responded and Barry's hand tightened on Iris's shoulder.

"What?" was the only response that came from Barry, and he looked to Iris for confirmation that he heard correctly.

"Like I said, put on a show, and you are free to go."

"No!" Iris retorted in anger. She was not going to have sex with a stranger while some pervert watched on camera. Never mind that she did not know the man standing before her, but the thought of what the mystery voice was suggesting made her stomach unsettle and her jaw tense.

"The choice is yours." And with that, voice disappeared and the whispering static sound in the background faded.

Barry turned to Iris and his look mirrored that of Iris. Anger. Frustration. Worry. Pain? At least that was what Iris felt as the ache she felt in the back of her head reemerged.

The pair looked at one another and Barry could see the sadness again in Iris's eyes. He felt anger at the thought of what they were expected to do and of what will happen if they refuse their kidnapper's command. Barry shook his head and after a long time let go of Iris's shoulder, looking around the room for any possible way they could exit.

Nothing. No window, no vent. The air inside the room was already stuffy and Barry couldn't help but notice a small bead of sweat settled on Iris's chest, between the curves that formed her breast. Barry looked away quickly, not feeding into the idea of copulating with a woman against either of their wills to satisfy the deranged human waiting outside these walls.

Fuck, Barry thought. He must have vocalized his thought because Iris looked at him, her eyes glistening from the tears that had yet to fall.

"There is no way out. This asshole has us trapped here for a long time." Barry moved to the bed he was occupying not that long ago and slumped down. He imagined that maybe, just maybe, Cisco would notice his absence and figure out that something was wrong. No, he was confident that Cisco knew by now that something was amiss. His roommate would catch on quickly and do whatever he can to help his best friend out, especially if he sensed he was in danger. The problem is, did he know where to find him? Barry hoped that the kidnapper was messy in his efforts to take down the 6"1 man, who was leaving his apartment before hell ensued. Barry then thought about his family. His parents would be the first to learn about his disappearance after Cisco, and the thought of his protective mother falling apart pained him.

He looked up to see the woman, Iris, sitting on the other bed opposite from him. He was so lost in thought he did not notice her movements. Despite the tears and sunken face, Barry thought the woman looked quite beautiful. Her dark skin glowed, most likely from the slowly building heat of the room, and in any other circumstances, Barry would imagine running his fingers down her arms, chest, legs…but the thought of engaging in any form of sexual or intimate activity with the young woman repulsed him; not because he did not find himself attracted to her, but because of the circumstances they found themselves in.

With a sigh, Barry laid back on the bed and closed his eyes.

It might have been a few hours, the next day, none of them could be certain. Their kidnapper had made sure to remove any devices from their pockets. Even Iris's watch that she received as a gift from boyfriend was missing. Time was nonexistent in the empty space, where all there was to keep the pair entertained were their beds, the monitor, and each other.

"Chess club." Barry admitted and a blush creeped up on his snowy cheeks.

"Seriously?" Iris could not help but laugh lightly at Barry's confession.

"Yeah, I mean what can I say...I was a bit of a dork back then." Barry rubbed the back of his neck slowly, occasionally looking up to see feminine eyes staring back and a sweet smile that made him blush even more. "But wait, that's not all...I was also in the anime and robotics clubs."

"Wow." Iris responded jokingly, but she couldn't help but smile at his admittance. There was something about this gentle, nerdy side of him that warmed her heart. As time passed on, anger became a distant feeling with the pair resorting to talking about their lives. The lives that they were uncertain if they would ever return to. It was the only distraction they had from their current predicament, and at times, both were completely lost in their discussions that the world around them seized to exist for those few moments. The idea that Iris was not alone comforted her, as selfish as she thought that was.

"What about you?" Barry asked, even though he knew the answer.

"Literature magazine, creative writing, school know."

Barry gave a small chuckle. "Seems like you were destined to be a reporter, Ms. West."

The corner of Iris's lips rose and before she could respond, her stomach began to growl again. Iris placed both hands on her belly and pressed lightly, hoping to relieve some of the pains she felt at not eating for a awhile. "Shit, I can't take this anymore. We need food."

"I know." Barry shook his head slightly and looked up at the camera.

Both were resting on their beds, doing their best to close their eyes and let sleep take over them, taking their minds from the discomfort they felt from their hunger and the heat of the room. Barry fought against removing any article of clothing, not wanting to make Iris uncomfortable, but the uncomfortableness he felt in return having to feel the fabric of his pants stick to his sweaty legs and the wetness of his shirt made the young man change his mind. So Barry laid on the bed, only in his brief shorts with a thin blanket covering his bottom half. Barry couldn't help but notice that Iris eventually gave in as well, her bra and panties the only article of clothing she kept on, and the same type of blanket covering her legs and torso. He also noticed her discomfort as she moved from side to side, finding a position that would give her some relief from the pain below her belly. After some time battling with the urgency to relieve herself, Iris rushed over to the corner of the room with the bucket she found under her bed and relieved herself. At least their kidnapper was courteous enough to provide them with toilet wipes, she noted with sarcasm. Iris could only feel the embarrassment of doing something so private not far from Barry for awhile before it became part of their routine. Barry never turned once and she was grateful that he gave her privacy.

"I can't sleep." Iris whispered under the blanket she was covered in completely, blocking the intense light even for a little bit. Her voice was soft and muffled but with the silence of the room, Barry could make each syllable.

"Me too."

"Iris turned towards him on her bed and saw that he had an arm thrown over his eyes.

"I can't take it anymore, Barry. I know it's crazy but I think maybe we know." Iris hesitated but hoped Barry knew what she meant. Barry stiffened and removed the arm from his face and turned to Iris.


Iris cut him off abruptly. "I know, I don't want to either. Just the thought of him...watching...But what other choice do we have. We haven't had food or water for god knows how long. What if this is all he wants?"

"And what if it isn't?" Barry intercepted, his torso now raised as he leaned against his arms.

"We won't know. But we have to try. Barry we might.." Iris choked before she could utter the dreadful word, but she managed to continue. "...die here."

Barry looked defeated and angry and...hopeful? Iris waiting for his response.

"Ok." Before Iris had a chance to respond, Barry got up from the bed and the blanket that was covering his midriff and legs fell on the floor.

"Ok, we're ready!" Barry yelled, looking at the camera and waiting for a response he wasn't even sure would be there. From his peripheral, he noticed Iris get up and walked towards the camera. Her blanket was also forgotten, and for the first time, Barry noticed her slim figure and the gorgeous chestnut color glistening with the sweat. Iris stared at the camera for a moment before she responded confidently. "You want a show, we'll give you a show."

There was a moment of silence before the voice returned from behind them, this time much deeper and with a bit of an accent. The sound filled the small space they occupied and Barry continued directing his attention at the camera.

"Good." Was the voice's only response, and Barry looked to Iris in confusion before looking back at the camera.


Author's end note: Yeah, so I hope you enjoyed it. Feedback is greatly appreciated!