The Blind Girl

Chapter 1

There is this girl she is the most beautiful girl any guy has ever seen but once she takes her glasses off all they do is stare into her eyes. Her white eyes. The girl is born blind. All she has known is a very dark world. She has never seen colours. Never seen any people. Never seen what she looks like.

I sit in class and hear everyone around me bully me. No one likes a blind girl well besides my best friend Alya she is the only one that sticks by me.

"hey Maribrat" Chloe grabs my glasses and laughs "ew look at your eyes wait you can't never mind" Chloe laughs and everyone else does.

"Chloe give the glasses back!" Alya stands up and goes to Chloe then grabs the glasses. "you are horrible people all of you are." Alya sits down and gives my glasses back and I put them on then I hug Alya.

"did I ever tell you how much I love you" I giggle

"every day you say that. I'm here for you girl" Alya smiles. Mrs Bustier comes into the room.

"we have a new student today this is Adrien Agreste" Adrien walks in "you can sit next to Nino" Mrs Bustier points to Nino and Adrien sits down.

"hey I'm Adrien"

"I'm Nino oh" he turns around to look at Alya "and this is Alya my GF"

"hey" Adrien smiles then looks at me "and what about you?"

"this is my best friend Marinette she's shy" Alya laughs softly.

"yea dude Marinette is known as the weird kid here" Nino laughs

"hey I am not weird Nino I'm just blind" giggles

"oh I'm sorry that must be horrible" Adrien looks at me sadly

"oh its cool I'm use to it"

"yea she has been blind since birth her whole life has been dark" Alya looks at me sadly

"that sounds so sad" Adrien sighs softly. Mrs Bustier walks up to the four of them.

"Marinette stop annoying these poor people"

"actually, its my fault Mrs Bustier"

"No Adrien its Marinettes fault she is the stupid one." I sigh

"don't say that to her…" Adrien looks at me he can tell I am sad.

"it's ok Adrien everyone in this class hates me cause I'm different"

"No, its not ok you are the teacher and shouldn't do this" I smile at what Adrien says he is the first person besides Alya to stand up for me oh shit I think I'm crushing on him.

After school Alya walks me home. "I will be fine Alya" walks inside my house "I'm home"

"hi sweetie how was school"

"it was fine mom" I sigh then I go to my room. My mom follows me.

"someone left this box for you" I grab it

"thx mom" I hear my door shut telling me that I am finally alone and I sigh. "I wonder who left me this" opens the box.

"hello Marinette" Tikki smiles softly

"who is there?" I start to feel nervous and scared for I couldn't recognize the voice

"my name is Tikki I am a Kwami and I am here to make you a hero"

"a hero? Tikki I am blind I'm not very hero material."

"relax Marinette when you transform, I can heal you from everything including your eyes but when your Marinette you will be blind again" Tikki explains everything.

"ok I think I got it so what do I say to transform?"

"spots on"

"ok Spots on" I close my eyes as this red flash of light hurt my eyes once I finished transforming, I opened my eyes and looked around "omg" I start crying and looks around. I walk past a mirror then stops and looks in the mirror. "this is me?" I smile then I open my trap door and goes to my balcony. "Paris is so beautiful" I smile big then I hear screams nearby. "sounds like someone needs my help" I see my yo-yo and swings it and it grips onto a building. I pull on the yo-yo then it throws me to the building. I scream then I fall over and groan "need to work on landing"

"need help?" I look up and see this guy in a weird suit. He helps me up "so you must be my partner I am Chat Noir." I look at him and smiles.

"I'm uh Ladybug"

"well shall we go Ladybug there is a bad guy on the loose" we go to where the akumatize victim is and we fight him.

After the fight. I sit on a building looking at everything around me. "you like observing, don't you?" Chat sits next to me and I smile softly.

"isn't the world just beautiful?" I look around "oooo what's that" I point to something.

"uh that's a tree…"

"oooo a tree" giggles "what's that?" I point again.

"a road? Are you ok Ladybug?"

"yea I'm great" I hear my earrings beep "I got to go" I swing off home. I land on my balcony and detransforms. I sigh as I am back to being blind.

"you did amazing Marinette."

"thx Tikki the world is so beautiful it's the first time I ever saw something I just want to be ladybug forever."