Writing is something I very egotistically thought a few years back (via 10-13) I was very good at. Due to poor logic of the more time you did it, the better you are.

Obviously, this is no longer my belief and the reason being is because even if you spend 10+ years doing something, if you don't challenge yourself or try something new within that area you will not improve. Time is not important if you don't use it to your advantage, and this started my roll down into learning how to write creative stories half-decently. (You'll see me say half-decent a lot).

My grammar is not my strong point, I know this, next year I will be taking AP Lang so hopefully I will improve a bit more by then. I want to talk about tropes here and how I wrote myself into a corner (multiple times) due to this trope, and other various things. That way you can understand why I may not have "VARIETY" in future story-writing and you'll see most of my fanfiction work be comedic.

If you want to skip this all and see what I mean just skip down to the last paragraph. Read the rest and let's just say...maybe you'll like me a bit less.

Alright let's begin. Confession time: I don't have many variety in original characters and I mean from race to sexualities and genders. How does this affect my fanfiction writing? By applying what I write from original stories I write it into my fanfiction.

I'm very lazy and procrastinate very easily, I hate this trait of mine but I am a glutton to it. I am honestly trying to change this part but other personal stuff (that I REFUSE to delve into right now) is sorta preventing me, and I have very little control over some things. However, I am hyped up about writing no matter what if I'm not writing I want to do it and when I'm writing I THRIVE. Understood? Great.

Now back to main point, I don't write LGBT+ characters or have many racial varieties because...well I'm not them. And racial is easier for me to write as I can research it and understand and admire another culture, as for sexual/gender orientation, it's hard for me to write characters who are such as that because I don't view them as different as most people expect me to see them as, but I am off putting as people will ask, "Where's the development" for that type of sexuality.

Fun Fact: I literally thought about making Gumi lesbian in this story.

Now that would be AWESOME to most people most likely, but the darker truth is I thought about it because I thought it'd make other people happy. I read about an author of The Outsiders get attacked for not making two certain characters gay, and I've talked to classmates and people online who's told me there is no excuse to not have a sexual orientation character. So I've always just put them in the background and never really tried to do much.

I NOW know that's very immature and very bias. Gumi I do not view her as lesbian, I now actually view certain vocaloid OCs as bisexual or lesbian/gay. Before we argue about pansexuals and stuff, let's just stick to basics here people. And IF you do not agree with this list I am PERFECTLY okay with that, hell I make jokes a lot that Len is a manwhore who will flirt with anything that moves. (Sorry Len-Len).

These cast consists of Miku, Luka, Haku, Oliver, Yohio, and Neru. Yeah, very small but to be honest I'm okay with this demographic as I sorta don't know 10000+ vocaloids like probably most of the fandom (congrats to those who do) but that's really because my mind opened up. Am I part of the LGBT+ community? No, but I 100% support it and this has been a struggle of mine to WRITE. Keyword: WRITE because I have very little experience of being part of that demographic. I am very anxious people will point this out and crap on me because of my lack of sexual orientated and gender orientated characters.

I highly doubt this will change in the future because I most likely will stay single forever.

Okay confession out of the way, what you need to take from that is I am challenging myself to write varieties in stories. It's very hard to keep track of every character and make sure they develop well, and as well make sure the plotline is interesting. I am amazed at some writers for being able to write novels at such a fast pace and never feel tired of writing (or well lazy of writing).

Am I writer? No, maybe someday, but I won't consider myself a writer until I finish at least one book in my life and even then I probably won't consider myself a writer unless I write on a daily basis. This is hard for me to keep up and cranking because I do a bajillion other hobbies as well, I'm a "jack" (jill) of all trades really.

People think writing is easy, I want to sit those people back down and ask them how to create a good story that people will like, and feel enchanted by. You can't be original you never will be, there's always going to be something based off something. But in a way, that should motivate you because it means you will accept these tropes and whatnot and apply them to make your story more entertaining and your story feels more real. Even if it's a fantasy world.

So what is the point of all this? Well, I'm scrapping this story and re-writing it. With better, wiser decisions. Don't worry the plotline will remain intact as it should, but planned better, with more diverse characters. Yeah they're vocaloids but I want to make them feel real to you, the reader, as I see them as real as well.

Rin and Len will forever be my OTP and fight me on this! (Just kidding!) But I do want to practice my writing skills, and yeah, they're sorta my test dummies. Crypton owns them duh, but I still view them as characters with a story that can change and personalities. They're like actors, except I still will see them as non-related because that's just adorable to me if two people have the same last name but aren't related and fall in love (also opposites attract sort of thing). I can say that about any genderbend but Rin and Len takes the cake for me. Like any characters, they deserve the utmost respect.

I will make certain characters more sexual orientated (that's a secret because not ALL the vocaloids I list will have the same sexual orientation every single time) but the plot will be more joyful and less dull and confusing. The whole time while waiting for Rin to be accepted as a songwriter is stupid to me so I decided to scrap that out and replace it with something else instead. Once I get a cover done (because I refuse to take some other person's image) and get at least 5-10 lengthy chapters done in advanced I will post it. This may take from a week to next month as I am doing full-bomb planning and I have other stuff I work on.

(Also going to Vietnam next week)

I am trying to not write myself into a corner, I now want to write more variety characters to see how their stories unfold as well on the side. So let me sum everything into one paragraph.

I am rewriting Lyrical: Music Notes. The old version will still be here (but I'll put SCRAPPED on it) but I will post the new one as soon as I can. I will have to draw the cover the cover and digitize it because I don't want to take someone else's artwork (and MMD isn't gonna provide me that satisfaction). I'm not an artist or writer but someone who aims to become just as half-decent. And the new version of this will hopefully be half-decent or at least, better than the current one. I want to have 5-10 "lengthy" chapters before I even post again as well as if I fall into a crash then I can immediately pick myself back up. I will be posting unpredictably once the first chapter is out, and then post more consistently once I've finished the story in my own private time and working on re-edits. That is the plan, I hope nobody is mad.

Now, thank you for reading my little Starlings!