Chapter 4

Discovering the Truth

Albus Dumbledore was not one to be surprised easily. Often times, when someone thought they had surprised him, he was simply playing the part. Indeed, it was a rare thing for the Headmaster to be caught off guard. It should, therefore, be understood just how astonishing It was when in the middle of breakfast, a contingent of Aurors, led by Amelia Bone herself, marched right through the Great Hall and placed him under arrest. Due to the many different forms of magic that could affect the mind and body, Aurors were not required to tell you the reason for your arrest until you were already in custody back at the Ministry, where your magic could be monitored more effectively. And so, Dumbledore was left pondering which of his schemes had been uncovered. It wasn't so much a problem really, he had contingency plans for every eventuality.

The only issue was, he couldn't plan out how to use those plans if he didn't know what he was being charged with. Amelia had been tightlipped on the subject, and he wasn't foolish enough to believe that he would be able to invade her mind undetected. All he could do for the moment was wait. As he sat there in his holding cell, he was reminded of just how much he hated not knowing something. A source of movement caught his eye, and he noticed that the Guards were changing, Kingsley Shacklebolt was the next one set to watch him. Good, perhaps now he could get some answers.

As soon as the other guard was gone, Albus moved to the Cell door, "Kingsley my friend. Please tell me, what is going on?"

Despite them being alone, Kingsley still cast around for any listeners. "You're being investigated for the use of a class 8 restricted potion on a student, as well as charges of Child Abuse and Neglect as an accessory." He explained.

Albus paled, Harry, how had he not noticed him missing from the Great Hall that morning. No, that wasn't right either. He knew he hadn't been there, but the boy had been skipping Breakfast lately in order to sleep a bit more. What with the Dementors giving him nightmares, Albus couldn't blame him. Even still, this was going to be a problem. He could easily push the blame of the potion onto someone else. There were several notable wizarding criminals near Surrey who would want to experiment with the potion, but the abuse was another matter.

I told those idiots not to cause him permanent harm! I warned Petunia of the price she would pay. Obviously, they didn't listen to me.

Despite what many would soon come to believe. Albus didn't send Harry to his relatives with the intent of him being abused. He needed the boy strong and virile, abusing him the way he could only suspect he was, stood a better chance of turning him into an Obscurial. Looking at it now, he was rather lucky the boy hadn't become one. No, Albus needed the boy to live and become stronger so he could destroy Voldemort once and for all. But he wasn't confident that a submissive could handle that kind of responsibility. Most of the submissive students he observed in the school seemed more interested in putting their face on, or attracting a mate, than they were about fighting a war. He wanted to increase the boy's chances of survival. Sadly, it seemed that this was going to come back to bite him. He was going to have to be quick and cunning to come out of this with his job intact, but a question now plagued his mind. Just how did they find out about all this in the first place?


Harry stood before the Board of Governors with a nervous shake in his limbs. Next to him stood Oliver, holding his hand in reassurance. Standing slightly behind him with a supportive hand resting on the small of his back, was Cedric. After Harry had been filled in, and he had summarily beaten Oliver over the head for telling his secrets to people, they had gotten dressed and left to meet with them. Harry didn't like being the center of attention when adults were involved. He learned a long time ago, that if an adult was paying closer attention to you, it was more likely they were going to find some reason to punish you. That, at least, was how it was at the Dursley's. but Harry wasn't alone this time, he had Cedric and Oliver with him. If it weren't for them, he probably wouldn't have been able to stand there.

"Mr. Potter." Said the woman that Oliver had said was named Katarina. "There is no need for you to be so nervous." She continued with a smile. "We merely want to communicate with you about our plans going forward."

"Plans?" Harry asked confused. Why would they want to discuss their plans with him?

"Naturally," Said a man who he thought might be Santa Clause. "as this situation concerns you directly, we wanted to…'touch base' as it were."

"Sadly, we are forced to suspend Dumbledore for his perceived actions against a student." Said a short man with a braided beard, Harry thought his name was Nimo or something like that.

"What? But Professor Dumbledore would never do anything like that!" he said earnestly.

"Mr. Potter," Lucius said, earning himself a glare from the teen. "Are you aware that it was Dumbledore who placed you with your Muggle relations?"

Harry's steam ran out and he blinked once more confused. "N-No, that can't be right…"

"Albus Dumbledore was one of only three known members of our society who knew of your location before your reemergence in 1991." Lucius responded easily. "The other two are Minerva McGonagall and Rubeus Hagrid. Minerva doesn't have the political clout to pull something like this off, and I'm sure I don't need to explain why the Hal-cough-why Hagrid isn't likely the one to have placed you there." Lucius justified, covering his almost slip by clearing his throat.

"Although it pains me to admit it," Said Conrad Masson, looking for all the world as if it were. "Malfoy is correct."

Harry stood there frozen, "But…no…then he couldn't have known-"

"Dumbledore informed everyone that you were well looked after and having a relatively enjoyable childhood." Amelia cut in. she looked like she would very much like to hex a certain Headmaster to within an inch of his life. And then give that inch to a Dementor.

"Yes, I believe his exact words to the press one year was "Harry is enjoying his time with his Loving Aunt." Rodger agreed, recalling the article from six years earlier.

"Harry gave a bitter laugh, he couldn't help it. Everything he had come to know about his life had just come crashing down around him. He had thought he would be a dominant, he wasn't. He thought Cedric would never want to be with him because of Oliver, he was wrong. He thought that the one adult in the world he could trust was Dumbledore, and now he was finding out that he had spent a decade inside an inescapable hell because of him. He barely even noticed as both Cedric and Oliver wrapped their arms around him, even as he felt the tears fall down his face.

"Loving?" He said, his voice cracking with emotion. "I spent the first seven years of my life trying to get that woman to love me! I did everything she asked of me! The housework, the yard work, the Gardening, I specifically did worse than my fucking idiot cousin and for what!? A couple less beatings every week!?" he was sobbing, and Oliver and Cedric were the only things keeping him standing,

Throughout his emotional tirade, there was not a member of the Board who wasn't affected by it. Even Lucius looked as though he wanted to hex someone. But Amelia and Katarina were the easiest to read. Amelia's hand had clenched into a fist so tight that you could hear her knuckles creaking under the strain. Katarina had tears streaming freely down her face, even as her expression displayed raw unadulterated fury.

"When I was eight years old," He continued quietly, almost too quietly to be heard. "I had this idea, that someone was going to come and rescue me. That may be my parents weren't dead, and it was all just a misunderstanding." He gave another bitter laugh. "I remember, I drew a picture at school once. It was of what I thought my parents looked like, standing there with me." He shook his head. "The teacher said it was the best in the class, you want to know what happened? My Uncle made me tear it apart and threw it in the fireplace, then he hit the back of my hands with a ruler for 'wasting Dudley's precious supplies'." He choked on a sob again, "After that, I stopped caring, I stopped trying. I was nothing but a useless Freak and no one would ever care about me. But Dumbledore is different! He listened and encouraged me to do better, to be better! If he's the one that caused me all this pain…who am I supposed to trust." He finally couldn't be held up anymore and the three boys fell to their knees.

Wolfram cleared his throat. "Why don't you take him into my office, through there boys." He said pointing to one of the doors in the Hall. "Take as long as you need, I don't think we need to put him through any more of this."

"Indeed," Rodger Chimed in earning nods from all the others.

Once the boys were secured, and the door was firmly shut, everyone straightened themselves with determination in their expressions.

"We need to charge him!" Nicolas said firmly.

"Unfortunately, the most he can be charged with is neglect of a Ward of the Ministry, since the placement was legal, and the abuse didn't happen in the school itself," Rodger said, his jovial expression long since gone now.

"What about the potion?" Augusta asked looking to Amelia.

"Sadly, new evidence has surfaced that points the finger at a dark portioner who was paying the Dursley's to put it in the boy's food." Amelia said with a sigh.

"Well, that's an obvious lie if ever I heard one," Lucius said with a sneer.

"I agree, but the evidence is in Dumbledore's favor here. So my hands are tied." She returned looking just as upset about the whole thing.

"We also need to consider the boy's placement," Thaddeus added.

"Indeed, he obviously can't be allowed back to those…people." Adalbert sneered. "He needs a proper Guardian to look after him. Not to mention there's also the subject of his mating."

"In all of the fuss, I had nearly forgotten." Katarina said, her eyes still red-rimmed from her earlier tears. "we could ask the families of his Mates," she offered.

"that won't do." Lucius said shaking his head.

"And I suppose you want to take custody, hmm?" Conrad asked with a hard glare.

"No, the boy needs more help than I would be able to give him." Lucius responded calmly. "I believe he may be better off, and I only suggest this as I believe they are the best option just now, with Andromeda and Ted Tonks."

More than a few people were surprised at the suggestion of his estranged Sister and law.

"Lucius, I'm pleasantly surprised, I never would have thought you would choose Andromeda over yourself," Rodger said with a curious twinkle in his eye.

"It's just common sense really, Andromeda's husband is a Licensed mind Healer specializing in the adolescent. Andromeda herself is a retired midwife and knows how to look after a young Omega." Lucius explained. Truth be told, he had been up most of the night with Narcissa brainstorming wizarding families who could take care of the boy properly.

Although everyone was a little disappointed that Lucius' cold heart hadn't seemingly thawed yet, they couldn't fault his reasoning. A mind Healer would certainly be able to help Harry better than anyone else. And as a former midwife and an Omega herself, Andromeda was highly knowledgeable about what to expect from a hormonal, newly mated Submissive.


Oliver and Cedric were sitting on the floor of Fawley's Office with Harry laying across their laps. His face buried into Cedric's belly, refusing to show his face to them.

"Come on Harry, talk to us."

"We can't help you if you won't let us."

They both tried to convince him, but it was hopeless. Harry wouldn't be coaxed into facing them until he was good and ready. After several more attempts, the boy's fell silent. Cedric gently brushing his fingers through Harry's tangle locks, and Oliver gently rubbing his calf up and down. They knew he wasn't crying anymore, but they weren't sure if that was a good thing or not. Neither Dominant thought that it was healthy to keep your emotions buried, but at the same time, neither had expected the abuse to be so bad. Harry wasn't one to show his emotions in a public setting like that, especially not in front of complete strangers. The fact that he did spoke volumes of just how much Dumbledore's betrayal had hurt him.

"Harry," Cedric tried again, placing his hand under Harry's head to rest on his hidden cheek. "Please talk to us, we're worried about you."

"I don't want to talk about it." He muttered into the Beta's shirt.

Despite it having been a refusal, Cedric still sighed in relief to hear the Omegas voice. "Then can you listen?"

There was a pause before he nodded into his belly, still not moving to face them.

"Harry," Cedric began, "Oliver and I care about you, we don't want to see you hurt."

"But we don't know how to help you." Oliver continued. "Harry, you and I are Mated, short of a ring and a contract, that means we're basically married, and Cedric is engaged to both of us. We're a family, and Family takes care of each other. Let us take care of you, please?"

Harry turned his head, just enough so that they could see one of his red-rimmed eyes peering out at them. "Everything is weird now though." He said sadly. "Everything I thought I knew is turning out to be a lie, how am I supposed to handle that?"

The two Dominants shared a look before Cedric answered, once again combing his fingers through the Omega's hair in a soothing gesture. "Take it one day at a time, you focus on all the good things around you before you try to tackle the bad."

"But I don't know how to do that." He said sitting up properly so he was sitting between them.

Cedric glances over Harry's shoulder and gave an indecipherable nod. Oliver, in turn, reached forward, having confirmed that Cedric thought it was a good idea also, and gently turned Harry's head to face him. "Let us show you." He said simply before placing a gentle kiss on his lips.

This kiss wasn't like the ones in their mating, nor was it like the small pecks he had received since. This kiss was soft and slow. There was no desperate need to be found here, only affection and care. And even though he didn't want them to, Harry's tears began to fall once more, being on the receiving end of that kind of affection was completely new to him. Before long, Oliver pulled away, but before Harry could say anything, his lips were claimed once more. This time it was Cedric who was kissing him in that loving way. Oliver wrapped his arms around the omega as he continued to kiss Cedric. One of Cedric's hands came to rest on the side of his neck, and at that moment, Harry felt something in the pit of his stomach begin to build. He now knew enough about being an Omega to recognize what that was. He quickly pushed them both away and stood panting.

"Harry?" Cedric asked concerned.

"W-we need to stop. M-My heat is…"

Both Dominants looked confused, but it was Cedric who realized what must have been happening. He was equal parts happy and worried. The Healers has told them that, because his magic was so volatile, Harry may go on what was called an 'induced Heat'. It happened when a magical Submissive needed more mates and their magic and instincts found a Dominant who fit the bill. They would go on an artificial Heat for the purpose of a mating. It wouldn't produce any children since it happened outside their normal Cycle, but it was a clear indicator that Harry, on some unconscious level, wanted to be mated to Cedric.

"Harry," He said softly. "It's okay, we can figure this out. If-If you don't want to-"

"Cedric, shut up." Harry cut off the Beta. "I want to be mated to you, but not in some office of a guy I don't know."

Cedric was silent as he processed this, Oliver just chuckled as he stood and made his way over to Harry.

"Just take a deep breath, Harry," he said. "Your Heat hasn't hit yet, you just have to remain calm and avoid getting aroused."

"Oh, well I'm right fucked then aren't I?" Harry shot back at him. "How in the hell am I supposed to avoid getting turned on with you two randy fuckers hanging around me?" Although he had said it in a way that was meant to be scolding, his eyes shone with mirth and they all laughed.

"You really want to though?" Cedric asked with hope in his eyes.

"Cedric, do you see this outline in my pants?" Harry asked pointing at very prominent erection that could be seen straining against the fabric of his clothes. "Yes, I want you to mate me, don't be such a Hufflepuff."

"But I am one."

It was quiet for a moment before they were laughing again. Then things became serious again and Oliver looked Harry dead in the eye. "You know you're going to have to talk to someone, right?"

Harry sighed. "I don't have to be happy about it. Honestly, I've put up with this for so many years, I don't see why everyone is making such a fuss now."

"Because you were abu-"

"Don't you dare use that word Cedric Diggory! I may be an Omega, but I'm fairly certain I could still lay you out." Harry growled out.

"And me?" Oliver asked putting a supporting hand on Cedric's shoulder when he slumped in hurt. "Would you 'lay me out' as well?"

"YES!" he yelled.


"Why? WHY!? I suffered for years, Oliver! I waited, and prayed, for years. And no one came. Now suddenly, everyone wants to swoop in and make it all better!? Well guess what! You can't! it happened, it's over! I'll still end up having to go back to that house and deal with their crap every summer until I hit 17! I have a right to be pissed off!"

"And how in the bloody hell do you think you'll be going back there?" Oliver growled out.

"Because it's what Albus bloody Dumbledore wants! You think I didn't try to tell people? You think I didn't try to find somewhere else to stay? I DID! But face the facts, he just has too much power." He said angrily

"Harry," Cedric said gently getting his attention. "The Board is never going to allow you to be placed there again. Did you see Madame Bones in there? She looked ready to kill. Professor Dumbledore might have a lot of political weight, but he's not untouchable. Even if he manages to get out of this without being punished, he's not going to have any say over where you stay."

Harry deflated, "How can you know that?" he asked weakly.

Cedric gave a reassuring smile. "My Dad works in the Ministry, he may not be directly associated with the Child Welfare Office, but he has had dealings with them. I know that you won't be going back there."

"Mr. Diggory is Correct." Came the Voice of Wolfram Fawley from the doorway. He had apparently walked in while Harry had been yelling. "Although the Board will have to confirm it with the CWO, I can assure you that those Muggles will not be allowed anywhere near you again. Never mind your being placed with them."

That was all Harry could take as he once again fell to his knees weeping, his two Dominants sweeping forward to catch him as he fell.


Andromeda Tonks was enjoying her afternoon tea when she heard the knock on her Door. She found this odd, as they didn't often receive visitors who didn't have an open invitation to their home. Standing up she made her way to the front of her house and answered the door. She was pleasantly surprised to see her Daughter standing there with another woman who wore a monocle and high-quality Auror robes.

"Nymphadora, Its so good to see you again dear!" she said pulling her only child into a warm embrace.

"Its good to see you to mum," The Auror trainee said a bit awkwardly as she returned the hug. "Um, I'm actually here on business mum, so…"

"Of course, would you both please come in," she said, gesturing inside.

Once they were all settled, Dora made the introductions. "Mum, this is Madame Amelia Bones. Head of the DMLE, and kind of my Boss." She said gesturing to the woman.

"It's a pleasure to see you again Amelia," Andromeda said.

Amelia nodded with a smile. "Indeed."

"Wait, you two know each other?"

Andromeda rolled her eyes at her daughter. "I know it's difficult to fathom dear, but I do have a social life."

Amelia chuckled, "I confess Trainee Tonks," she said gaining her attention. "I only asked you to bring me here because your mother missed you."

The Metamorphmagus threw up her hands. "Unbelievable! 20 years old and my mother can still pull one over on me!"

Both older women laughed at her antics. Then Amelia turned back to her old school friend. "Andy, I do have another reason for being here."

"Oh?" she asked curiously. Amelia wasn't one to ask for favors and the like.

"As you know, I sit on the Board of Governors for Hogwarts, we have a…. bit of an issue on our hands."

Andy smoothed out her dress and straightened her posture unnecessarily. "What sort of issue?"

"I'll not go into the full details, but the long and short, we have an adolescent Omega, who is in the midst of courting, and is an abuse victim." She explained, watching as Andromeda's expression grew somewhat darker at the word abuse. "For obvious reasons, the child can't be allowed to return to his present residence. Therefore, we on the Board would like to know if you would be interested in petitioning for custody."

They discussed the Details for a while, mostly why they had chosen her. Eventually, though, the subject of the identity of this Omega student came up. In an ironic twist, Andromeda simply looked resigned, while her Daughter outright fainted.