Chapter 2: Captured!

Deep in the inky abyss of space, far above the planet, the warship of the space pirates loom over the planet. On the outside it looks like a powerful vessel with impressive security and firepower of impressive magnitude. But a closer inspection of its hull and starboard side, one can tell that the vessel had taken a massive beating to its hull with explosions rupturing the ship from the inside damaging it greatly.

Inside the ship's halls and corridors full of high tech security cameras and guards looking like reptile brutes armed with various batons, laser rifles and cannons. As they patrol the halls, the other members of their crew were busy repairing the damages of the ship. "How can you failed to contain one measly Synth? You were supposed to keep him chained up, degraded, dismantled even!" The captain of the ship shouted angrily to his pirate crew as he walked among them inspecting the pirate's works.

"We couldn't have predicted him escaping that fast cap'n. He blew up the liquid nitrogen like fwoomp! Then bum rushed through the door like wham! And then… " as the pirate drone on trying to be dramatic in his retelling of Jaaruki's escape the pirate captain grew frustrated by his crew's incompetence. The hulking pirate captain with a furry orange hair tuft on his head then pulled a weapon up from his holster then aimed at his orc crew's face. The underling panicked upon seeing this as he went to his knees begging for mercy.

The beggins fell on deaf ears however as the captain fired his weapon, launching a laser boxing glove at his minion's face, sending the orc flying into the nearby pile of junks unconscious after an impact that might have damaged something. He then turned back to his right hand man, who was strangely enough, an anthro robot tiger shark with silver chrome armor color and a sinister grin on his face. "Track down the missing specimen and bring him back I want to make sure that he is safely stored for our usages and experiments." The captain barked to the shark.

"I'll do captain, and do not worry about further disruption, I'll make sure the other synth dragons onboard are… compliant to your every wishes." Said the tiger shark with a sinister tone before leaving the captain to attend to his business.

As the dawn comes at the first crow of a rooster and the droning "baaaaa" sounds of the sheeps in the fields, Jaaruki emitted a humming sound as he slowly come online from his slumber. His HUD booted up with his optics flickered for a moment before finally flashing online showing his sapphire blue elegant beauty to anyone that might be staring at him. As he groaned and let out a mechanical yawn, he felt something was on his back however, something that was equal to his own weight and it was tugging hard at his stomach and waists.

"Hmmm?" He grunted in surprised then turn his head around to see for himself what could possibly hugging him and much to his surprise it turned out to be Spyro. The purple dragon was sleeping on his back the whole night. "I got a secret admirer here. Good thing he's not a stalker." Said Jaaruki with a grumble.

He then moved his tail to gently tickled at Spyro's feet, the wiggling and waggling of the smooth bio-synthetic flesh made Spyro felt ticklish as he giggled and rolled around on his back. "Uhh… hahahahahahaha… no no! Stop! That's tickled!" He leaped up from Jaaruki's back letting the synth rolled aside for Spyro to land on his stash of gems.

"Oh morning Jaaruki, how was your sleep?" Spyro asked innocently as he yawned out. "Splendid. If it weren't for your… intrusion of my private space." Said Jaaruki as Spyro began to blush a bright red on his cheeks realizing that in his sleep, he might have experienced some forms of insomnias and cuddled up on Jaaruki. "R-really? I didn't remember I got THAT close to you." He denied innocently.

"Whatever, anyway… I need to find something, something to help get my ship back in working order." Said Jaaruki as he stood up and stretched himself out in front of Spyro.

"Okay, so what do you need?" Spyro asked.

"Well first I'm going to need some new extra fuel or energy sources to power up my ship, then I'll need some repairs with the Professor's help to get it flying again." He said in a gravely tone to Spyro as Jaaruki stood up on his hind legs stretching his body out and cracking some joints in the process.

Spyro got a moment to see how Jaaruki's body seems to be well toned and optimized for athletic and extreme flights that no other dragons would be capable of. "But I think I'm going to need to earn your favor first. Namely with the wedding plan for that… organic feline and lagomorph creature named Bianca." Said Jaaruki to Spyro, giving him some assurances of assistance for his friends.

"Really? You bet! Come on let's head back to Avalar then, the sooner we help them the sooner we'll get your ship back into shape." Said Spyro as took a running start and leap off the balcony of his tower and flew into the sky, Jaaruki instead pounced up from the balcony and extended his wings out and flapped them, generating a humming sound as he caught up to Spyro. "Alright, I suppose we use the same portal you chased me into from earlier?" He asked sarcastically, to which Spyro nodded to him as he dived down and head towards the portal into Avalar to lead the way.

Once the both of them were through the portals, they were now in Avalar where they saw the same place where Jaaruki and Spyro got into a fight from before was now the setting of Hunter and Bianca's wedding. The bride Bianca herself was decked out in a bright white wedding gown while Hunter himself was wearing a suits for the first time in his life. A fancy black tuxedo with two long coat tails on the back and a matching black pair of pants on him. The feline seemed nervous, shaking, sweating even as he stood in place bracing himself for the moment of truth when he and Bianca embrace one another as husband and wife. The guesses there were the familiar faces of Spyro's past adventures and some dragons from the Artisans like Nestor, Bubba and Altair.

As Spyro and Jaaruki landed down on the ground before the wedding ceremony, the two walked up catching the attention of both the dragons and Hunter there. "Hey Spyro, Jaaruki you're here, so you guys made up after the fight?" Hunter asked optimistically to Spyro as he nodded to the feline while Jaaruki was seen looking around scanning for threats.

"Yeah we did, and he's my roommate now for the time being until he gets his ship in order. But I hope he can stay longer." Said Spyro as Jaaruki groaned in annoyance and uncomfortable. He glanced up the sky again noticing that there were some shiny objects falling down from the sky. "What is it Jaaruki? Something's wrong?" Nestor asked as he traced his gaze along the direction of Jaaruki's eyes. "Oh no… it's them, they're coming!" Jaaruki gasped out as he fell back on his back crawling away in a sudden.

The pirates had space drop pods crashing down on the ground, splattering earth and kicked up dust once they landed, from inside, large brutish looking pirates looking like orcs bursted out with laser weapons in hands firing in crazed attacks at the wedding. "Whoa! Not radical dude! This is not what I planned for my wedding day!" Hunter flabbergasted as he panicked and picked up Bianca, sweeping her off her feet before running away from the pirates. "Hunter! Where are you running? Don't you think we should find a portal or something?" Bianca shouted out to him as she was being carried away leaving Spyro to spring into actions to protect the attending guests.

"Have no fear! Spyro is here!" He enthusiastically leaped into the air flying towards the pirates, breathing his fire at their faces. The pirate brutes covered in steel helmet and face masks were impervious to his flame attack however as they used their shields to swat him out of the sky, forcing Spyro to crash land on the ground. However they were soon pummeled by Jaaruki and tossed back into their pods, the synth dragon would then breath out a blast of his Napalm flame attack on the pod, and the brutes inside it. Seeing the black napalm attack from Jaaruki's mouth left Spyro's jaw hung open as he whistled in awe.

"Spyro help!" a high pitched feminine voice caught his attention as he turned his head over to the nearby footpath up a hill, he saw Elora the Fawn being chased by pack of large brutes as they brought nets and and cages to capture her. "Don't come any closer!" Elora shooed at them, trying to shrug them off but was finding herself cornered on the hilltop with no way down. Seeing this Spyro gasped out in shock as he then took flight gliding over to her. He dived bomb down at the pirates, ramming into one of them in the back, sending the grunt falling on his face before breathing fire into the next one. The young spunky purple dragon then pushed the next grunt falling off the edge rolling on the hillside before falling splat on the ground.

"Thanks for rescuing me Spyro." Elora went over to him and place a kiss on his forehead, Spyro being confused and flustered had his tongue hung out of his mouth and pant at her kiss. "That's nothing Elora, it's just what I do." Said Spyro with a cheeky grin on his face as he looked at Elora. "Spyro you need to find Hunter and Bianca, I think they might have ran off to some other realms to hide. Let's hope the pirates won't find them." Elora stated cautiously to Spyro as he nodded his head to her before making a steadfast cocksure expression on his face. "Don't worry Elora, I'll find them and bring them back to the Artisans, it's the safest place for them by this point." Said Spyro as he then took off with Jaaruki following him closely.

The Adventure Begins

As the rumbling of the pirate attack in Avalar died down, Hunter and Bianca panted out in exhaustion as they slowed down from the marathon he just took. The cheetah himself was exhausted from the run as he let Bianca down on her bunny feet before bracing himself against a tree sighing out. His head looking up in the air before realizing something, he has only sprinted for a bare minute away from the wedding into a bushy area to hide, albeit one that was quite far away. "Wait what? We haven't been running that long?" Bianca exclaimed in surprise. "Hey I'm a cheetah not a jaguar, I can't run fast for long." Said Hunter exhaustively as he slowly slide down on his back.

"Calm down Hunter, I'm sure my magic can work out a solution for both of us." Said Bianca as she sighed out for a moment before taking out her spell book she kept with her all the time. The tan bunny flipped through the page and held up her wand. "Abracadabra give me insight on this trouble most fiendish protova." She waved her wand around, sprinkling magic dust from it before a telescope was magically materialized for her and Hunter to use. "There we go, now we're getting somewhere." Said Bianca with slightly lighten tone as she peered out of the bush with the telescope.

Her eyeball was seen projected on the glass, blinking for a moment before she moved around trying to see what was happening. All she saw was the sight of the pirates running around raiding the land of Avalar and abducting its populace. For a brief moment she saw Moneybag the Bear get thrown into a bear cage and was shipped out to one of the landing ships.

"Why are they doing all this?" Hunter frowned. "Besides the whole being Pirates anyway," he quickly added.

"I don't know, but we can't just sit around and do nothing," Bianca frowned.

As Bianca was looking around trying to pinpoint the exact location of Spyro, only for her to suddenly come across his purple face in a very up close and heavily zoomed in sight. "Yikes! Spyro, thank goodness its you. you scared me." Said Bianca as she sighed out and panted in a moment of brief fear. "Sorry Bianca, I was just looking for you and Hunter first just to be sure. Listen we need to get you guys back to the Artisans, it's the safest place right now I think." Said Spyro as he sat on all fours with Jaaruki standing behind him.

"Might be a bit risky but a chance worth trying seeing that the Pirates are everywhere at this point." Said the synth dragon. Spyro nodded to Jaaruki as he lowered his head under Bianca before lifting her up, causing her some moments of confusing discomforts as the bunny bride slide on his purple back.

"Come on Hunter, get on Jaaruki, we'll fly you guys back to my tower." Spyro ushered Hunter over to Jaaruki, the cheetah himself smiled nervously to the stoic synthetic dragon. The feline slowly climbed on Jaaruki's back as the synth dragon flapped his wings gently as he was hovering above the ground slowly before he finally took off flying at cruising speed, Spyro quickly leap up following him flying back to the Artisans.


High up in the air, while Spyro and Jaaruki were returning to the Dragon's Artisans, the Pirates were now picking the two up on radars as one of their assault ships zoomed along trying to get a clear look at them. "Sir, it looks like that Synth dragon is in the air! He's at cruising speed with another one flying with him!" One of the pirate shouted to his commander, the tiger shark who went up to inspect their radar monitor.

He saw two blips of Spyro and Jaaruki flying side by side, one was leading the way and the other was following close behind. "Well now I know how to handle this situation. Prepare the tranquilizer darts, shoot them when they're in the clear." He instructed them, and the pirates nodded to him before hitting a large blue button on their control panel.

The nose of their wedge like assault ship opened up a compartment that revealed what appeared to be a large cup like muzzle of a launcher with a magazine of tranquilizer loaded and ready. The pirates flew lower and maintained their ground hogging altitude and tail Spyro's flight until he was now within their views.

They saw him flying over an open plains outside of the Artisans where the ship quickly picked up its speed and altitude and immediately jumped on Spyro and Jaaruki. The ship's weapon released a burst of needles flying at Jaaruki, causing him to flinch and grunted in surprise as the needles struck some of the lambs on the ground.

"Whoa! Like totally not radical dudes! They're shooting needles at us and I hate needles!" Hunter shouted out panicking on Jaaruki's back while another flew over his head, narrowly missing his head's fur and struck Spyro's butt. "Yelp! W-what just hit me!?" Spyro yelped out in pain before glancing back at his butt for a moment, blushing red and having his jaw hung open he saw a needle in his butt with the potion inside no doubt injected into him.

"Spyro! Land now! You'll break your own wings if you keep on flying like that!" Jaaruki commanded Spyro as he continued dodging the needles firing at him, "Ow… Oooohhh I...f-feel kinda… funny somehow… I c-can't think straight. Zzzzzzzz." Spyro would soon slowly lower his altitude before having his stomach grazing the grass, throwing Bianca flying ahead and slamming her face on the ground while he fell over unconscious, sleeping peacefully.

"Spyro! Spyro! Wake up! This is no time to fall asleep, don't worry I'll get you up with my magic book in no time." Bianca then quickly grab the magical spell book out of her pocket and flipped through the pages to find a relevant spell to the situation. The bunny sorceress held up her wand and began to wave it about making a figure of 8 in one hand while looking at the book in her left hand. "Abracadabra sun rises as your fedora, wake up now in my magic aura." She recite the spell and zapped Spyro with her wand only to find nothing happened after her magical ray zapped him, he remained sleeping soundly. "Huh I could have sworn that it would have worked." Bianca mused confusely.

"He was hit with a strong type of tranquilizer. He's not waking up for a few hours," Jaaruki said as he landed with Hunter.

"A few hours!? But we don't have a few… hours…" Bianca said dumbstruck as her ears fell droopy when she saw the massive assault ship of the pirates hovering over them. The party was hit with a cloud of green tranquilizer gas dropped from the ship's bombay door. They coughed and gagged as Bianca and Hunter soon fell to the gas's effect while Jaaruki fire back his breath attack at the bombay door, this forced the pirates to close the bombay door. The Assault craft then pelt the ground with more tranquilizer darts trying to hit Jaaruki. Alas for the poor marksmanship, Jaaruki slither away and took flight to avoid being captured.

"Blasted he's gone again! But no matter… the purple reptile looks expensive and that tight rump of his will make any customers pay extra to see. Collect the ones on the ground now." The robot tigershark grumbled to his pirates, dispatching them to collect the unconscious Spyro, Bianca and Hunter. The pirates came to the bunny and cheetah with a pair of large metal cylindrical bars, each for one of them. They grabbed their wrists and ankles and began to tie them to the tubes hanging them down while four of the pirates began to pick the tubes up and bring them onboard the ship.


Slowly he regained consciousness, the purple dragon mumbled and groaned painfully as he felt his head spun and dazzle from the excessive tranquilizers injected into his body. "Wake up. WAKE UP!" Spyro heard the loudspeakers inside the chamber he was held in called to him. The purple dragon's eyes eventually dialected and saw that he was being held on a metal bed, his wrists and ankles as well as tail were cuffed and his body splayed out in an eagle spread pose.

"Where is the escaped synth dragon? Where is he? We know you are hiding him, tell us now and we may go easy on you." The pair of pirate interrogators asked Spyro demandingly as they sat ominously insider their observatory. "Uhhh… gee I wish I knew but I don't know anything at all. So can I entertain you to some statues in the Artisans?" Spyro asked, playing around with them to buy times and stall down their efforts.

"How dare you be a smarmy one with us!? It's time for you to say hi to my mother's little friend!" One of the pirate shouted out, losing his patience as he snapped and slammed a button on his control panel, this brought out a massive rolling pin with a feathery rug wrapped around it. The rolling pin spun around by Spyro's feet tickling him to laugh hysterically. "Hahahahahaha! N-no! Stop! Please! Stop! Thi-this is too e-embarrassing!" Spyro laughed out hysterically in reaction to the interrogation method. "Now then Purple One, tell us where is the rebellious Synth." The pirate asked again to Spyro.

"Uhhhh… by the diner between Scale and Fire streets of Dragon Shores?" Spyro remarked trying to confuse the pirates. This only further fuel the pirate's frustration at Spyro's reply as they began to dial up their interrogation methods, "Perhaps you would like to be on the receiving end of our premiere Truth Sucker." Said the second pirate as he pressed a button on his control panel. This opened up a section on the wall in the interrogation room revealing what was best described as a toilet plunger wielded by a large gloved cartoon hand.

The plunger plunged tightly into Spyro's face and begin to suckle his face in and out much to his confusion. The process repeat over and over again, while the pirates were busy at interrogating Spyro, they failed to notice something was off with the security camera within the air vents of the cell block. Within the vents, Jaaruki was crawling slowly through towards the supply shed.

The synth dragon slowly removed the vent grills allowing him to move inside, once he was inside, he leaned against the wall to listen in and found that the area was clear for the most part. He sighed out in relief feeling that for the time being he can access their network and spy on the pirates. "Hang in there Spyro, I'll break you out somehow." Jaaruki muttered.

His wrist panels on his right arm unfolded with a long snake like USB cable slithered out and hooked into a nearby access port on the wall with Jaaruki sat down on a crate. His mind slipped out of his physical body as he surfed the network of the ship and access the various systems onboard. He saw a camera system looking down at Spyro inside the interrogation chamber from before. However, the firewalls were anything but easy, so while he could see things, he couldn't control them...yet. With that in mind, he got to work, breaking through the walls.

While this was happening, the Pirates were quickly getting annoyed with Spyro's seeming defiance. "You're straining our patient and generosity Purple Lizard, perhaps your name means Purple Lizard in literal translation. Maybe you'd like a bit of a breather and see what's happening to your pals." One of the pirate interrogator stated and pressed a green button on the control panels. This controlled a large LCD screen to be pulled up in front of Spyro for him to see what was happening to his friends.

He first saw Bianca and Hunter being held in what appeared to be a glass cage with a stereotypical den for Hunter to hide inside and a burrow for a bunny like Bianca to hide in. The cage they were held in had a small Savannah like settings with a tree to shade over a pond, multiple bushes around the place for Hunter and Bianca.

"Hi Dallas Wanamaker here! Coming to you live from the Starship Poachers-R-Us with the latest specimens onboard! Ooooooh! There's a feisty little miss Bunny July there! Can I get a magic trick shot?" The green alien with two antenna protruding out of his foreheads commented with a fast and frankly obnoxious voice that made Spyro gasped in shock seeing Bianca being held prisoner.

Hunter's situation wasn't better than her, as he tried to look fearsome, he growled and snarled and occasionally hissed to keep the pirates in a state of panic to no avail. "Here comes the Kitty Kat Control device!" Dallas commented eccentrically as a yarn ball was tossed into the cage, this triggered Hunter to instinctively run after the yarn ball and rolled on the ground, tossing and playing with it in his paws like he was hypnotized by its presence alone. "Oooohooohooo! Looks like Mr. Scaredy Cat there is going to be busy in a while. We now go live to the alternate cages for the various exotic species they've captured!"

The live broadcast then showed Spyro footages of Elora being held inside a cage decorated with moss and rock reminiscing her home. Elora was apparently frighten inside the cage looking around jittering and paranoid for what could be in store for her.

When she spotted what appeared to be a camera recording her, she quickly jumped at its sight and held her skirt down to shield herself. "Hey! This is… not a peep show! You dork!" Elora screamed out in protest. "Whoa there! Looks like we found ourselves a fashion show and it's the Spring collection in the house!"

"No! Let them go now! You have no rights to do this to them!" Spyro growled out in disgust struggling harder to break free from his restraints. He yanked and bit at the metal as hard as possible and yet they refused to break and it left Spyro much more worn out than before.

"Oh that's not all purple lizard! We have a special event for tonight and it could be one of your friends here on the show." The pirate interrogators smugly declared to Spyro one of them could be heard cackling to Spyro.

As they said that, the screen showed several cages, with a roulette spinning, as if to choose which one they'd use for the 'main attraction'. Spyro could do nothing as he was forced to watch the arrow slow down little by little...before it stopped on Hunter and Bianca's cage. "Tough luck. Guess we'll be having fun with the cat and the bunny!" the pirates with him laughed.

Spyro gasped out seeing this not wanting his friends to be humiliated and worst yet, forced into servitude in humiliating and compromising ways he breathed his fire out of anger at the LCD screen. This only caused the pirate duo to groan in annoyance as their prized LCD screen was burned and damaged.

"Look what ya did ya big dummy! You ruined our 23rd LCD screen already! Now we have to buy a new one elsewhere. Stay put in there while we go order something for ya." The two pirates then hopped off their chairs and went out to find the nearest computer terminal to access it and presumably order their furniture.

In the process this left Spyro alone inside the interrogation chamber, but this was the opening Jaaruki need he just need to find a way to gain contact with Spyro inside the chamber. The synth dragon waited patiently as he hummed in thought, trying to map out his plan and methods to the best of his ability.

As he thought, he noticed the pirates making a log on into the ship's database using their passwords and username. Seeing this, Jaaruki grinned in cyberspace as he copied the password and username from the log in and begin to apply it to the system inside the interrogation chamber. He soon felt his voice was connected to the PA speaker inside the room as he then began to utter his voice to Spyro.

"Spyro, can you hear me?" He asked Spyro, his voice came off booming and somewhat grainy to Spyro and this caught him off guard. "Jaaruki? Is that you? Where are ye buddy? I can't see you in the observatory." Spyro said to Jaaruki in reply, he panned his head around for a bit to see for himself the possible places Jaaruki could be. "I'm somewhere safe. Don't worry I'm on the ship as well and I have a plan to break you out. I need you to listen to me carefully."

"Yeah yeah yeah! I'm all here for ye buddy. What do you have in mind?" Spyro asked eagerly to Jaaruki and waited for him to speak of the plan he had in mind. "I'm going to have you injected with the Nanites that runs in my veins so you'll be empowered and able to break out." Said Jaaruki in a nonchalant tone to Spyro.

"Say what? You're going to do what to me? How am I supposed to know that it's safe for me to be injected with stuff from your body?" Spyro protested and shook his head to Jaaruki's proxy eyes via the security cameras. "Don't worry about it Spyro, just trust me on this one Spyro. To put it short this thing will give you extra strength to break out." Said Jaaruki via the intercoms system within the interrogation chamber, Spyro would see that a syringe was extracting substance from one of the vial in the chamber, it had a thick grey texture with liquid metal chrome shine on it.

The syringe then hovered over Spyro's buttcheeks with the cartoon gloves hands then rubbed the alcohol and painkiller on Spyro's buttcheek to numb him, then they used a marker to paint an X in red on his buttcheeks before driving the syringe into the spot. It made Spyro cringed in pain as the needle injected its content into Spyro's body. He felt an odd glow of warmth in his body as the Nanites traveled through his veins. He rest his head on the metal bed that he was tied to and stick his tongue out, panting for short moment with his eyes half closed as if he were falling asleep.

As this was going on, the pirates were returning with their new TV Screen to mount on the wall of the interrogation room for Spyro to see what was going to happen to Hunter and Bianca. "And now the show that you didn't ask for but still going to watch!" The pirate announced proudly to Spyro as they began to broadcast to Spyro what was happening to Hunter and Bianca. Spyro saw that inside their confinement, the pirates were plumbing in pink clouds of chemical gas into the room causing Hunter and Bianca to forcefully inhale them, coughing and choking on it.

"No! What are you doing to them? Stop it they don't know anything! It's their wedding day today!" Spyro cried out in protest and struggled harder against the chains and binds on his wrists and ankles. He however soon saw that Hunter and Bianca were beginning to look daze and confuse, as they stood up slowly they turned towards one another and began to swoon at each other's face.

"Oh Hunter! Hold me! Hold me like you did before you turn into a brain eating zombie Were-Cheetah!" Bianca said in an overly dramatic tone to Hunter as he held her by the waists and sweep her off her feet. "Oh don't worry Bianca, I'm here for you now! Our wedding would still be perfect and your 276 brothers and sisters can still come to see it." Hunter replied with his own overly dramatic tone, making the scene incredibly steamy and raunchy for Spyro to see. "Oh Hunter, how romantic, but I don't have that many siblings. I still love you." Bianca replied to Hunter as the two began to smooch each other erratically.

"...okay...not quite what I was expecting…" Spyro sweat dropped. As he watched the show and cringed hard at its sight, he felt the bones of his ears rumbled like a phone call, then followed by repeated beeping sounds. He then heard the voice of Jaaruki chiming into his head as if the two had a telepathic link. "Spyro, can you hear me?" Jaaruki asked Spyro. At first he was a bit alarmed by this development as he shake his head sideways for a second before replying in whispers. The sound of his whisper was amplified into audible voices within their communication link. "Yes I can Jaaruki, reading you loud and clear. But hey how are you doing this? I mean… is this possible since I don't think I'm psychic." Said the purple dragon.

"Nah kiddo, it's not psionic mumbo jumbo. It's just simple science. The Nanites have established a nice little colony in your body, and the effects will kick in about a minute or two. You should see how your body changes in proportion soon. This is the Codec for communication Spyro, if you need to, just tap your ears and you'll be able to contact me on the horn for advice." Jaaruki explained to him while Spyro looked around the interrogation room noticing how his body began to subtly changed slowly. He noticed that his chest and abs began to develop muscle masses and firm pectoral built while his arms and thighs developed rolling muscles.

"Huh… hey something's happening to me… I feel… kinda funny." Spyro mused on the changes as he felt somewhat ticklish by the experiences. He felt an odd tingling sensation in his body building up with the feeling of his wrists and ankles becoming much more powerful than before. Soon enough he was able to break the bindings and ripped off the last one holding his tail down. "Security breach! Security breach! Purple specimen appears to have had a testosterone overload!" The pirates in the observatory screamed out on the radio to his fellow space outlaws.

"Time to return the favor!" Spyro then flew up at the observatory's window, smashing through the glass and began to run around the pirates, confusing them as they tried to hold him back. "Hey I got his tail!" One of the pirate shouted out as he grabbed Spyro's tail.

A moment of pyrrhic fortune for him as Spyro tossed and turned his tail throwing him about smashing against the wall and control panel, he then breathed his fire attack on the other, forcing him to run out of the door.

The flame's smoke activated the automated sprinkler system in the ship as Spyro began to run as fast as he can from the pirates. "Jaaruki, where are you? I need to break the others out but I can't just leave you." He called out to Jaaruki on the Codec as he began to glide inside the hallways of the ship glancing left and right at the sight of the massive vessel's holding cells. "I'm moving right now kid, I'll link up with you in the upper floor by the medical deck of the ship. Head up there and I'll get you a run down of what you can do with the Nanites but be quick about it." Said Jaaruki as Spyro nodded to him and glided as fast he could and batted his wings to accelerate his flight speed.