A/N: Hey so this is my first story. And this is for fun by the way, but I am writing fanfictions to practice basic fundamentals of writing. Such as grammar, plot & character development, and so on so forth. Please do give constructive criticism and it is much appreciated, and if harshly (have mercy please ;-;). Please criticize based on the writing style, and how I portray the characters. But do not go, "Oh Rin acts like this not that!" Vocaloids' personalities can be twisted and changed easily just letting you know.

I wanna let you know some songs won't be sung by the 'original' Vocaloid and some may be covers for the sake of the story. Also when you see me insert lyrics please ignore how I input them I don't really write lyrics into stories a lot and can figure this out over time. Though reminders, in the beginning, is great, for fanfictions I will not do that since again: this writing is for fun. But I want to improve fundamentally on writing regardless.

If you have no advice and just here for the story, then sit back and relax, watch the drama in the story unfold and be satisfied. Rin x Len stories on fanfiction are basically dead nowadays so those still reading it, hi! Remember how this used to be so active around 2012-2014? No? Oh well.

Also, I do not view Rin & Len as siblings, please do know that. So if you wanna debate about their relationship standing be my guess but I'm not changing the goddamn story, if you don't like it go read a different one.

Disclaimer: Vocaloid/Crypton Media is not owned by me, but the plot is.

Disclaimer out of the way, let's begin!

Chapter One

"Hey, Mr. Music…"

Lunch Tuesday

She bit into the last piece of her orange, savoring the taste. Never preferring any other fruit but her beloved orange, this was truly heavenly. Food heaven aside, of course, this girl had other things set out for her. She slowly counted in her head, 'Three...two...one-'.

"Hey Rin!" a voice called out to her, the girl looked up, her white ribbon bow bobbing on top of her soft blonde hair. She saw the figure of her best friend walk over, her spunky friend with teal twin tails skipping over, blue-green eyes twinkling with delight, and the sun shining on her peachy skin.

If her friend was actually threatening, Rin would probably go blind due to how "sparkling" her friend was. As her friend approached she tilted her head, raising an eyebrow to inquire her to talk. "Have you heard? Guess!" her friend chirped, clearly the newest gossip in school has perked her ears.

'There goes my peace and quiet…' Rin thought to herself, though she hadn't been surprised. She sat in the courtyard under a cherry blossom tree that had changed to autumn leaves, hilarious enough though people should be out here due to the calming nature, most people in her school seemed to enjoy the indoors of the cafeteria and being on their phones. Most likely because the cafeteria had the most gossip, the only people here were most likely couples who sneaked away and maybe a few stragglers like her. Cafeteria or the roof, and Rin couldn't fathom on why people would hang out there.

"Piko and Miki finally started to act on their feelings and get together?" she sarcastically guessed. She knew Miki and Piko would never speak up, they were both shy and timid in general- and dense as hell.

Her friend giggled, "Nope, it's much better!"

Rin gave her a narrowed look. She didn't want to play guessing games right now.

Her friend stopped giggling and her smiling face changed to a serious one, "Did you know about Kagamine?"

Rin flinched, oh she knew. She definitely knew, and she had a tiny crush on him. The 'golden' boy of their school, Crypton Academy he literally had golden blonde hair. He looked freakishly similar to her- but also so different. While her eyes were more of a lighter cerulean blue, his eyes were a dark sapphire blue, that captivated her and made her feel like she was under a spell. It wasn't just his eyes that had drawn her to him, his bold personality intrigued her, but even though he was open and cheery his eyes were dark and quiet. She saw moments of his weaknesses when nobody else saw but they weren't to bad- just the occasional self-doubt and that seemed to be the case.

"Um Rin?" a hand waved in front of her face, obviously her friend's. Being drawn out from her fantasy, she looked at her friend and maintained her poker-expression.

"Sorry, could care less," she said monotonously. In all truth, it was far from it, she was curious and if anyone had dirt on this guy it was her friend.

Her friend pouted, "So rude Rin-rin!"

"Sorry Miku, go ahead and continue."

"As I was saying," Miku paused making sure her friend was listening, "The Kagamine guy is looking for a new member of the band, with Shion and Gumi of course."

"You mean Len, Kaito, and Gumi essentially? Why suddenly needing a new member?" Rin curiously asked, she had saw the posters around school but hadn't thought much into it- well until now.

Miku sat down before continuing, "They need another vocalist, they had asked me but need another female vocalist. In general, they need more people for their band as it is very small. There's auditions from after school today to Friday you can sign up on paper."

Rin wasn't surprised, their band was small and dwindled with people. There were really only three members so it's a trio essentially but nonetheless it didn't stop the school from loving the band. Heck the band got more love than the sports did, and Rin still couldn't decide if that's a good or bad thing considering the school's previous track records on how they treated sports and other activities.

Back to the topic at hand though, what did it have to do with her? "Is this just another one of your random news or is something going on?" she asked, she was suspicious. Miku was known for doing random things at times, and this might be no different.

"Spot on Rin, yeah I have an idea…" Miku grinned- and it wasn't your usual grin. It's a "Let's-do-something-crazy" grin that Rin knew well, and last time it happened Rin had to bribe the school's news girl, Neru, for information on Kaito, for some apparent reason Miku had a crush on that kid. Which in itself is freaky- but who was she to judge?

Rin sighed, "Let me guess, you want us both to audition there right?"

"Exactly!" Miku grinned happily.

Rin rolled her eyes, "You can, you're the best person I know that has a good singing voice. You'll easily get in," which isn't a lie it's true. Gumi had even recommended Miku to the group so Miku didn't really need to audition today, and was really good in music, Rin could honestly care less she did like anything to do with music. But she never really talked about it or delved into it.

Rin avoided eye contact with her friend, already knowing she'll try to persuade her. And she didn't want to join, crush or no crush she dropped music like hot fire for reasons that she will not explain anytime soon. Miku knew these reasons, and for some idiotic reason, Miku still pushes her.

"You can't avoid the stage forever. Just show your true potential, we both know you're great!" Miku whined. Yes, she can. She has been for the last 4-5 years of her life. Honestly the best reasons, she purposely does worse in music class so she doesn't get noticed. So bad that even the teacher has told her to change electives, which she did and that was to theatre class, and she wasn't required to sing as much.

"I'm not avoiding the stage, puberty did crap to my voice so what can I do? I already take theatre class anyways, isn't that more than enough?" Rin shrugged. She has been using that excuse, she knew it's a lie, Miku knew it's a lie, but Rin's acting skills are so on point it's hard not to believe her. Those classes did pay off.

Miku groaned, deciding to lay off for now knowing if she pushed further Rin would just go silent. Miku looked at her worriedly, "But you still gotta sing for me at least alright?"

Rin focused onto her friend again, "I may break a lot of promises but I'm not breaking that."

She remembered. Miku had promised her after the incident that even if she were to give up on the world, at least she can't give up on Miku. She only sang just for Miku because Miku did save her. Rin was grateful, she never will stand on stage again but with Miku was okay, and that was all that needed to satisfy the both of them.

Suddenly the bell rang, signaling the start of classes again. Miku and Rin looked at each other and laughed before grabbing their bags, and hurrying along to their next class they shared together which was algebra.

Theatre Class -After Lunch- Tuesday

"Are you mad woman? How can you fall for such a beast, he is a wild animal- not even fully man!" The teenage boy screamed, his aquamarine eyes instead of soft ocean ripples seemed like crashing waves. He trembled in anger, berating the woman in front of him.

Rin casted her eyes away, speaking in a low wounded voice, "I love him. And if you cannot accept me and my love who has been cursed a monster, makes you the hideous one! For have you forgotten when he saved you from the queen's henchmen?" She paused and glanced at her teacher, Ms. Yowane. She was grading them, and making them act out a play. A play called, "The Twisted Tale" about how Little Red Riding Hood fell in love with the big bad wolf.

Rin soon flicked her gaze back at her acting partner, Mikuo, "You aren't a warrior of hunting, but a cruel blooded murderer!" she coldly stated, "I will never love a man who is as horrific as you are." She turned, and walked down the small podium in a cold matter.

"And scene!" Ms. Yowane announced, her silver ponytail bouncing as she jotted down the grades. "You may return to your seats now Rin, Mikuo."

Mikuo and Rin sat back down into their chairs, and while the next duo was going up for their scene Mikuo leaned over, "Nice job Rin."

Rin nodded, "It was good working with you."

"We should work a bit more on our scenes though, I think you were a bit weak with your come back, you should act more hurt rather than angry. Red's emotions is more of sadness and pain, because in this scene the wolf has ran away and was wounded by the hunter. And the hunter had a betrayed her as well." Mikuo critiqued.

Rin looked over her script, and saw she had messed up a bit. It wasn't too bad, but probably took off some points, "Dutifully noted." Aside from Miku, her only other friend was Mikuo, Miku's brother. Who had suggested Rin to take theatre when she had basically been kicked out from music. He was a year above her, and had a lot more experience in theatre but he taught her all the ropes.

She then glanced back at the scene watching Luka act out the monologue of the mother in despair. They hadn't found a wolf yet, due to so many male roles belonging to more of background characters, and not many people had joined theatre. So far this was the only theatre class, and only thirty students had signed up as everyone else did sports, arts, or music. Ideally Mikuo should've been the wolf, but Ms. Yowane stated Mikuo's acting was more suited to the Hunter due Mikuo's ability to act as a noble, must be due to him being related to Miku who was a diva.

Truthfully, Rin did really like theatre, she felt similar to how she was singing. Or maybe it was the fact she could just pretend to be someone else, and not exist as "Rin" anymore. Either way she's glad she switched to this class and was content.

The bell rang, and Rin snapped out of her daze. Mikuo was about to leave for his chemistry class, and Rin was about to walk with him to get to her class before her teacher signaled Rin to talk to her. Rin glanced at Mikuo, and Mikuo just simply wished her luck.

Rin sighed, and walked over to the teacher, probably will get some scolding on her emotions.

"Rin, I've noticed your performance levels, though you lack a bit of emotions you are one of my top students. Granted you're the very few minority of this school that does this class, but you clearly show more passion for this class and I am sure this role of Little Red Riding hood would be fine for you to act," Ms. Yowane paused, then continued, "However, it's come to my concern you've always avoided singing to your full potential."

Rin widened her eyes, "Y-You-" she had been caught.

"You may be able to fool everyone else, but when it comes to acting I will still beat you. I am your teacher after all, and I'm sure Mikuo and his sister are aware of why you don't put your full potential in?" Ms. Yowane gave Rin a hard look, she wasn't letting Rin run away with that one.

Rin darted her eyes anywhere but the teacher, she hadn't expected to be found out. But it's also not a surprised, "Well…" she kept her voice steady, remaining calm, "I didn't see music as a passionate thing for me. So I don't really want to sing." in a monotone voice, Rin hoped she'd get away scot-free.

Ms. Yowane narrowed her eyes, "Rin, what's the real reason?"

Rin stayed silent, she wasn't budging. Ms. Yowane decided to stop there, then took out some reports from Rin's writing and reading teacher, "Alright, I won't push you. However I've noticed your writing is remarkable, and it's to the point where you can write plays and poems this makes you a very powerful in the theatre realm correct?"

Rin nodded, not knowing where her teacher was taking this, "Well, Rin. I think you should be the new song writer for the school's band."

Her eyes bulged, "What?! Where did this suddenly come from?"

"Your writing is very well, along with your acting you could teach the students in 'Vocaloid' how to express emotion through their singing. The music teacher, Mr. Al has agreed to let you try and the writer's teacher, Ms. Momone has also agreed that you should talk to them today, or at least check out the auditions. You somehow have a good sense of lyrical poetry, which can be used to transform into actual musical lyrics, so I'd tell you to try it out."

Rin hesitated, it seemed okay. She wasn't going to have to sing, nor does she have to play an instrument. Which of course she knew, she knew how to play both piano and guitar. But she obviously didn't share that piece of information. Dropping music meant dropping a lot of things, she still played it but only for Miku and Mikuo and nobody else.

However, at least she was still behind the scenes. She'd only be watching them perform and just write the lyrics, heck she didn't even have to be at the rehearsals...and a selfish part of her. Thought about how she'd talk to Len more often if she joined.

Pushing back a blush, she mumbled weakly, "I'll think about it."

Ms. Yowane, satisfied with that answer smiled, "I'm really hoping you'd consider it. I'll come with you afterward if you'd like."

Rin just only decided to let the idea settle in her head. Not really wanting to make a move, after all, there's plenty of other students who could write just as well.

"Three days, if nothing happens and nobody else signs up for the songwriter role, then I'll consider meeting up with them if I want to by then."

After School Tuesday

"NEXT!" The blue-headed teenager yelled, he glared at the singer with a look that told her to 'GET OUT' before he does worse than ruin her self esteem.

The girl, supposedly Kaede, ran off the stage crying. The teen slumped in his seat and groaned, "We've listened to so many people yet we've only recruited one new member."

His friend, next to him looked bored. He checked off another name, "And so far that only girl is Miku. But we knew she was a good singer from Gumi."

Mentioned 'girl' Gumi, nodded, her green eyes feeling droopy and tired. They'd been staying after school for over forty minutes, and within that forty minutes had rejected at least eighteen girls, and sixteen guys. Musicians were no less harder to find as well, being the only ones who really did the instrumentals was Kaito and Len. And forget a songwriter they've looked for ages and the only one who did that was Len, as Kaito was too idiotic at times to even think and Gumi herself was failing her writing class as she speaks.

Gumi then rested her head on the table, glancing at Len and Kaito, "I think we'll live without much singers. What we really need is a song writer as Mr. Al said, if we don't find one, we'll be shut down."

The mood felt even more gloomy, and watching from the seats in the rows, Miku couldn't help but feel sad. She walked over to the table, "Don't give up, we'll find someone to do your songwriting! It'll just take time, if you can recruit me I'm sure you'll find another good writer!" she tried to be encouraging.

But it wasn't really any use, Len decided to just simply call up the next person. And so there she was, a girl with golden brown eyes, and golden blonde hair in a side ponytail, she wore the regular school uniform of girls of course.

"Name, grade, what your other talents may be, and song?" Len asked into the mic.

The girl stuttered, "I-I'm Neru Akita...grade 10 and fifth-teen. I'll be singing "Nostalogic". T-that's it, no other things but that."

Len nodded, "We just need a minute of that song."

Neru nodded, and took a deep breath then sang,

"mui ni sugiru jikan dake

onaji ichi de nagameteta Like chess pieces

usure yuku kagayaki sore wa

mokuteki? soretomo Nostalogic...?

habataku tsubasa o yokome ni

karamawari bakari aseri tsunori

katariatta "Kibou + Kanousei"

ano hibi ga tada koishii

tooku misueta hajimari no basho kitto

tada sore dake ga

ima no boku o sasaeteru

ima no boku o sasaeteru "

Everyone widened their eyes, it was amazing. Not the best, but she's the first person that didn't make Len and Kaito crawl into a hole.

The band looked at each other then looked back at Neru, "You're in." Len stated on the behalf of everyone, and frankly, everyone seemed to be compliant.

"We got a person! I think that's good for today!" Gumi cheered, and ran up to Neru with Miku.

"Welcome to the Vocaloids!" Miku congratulated.

Neru blinked, then smiled, "Thanks."

Kaito then looked at Len, "So what do you think? Do you think we can solve the issues of this band and be able to keep it?"

Len looked back determinedly, "I have more faith now than forty minutes before that's for sure."

Soon, the boys joined the girls on stage to congratulate the new member. It was cheery talking, and everyone had hope that their band wouldn't be shut down. Soon everyone started heading home, and everyone was in a good mood.

Even Len, who when he arrived home greeted his mother in the kitchen before going into his room. Doing his homework real quick, before deciding to start writing lyrics out.

Hours passed, and his once empty trash bin accumulated so much paper. He was out of song ideas, the last ones he wrote that were a big hit were, "Spice!", "Ah, it's a wonderful cat life!", "Erase or Zero", "Cantarella", and "ECHO!". Gumi and Kaito didn't mix well singing together, maybe some practice, but either way Gumi and Kaito never preferred singing with each other. They did all sing, "World is Mine" together, and that was also with Miku.

But so far, nothing. No new songs in the past month and a half, and he was screwed for the winter festival. He decided to head to bed, only hoping that some miracle would happen to this band, and he'd find a songwriting partner to help him.

A/N: That's a wrap today guys! I'll update at least once every other day at most, or 2-3 days at a time. It depends on my writing rate and feedback. I'll hold back a bit on the first few chapters and go more steady as time goes on. This isn't like 60+ chapters, it's around how many as needed. Personally, I'd say just enjoy the ride.

Alright, thank you for reading, feedback is welcome, and take care.