Hey guys, sorry for the delay. This chapter is shorter than my usual ones, sorry about that. Enjoy.


The first week of school flew by, I got used to the whole free dress thing, Lissa annoyed the shit out of me but she got what she deserved, I mean I heard her talking about getting a nose job. I just helped her out. And Nudge was right I am popular, like way more than I am back in Australia, and I don't mind it but I'd rather be able to walk through the halls without being looked at like I'm an experiment. Anyways, Fang and Lissa have been more productive than ever. Quite literally in fact. See yesterday (Friday) I walked in to Fang's room. Though expected to see Fang in there, I didn't expect to see him in the act of conceiving a child with ole ginger pubes. Not even lying, I saw them. I'm sure like any other sane person would, I spent the remainder of my day trying to bleach my eyes without ridding myself of my sight. Any who, my weekend seemed to be burdened of incidents much like the one from Friday. I swear if he ends up a dad I'll be slapping the absolute shit out of him. Idiots, freaking mating like rabbits.

I even got tricked into a date. With the star football player; Dylan. So that's where I'm off to now. Meeting him at the little ice cream shop downtown. However my choice of clothing was not approved by Nudge and Ella. They did their usual torture routine, except the worst part is they got everyone downstairs for the 'reveal'. Blech, I don't even know what I look like and I'm supposed to show everyone down stairs. To be honest the fact that the girls managed to get me into a dress amazes me, but then again I don't recall putting it on.

Back to the present, walking down the stairs in black leather boots, badass; yes, easy; no. Yet I still managed to reach ground level in one piece. I slowly lifted my head as gasps and squeals erupted from the small crowd. I took in Iggy's approving smirk, perve; Gazzy's surprise.

"Woah, who knew Max looked good in a dress." I smiled at the innocence radiating from him. Cutie. I switched my gaze to Angel as she barrelled into me. "Max. Max. Max! Oh your so pretty. You know one day when I'm as old as you, I hope I'm just as pretty too." My heart just melted.

"Aw sweetie, I promise you that you'll be the most gorgeous girl anyone will ever see." I had her in my arms, and she giggled. Lastly as my baby ran off, I looked at Fang. Our emotionless boy, wait for it…. Was showing emotion! Woah, the world was ending. As much surprise and shock as Fang could portray, was painted on his face as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. Walking up to him I pushed his jaw back into position and smirked. He blushed. Another point for Max.

"Eh, I've seen better." He said, triggering my snappy attitude. However I decided to use his 'modesty' against him.

"Oh I'm sure you have, but that's because you haven't really seen me." My whisper sparked a chill from him. I winked and turned to everyone else. "I'll see you later everyone."


I stared after Max as she left, no matter how much attention I'd been getting from Lissa this past week, I don't recall ever being this turned on. You know, apparently Max was a nobody back in Australia, but man was she something else.


It's around nine o'clock and Dylan has my hand in his as we walk through the streets of this small town. The two of us licking out ice creams, and talking about anything. The date was average, Dylan was average, everything about tonight was average. Except for the Ben and Jerry's cookie dough ice cream in my hand right now. That's what I call heaven.

"So what's it like in Australia?" Dylan asked.

"Um, well I didn't really get around much but its definitely hot and homey." He smirked.

"I bet it's not as homey as here though." I inwardly cringe. What the heck?

"Uh actually, it's my home but I do love it here, especially with my new friends, they've become my second family. I couldn't imagine life without them."

"Or me hey?" I'm ready to bang my head against a wall.

"Dylan, I had fun tonight but-" Pain and blood suddenly erupted from my core, I'd never felt something so bad. Barely registering my screams or those of the bystanders, Dylan was frozen a shocked look on his face, and me? I was falling to the ground, cradling the gaping wound, while the world passed me in slow motion. Dylan didn't move to catch me, he just watched. The last thing I saw was the jackass turning and leaving me here, once I couldn't pick out his footsteps through the developing crowd my consciousness left me.

Also sorry for my lack of detail, not for the cliffy though.