:://~*Could This Be Love?*~//::
Chapter 6:"Forever Yours"
Written by: ChoMila
E-mail Contact: [email protected]
AIM: AllStar0095
~*Author Notes:
Ponyta: Oh, gag, that title.
ChoMila: You don't like the chapter's title?
Ponyta: No.
ChoMila: Well, tough cookies. Oh yeah, I decided to go ahead and post this chapter up, with reviews, or no reviews.
Kuki stretched her long slender arms as she felt a breeze go by. Birds' chirping filled the spring blooming area. The scent of flowers and fresh water was everywhere. Kuki could have sworn she felt like a goddess waking up to such a beautiful place such as this one.
Being careful not to wake Numbuh Five or Six, she stepped over them silently. She opened the tent and was greeted by the sun's warm rays. She looked over her shoulder to see Numbuh Four staring at her. Just, staring. She smiled and focused back on her pathway and kept on walking. Yup. It was easy being her. The flirt. It was good to be the flirt. She was always collecting stares from Wallabee.
"Good morning Numbuh One!" she smiled sitting beside him. He was trying to open a can of grits.
"Greetings there, Numbuh Three." he said, now biting the tab.
Numbuh Two fiddled around in the dirt with a stick, "Are you sure Six doesn't want FRENCH toast?"
"I'm! Grr! SURE!" he couldn't get the can open. It was a worthless pursuit trying.
"What's wrong? Can't get the can open? Let a man do it!" Numbuh Two grabbed it out of Numbuh One's hand, "Hey!, Numbuh One remarked.
"You just got to get the right angle here, and." Hoagie tried pulling the tab. Although, his attempt was much successful as Numbuh One's.
Hoagie banged it against the rock. But, it wasn't working.
"Well," Two began, "we're screwed."
Numbuh Four's laughs could be heard from behind. "'Ere, lemme me try." Wallabee snatched the can from Numbuh Two's grip.
Easily, the can was opened by Numbuh Four. "Now t'at is a real man's work." he smiled with pride as Kuki giggled.
Numbuh Two snatched the can back and mumbled, "Yeah, well you think you're so smart.".
"Vwhat is all the noise about?" Mandy awoke from her tent.
"Nothin'! Hey Numbuh Six I opened this can by myself!" Numbuh Two smiled.
"Dat is nice. I can open a can too." she smiled back. His smile turning into a frown when he heard Four's laughing again.
"Hey! Numbuh Five can't get her beauty sleep with all dis noise!"
"Good morning Numbuh Five." Nigel smiled warmly looking up from his sunglasses while trying to start a fire.
She smiled back.
"As soon as breakfast is done, we will look for Numbuh Six's..thing. Numbuh's Three and Four, you watch over the campsite."
"Roight." Numbuh Four replied looking at Numbuh Three, as she nodded back.
"Are you sure your okay staying here with Numbuh Three?" Nigel asked Four.
"Yep. Ain't notin' gonna 'appin'."
"Great. Me and the others should be back by nightfall. If anything happends, be sure to contact me or Numbuh Five. We're off." Numbuh One, Two, Five, and Six started heading towards a mountain side. Numbuh Four sighed. His wish had come true. A whole day with Kuki Sanban. It wouldn't be that bad right? He smiled and looked around for her.
"Numbah Three?"
"In here!"
He stepped into the tent to find Numbuh Three reading one of Five's magazines, while listening to her headphone music. She was then trying to make out the words Four was telling her. But, all she could hear was the music. She took off her headphones just in time to hear Numbuh Four's last sentence, "How does t'at sound?" he asked smiling.
Three looked around, "Great.". Then she lifted her magazine up back to her gaze.
He nodded and left the tent.
Lunch time was rolling around and Numbuh Three could imagine a big plump juicy turkey sitting on a plate waiting for her. Her stomach growled as she thought about it.
"Looks like I better be off to find some food." she got up and turned off her headphones, placing them carefully on the ground.
Stepping out of her tent she tripped. And right in front of Numbuh Four too.
She blushed in embarrassment, as she got up.
"You 'kay?" he asked digging into a bag of chips.
"Yeah.." she said softly.
"Ya hungry? Numbuh One left us a bag of chips if you want any. 'Ere, I'll share." he offered her the bag.
"Thanks." She took one chip and munched on it happily.
"No problem."
"Sssooo." she began looking straight at him, "This morning I caughtch'ya starin' at me. What was that all about?"
The one chip dangling from Four's mouth fell out as he blushed a little. He crossed his arms over his chest, "Nothin'! Ah wasn't starin' at you!".
Three smiled brightly, "Okay.".
Numbuh Four kept on going though, " Why would'jya think Ah would be starin' at you? Ah could 'ave been starin' at the cruddy birds!".
Numbuh Three stomped her foot angrily, "I was just asking!".
"Whatevah'." Wallabee replied.
"Ya know, you can be such a meanie at times!"
"Yeah! Well, atleast Ah'm not an annoying little brat, like you!"
"I'm never speaking to you again Numbuh Four!"
"FINE!" she stomped off.
He rolled his eyes. Surely she'd come back and start talking to him again, like less then ten minutes. But it didn't seem right to him. He angered one of his closet friends. Not only his friend, but the one he loved.
Numbuh Three's tears fell down her cheek. She didn't know where she was. 'Some forest' was her guess. Rain started to drip from the heavens. She stopped in front of a tree kneeling down, and just, started to cry worse than before. She wished she never said those things to him. She needed him now. More than ever.
Lifting her damp green sleeves up, she climbed a tree and snuggled close to the trunk, wrapping her arms around it. She observed a family of beavers below. "I bet dey don't have to worry about getting heartbroken." she said taking a glance at the mom and dad beaver.
The rain had stopped coming down and there Wallabee sat in the boys' tent leaning against a pillow thinking about the argument earlier. He couldn't believe all the nasty words he had said to her. He would quickly take them back if he could. He missed her. It had been about four hours since their argument and with each minute, he felt more guilty.
"Ah can't take it anymore! Ah'm gonna go find 'er!" he stood up walking out of his tent. Following the direction she had went, he ran, hoping to find his Kuki.
"Numbah Three?!"
The forest was dark. Owls were just about to start their nightly hunt.
"Numbah Three! Ah'm sorry! Ah didn't mean it! Really!"
An acorn made it's way out of a stem of a tree and plopped on the Aussie's head. "OUCH!" he remarked looking up.
"Numbah Three!"
Luckily that was the same tree Kuki was in. She looked down at him, wanting to jump into his arms. But, she just couldn't.
"Numbah Three! Am Ah glad Ah found you!"
Atleast he wasn't a big ol' jerk at the moment. She climbed down, and saw the guilt in his eyes.
"Numbah Three!""--Numbuh Four!" they said at the same time.
"You're soaking wet, 'ere." the Aussie pulled off his hoodie and gave to Asian girl, "You look like you need it more than Ah do."
She blushed nervously taking the hoodie gently. She just loved that hot little body of his. She couldn't wait to see him 6-packin' when he got older.
"Promise ya won't look?" she asked giving him a smiling smirk.
"Well," he began shrugging and smiling at the same time, "Ah don't know 'bout t'at.".
"I'm serious Numbuh Four."
"Ah won't look. Ah promise."
~*~ She stood taking her shirt off as Numbuh Four stood on the other side of the gigantic tree.
"Numbah Three.?"
"Yeah?" she asked slipping the orange-hooded jacket on, removing her hair from the inside of it.
"Can Ah say Ah'm sorry for bein' such a jerk earlier?"
"Depends." she snuck around the tree poking him, "Are you sorry?"
"You bet." he smiled. She looked so cute with his hoodie on.
She smiled back, "C'mon, lets head back to camp, it's getting late." she said grabbing his arm gently. He followed her.
"Ah can't believe it. 'Ow can they not be back yet?" he asked looking inside both tents.
"Mabey they're having a good time or they found some pretty stars in sky."
"Yeah, or mabey they dissed us."
She giggled.
"What's so funny?" he asked.
"Nothing Numbuh Four." her gaze fell from the night sky, to the green grass. All at sudden, lights flashed on. "Oh! Fireflies!" she said running out into the big open meadow trying to catch one. Numbuh Four smiled and followed her.
"Numbah Three."
"Hhm?" she turned around seeing Wallabee's hands closed tightly together. She step towards him so that the light in his hands were glowing on her face. He opened his hands slowly so that seven fireflies escaped. They circled around Kuki as she giggled, then they flew off.
"Numbuh Four."
He faced towards her.
"I betch'ya can't catch me!" she ran off as the Aussie smirked and ran afterwards for her. Running through the meadow under the stars, chasing the girl he wanted so badly, was his dream come true. She was all his' for tonight. He couldn't let this moment go.
She had stopped running by a flower bed to catch her breath. "Numbuh Four?" she asked looking around for him, "Numbuh Fooouurrr?"
"C'mon! This isn't funny!" she said crossing her arms. "BOO!" came Numbuh Four's voice as he leaped beside her. "Ah!" she said falling back on the ground.
He laying down beside her, staring into her beautiful Asian eyes, "Are you okay?" he asked. She knew she didn't hurt anywhere, but he wanted to make sure. "I'm fine." she said staring back into his eyes.
He couldn't help the feelings that were overtaking him. He reached out to stroke Kuki's soft cheek. She blushed to his touch. With his other hand, he picked a flower off the ground and pinned it up in her hair. She began to stroke his hand gently. "Beautiful." he accidentally said aloud. Both him and her blushed madly.
'Does he really think that about me?' she asked herself still blushing, she bit her lower lip.
Both of them layed there staring at the stars together. Wallabee was so embarrassed to say anything at the moment. And Kuki was waiting for him to start some kind of chat. They both blinked in the silence asking themselves about one or the other in their heads.
Kuki sat up, and looked in the opposite direction of the blonde. Could he really care for her? She sighed feeling the breeze go by. Her hair took along with it. Almost suddenly she felt a pair of strong arms wrapping around her. "Cold?" he asked her coolly.
She blushed as she felt her body push up against his warm body. She removed her hair so that it would stay over her shoulder all to one side. She leaned back on his shoulder locking eyes with his. His loving eyes. He HAD to care about her.
"Wallabee?" she asked. She wasn't use to saying his real name. But it already felt normal.
"Are we more than just friends?"
"Ah oftenly find myself asking that question too."
She spun around and placed her hands on his chest as he blushed, "Are we like, best best friends?"
"Ah don know. Are we?"
She nodded. He smiled and stood up, bringing her up with him.
She wrapped her arms around his neck as he tried to find the right words to say. He lovingly wrapped his strong arms around her small waist.
"Ah 'ave to tell you something."
"Ah, love you Kuki Sanban."
"Really?" she asked with hope shinning in her eyes.
"Yeah, really."
" I love you too, Wallabee."
She kissed him softly on the lips, making him want more. He kissed her back, longer, deepening the kiss. They kept kissing when Abby's voice broke it up.
"NUMBUH'S THREE AND FOH?!" she yelled for them.
"We should go.." Kuki said taking his hand into hers walking back to the campsite as he followed.
Ponyta: YUCK!
ChoMila: You know you liked it!
Ponyta: Whatever.
Chapter 6:"Forever Yours"
Written by: ChoMila
E-mail Contact: [email protected]
AIM: AllStar0095
~*Author Notes:
Ponyta: Oh, gag, that title.
ChoMila: You don't like the chapter's title?
Ponyta: No.
ChoMila: Well, tough cookies. Oh yeah, I decided to go ahead and post this chapter up, with reviews, or no reviews.
Kuki stretched her long slender arms as she felt a breeze go by. Birds' chirping filled the spring blooming area. The scent of flowers and fresh water was everywhere. Kuki could have sworn she felt like a goddess waking up to such a beautiful place such as this one.
Being careful not to wake Numbuh Five or Six, she stepped over them silently. She opened the tent and was greeted by the sun's warm rays. She looked over her shoulder to see Numbuh Four staring at her. Just, staring. She smiled and focused back on her pathway and kept on walking. Yup. It was easy being her. The flirt. It was good to be the flirt. She was always collecting stares from Wallabee.
"Good morning Numbuh One!" she smiled sitting beside him. He was trying to open a can of grits.
"Greetings there, Numbuh Three." he said, now biting the tab.
Numbuh Two fiddled around in the dirt with a stick, "Are you sure Six doesn't want FRENCH toast?"
"I'm! Grr! SURE!" he couldn't get the can open. It was a worthless pursuit trying.
"What's wrong? Can't get the can open? Let a man do it!" Numbuh Two grabbed it out of Numbuh One's hand, "Hey!, Numbuh One remarked.
"You just got to get the right angle here, and." Hoagie tried pulling the tab. Although, his attempt was much successful as Numbuh One's.
Hoagie banged it against the rock. But, it wasn't working.
"Well," Two began, "we're screwed."
Numbuh Four's laughs could be heard from behind. "'Ere, lemme me try." Wallabee snatched the can from Numbuh Two's grip.
Easily, the can was opened by Numbuh Four. "Now t'at is a real man's work." he smiled with pride as Kuki giggled.
Numbuh Two snatched the can back and mumbled, "Yeah, well you think you're so smart.".
"Vwhat is all the noise about?" Mandy awoke from her tent.
"Nothin'! Hey Numbuh Six I opened this can by myself!" Numbuh Two smiled.
"Dat is nice. I can open a can too." she smiled back. His smile turning into a frown when he heard Four's laughing again.
"Hey! Numbuh Five can't get her beauty sleep with all dis noise!"
"Good morning Numbuh Five." Nigel smiled warmly looking up from his sunglasses while trying to start a fire.
She smiled back.
"As soon as breakfast is done, we will look for Numbuh Six's..thing. Numbuh's Three and Four, you watch over the campsite."
"Roight." Numbuh Four replied looking at Numbuh Three, as she nodded back.
"Are you sure your okay staying here with Numbuh Three?" Nigel asked Four.
"Yep. Ain't notin' gonna 'appin'."
"Great. Me and the others should be back by nightfall. If anything happends, be sure to contact me or Numbuh Five. We're off." Numbuh One, Two, Five, and Six started heading towards a mountain side. Numbuh Four sighed. His wish had come true. A whole day with Kuki Sanban. It wouldn't be that bad right? He smiled and looked around for her.
"Numbah Three?"
"In here!"
He stepped into the tent to find Numbuh Three reading one of Five's magazines, while listening to her headphone music. She was then trying to make out the words Four was telling her. But, all she could hear was the music. She took off her headphones just in time to hear Numbuh Four's last sentence, "How does t'at sound?" he asked smiling.
Three looked around, "Great.". Then she lifted her magazine up back to her gaze.
He nodded and left the tent.
Lunch time was rolling around and Numbuh Three could imagine a big plump juicy turkey sitting on a plate waiting for her. Her stomach growled as she thought about it.
"Looks like I better be off to find some food." she got up and turned off her headphones, placing them carefully on the ground.
Stepping out of her tent she tripped. And right in front of Numbuh Four too.
She blushed in embarrassment, as she got up.
"You 'kay?" he asked digging into a bag of chips.
"Yeah.." she said softly.
"Ya hungry? Numbuh One left us a bag of chips if you want any. 'Ere, I'll share." he offered her the bag.
"Thanks." She took one chip and munched on it happily.
"No problem."
"Sssooo." she began looking straight at him, "This morning I caughtch'ya starin' at me. What was that all about?"
The one chip dangling from Four's mouth fell out as he blushed a little. He crossed his arms over his chest, "Nothin'! Ah wasn't starin' at you!".
Three smiled brightly, "Okay.".
Numbuh Four kept on going though, " Why would'jya think Ah would be starin' at you? Ah could 'ave been starin' at the cruddy birds!".
Numbuh Three stomped her foot angrily, "I was just asking!".
"Whatevah'." Wallabee replied.
"Ya know, you can be such a meanie at times!"
"Yeah! Well, atleast Ah'm not an annoying little brat, like you!"
"I'm never speaking to you again Numbuh Four!"
"FINE!" she stomped off.
He rolled his eyes. Surely she'd come back and start talking to him again, like less then ten minutes. But it didn't seem right to him. He angered one of his closet friends. Not only his friend, but the one he loved.
Numbuh Three's tears fell down her cheek. She didn't know where she was. 'Some forest' was her guess. Rain started to drip from the heavens. She stopped in front of a tree kneeling down, and just, started to cry worse than before. She wished she never said those things to him. She needed him now. More than ever.
Lifting her damp green sleeves up, she climbed a tree and snuggled close to the trunk, wrapping her arms around it. She observed a family of beavers below. "I bet dey don't have to worry about getting heartbroken." she said taking a glance at the mom and dad beaver.
The rain had stopped coming down and there Wallabee sat in the boys' tent leaning against a pillow thinking about the argument earlier. He couldn't believe all the nasty words he had said to her. He would quickly take them back if he could. He missed her. It had been about four hours since their argument and with each minute, he felt more guilty.
"Ah can't take it anymore! Ah'm gonna go find 'er!" he stood up walking out of his tent. Following the direction she had went, he ran, hoping to find his Kuki.
"Numbah Three?!"
The forest was dark. Owls were just about to start their nightly hunt.
"Numbah Three! Ah'm sorry! Ah didn't mean it! Really!"
An acorn made it's way out of a stem of a tree and plopped on the Aussie's head. "OUCH!" he remarked looking up.
"Numbah Three!"
Luckily that was the same tree Kuki was in. She looked down at him, wanting to jump into his arms. But, she just couldn't.
"Numbah Three! Am Ah glad Ah found you!"
Atleast he wasn't a big ol' jerk at the moment. She climbed down, and saw the guilt in his eyes.
"Numbah Three!""--Numbuh Four!" they said at the same time.
"You're soaking wet, 'ere." the Aussie pulled off his hoodie and gave to Asian girl, "You look like you need it more than Ah do."
She blushed nervously taking the hoodie gently. She just loved that hot little body of his. She couldn't wait to see him 6-packin' when he got older.
"Promise ya won't look?" she asked giving him a smiling smirk.
"Well," he began shrugging and smiling at the same time, "Ah don't know 'bout t'at.".
"I'm serious Numbuh Four."
"Ah won't look. Ah promise."
~*~ She stood taking her shirt off as Numbuh Four stood on the other side of the gigantic tree.
"Numbah Three.?"
"Yeah?" she asked slipping the orange-hooded jacket on, removing her hair from the inside of it.
"Can Ah say Ah'm sorry for bein' such a jerk earlier?"
"Depends." she snuck around the tree poking him, "Are you sorry?"
"You bet." he smiled. She looked so cute with his hoodie on.
She smiled back, "C'mon, lets head back to camp, it's getting late." she said grabbing his arm gently. He followed her.
"Ah can't believe it. 'Ow can they not be back yet?" he asked looking inside both tents.
"Mabey they're having a good time or they found some pretty stars in sky."
"Yeah, or mabey they dissed us."
She giggled.
"What's so funny?" he asked.
"Nothing Numbuh Four." her gaze fell from the night sky, to the green grass. All at sudden, lights flashed on. "Oh! Fireflies!" she said running out into the big open meadow trying to catch one. Numbuh Four smiled and followed her.
"Numbah Three."
"Hhm?" she turned around seeing Wallabee's hands closed tightly together. She step towards him so that the light in his hands were glowing on her face. He opened his hands slowly so that seven fireflies escaped. They circled around Kuki as she giggled, then they flew off.
"Numbuh Four."
He faced towards her.
"I betch'ya can't catch me!" she ran off as the Aussie smirked and ran afterwards for her. Running through the meadow under the stars, chasing the girl he wanted so badly, was his dream come true. She was all his' for tonight. He couldn't let this moment go.
She had stopped running by a flower bed to catch her breath. "Numbuh Four?" she asked looking around for him, "Numbuh Fooouurrr?"
"C'mon! This isn't funny!" she said crossing her arms. "BOO!" came Numbuh Four's voice as he leaped beside her. "Ah!" she said falling back on the ground.
He laying down beside her, staring into her beautiful Asian eyes, "Are you okay?" he asked. She knew she didn't hurt anywhere, but he wanted to make sure. "I'm fine." she said staring back into his eyes.
He couldn't help the feelings that were overtaking him. He reached out to stroke Kuki's soft cheek. She blushed to his touch. With his other hand, he picked a flower off the ground and pinned it up in her hair. She began to stroke his hand gently. "Beautiful." he accidentally said aloud. Both him and her blushed madly.
'Does he really think that about me?' she asked herself still blushing, she bit her lower lip.
Both of them layed there staring at the stars together. Wallabee was so embarrassed to say anything at the moment. And Kuki was waiting for him to start some kind of chat. They both blinked in the silence asking themselves about one or the other in their heads.
Kuki sat up, and looked in the opposite direction of the blonde. Could he really care for her? She sighed feeling the breeze go by. Her hair took along with it. Almost suddenly she felt a pair of strong arms wrapping around her. "Cold?" he asked her coolly.
She blushed as she felt her body push up against his warm body. She removed her hair so that it would stay over her shoulder all to one side. She leaned back on his shoulder locking eyes with his. His loving eyes. He HAD to care about her.
"Wallabee?" she asked. She wasn't use to saying his real name. But it already felt normal.
"Are we more than just friends?"
"Ah oftenly find myself asking that question too."
She spun around and placed her hands on his chest as he blushed, "Are we like, best best friends?"
"Ah don know. Are we?"
She nodded. He smiled and stood up, bringing her up with him.
She wrapped her arms around his neck as he tried to find the right words to say. He lovingly wrapped his strong arms around her small waist.
"Ah 'ave to tell you something."
"Ah, love you Kuki Sanban."
"Really?" she asked with hope shinning in her eyes.
"Yeah, really."
" I love you too, Wallabee."
She kissed him softly on the lips, making him want more. He kissed her back, longer, deepening the kiss. They kept kissing when Abby's voice broke it up.
"NUMBUH'S THREE AND FOH?!" she yelled for them.
"We should go.." Kuki said taking his hand into hers walking back to the campsite as he followed.
Ponyta: YUCK!
ChoMila: You know you liked it!
Ponyta: Whatever.