
Shock rippled out across the nation of the UK when the morning news papers arrived. The front page was covered with a picture of one Lily Potter. The story however instead of the Usual flattering and uplifting columns, This was nothing of the sort.

Potters: Line theft or kidnapping?

The potter family. A Family of high standing within society. They have been for centuries, this standing has only grown with the recent defeat of the most recent Dark lord. The small family has been nothing but the picture of a perfect happy family.

My dear readers, It has come to my attention that it is not so. It has come to my attention that the Patriarch of the family James Potter Ignored Protocol when marrying his wife one Lilly Evans.

The Protocol in question is a pureblood law that was put into place that if one was to marry someone of unknown ancestry they must be checked. This law was instituted to prevent possible accusations of line theft, or having lost heirs from enemy clans who marry into the family. Such actions could lead to feuds between the families. It was also to make sure that the parties knew of any responsibilities they were required to follow via family magics and charters.

As a result of this law being ignored it has come to light that one Lily Potter nee Evans was actually adopted. That's right my faithful readers! The mother of our saviour is not who we thought.

From What we have found from trustworthy sources, a young Lillith D'Arc was adopted after her family was killed after the Grindelwald war, who or why is unknown. All that is known is that lilith was taken in by the Evans family.

What is known however is that she was presented a letter to present herself to the head of house or be disowned. The reasons for such harsh measures are unknown; all that is known is that after the meeting one lillith D'arc, now Lily Potter was disowned from the D'arc family.

One would think a family like the D'arcs would be pleased to have one of their own connected to an influential family such as the potters. Whatever the reason for their move it must be powerful. As it risks alienating an entire nation.


Jeanne was sitting with one of the papers that had run the story while she waited upon the guest that the family had invited. Since both she and Fluer were important in the French magical community the school had decided to send out an instructor to explain what would be happening in the forthcoming years.

So when a massive figure followed her guardian into the room in which she had been sitting enjoying the carnage she had caused, she could only look up and feel them as they took a seat she was cautious but she had gotten to know her guardians personality, the man was incredibly protective of his family. The chances of this man bringing anything or any one that was a danger into his home were slight.

Jeanne knew that she had to go to a magic school. She knew that she was going with fleur. The timing of this arrival was too convenient. This led her to assume that it could only be one thing. It was time for them to be going for their orientation and shopping for the school. The both of them being such high profile people they warranted special attention.

So here they were, both her and Fleur following a woman that must be at least half giant as she led them through the campus of the school. She answered any questions that they had. Locations of offices and classrooms, facilities. Spare training rooms (Jeanne) medical(Fleur). She explained that the girls would be rooming together and explained the types of classes they would be taught.

Through the tour Jeanne was impressed, From what she could see the school was hidden well, and built to a gorgeous design. Not the ancient fortification like Hogwarts but an aesthetically pleasing one. This was not to say it was small. Jeanne was pleased to see that It had many halls that she could use to keep her form up in her sword and lance play. Yes she could enjoy herself here.

Her main problem was that she had learned that fleur was a veela. She had learned about the veela transformation that they undergo during puberty. The unlocking of their allure which she had learned about would cause the girl trouble. She herself would never be bothered by it, being female and having magical resistance. So it was from here she decided to be there for the girl.

She knew what it was like to be ostracized for what you were. So she decided that she would not let that happen to Fleur.


The tour continued without issue, The dining halls, work rooms Even a small supply store from which the students could buy anything they needed during their weekends off or extra equipment. Overall Jeanne was impressed. Which led to her current indignation.

After the tour they had come to the magical alley to get the needed supplies under guidance so that any questions could be answered. So here the two of them were standing within the clothing shop getting the school uniform.

Jeanne would freely admit to her past. She was aware of her sins and was trying to change, but this was just disgusting! Her thoughts must have been showing on her face as the young veela had started snickering behind her. As the shop attendant held up an example of the powder blue uniform that the school used.

Jeanne almost felt ill. Could it not have been something darker? Sure they were in France but come on! She heaved a sigh as she glared at the blond behind her who broke down into giggles again and moved forward to get measured for the offending item of clothing. As she stood there she could hear the woman muttering her measurements and started swearing.

"Young lady, that is no way to talk!" she was chastised by the headmistress. Jeanne turned her golden slitted eyes upon the woman causing her to flinch. She had no idea how much the woman knew of her history so she would not tell her that she was irritated at how much of her physique she had lost due to that bloody summoning ritual.

So they continued on as Jeanne mourning her lost inches, fleur poking fun at her while enjoying her time. That is not to say she was not happy. She was going to be having as normal a childhood as she could and she intended to take full advantage of the situation.

Now she just needed to get a wand. A trick that will be troublesome due to her mana capacity and circuits possibly overloading the mystic code. As they approached the small cubby hole of a shop she prepared herself for what was no doubt to come.