This story is based on Naruto written by Misashi Kishimoto

A/N: i've loved Naruto for almost my entire life so it's about time i tried writing a fic about it. Hope you all enjoy :)

Kakashi sighed in resignation as he waited for the Hokage to get started. The office is currently filled with prospective jounin sensei. With the academy graduation happening within a week, it was time to be informed of team assignments.

His fingers twitched, longing to pull out his precious book and keep his mind busy, but refrained for now. Kakashi might as well pretend to be interested in his possible team. No matter the students, in his mind, they've failed his test already.

Until they prove him wrong of course. He can be a generous man when he wants to be. Nevermind that they never have, and he doubts they ever will.

The Hokage clears his throat to gain their attention and the quiet chatter ceased immediately. "I will announce your assigned teams, save your questions for the end."

He started listing all of them off, skipping the team numbers still in circulation.

Kakashi didn't bother paying attention until a certain name came up early on.

"Team 7, Uzumaki Naruto, Haruno Sakura and Uchiha Sasuke -"

Well that was a dumpster fire of a team if he ever heard one. Who in their right mind would put Naruto and the Uchiha together? He had seen them together enough times back when he was on anbu rotation as one of Naruto's guards. And there's the fact that knowledge of their rivalry carries to even the jounin lounge.

Believe it or not, jounin are shameless gossips.

"- are assigned to Hatake Kakashi."

Kakashi's mind screeched to a halt.

He must have heard wrong, because there was no way he was going to be responsible for that disaster waiting to happen.

Kakashi is not qualified.

He's one of the worst senseis he knows. Beyond unqualified, this is negligence plain and simple.

If he can barely handle a normal team there is no way that he would be able to cope with this one.

The Uchiha is one thing, and possible to handle. Naruto is another. The resemblance to his parents in looks and personality is more painful than he would like to admit.

And the Uchiha and Naruto together?

It would be like watching a young version of himself and Obito.


He feels some sympathy towards their other teammate.

But that's beside the point, he has to think of a way to get out of this line up.

Team 7, at a glance, looks like it will be slotted as a combat team, suited to be destructive. And if he was listening correctly, team 8 is meant to be a tracking team.

And while Kakashi is capable of destruction and teaching it to a degree. Tracking is one of his distinctive specialties. While he is mostly considered a jack of all trades, master of none. He is infact, a master of some. And Tracking is one of those things.

And Kakashi likes to think of himself as well rounded.

Back to the point. This is good, he can swing this in his favor.

While he longs to seek comfort in Icha-Icha, that will have to wait till after he's taken care of this.

After a few minutes of going down the list, the Hokage finally finishes. "The floor is open to your questions."

After a moment of waiting to see if anyone had one, Kakashi steps forward.

All eyes in the room zero in on Kakashi. He has never had anything to say during these meetings. He certainly has never cared enough before.

"Hai Hokage-sama, I object to my team assignment." He said with his signature eye crinkle.

Everyone's gaze grew more intense. This wasn't unheard of, but Kakashi never bothered before.

The Hokage raised a brow at the bluntness, but was otherwise unsurprised. "care to elaborate?"

Kakashi shrugs. "Team 7 would never work. There's no way they would be able to pass my test." His visible eye crinkles so much it's almost completely closed. "You want me to be able to pass a genin team eventually right?"

At the prospect of Kakashi finally taking on a team, the Hokage gives into his curiosity. "What would be your proposed alternative?"

"Well Team 8 has the makings of a tracking team, one of my specialties, as you know." His nonchalance intact, he turns to Kurenai. "What do you think, want to switch?"

While Kurenai looks slightly intrigued, she's not convinced.

The Hokage interrupts before she can refuse or deny. "You know as well as I that the elders are pushing for you to have young Uchiha Sasuke on your team, as the only other wealder of the sharingan you would be an ideal sensei."

Kakashi's eye smile turns a little sharper. "If that's the only issue, you can assure the elders that I will teach him how to use it when the time comes. Besides," he continues deviously, "I doubt he would pass my test. The elders want him on a genin team don't they?"

The Hokage seems to hum in agreement, but Kakashi isn't finished yet.

"Being Uchiha Sasuke's jounin sensei would also mean neglecting his teammates, by making him my main priority. That would be very unfair for Haruno Sakura and Uzumaki Naruto."

And that was really the main worry for the Hokage, the genin all need instruction from their sensei. Favoritism can mean death for the other students.

The Hokages nods. "Very well." He turns his head. "Yuhi Kurenai, anything to add."

Kurenai seems to have grimaced at something Kakashi had mentioned but answers anyway. "Hokage-sama, I request that if you switch teams, Hyuga Hinata will remain under my care." At the Hokage's questioning glance she continues. "Hyuga Hiashi was somehow already aware of the team assignments and contacted me. He expressed his desire for me to meet Hyuga Hinata. Having already met her, I believe I am best suited to teaching her and supporting her as a sensei." She also adds in an extra tidbit. "You need not worry about neglected students, I will teach and support all three."

With a hand over his heart Kakashi dramatically says, "Kurenai-san, your faith in me is astounding."

While amused at Kakashi, the Hokage continues. "Your request is sound, as long as you are able to pay equal attention to all of your genin, there shouldn't be a problem. But I will be checking in for updates." At Kurenai's nod, he continues with his announcement, "Team 7 will be changed to Hyuga Hinata, Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke, assigned to Yuhi Kurenai."

And now the moment that would forever alter Kakashi's future, regardless if he ever realizes it.

"Team 8 will be Haruno Sakura, Inuzuka Kiba and Aburame Shino, assigned to Hatake Kakashi."