NOTE: This is the final chapter of this story. I planned all along to give Damon a happily ever after with this story and I feel like I've done that. I wanted to post this note, thanking the readers who stayed to the end, and also to ask something of the readers on this site and other fan fiction sites. A plea, if you will. I know that readers are just as passionate about the stories we write as we are, but I also want to ask that those same passionate readers try to understand something about our writings. We don't get paid to write these stories, and never will. We don't create original characters or put familiar characters in new situations because of the acclaim we receive, but at least for me, I create stories I wanted to read. I never remove reviews, I accept all criticism, but here's something that makes no sense to me: the belief that when an original character doesn't act as a reader wants them to, they get to demand or critique the originalness because it didn't match the story THEY wanted to read.
Someone far superior to me as a writer once said- "If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it." (Toni Morrison, if you're curious.) I cannot force anyone to read my stories, nor would I want to, but the feeling that a reader can control the narrative or even the pace that others write at, is ridiculous. So I challenge those readers to do as the quote said, if you haven't read it and want to, then write it yourself. See how easy it is, and listen as the world gives you the input that writers on this site get.
Again, thank you for reading to the end. Thank you for your input and your compassion. I hope you enjoy the final chapter of Jessa and Damon's love story. And if you don't, feel free to tell me how I should have written my own story. Then, have the courage to try to write it yourself.
JANUARY 17, 2014
Damon was pacing in the library. His in-laws had the twins in their playroom, keeping them occupied while Isla napped in her nursery. Jessa was perched on the sofa, watching as he paced. She knew that he was worried. Today was the day. Stefan and Elena, after breaking the protection spell she'd casted seven years ago, would be arriving at any minute.
Ric wanted to come as well, but Jessa promised him that it wasn't necessary. No one needed to bear witness if she had to remove her brother-in-law from the premise by magical force. And she didn't want anyone to see if Elena showed herself for a bitter, entitled bitch again. It was enough that she and Damon shunned the couple, best if the rest of the town figured it out on their own.
The knock on the door came finally, and she stood up to take her husband's hand. Together, a united front, they walked to greet their guests. She nodded her encouragement as Damon reached for the knob. He asked, silently for her to read his brother and Elena. As if he had to ask, she thought, but another nod and the door opened.
"Hello, brother," Damon said, smirking at Stefan waiting on this doorstep. Beside him, Elena, six years older, stood. Damon barely noticed her.
Jessa barely paid attention to the greetings as she was so focused on their minds. Stefan truly wanted to see the life that she and Damon had built. He was genuine in wanting to meet his extended family and it had hurt to miss their wedding. Knowing that his thoughts were pure, she focused on Elena's.
She was shocked to see that the years prior to this reunion hadn't been easy on Elena's conscience. She listened as Elena's thoughts were an echo of Stefan's. She'd caused a rift between the brothers because she'd been selfish. They had missed seeing someone she'd felt was a friend get married. She'd missed the happiness that came from the news of their children. And she felt terrible. No longer did she worry about losing Stefan, instead she was realizing that the choice was hers. She could lose him or she could become a vampire. And she was trying to decide.
Before telling Damon what she heard, she invited them both in. He glanced at her and she gave a slight nod. It was enough for him, he stood back and Stefan and Elena crossed the threshold. After a brief tour of the house, skipping the playroom and nursery, they came to the library. Sitting together and sharing glasses of Hattie's lemonade, Jessa was happy to see that the thoughts remained pure between their guests.
"Your home is gorgeous, Jessa." Elena said, smiling.
Jessa smiled back and told them both that Damon had been the guiding force for the updates. He reminded her that she'd had some input. "No alot, but some." He said, winking. She laughed and snuggled into him on the sofa.
She asked him if he was ready to have them meet the children. His kiss on her ear was confirmation. She sent a message to her parents to bring the twins and Isla downstairs to meet their Uncle and Aunt. Stefan could hear their pounding footsteps before they were audible to Elena and she saw his eyes twinkle with excitement.
"Do I hear company coming?" He asked, looking at Jessa for confirmation.
"It's time for you to meet our holy terrors, and the baby." She answered, smiling as Rosie and Dante came rushing into the room, followed by her papa carrying Isla. The twins drew up short when confronted by the new faces.
"Dante Isaiah, Roselyn Serafina, and the little bundle in my papa's arms is Isla Amelia." Damon had stood and presented his children to his brother and Elena. "Rosie, Dante, this is your Uncle Stefan and Aunt Elena."
Jessa watched as Stefan carefully walked to his niece and nephew and bent down to their level. Elena stood awkwardly beside him waiting to see how they received him. Dante, always brave, held out his small hand. "Hi, I'm Dante." Stefan smiled and took the little hand in his and shook it solemnly.
"I'm your uncle, Stefan." He waited for Rosie to mimic her brother and then repeated the action. "Your daddy and I are brothers. And this," he pulled Elena down to his side. "Is Aunt Elena."
Jessa felt tears well into her eyes as the Elena she'd heard so much about finally shown through. She watched as Elena took each hand and shook it, then she started chatting with the two about their favorite toys and books. Never once, and she checked, did her thoughts run to harming them or asking once more for this life to be hers. She finally understood that this was impossible for her, but that she and Stefan could access it with their extended family. She finally made her choice. She'd take the plunge and be with Stefan for all time.
Hours after they arrived, and after sharing pizza and games with the twins, holding Isla and ahhing over their newly reunited family, Stefan and Elena were ready to go. Promises, which would be firmly kept, to keep visits and calls were made. As Damon walked them to the door, Jessa staying with the kids and her parents, he hugged both.
"Don't be strangers, brother." He said, pulling back and smiling at the missing pieces to his new life. "If you play your cards right, you'll even get invites to Thanksgiving and Christmas."
"It's a done deal!" He heard Jessa shout from the library and he laughed.
"The mistress of the mansion as spoken," he said, opening the door for them. "Seriously though, thank you for coming."
"Thank you for letting us." Elena said. "I'm sorry for what I did to make this happen, to begin with, I mean." She was looking at her feet and then Jessa was at the door.
"Hey," Jessa said, pulling her into a hug. "You've learned and that's what matters. Besides, I'm looking forward to the future, and so should you." A knowing smile crossed both women's lips and Stefan shot Damon a confused look.
"Don't ask, brother. Trust me, you'll find out when you're meant to." He rolled his eyes and pulled his wife into his arms. Back to his front, he kissed her head. "Jessa hears things, remember?"
Elena and Stefan left on that note and Damon and Jessa went back to the library. Her papa was playing a board game with Rosie and Dante and her mother was holding Issie. Taking the baby from her mother, Jessa sat down on the sofa. She watched while the twins worked together to beat their grampa. Shaking her head, she was happy that their lives were going the way they should.
"Now, we can finally talk about our postponed honeymoon!" Damon said, smiling wide as he cuddled his wife and daughter.
Rolling her eyes, she smiled. This was her life. Her love and her world. And she wouldn't have it any other way.