A/N: Okay look, I wrote this a long ass time ago, it's rated M for a reason. if you do not like Sex in your reading, then DON'T READ THIS! I have given my Warning.


Primary Genders- The Male and female genders still exist, and can help to determine a child's secondary gender early on. Males only have a 5% chance of being an Omega a 70% chance of being a Beta. And a 25% chance of being an Alpha. Females have a 3% chance of being an Alpha, an 87% chance of being a Beta, and a 10% chance of being an Omega.

Alpha- Will always be able to sire children in others, but can not bear children no matter the partner.

Dominant Beta- can usually sire children but can also bear children, but only if they sleep with an Alpha.

True Beta- has a fifty-fifty chance of Siring/bearing children unless they are with either an Omega or an Alpha.

Submissive Beta- has a high chance of bearing children and can only sire them in an Omega.

Omega- can only bear children regardless of partner, but is a guaranteed pregnancy every time.

Bonding in the Muggle and Wizarding worlds.

Muggles typically only bond/mate in pairs. Meaning one Dominant, and one Submissive. In the Wizarding world, however, a submissive or Dominant may need to take multiple mates in order to ground their magic. This process can often be put off with the use of hormone suppression drugs, which put off the need to mate. However, should a person go into heat around an unmated person of opposing gender, then the mating instinct will activate. From that moment on, should a mating successfully occur, the suppressants will do no good. And all parties who are now mated may either have to seek other mates or have to aid their new mate in the search for additional mates.

Chapter 1

Shower Attack

Harry sighed as he felt the cold water of the shower cascade its way down his naked body. He wasn't sure why, but he had been horribly hot all day today. And then there had been Quidditch practice that made his muscles ache in a way that he didn't want to think about. All of this, on top of having to deal with the presences of the Dementors. Hermione seemed to think that his recent hot flashes were indirectly caused by them. He had been so cold all the time, having to deal with them, that the second he couldn't feel them anymore, it left him feeling warmer than he actually was. He wasn't sure if he agreed with that theory, not that he had one of his own.

He was just reaching for his shampo, when he heard the door open. Poking his head out through the shower curtain, he saw his team captain Oliver Wood. He was already getting undressed At one of the other stalls.

"Hey Wood," Harry called out.

The Quidditch Captain looked over and smiled.

"Well if the star seeker himself. You okay there Harry? You seemed kind of off during practice."

Harry sighed, so even Quidditch crazed Oliver had noticed.

"I'm not feeling myself is all."

The older boy scowled. "Do you need to go to the hospital wing? I don't want you missing practice, but I'll be damned if we lose a match because you're sick."

Harry shook his head. "I don't think so. I'm just going to finish up here and then take it easy for the rest of the night."

Oliver nodded, but then started sniffing the air. "Do you smell that?"

"He who smelt it," Harry said laughing and going back to his shower.

He lathered up his hair and held his head under the flow of water with his eyes squeezed shut when suddenly he felt a hot sticky liquid almost gush from between his legs.

What in the-

Harry finished rinsing his hair and looked down. Running down his thighs, Harry saw a bright red squid mixing with the soap and water.

Is that blood? He thought urgently

Putting his hand between his legs, he realized it was coming from his rear. It didn't feel like blood though. It was almost, slimy in its consistency. What was going on? Had the twins played some kind of weird prank or something? No, this wasn't their style. Deciding he probably needed Madame Pomfrey, but not willing to traverse the school with this fluid running freely down his legs. He stuck his head out to call to Oliver once again. He was startled when he saw that the other boy was standing right outside of his stall dripping wet and naked.

"Um, Oliver… could… could you…" but he tapered off as he caught a whiff something. It smelled oddly of lilacs and freshly fallen spring rain. The smell was making him feel light-headed, or perhaps that was because he had started breathing heavier. When had that happened? And when did the water heat up again?

"Oliver, I…" he tried again, but that scent stole his thought before he could finish. What had he been about to ask?

"Shhh," Oliver said stepping into the small shower stall with him, forcing Harry to back up against the wall to make room. "I'll make it better."

Oh god, better? How could Oliver make this better? Harry was on cloud 9 as he felt Oliver's member rubbing against his navel. that scent of lilacs and rain now even more concentrated with Oliver in the Stall with him. Harry realized that the smell was coming from Oliver, and so pushed his face against the naked flesh before him.

Harry breathed deeply, enjoying the scent of the older boy. He allowed his tongue to roll out of his mouth and lap at the sweat soaked skin in front of him. It was salty, but to Harry it was like the sweetest chocolate. He wanted more, he needed more. Harry wrapped his arms around the older boy, his tongue in a frenzy to taste every inch he could reach. He absently noted Wood's hands tangling themselves in his wet hair as he began grinding against Harry, seeking friction.

At some point, Harry jumped up and wrapped his legs around Oliver's waist and proceeded to kiss the life out of him. Kissing Oliver in that moment was so invigorating, he never wanted to stop. Even as he felt the head of Oliver's cock begin to penetrate his tight virgin hole. All he could muster was a small whimper and a couple tears that were soon wiped away. Oliver held Harry close, almost suffocating in his attempt to be closer. He thrust Into the smaller boy with a vengeance, muttering into their constant kissing the word "mine!"

Eventually, the need for air forced them to part as Oliver fell to his knees, still thrusting into Harry mercilessly.

"Harry, I'm so close...I need to…"

"Please… mate… need… Don't know...need…"

"I know what you need," Oliver said before burying his face into Harry's neck and re-doubling his efforts to finish.

Harry was clawing at his back in desperation, begging for more. His legs were tightening around Oliver in a bruising vise like grip, refusing to let go. But all Oliver could think of was that this was his mate. His to hold, his to love, his to protect, just his. He knew he was close and just as he was about to cum, Oliver bit down on Harry's shoulder, hard enough to draw blood. As the hot coppery liquid flooded his mouth, he felt Harry's own cock twitch and cum all over their stomachs as he screamed in pure Ecstasy.

They stayed like that for a while. Just basking in the glow of what they had just done. Harry idly running his hands up and down Oliver's back in a soothing gesture. As Their minds began to clear however, the two looked at one another with looks of horror.

"What have we done…" Harry asked afraid.

"Harry, this isn't your fault. Come on, I'll get you cleaned up and we can go to the Hospital wing." Oliver said wiping Harry's face clean of tears.

Oliver meticulously cleaned harry from head to toe. Being careful to not hurt the smaller boy. As soon as he was satisfied that Harry was clean he got them both dressed and began leading Harry down to the infirmary. He was very concerned with how complacent Harry was being right now. He was afraid he may actually be in shock. Not that he could blame him. Oliver had thought, like he assumed everyone else did, that Harry would present as an Alpha. Or at the very least a Beta. But no. Harry was an Omega. What's more he was a male Omega. The rarest of the rare. If the situation had been different, Oliver would have been over the moon about having Harry as a mate. But mating was supposed to be consensual, not something forced upon them by their instincts. But who was to blame for this? Oliver of course felt horrible about this, and he would spend the rest of his life trying to make it up to Harry. But he was just as much a victim as Harry. Harry was 13, shouldn't someone have given him the hormone suppressant? It only needed to be taken once a year. How could there have been such a huge oversight.

Then again, as he had been cleaning Harry off from their mating, he had noticed the many scars covering his back. Was Harry being abused at home? If that were the case then it would explain why Harry hadn't been taken in to get the suppressant. But then, why hadn't he gotten it here? Madam Pomfrey surely could have arranged it with Saint Mungo's. Why hadn't anyone thought to check?

All these thoughts raced through his mind as he brought Harry into the Hospital wing.

"Madam Pomfrey?" He called out.

"Yes," She asked coming out from behind a curtain. "Oh, mr. Wood mr. Potter. What have you done now? Honestly, why can't you boys play something safer?" She ranted, she really did not like Quidditch.

"Madam Pomfrey, could we maybe talk in your office?" Oliver asked with a pointed look at the bed she had just been attending.

Seeming to understand, Poppy nodded and led the two students into her office. The following conversation was awkward to say the least. Wood did most of the talking. He was careful to omit certain private details about the mating itself. But the events leading up to the mating, as well as Harry's reactions afterward were described in detail. The more she knew. The better chance that she could help them. When the story was over, the old Matron sat back in her office chair with her face in her hands.

"Mr. Potter," She said gaining his attention. "Why were you not brought to a Healer or Muggle Doctor this summer to receive the suppressant?" She was concerned. All students were expected to have taken the suppressant before attending school each year because she wasn't qualified to give it. If he hadn't been able to get it over the summer than she could have taken him to saint mungo's during the first week to get it.

Harry looked down at his feet in shame. "I've never been brought to a Doctor before. My Uncle doesn't believe in paying for me to see one."

Poppy Pomfrey sat up straight after hearing that. "Excuse me? Albus informed me that you have been receiving the Suppressant since you're first year." She said now very concerned. If Harry hadn't been receiving treatment as he was supposed to, then this was his first real heat. If that was the case, then it was no wonder that Wood couldn't resist. Furthermore, a Doctor or healer qualified to give the treatment could have noted the boy's secondary Gender. The fact that no one had was worrying.

Harry seemed to close in on himself. "I'm sorry, but I've never had a treatment like that. The only time I saw a Doctor was when I was little and my cousin broke my leg." Harry said quietly.

Poppy sat there looking at the two boys. Wood was desperately trying to soothe Harry by rubbing his back and whispering reassurances into his ear. Something was not right here. How had this gone unnoticed? Also, if Potter was an Omega, as he now appeared to be. Why did he physically resemble an adolescent Alpha. His physical structure was not submissive in the least. His muscles were well defined, even if he was on the small side. And his features were strong and masculine. It didn't make sense. Male Omegas were alway shown to be slight of frame with soft features. In fact the only way that she could think of that he could look this way would be if…

No, he wouldn't. Even Albus wouldn't sink so low.

She thought as she gazed at them. Potter looked like he wanted to crawl into the other boy's lap.

" ," She said suddenly causing the both of them to jump a bit. "May I have your permission to perform a potion scan on you?"

"A what?" Harry asked worried and confused.

"It's a scan that can tell Madam Pomfrey what potions you've taken in your life." Wood explained patiently.

"You're partially correct Mr. Wood." Pomfrey said with a nod. "The scan only records potions taken over the last five years."

Harry licked his lips. He figured that they wanted to test if he had been lying about the treatments, So he nodded his agreement.

Poppy Pomfrey reached into her desk and removed a stack of parchment then drew her wand. With a tiny flick towards Harry, she tapped its tip to the top parchment and watched as words began to write themselves on to the parchments surface.

She didn't have to wait long to get the answer she was looking for. At the top of the list that was still going were the words Dominantium Elixir.

Albus, what have you done? She thought sadly as she looked over to the two young men before her.

"It seems Mr. Potter, that you just cannot catch a break." She said sitting back in her seat.