Chapter two

For a brief moment only the sounds of nature remained as they were silenced by my sudden intrusion. Not one to let such an opportunity pass me by, I pressed onwards taking the lead of the conversation and thus the flow.

"Violence is never the answer, I'm sure if you both calm down we could resolve this matter peacefully." Giving a bright smile I spread my arms outwards in a gesture of peace while lying through my teeth.

I knew deep down that this wasn't true as there comes a time where words meant nothing and only one's actions mattered. Still if it was possible I hoped to solve this peacefully without anyone getting hurt.

"Humph he was asking for it! But your right it is beneath me to act so uncouth and barbaric." Louise took a step back, no doubt in order to recover her noble demeanour.

Louise backing down was within my expectations after all she resisted attacking me earlier, not to mention the reprimand she received earlier by the professor.

"Hey!" The issue was with the boy sadly.

Letting out a sigh I decided to risk my position. Even if I was to be found out the consequences would be negligible as I could easily overpower Louise with my reinforced body before she could cast her magecraft.

"I understand this must seem surreal but this is reality so calm down." I could feel the last remaining dregs of prana slowly flowing throughout my body and into my golden eyes as I casted the spell. A spell that belonged to the field of mental interference where all magi was required to be proficient in, so the mystery of magecraft would forever remain a select secret amongst the populace.

"I... yes." He stared back blankly for a second as the spell worked its magic.

Clenching my hand into a fist I took a quick glance at Louise. At the first sign of danger or recognition I would instantly disable her from action and move to my backup plan.

"Hmpth I see you regained your senses commoner."

"..." It was a good thing that the boy was already under my control as no doubt he would have done something stupid in response but... Maybe it was better if he did?

"Fine then! If you won't help me escape this dream then I will make YOU!" The boy suddenly pounced onto Louise with his fists.

"Ahh!" Louise gave a small shriek as she desperately lifted her wand towards the boy while chanting an aria.

"Stay back!" I moved in front of Louise my arms raised high and in position to block the boy's assault.

To an outsider this situation would appear to be like a fairy tale the knight saving the damsel in distress or in this case the servant protecting his ladyship from danger, but in reality it was the opposite I was saving the boy from harm.

Sleep. Maintaining eye contact with the boy, I sent an overriding command directly to his body and psyche while making sure I was blocking Louise's view with my body.

"Ugrh." Letting out a grunt I pretended to counter the boy's blow by blocking with my right and throwing a left straight, when in actuality I let the blow through in order to create the sound of impact.


The boy collapsed onto the ground with a small thud, his right fist bright red with bits of skin flaking off as he punched with all of his might. A small price to pay compared to being hit in the head and suffering a potential fatal injury.

"Thank you... Oh no your bleeding!" Louise sprinted towards me in a hurry, her face rapidly changing to one of fear that soon turned into anger.

"Oh this don't worry about it." Giving her a brief shake of my head along with a smile I tried to reassure my so called master.

"Who are you trying to fool! Your clothes is completely ruined and covered in blood, not to mention your wounds!"

For a second I was speechless. I didn't actually expect Louise to get mad at me considering that she ignored the injuries earlier. I wonder if the change of heart was because I saved her from the boy earlier or was it the simple fact that I was now in her eyes her familiar?

"Don't just stand there! We need to get you help right away!" She grabbed onto my arm with surprising force before wrapping it over her neck to support me but to be honest that just made it harder to walk.

"I appreciate your concern milady, but there is a more important matter to attend to then my wounds." Placing my hands onto hers I gently pried her off me. I may no longer have access to vast amounts of mana from my sister but I have faced worse and survived, given time I'm sure that I could recover naturally.

"No buts! I am your master and that means wait where are you going!"

Retracing my steps I knelt before the boy sprawled all over the grass.

"So full... hamburger steak..." I saw a small trickle of saliva flow from his half opened mouth and onto the grass. No doubt he was having a good dream for now but once he wakes up...

"Good luck boy you would need it." I whispered a small prayer before placing my hands underneath his torso. Carefully lifting him up in what people would have considered a princess carry I slowly made my way over to Louise.

"Huff hah huh haa." Although he weighed next to nothing in my reinforced arms I still had to create the illusion that I was struggling. Which wasn't too hard as with each passing moment my strength and will wanes, it appears that the fatigue from my constant life and death battles with the Ainsworths was starting to catch up to me.

"Hey what are you doing! Look at you, your practically half dead! Just leave that stupid disobedient commoner behind!"

"We can't just leave him here Louise! All alone in the wilds with no knowledge or shelter... Besides isn't he your responsibility as he is your familiar?" I snapped back at Louise causing her to take a step back in shock from my sudden outburst.

Although this might put me at odds for defying her orders and goodwill it was a setback I was willing to take. There was no way I would leave a helpless person behind when I could help, especially when his most likely outcome would be death in this new world.

"Humph I was going to go back for him anyway..." Louise mumbled underneath her breath as she backed down from my reproachful gaze.

"..." I continued to glare at Louise for a brief moment before softening a bit.

My point was made, there was no point in antagonising her any further as that would most likely lead to detrimental outcomes for the boy and myself to a lesser extent.

"Sorry about that Louise, its just that..." I stopped right next to Louise while facing the azure sky. I needed a mask, one that would hide me from suspicion for any future actions if so... What would be the best persona for me?

"Just what! The fact that your willing to kill yourself in helping someone that attacked you! Or the fact that you refuse your master's help in aiding you!"

"..." I don't understand this sudden change, was my analysis of her wrong? Why was she so mad at me when all I did was apologise and refuse her help?

"Ahem I mean your right. As a noble master I should take care of my familiars but that also applies to you! So hand him over I will carry him!" Louise must have realised she broke out of character, as she attempted to ignore what just happened by attempting to pry the boy from my arms but I wasn't letting go so easily.

There was no way I would leave the boy alone to his own devices in these conditions, at least not with her. Especially considering the fact that she did summon us from our worlds without our consent to become her familiar which basically meant that it was a kidnapping or worse. Not to mention she was still a noble magus, an unskilled one judging from the earlier remarks but a noble magus nevertheless.

And if past experiences as Kiritsugu's assistant told me anything it was that one should never underestimate a magus no matter how inferior they may appear to be. Especially when entering their workshop or territory as that was paramount to suicide without some sort of planning or prior knowledge.

"My father died recently... His last wish was for me to become a good person, to always aspire for justice." Giving a weak smile, my body shook slightly as I recalled my past memories.

"Oh... In that case why don't we both carry him?"

"...Ok." My decision been made, I would accompany Louise and the boy for a time as their familiar... Until I have deemed enough information has been gathered or once the boy could fend for himself in this new world. My only hope was that I wouldn't have to resort to violence in the near future.

Author notes

Lazy author that only writes first drafts with no planning, editing etc.

I don't know what my problem with this story is but I have to say it drains my motivation fast, I just can't seem to be bothered so it would be rougher than usual as I just want this chapter done and over with.

Contrary to anime and manga getting knocked out physically is very harmful and even lethal, there is no safe way to knock someone unconscious through physical force. (This is common sense.)

If your wondering if Shirou would constantly help Saito with his problems then the answer is this, if they are minor then yes if they arent then no. Even fate Shirou would give up on someone if he believes they brought their own ruin and would just watch instead.

For people wondering about Shirou's wounds and the reactions, well mainly its because I think they view him as Louise's problem as he is her familiar in their eyes. Also to make it less of a stretch it would just be cuts and scrapes although it should be far more lethal and deadly but I could always just say the battle scene was different compared to another miracle and my other stories so there. Not to mention the new magical contract Shirou is subjected to.

I don't know much about their spells and how much there is as the wiki is a bit sparse. And no I am not combing through the entire series to look for spells. That being said apparently healing spells aren't really that effective and takes a while to work its magic according to volume four. (In order to heal Wardes it required alot of water mages to cast recovery for three days and nights after he was shredded by bullets.)

I skimmed through volume ones to four really briefly to see if I was bothered to continue this story. (By skim I basically skipped to the climax of each volume, except volume one had the prologue and first couple of chapters read.)