Chapter 1

Within the French royal court, servants were meant to be not seen or heard. They were expected to be ghosts. There were a few exceptions to this rule. For example, when the master or mistress wanted to see the servant.

Odétte had been a servant within the household of the Duke of Orléans Philippe younger brother of King Louis. Philippe was an excellent master to his servants. And Odétte was a favourite of his. She was small, slim with pale skin with a mass of golden bronze hair that falls in tight natural curls. Philippe liked having her around due to her looks but also her mind. She was as beautiful as his wife Henrietta of England, but to Philippe, he was looking for a friend, not a female lover preferring male lovers over women. Philippe kept Odétte a secret and away from his brother. Little did he know that his brother had been dreaming about his little Swan.

"Monsieur," Philippe looked around and smiled at Odétte.


"I was thinking that I would go into the woods to pick up some flowers to brighten up the rooms. With your permission of course," Odétte requested. "I thought I saw some on the ride in."

"Of course, my dear, Chevalier said that the suite needed colour, and I am sure that he would love to go with you," both knew that Chevalier would never get his hands dirty picking flowers but liked the styling for them when they were washed and ready for him.

"Monsieur, I think he is meeting with friends or family today. I would not like to stop him," Odétte knew all about the prince and Chevalier that they were lovers. But she did not care for it seemed everyone was having affairs at the court. She knew that her mistress was sleeping with her brother in law that king.

"Of course," He dismissed her with a smile and a wave.

Odétte heard the sound of a horses hooves on the woodland road and turned to see a rider dressed in black. A basket full of woodland plants she stood upright. To tell the rider that the woods were dangerous full of wolves and to warn him.

Louis had defined his ministers and had ridden out of the hunting lodge early in the morning to clear his head. The dream of his dream palace that he kept on having with the girl with hair like the sun kept him going. Around 30 minutes into his ride he noticed a female figure picking flowers dressed in a pale blue cloak and simple gold and white dress. He was going to ignore her she was just another peasant appearing to be a servant. When she stood up, and her cloak hood fell, and he saw her flame-like hair.

"Monsieur, the woods can be dangerous. Highmen are known to haunt the woods and roads around and the wolves," she smiled trying the sound friendly. Louis was speechless. He dismounted and tied up his horse to the nearest tree and walked over to the young lady. She backed up away from him. "That is not what I meant. I am armed, and I am under the protection of the Royal household. If anything would to happen to me the King's Brother will see that you are hung," She warned the advising man.

"I am not going to hurt, I know you. Why would a lady of the household be out on her own?" He asked just as he saw the view of his father's old hunting lodge. Odétte followed him.

"The view is great from up here. On a clear day, you can see as far as Paris," Louis heard her voice as she stood next to him and took in the view of the valley.

"I would come up here has a child and look out," Louis said.

From behind them come the sound of gowls and heavy breathing. Both turned around stocked to see that three large wolves prowling towards them. Louis not thinking pushed Odétte behind him and started to walk towards the baying wolves. Stopping only to draw his sword. The wolves stopped bearing their teeth only one still growling at him. all turned towards the noise of gunfire, human and wolf. The wolves quickly turned and ran back to the safety of the deep woods.

Philippe holding his pistol high jumped expertly off his white horse. Odétte still in stock let out of the breath she had been carrying for the last minute or so. They were safe. Louis breathed in deep and waited for his brother's words.

"What the hell do you think you were doing?" Philippe asked. He saw his servant looking worried; he would talk to her back in the suite. "You could have been killed." Louis returned his sworded to its holster.

"Perhaps," Louis turned back to the view.

"Perhaps?" Philippe was a mixture of angry, worried and annoyed by his older brother. For he had almost got himself killed and a servant as well. "You suppress yourself."

"You and I have never been more alone than we are right now," Louis said to his brother. Odétte was forgotten in the background left to pick up her things.

"Brother, we need to go," Philippe said.

"We will never get this chance again, so I want you to listen to me," Louis continued taking no notice of what his brother had said.

"The wolves will come back, and there will be more of them," Philippe warned.

"I am about to drag this country out of the darkness and into the light," Louis continued his speech at his brother. A sort of madness in his eyes. "We must build our own destiny right here. A new France will be born, and this palace will be her mother."

"What palace?" Philippe looked over at Odétte who was looking worried. She was still unsure about the man who claimed to be Monsieur brother the King.

Loius turned to face the hunting lodge and pointed. "That one."

"Our father's hunting lodge?" he questioned.

"Versailles," Louis replied with a small smile. He turned back to the view and said. "Get back on the horse," Philippe started to walk away as commanded by his king but stopped when Louis spoke again. "With great change, enemies are quick to follow. I only need to know one thing. In this moment, no matter what," Louis paused a few seconds. "Are you with me, brother? Do you have my back?"

Philippe thought about the questions for a few moments. Half smiled and stated. "Where am I now?"

Both brothers not looking at each other knew that they were closer than ever before with each other. Philippe nodded his head for Odétte to follow him and both started to walk towards Philippe's white horse. Louis stopped Odétte as she passed him. Taking her hand and guided her on to his own horse. Philippe rolled his eyes and almost laughed at the look of panic in his young servants face as she was placed on the King's horse before he got on himself behind her, his arms wrapped themselves around her holding on to the reigns.

They set off towards the lodge and were meet by the King's guard on the road.

"The King! The King!" Called one of the guards. "It's the King."

The full guard troop appeared to be waiting for them on the woodland road. The King took no notice of his servant Bontemps and spymaster Fabien Marchal at the head of the troop riding down the middle. Both men noticed the young woman with the King. Followed by the King's Brother they turned and supported the Royal family back towards the hunting lodge behind them.

Back at the lodge, Odétte was helped down by the King who smiled at her and walked away. Louis knew that he would find out more about her soon. Philippe and Odétte rushed into back inside. Philippe to cool off in his rooms and Odétte back to her tasks as a servant. She knew that the Monsieur would want to talk to her later on in the day.

Chapter 2

After a couple of hours had passed and the Monsieur's rooms had been filled with flowers from the woodland picked by Odétte. Philippe noticed that she was quieter than usual.

"I know that it was not your fault with all the things in the woods with the King earlier," Philippe started.

"I know, Monsieur," Odétte stated.

"I would not blame you if you were charmed by my Brother. A lot of people are," Philippe tried to lighten the mood.

"Sir, I was not charmed. Just worried. The King was going to fight those wolves in the wood. And his talk about a new palace here. I am worried that he will hurt himself or others. The King should be in the right mind, but I am not sure if he is," Odétte looked away.

"My dear, the King has a lot on his mind. His wife and Queen is soon to give birth and the others of state for him to worry. There is nothing to nothing for you to worry, truly of the King at the moment," Philippe stated. "Now, smile, and help me choose what to wear."

After choosing a grey and silver coat, Philippe walked into his rooms to see Chevalier and male servants running around with clothes and fabrics.

"I thought I might have lost you forever. I was worried about you," Chevalier said not looking at Philippe.

"No, you weren't," scoffed Philippe before looking around him again. "What are you doing?" He asked his lover.

"Packing. You're not seriously considering staying here another second, are you?" Chevalier asked. "They just tried to kill the king. If they get him, who's next?" he paused before continuing. "Actually, now there's an idea," Chevalier smiled before turning back around to his packing.

"You would have me die?" Philippe questioned his lover.

"You are so slow sometimes," Chevalier stated. "The Prince, little Louis. He's always seemed a bit sickly, don't you think?" He stated before eating a grape.

"Stop it," Philippe scoffed again at this thought.

"My point exactly," Chevalier started to pace around the room. "Hardly anyone sees him. He's holed up in Paris, and everybody's constantly terrified he's going to catch a chill. How many children at court make it to the age of five," Philippe and Chevalier were now in the bedroom. Philippe was removing his boots on the bed as Chevalier walked into the room. "Much less their majority? What chance does this latest one have of making it out of the royal merkin, let alone to his own coronation?" Philippe removed his coat and quietly listened to Chevalier talk. "There's a reason why your brother's always desperate for another boy," Odétte handed Philippe a glass of red wine. "That's why everyone around here appears to be willing anther male child into existence. But don't you see? When it all falls down, it all comes to you," Chevalier feeds Philippe a grape before kissing him. "And what would you do on that day," looking deeply into each other's eyes. "With all that power?" Moving away. "What would you be doing right now?" Chevalier questioned Philippe. "Would you consign us all to linger in this swamp? Heaven's no! You would make Paris the capital of the world, and we would dine and dance there every night," Chevalier gathered Philippe up and danced a little. "What kind of King goes off hunting alone, and then gets lost? Only to be found by a servant. Our brother's lost all sense of himself. He's even lost himself. What a prize idiot!" Chevalier laughed at his little joke. Philippe sent him flying with a quick slap across the face. Chevalier replied with his own slap to Philippe's face. Both smiled at their actions. "What's this, now? You would try to rule me?"

"You shouldn't talk about my brother like that."

"Oh, you know me by now, Mignonette. I talk in whatever way I choose," Chevalier kissed the Prince forcibly pushing him down onto the bed. Odétte knew it was her time to leave the two lovers alone and removed herself from the room to go to her room to redress for the rest of the day.

A knock on her door stopped her from removing her dress.

"Yes?" she answered the door. She recognised the man in front of her. Fabien Marchal was a man all of the servants feared. "Sir, can I help you?"

"The King wants to see you," Marchal was annoyed that he was being tasked with finding servants for the King. He had met this young girl once before and had questioned her when she had arrived in the King's brother's party. "Well," He moved out of the way so that she could walk in front of him down to the meeting room. "Your Majesty," Marchal bowed at the sometime Odétte deeply curtsied towards the King who was sat at the head of the long council table. "Sire," Marchal noticed the King's eyes on the young servant. He moved away from her to the King's side. Bontemps was on the other side. In front of the King was a large book open. "It is in my humble opinion that information is power. That is one of 948 journals, gathered by our services, detailing every single member of your court. Their heights, weight, hair and eye colour, their daily movements, from your valet," and then pointed towards Odétte. "Your brother's maid Odétte Bonnet, to your cook's assistant, Madeleine Dubois," he took out a piece of paper and a pencil. Odétte and the others in the room watched as he draw. "You, Sire, are the sun. And around ou circulates not just our celestial court, but those who seek to harm you. You have ministers who openly defy you. Nobles who pay no tax, yet believe that France is theirs, not yours. Than beyond our borders, the Dutch, Spain, the English, and the Holy Roman Empire," each an x on the star map. "All who surround you will smile, and they will deal. But they would all see you destroyed, Sire," Louis looked towards Odétte who was silently listening to Fabian. "A strong France scares them, as well it should."

"You would wish a weak France?" Bontemps questioned.

"I wish for the power to protect His Majesty," Fabian said back.

"You have sufficient resources," Bontemps stated. Louis looked back other towards Odétte unable to read her face. She was merely taking in the words. He rose from the chair.

"Give him what he needs," Louis commanded in a calm voice before looking at Bontemps and walking away from the table around Marchal. "At your discretion, of course," he reached Odétte. She curtsied again and smiled up at him. "I am going to chapel now I want to see you more, and I am sure my brother would like to have a person spying on me. I chose you," Odétte was stocked. "My dear sister-in-law speaks very highly for you and my brother too," he whispered in her ear. "And I would love a beautiful disruption in council and other things," He kissed her hand leaving the room.

Bontemps and Marchal looked at the young servant. "I think I should see if my master and mistress need me," She quickly left the room almost running through the corridors to Philippe's rooms to help him and her mistress ready for church.

Chapter 3

While the high born of the court was in Chapel taking communion and networking servants such as Odétte were busy cleaning rooms or eating. Odétte had helped her mistress into a simple off the shoulder cream and gold dress. Her hair was styled simply with two thin braids pulled back and tried the rest in waved curls was down with a small tiara. In the chapel that day, she sat away from her husband with friends.

Philippe was annoyed by his wife sitting away from him.

Up away from the people in the chapel was the King in a private box overlooking the scene. He was not alone. With him was Louise de La Vallière, she was beautiful and pure in the eyes of Louis. And he had to have her. She reminded him of Odétte his brother's maid. But while Odétte was a servant Louise was a Lady of Court.

Odéte hummed a tune as she moved around the extensive suite of rooms Philippe and had. The other servants smiled as they watched her skillfully dance and work at the same time. She smiled at them and continued her work.

The older servants had watched Odétte grow up before their eyes, guiding her into the role she now had within the Prince's household. Gossip spread throughout the servants that the Prince and the Maid were friends some believing that the girl was his mistress. This rumour was quickly proved incorrect when Chevalier and Monsieur were seen together. Now there was a rumour that the maid had been seen on the horse with the King. The servants spread this rumour toward themselves, and of course, it would soon spread to the ladies and gentleman of court.

But at the moment the gossip in the chapel was about the King and Louise. Chevalier was happy to be apart of the chatter. He was with his cousin Béatrice and laughing at the expense of others in the court. Chevalier was always someone who could spread a good rumour and was a great source of information and Béatrice know this. She just had to gain his trust. And she was. Her place at court and her daughters future depended on this trust.

The next day at Council Odétte was stood in the eye line of the king. But away from the council in the corner of the room.

"So, we are being robbed," Louis stormed into the chamber.

"Sire?" Colbert asked.

"The tax revenues you outlined. Nantes down 7%, Limousin down 14%, Anju down é21% and EÉpernon down 35%," Louis looked around at the man at the table than to Odétte. "Robbery! They do this, because they do not fear the consequences," waving a hand towards Odétte. "What is worse, they steal from the people of France in my name. A common thief in a brocade shirt," Odétte nodded at this.

"Sire, the expenses you requested, the royal pension," Colbert passed Louis a piece of paper.

"Sire, the taxation issue is a tedious mess, and I would have your royal attention fixed on weightier matters. This is an administrative issue that can be solved once we return to Paris," Louvois instructed Louis. "The archives are there."

"Who's our exciseman of EÉpernon?" Louis asked. Before anyone could answer a young man marched into the chamber.

"Your Majesty." He said.

"Who interrupts our council?" Louis demanded.

"Urgent from our wife, Monsieur Bontemps, my lady of lîle de Saint-Loius," Everyone turned to look at Bontemps. Who looked worried and with the grace of Loius was able to receive his message from his wife. But did not read it.

Loius noticed this and commanded. "Read it."

"I will, sire, once our business…" He was interrupted by Louis.

"Than I shall. Give it to me." Bontemps give the letter to the King. Loius scanned it before passing it back to Bontemps. Odétte moved to stand next to Bontemps to offer support if needed. Bontemps read the short message. "Go back to your family at once. Take a Swiss with you. There are bandits on the road."

Bontemps left quickly with the messager. Odétte moved back to her previous position in the room trying to not think of the reasons why Bontemps family would need him. Death and sickness was the main course she decided not to think of.

"Fabian," Loius said.

"Sire?" Fabian replied.

"Find our exciseman of EÉpernon. Educate him," Fabian nodded his head knowing what he needed to do and would to serve his King. The rest of the room also know that the man was in trouble and was about to learn what it meant. "Let me be clear. The State of these finances will not pass these doors. As far as the world is concerned, our cash flow is strong, and the royal purse secure," Looking around at the man. "Is that understood?" Everyone nodded in agreement. "Has he transgressed us before?"

"For that, sire, we'd need to consult the archives in Paris," Louvois stated a smile on his face.

"A good point, Louvois. Bring the archives here," and with that Loius left the room followed by Odétte leaving the ministers in stock. They were going to have to stay there. Loius was not going to change his mind just yet.

Once outside the room, Louis turned to Odétte. He stopped and grabbed the maid around the waist. Pulled her close to him and kissed her fully on the lips. "My brother will be wanting his maid back," Louis said his arm still around Odétte. "I want to see you again."

"Yes, Sire," Odétte whispered.

"Walk with me tomorrow in the gardens; I will clear it with my brother."

"Of course, sire, I must go back to work, Your Majesty," she curtsied and walked around in a daze.

Chapter 4

The next day the King and Odétte took a short turn around the gardens. Followed by the King's Guard.

"Sire, why are you so angry about the taxes being down from the regions. It could be down for some reasons. The harvest is down, and the trade in the region is down. I, of course, agree with you that the rich and the nobles do not pay their fair share of the taxes," Louis let Odétte talk. "When I was a young girl, I worked for a Lord and Lady, and they would boast that they were noble-born and purer French then even the King. They would go about their days in luxury while the servants serving them and their families would suffer and go without."

"I have a plan to get the nobles to pay their way. If the servants, farmers and others pay taxes, then they need to too," He looked down at Odétte and joked. "You have paid your taxes?"

"Yes, sire," Odétte said. "I am not high born, but I can pay. And willing to pay. I sometimes fear that the taxmen can be focused on the wrong people. I pay because your brother pays me well, more than I need. I have a roof over my head; I have food, and clothing given to me as part of my role. I know my place it is to serve. I could be on the streets or sold into a marriage I do not want."

Louis could see something in her eyes a passion, just like his.

"Will you come to council again with me?" he requested, she nodded. "I have a meeting about something else first; I am going to build a palace fix for France."

"As I mentioned to you before, the envelope should be completed around the entirety of the lodge," Loius pointed to the architectural plans in front of him. "Along the full length of the terrace, inside, a great hall of mirrors, to be reflected in the symmetry. We will need to buy in most of Venice for that for the glass. Now, the gardens on this side will extend from here to here."

"Very good, sire. What is this large rectangle here?" asked Le Nôtre pointing at the plans.

"A lake."

"You wish to put a lake in this area?" asked Le Nôtre.

"The area is the lake."

"That is…"

"A big lake, yes."

"Sire, a lake that size would dwarf any structure that looks out upon it."

"That depends on the structure, does it not, Monsieur Le Nôtre?"

"But even to feed such a lake, Majesty, there are not enough rivers in Versailles."

"Bring the rivers here."

Louis walked over to the window that Odétte was looking out of while he had been talking with the royal architect. She had been thinking about the gardens that would soon be made. They both imaged the designs. Odétte smiled and excused herself. The King had another meeting to go to see his gardener and build the grand lake, and she needed to go back to work.

"My dear, I need you to bring my brother to the next council meeting."

"Of course, Your Majesty," She then thought about it. "I am not sure that Monsieur would come without cause to. I am sure he will come but in the fashion of his own choosing."

Philippe looked at his young maid. She was busy sitting in the corner of his bedchamber working sewing a new undershirt for him.

"My dear," Philippe called to her.

"Yes, Sir?"

"I was thinking about new a uniform for you some more outfits for you," Philippe said. "If you are to be seen with the King or even I in public more we must have you well dressed."

Odétte looked down at the simple dress she was wearing. It was fashionable, Philippe would never allow one of his servants not to look stylish, but it was too simple for a friend of the royal pair.

"Yes, sir," worried what type of clothing the prince was thinking about.

"We need to get you some new dresses, and maybe," he stopped to think. He smiled with a spark in his eye. He did not continue but laughed. "I must get dressed for my brother has commended that we all must witness something new."

Chapter 5

"The Greeks knew what gory was. Their buildings were temples for their gods to live in. We will build a new temple here. A royal tabernacle of the sun, a dwelling place of the divine and of the people, with a great hall of light that will follow the sunrise, and shine out to all corners of the globe, so they might all see the glory of France," Louis looked around at the gathered crowded of courtiers. "A place of true wonder to remind us all of the great and ancient past under our feet, and from whose roots we all now grow. As a land and as a people who know that true power comes not just from our army, but from the inner beauty of our immortal soul. As our mother, she will cherish us. And as her children, we will always know her as our home. From the farthest reaches of the earth, men will venture here simply to look upon her. And those that do…"

"Will never leave," loudly whispered Chevalier.

"… Will never forget," Loius finished.

"Fuck me!" whispered Chevalier to Philippe chuckling and loudly clapping. Everyone join in including Odétte but not Philippe. Loius was pleased that people seemed happy. But unsure why his brother was not pleased.

At the back of the room, Montcourt left nervously clapping. Loius noticed this and nodded to Fabian to follow him. Fabian quietly followed the nervous man out of the lodge and farther out of the grounds.

As nightfall, the household got ready for sleep. Loius knew he needed a release, but he could not seek out the maid. In the private chapel, he heard a whipping noise but not cries of pain. Looking at the doorway out of sight, he saw Louise her top half uncovered a whip in her hand. She brought it down marking her back. She could feel breathing and saw Louis. He backed away from the door. She looked back at Jesus on the cross. Bring the whip down again in self-punishment for her sins. And again. The straps left marks on her skin in a cross pattern.

The rest of the court was busy partying, writing letters, plotting and spying. Odétte also passed the private chapel on her way back to Philippe's rooms and heard crying. She walked in to find Louise kneeling on the cold stone floor her back marked and bloody, her eyes down in prayer and crying.

"My Lady, are you ok?" Odétte quietly asked.

"I am fine," Louise whispered back. "I must be punished for my sins."

"My Lady, you have done nothing wrong or sinful. Please let go of the whip," Odétte gentle spook slowly moving forward towards the lady. "You can not punish yourself for something that you did not have or do not have control over. Not great lady as yourself should have marks of punishment on their skin."

"You think me a great lady?" asked Louise.

"Yes," said Odétte. "On your first day at court, I was on the stairs, and I was about to fall on my face. You put out your hand and stop me from falling. No-one else would that for a servant. A great person does not need the best clothes in the latest style. But I think of you a great lady because you were kind," she finished with a smile. Louise looked at the maid in front of her and thought about what she had said. "Some people at court could learn a few things from you, my lady. Now let's get you up and dressed. I can call for a doctor to see to back."

"No, please, could you?" Louise slowing allowed her to be helped up.

"Of course, my lady," Odétte helped the King's mistress back to her rooms. She cleaned and dressed Louise's wounds and got the lady ready for bed. Louise's servants had been dismissed for the night be Louise earlier, but Odétte was happy to help any person in need and Louise needed help. Louise fell asleep, and Odétte left for her room and bed quietly closing the door.

Chapter 6

Odétte was back in the council chambers listening to the ministers talking. All surrounding a scale model of an area of the Spanish Netherlands.

"Sire, considering the surroundings, the best course of action is to lay siege to its people. If we are to emerge victorious in the Spanish Netherlands, we must claim our prize with both hands, the north and the east. Two fronts working together," Louvois minister of War pointed out on the model. "Here and here."

"Two fronts?" Louis questioned him. "We discussed the single column."

Trying to not look at Odétte Louvois answered. "Sire, you being so preoccupied with other affairs of state, we thought it best to …"

Philippe entered the room, he saw Odétte and winked at her making her smile and giggle.

"To what?"

"Leave me, all of you," Louis commanded his ministers and gentleman. They left leaving the two brothers and the maid.

"So good of you to come," Louis said.

"A pleasure," Philippe replied the guards closed the doors of the chamber.

"You spent 50,000 on shoes," Louis stated simply.

"Well, you haven't seen the shoes," Philippe joked back.

"When I asked if you had my back, I meant that you would guard it, not remove it," Louis said.

"You build your palace; I wear my clothes. As you always say, perception is everything. Well, I tell you this, if you would only let me go to war, I would have your back and more. Besides, my brother, I would bring you such glory," Philippe and Louis were standing across the room from each other. Odétte could see greatness in both brothers. But a distance that was great between the two.

"What do you know of war?" Louis asked his younger brother.

"Exposing your flanks, very dangerous. Given the terrain, I'd think carefully about thinning out along the supply line," Philippe was looking at the model now. "Take it from me; a well-timed thrust might just split you in two," Philippe pointed out on the model going to pick up a small model. "Look, here."

"Stay, your hand," Louis warned. Philippe sighed loudly.

"I just want to show you," he picked up the piece.

"Put the piece back," Louis warned again.

"It's glaringly obvious," waving the piece.

"Give it to me," Louis said. Philippe held the piece out for Louis to take.

"Come and get it."

"Put it down," Philippe throw into his left hand.

"Too slow, minster."

"Hand it over."

Odétte would have laughed at this childish behaviour of the two grow-up brothers had they not been King and Prince. They were behaving like two naughty children when one had a toy, and the other wanted the toy. Not like a King and a Duke.

"I have your back, but what do I get?" Philippe asked. "Respect? No. Power? No."

"You get money to throw away. Now give it to me."

"I knew it! The minute you get the chance, you belittle me again."

Louis chuckles at this. "Brother…"

"The magic word, what is it?" Philippe interrupts Louis.

"Do not forget who addresses you," Louis answers back.

Philippe holds out the piece again over the table. And teases Louis with it.


"We will not ask you again," Louis warns. Philippe his head down walk towards Louis and places the piece and rider and horse in front of Louis on the model.

"You never were good at sharing," and what that Philippe left the room taking Odétte with him. Louis was now alone with the model. He looked around and saw that Odétte was gone too. He focused back on the board.

Philippe marched back into his chambers. Henriette was rearranging flowers, some roses that Odétte had requested the gardener pick that morning. Philippe saw this.

"There she is," he said to his wife closing the door. "My beautiful wife," He removed his coat and walked towards her.

"Do you think your brother will like these flowers?" Henriette asked. "Bontemps asked me to apply myself to the details," she looked at Philippe who smiled at her the smile not reaching his eyes. He touched her face gently with his hand running his thumb to touch her lips. As soon as his thumb started to enter her month, Henriette pulled away from him. "What do you want?"

"I think I want a son, just like my brother," he grabbed her, she tried to push him away. "You can say what you like."

"Don't!" Henriette gasped.

"It's not going to help you," Philippe forcible kissed his wife. She managed to push him away from her. But he was too quick, and he knocked her face first onto the bed.

From the next room, Odétte could hear all that was going on but was powerless to help. She understood Philippe; he was not a bad man, he felt small compared to his brother, in his shadow. And she realised that he was doing something wrong now. She was powerless to help her mistress, and she hated the feeling. Henriette's Ladies in Waiting were looking away, and Odétte knew that they were not going to help their mistress but cover it up afterwards. Odétte removed herself from the suite and went outside for some fresh air, taking a turn around the grounds.

The queen went into labour, and the king was raised from his bed by Bontemps. He was quickly dressed, while half asleep. The doctor and midwives were sent for. The court was called into the birthing chamber to witness the birth as tradition. Odétte was asked to help the Queen's maids in helping Her Majesty give birth. She could just hear the King enter and spoke to people around him.

"There's too many people! Too many people!" the Queen whispered through the pain.

"Calm yourself, Majesty!" the doctor said. The Queen screamed.

"He's coming!" the doctor says.

"Push now," the midwife tells the Queen. Odétte gently places a cold cloth to the Queen's face. She cries out again in pain. "Breathe! Breathe! Good, Your Majesty! Good!"

"Push, Your Majesty! Push!" says the doctor. "Keep pushing!"

"Keep pushing! Don't forget to breathe!"

"Yes! I see the head!" the doctor states. The baby was crowning.

"Push, now! Almost!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!" the doctor and the midwife said at the sometime.

Odétte turned back to the bowl of water and asked for some more warm water to be brought up. She heard the baby cry. Then she saw that the Doctor was panicking. Was there something wrong with the baby.

"Sire, please, everyone must leave at once!" the Doctor calls out to the King.

"Everyone must leave … at once!" Bontemps shouts out. "It's the king's words!" Bontemps claps to get everyone out. Philippe looked worried and unsure what was happening as he left the room. The crowd muttered as they went and in the corridor outside. There was a lot of gossip in the air.

"Well? What is the meaning of this?" The king demanded. The baby continued to cry. The Midwife and Doctor looked at each other nervously. "Doctor, what is the sex?" Louis walked towards the Doctor. "Come, man, speak! Where is your tongue?"

The doctor turned back to the baby and spoke. " The problem is not the sex, sire," picking up the baby. "It's her, colour."

The King just stared at the baby girl. And he now understood why the Queen had wanted a private birth away from everyone. The baby just cried. Odétte thought the baby was perfect but knew that she was not safe. The Queen was not safe.