"...and the dragons left."

"Left? Where'd they go?"

"I don't know, Myra."

"But you know everything!" Myra protested, turning her wide blue-green eyes up at her father.

Hiccup smiled gently, brushing his daughter's curly, honey blonde hair out of her face and propping her up in his lap to stand on his crossed legs.

"That's not true," He corrected. "I may know a lot, admittedly less than your Uncle Fishlegs-" At this, Myra giggled as her father grinned teasingly in return. "-but most things remain a mystery still, even to me, and even to your mother."

Myra's gaze locked his own, curiosity and innocence swirling in their turquoise depths. With a short, "I don't agree, but okay", Myra hopped off Hiccup's lap and skipped over to the edge of their campsite, looking around at the wildlife as she went. Hiccup watched her go, a wistful look on his face as his pride and joy ran around and played with the surrounding flora, giggling as she went.

When the dragons had left ten years before, Hiccup thought Berk would never recover- both economically and emotionally. Although the economy of Berk had since been revived, the emotional tether left by the dragons seemed to be forever left unrequited. However, ever since Myra had been born, the hole left by the dragons had been filled in Hiccup and Astrid's hearts, as well as many of Berk's. While nothing could ever replace their reptilian friends, each of the original riders' children had gradually brought joy once more to the tribe.

"They all left?"

Myra's young voice broke HIccup out of his daydream. Focusing on where his daughter had wandered, he spotted her a few feet into the forest, crouched, and staring at something intently.

"Yes?" Hiccup said, baffled by her question. Pushing himself off the ground, he stumbled, then caught his footing and walked over to where Myra was now hovering on the edge of the trees, cradling something large in her spindly arms.

"Myra, what in-"

Whatever Hiccup was going to say died in his throat when his daughter turned around and approached her father, hugging the creature to her chest with a large smile painted on her face and shining eyes. Her arms couldn't completely hold the animal, small as it was, about the size of what Hiccup remembered a Terrible Terror being. Its' small body had a triangular head and disproportionate bat-like wings along with a tail that swished back in forth in content, crooning in a heart wrenchingly familiar way. However, the oddest part of the small thing was its color. The scales were almost shimmery in the noon sun, an odd but beautiful marble coloring of black, white, and gray.

"Oh my gods," Hiccup breathed, eyes wide in awe as he took in the sight before him.

The little dragon seemed to hear him, turning its wide head to gaze at him with almost unnaturally large eyes, one a deep aqua and the other a weirdly familiar forest green. It cocked its head, watching the new arrival curiously. Myra carefully placed the baby on the ground, laughing joyfully as it playfully raced around her feet, a gummy smile on its face. After a moment or so, it ran over to Hiccup, stumbling over its large wings, but still smiling that wide gummy grin.

Still in shock, Hiccup numbly let the baby sniff his prosthetic and nuzzle his leg. He crouched down, scratching its head gently.

"This is… impossible." Hiccup murmured, trailing off as the dragon continued to nuzzle him, enjoying the viking's touch.

However, not a moment later, a deafening roar echoed across the clearing causing both Hiccup and Myra to freeze.

Glancing oh-so-slowly to his right, Hiccup met the hardened gaze of light blue eyes with slitted black pupils. The dragoness soon followed, arching her back and glaring down the viking who dared to touch her hatchling. She was pure white, although patches of her scales shimmered in the sun, much like her offspring, and her body was more slender than Toothless' had been. She was hissing, charging up her plasma in preparation to fire.

Chancing a look at the baby, Hiccup saw it recognize its mother but just stared at her, unmoving. He looked back at Myra, who was still frozen a foot or so away from him, unsure of what to do.


"Y-yeah, Dad?"

"Don't. Move."

Myra nodded, watching as her father approached the new dragon.

"H-hey there, girl," Hiccup said, spreading his hands toward the dragoness. "We're not going to hurt you, trust me."

The angry mother just bared her teeth, growling low, and shifted her body, raising her wings to show their vast wingspan. With that motion, she exposed her right side and Hiccup felt his knees nearly give out as realization hit him.

"Luna?" He breathed quietly, his voice almost a whisper as his gaze took in the large scar. It spanned from just beside her wing joint, running along below the wing itself and was the only imperfection upon the Light Fury.

Luna stared unflinchingly at Hiccup, eyes still narrowed, but now protecting her scarred side, preventing the humans from seeing the souvenir she had from the battle with Grimmel. She had no reaction to the name they had given her, back when everything was thought to go as planned.

Back when the dragons weren't going to be forced to leave.

Back when Luna still trusted humans.

Hiccup swallowed harshly, holding out a hand to calm the Light Fury down. "Luna, we aren't going to hurt you, or your baby."

The plasma continued to charge as Hiccup stepped closer, and the hissing grew louder when she caught sight of the scabbard at Hiccup's side. Without pause, Luna lunged, snarling, and was just milliseconds away from firing her plasma.

And then she froze.

Mid-leap, Luna suddenly flared out her wings, stopping her attack and lowering herself back to the ground. Staring in wonder, Hiccup watched as her hatchling ran over to her, Luna caring for her baby gently.

Another roar joined the clearing and Hiccup spun around, coming face to face with a breathtakingly familiar dragon.

So how's this? Kinda excited to finally get this published, especially since I haven't been active on here since like... ever.
I named the Light Fury "Luna" based off the Seadragon from the books, and there will be mild book spoilers in either the next chapter or the one after so be careful if you haven't read the books!