Light pours in through their eyelids. They moan softly as they open them, only having to scrunch up their face a moment later. Too bright. It takes them a second or two to adjust before they can properly see around them, pupils shrunk into their proper state.

The fallen child weakly pushes themselves up with their arms. Their body aches, and the bandage on their head feels gross and moist. They hope they're not bleeding again.

As they raise a hand to their head to inspect the damage, they see they're sitting on a bed of yellow flowers. They look beautiful, and have a distinct smell. It's not terrible. They look up and see they're in a cave, a stick lying on the ground next to them.

How did they end up here...? Their head is fuzzy...

They keep sliding their gaze up until they can see where the little light is coming from. A hole high up in the ceiling... D-did they fall all the way from there?! They should be dead! They should be...

The child grabs the stick and climbs on their shaking legs, then throws a few concerned looks around. Then they slow, a second at a time... And stop. Right. They should be dead.

Their lip trembles.

And that's when they feel a tug inside them. They want to gasp, but find themselves unable. What is that feeling? Why can't they move?

And then they do move. Their feet move without permission, despite aching. They circle the flowers once, then come to a stop. They kneel down next to them, without their input. How? Why?! They would panic if they were able. They'd be gasping for breath without fail.

It's a bed of golden flowers. They must've broken your fall.

?! Whose voice is that?! Who is talking into their ear? And why does the voice sound so similar to their own...

Before they can even think about it, they're walking again. Something inside them is tugging them forward, and they're unable to resist. It's leading them deeper into the cave, into darkness. Frisk is terrified.


It's like drowning, drowning in mute shadows. Everything is a blur. Then, all of a sudden, it isn't. It all comes to a stop when they're pulled into an awakening.

What's going on? Where am I? What happened? We... We failed, didn't we...? How am I...

They look down at their hands. They're there, but... Aren't. They stand beside someone who looks an awful lot like them. They stand on some... Very familiar flowers. It doesn't look like the blue-shirted kid can see them.

But what drags their gaze over is, beyond that kid... There's someone else in the room. A blurred figure whose face Chara can't make out. But they feel so very familiar, too.

They drop their gaze back to the kid. It's like they're in a daze, their skin golden like the flowers at their feet. They walk around, but it feels like it's not them. Chara feels a strange connection, one between all three in this room. Oh. The blurry figure is controlling this body. Doesn't look like they can see Chara, either.

The kid stops to look at the flowers, knelt by them. Chara frowns, then glances up at the ceiling and back down to the ground. The kid must've fallen in.

"It's a bed of golden flowers... They must've broken your fall," they tell the kid in slight exasperation. And then, they think they feel something – or, or see them flinch?

Did... Did the kid hear Chara just now? Did the blurry figure?

Suddenly, both of them are taking their leave. Chara only feels a pull, an inclanation to follow. They're attracted to something within that kid... They wonder what it is. So, they decide to stay near.