Disclaimer: I do not own Star Wars, Ahsoka, or Anakin. I only own this stories plot, my 2 OCs, Fodder and Horns, and my custom speices, the unicorns.

Chapter 1

Ahsoka sighed as Anakin lectured her. What was the big deal? The Jedi Council had allowed her to lead one of the thousands of clone battalions. Anakin had been okay with it, but became angy when she chose the 105th.

"There are thousands of battalions to chose, and I had told you NOT to choose the 105th!" Anakin yelled.

"Why does that upset you?" Ahsoka replied.

"Because fighting with that battalion is dangerous!"

"The other battalions are dangerous."

"The other batta..."

"Hey, there's my ship! Bye!" Ahsoka said as she spotted the tansport ship that would take her to the planet the 105th were stationed on. She quickly ran over and entered the ship.

"Ahsoka! Wait until I'm done..." Anakin was cut off as the doors shut. Ahsoka sat down as she felt the transport lift off.

"Should I have brought something to read?" she wondered aloud.


"You shouldn't be here," Clone Commander Fodder said as he tried to push Ahsoka back into the transport.

"And why not?" Ahsoka asked, trying to get past the clone.

"Because you're a jedi," Commander Fodder said as if it were obvious.

"So?" Ahsoka inquired.

"Jedi are to valueble for the Republic to lose," Came the reply.

"So?" Ahsoka repeated. This clone was starting to get on her nerves.

"You'll die here."

"How do you know?" She asked, becoming angry as the clone countinued to try to push her into the transport.

"Because that's all anyone in this battalion does," Fodder said. Ahsoka groaned. She had heard this from clones before. A lot of clones believed that they had no purpose other than to die. It annoyed her when clones talked like that.

"I'm tired of you always talking like that," Ahsoka said. "It's not true. You have other purposes."

"Not in this battalion."

The pilot of the transport, a clone, merely stared at the push-of-war. "Uh, Commander Fodder?" the pilot asked.

"What?" Fodder grunted.

"General Windu told me that General Tano was to be placed in command of the 105th.

"WHAT?!" Fodder yelled, and stopped pushing, allowing Ahsoka to knock him over.

"Thanks for the ride, uhhh..." Ahsoka puased.

"Horns, sir. Given the named after I broke the horn off a unicorn," the clone pilot awnsered.

"Well, thank you, Horns, for the ride and distracting Commander Fodder," spoke Ahsoka, watching said Commander stand back up.

"Of course, sir," replied Horns, and then entered the transport and left.

Ahsoka smirked at the now muddy Commander. "Well, it seems I'm commanding this battalion after all."

As Ahsoka walked towards the main camp, a clone approched Commander Fodder.

"She didn't listen?"

"Unfortunatly, no," The Commander turned to the clone. "Did you send the request for reinforcements?"

"Yes, sir. By tomorrow noon, we should have 500 more troopers."

"Any medics?"

"100, sir."

Fodder turned to the camp, then back towards the clone. "Keep an eye on General Tano," he told the clone. "If she's not killed in her first battle here, she'll demand to leave. Or, if she's lucky, she'll come to her senses, realise that this is the worst battalion to be in, and request to change battalions."

"That's a big 'if', sir."

"Yes, it is," Fodder replied. "Let's hope that the force, or anything, warns her that this battalion has nothing but more deaths in it's future."


AU: This is my first fanfiction. If you want me to continue it, please let me know. Also, please note that my keyboard's "R" key is messed up, and sometimes doesn't work.