I do not own Merlin or Supernatural.

"What the bloody hell is ging on here!" a man no older than twenty bellowed at the scene of Sam Winchester backed by two hunters training his gun on one of the members of the British branch of the Men of Letters. Everyone turned to look at him, one of the hunters even trained his gun on Merlin's form. Merlin's eyes roved around the room taking in the spyware, the files, the weapons. "I go on vacation for a century and come back to find that there hasn't been just one but four separate apocalypses and remake of the American Revolution! Oh triple goddess if America was supposed to be part of Albion I would have fought on the side of the British!"

"Who are you how did you get in here!" The woman demanded outraged.

"The young (old?) man turned to her. "Silence," he said with a flick of his hand and a flash of his eyes, " you have no right to speak here." When the woman opened her mouth to rebuke his claims she found that she couldn't make a sound.

"I founded the Men of Letters," the man stressed,"It was founded by me because Camelot fell. You were supposed to learn and record, protect and serve, and keep the balance. When the hell did that mean annihilate every supernatural being you come across including the good ones!" The man started to pace running his hand through his hair looking a little put out.

"Was it Hitler? I mean I get where coming from with that, with the whole I'm going to defy death thing. But seriously a complete genocide of the supernatural come on!"

While everyone was distracted with Merlin's tirade the woman had been inching towards her gun, everyone that is except Jody. Just as the woman raised her gun Jody fired dropping the woman. Silence rang for a heartbeat before all three guns were trained on Merlin.

"Who are you?" Sam growled.

Merlin have a lopsided grin." Merlin Emrys Ambrosious at your service Sam Winchester." He said with a dramatic sweeping bow. "I should have known dollop head's descendants would be hunters."

"Dollop head?" Sam said questioning.

"Arthur. Now, if you'll excuse me you have a devil baby to take care of and I have a certain child on 221B Baker Street that I need to yell at. Have a good day gentlemen, lady." And with a dip of his head he disappeared leaving three stunned hunters in his wake.

"That just happened right?" Jody asked the other two.

"Well now whenever Dean brags about killing Hitler I can say I met Merlin," Sam replied. The hunter just stared at them probably assessing his sanity and theirs.