A/N: Warning: The Goblins are from Goblin Slayer not That time I got Reincarnated As A Slime, even if I want to write one, I pick The Three Main Kanto Ghosts since the Pokedex is creepy like when a Haunter licks their prey, they die from seizing. Japan had some culture like vengeful spirits and yokai, so let's pretend that Gastly, Haunter and Gengar are the vengeful spirits of the Goblin's victims who are killed or raped to death.

"Hurry." said a Rhea Scout as she took care of the goblin guards with her throwing knife. "Bullseye." as she enter the fortress full of sleeping goblins, laying in the pile was 6 or 10 females. She knew about this is like a trap but she had notice that one of them is gone, panic fill her mind as she was trying to do her best not to wake up the goblins but she saw one of the female, however she turned into some kind of monster, it had no body but a head with sharp fangs, the female Rhea had jump back and saw the captured females are now these things, some had just a black orb surrounded by a purple gas, and other look like a dark purple bipedal being with a roundish body.

Then the goblins are awoken, one charged at the being but it used it's claw to grip the goblin tightly and licks it face with a long and pink tongue, then the goblin begin to twitch violently like it was having a kind of seizure and die a painful death. Then "Protection!" the female Rhea was in some kind of shield away from the goblins. The Goblins look at the Ghosts with complete malice.


Since the goblins arrows were useless and the Gastly, Haunter and Gengar were ghosts, it was useless for the Goblins, the goblins try everything but the three main ghost Pokémon were ghosts so yeah.

The Female Rhea watch in complete shock and horror as the Three Main Ghost killed all the goblins, by either licking or possessing to their members or commit suicide or slashing them to bits with their claws or eating their souls, leaving the fortress empty and covered in blood, the female Rhea had notice two people, a huge armored man and a priestess.

The female Rhea look at the armored man and growled in disappoint, "I never got a god damn single kill." the armored man examined the nest, the Rhea had mutter, "I heard stories of ghost." with the armored man replying with, "You think a ghost did it?" "Yes." she said, even though the female Rhea was not raped or killed, she ended up emotionally scarred due to the ghost killing the goblins.