A light flicked on, revealing a silhouette of All Might. Midoriya could be heard in the background.
"The world's most popular hero, All Might! Age unknown, quirk unidentified."
Different types of All Merch faded in and out.
Midoriya felt his cheeks redden slightly recognizing most of it as stuff he owned at one point or another.
'Textbook of strength? Seriously?' Aizawa thought, unimpressed.
"He broke onto the hero scene and was an immediate hit thanks to his abilities!"
A dark mass of clouds could be seen breaking apart so that sun could shine through.
"Ever since he appeared, crime rates have drastically decreased. His very existence a deterrent for many would be villains."
A graph could be seen for the number of crimes committed by villains, the line almost going straight down."
Kirishima let out an impressed whistle.
"Hmm, we're all aware how you affected crime rates but actually seeing it is just insane." Said Present Mic
A young boy is seen looking up at an All Might statue.
"The worlds a safer place! They don't just call him the symbol of peace, it's what he is."
The screen flashed white before the still from the end of the previous episode could be seen.
"And this pillar of justice said to me..."
"Young man, you too can become a hero."
The old man looked up at the skinny blonde and simply smirked. "So Toshi, this is how it happened?"
"Yes sir."
Midoriya's tears hit the ground as he clenched his hand. In the background his critics could be heard.
"Midoriya?! You're kidding right?!"
"Quirkless wannabe! You really think they'd let someone like you in when they could have me?!"
"Sorry kid it's not gonna happen."
Midoriya gripped at his chest with his other hand.
Present Midoriya seemed to wilt slightly, hearing it all yet again but Uraraka carefully took his hand into hers and squeezed to comfort him.
Kirishima and Kaminari were holding each other with tears of their own streaking down there face, feeling for their 'bro'.
"I needed someone to tell me that and then, the person I admire most in this world did. Honestly, part of me thought I'd never hear those words. Much less from him."
"I deem you worthy of my power."
"My quirk is yours to inherit."
Midoriya raised his head and then titled it to the side, baffled.
"WHAT?!" Surprisingly, for once instead of it being a student having an outburst it was Aizawa, who promptly clamped a hand around his mouth slightly embarrassed over his outburst when he had just gotten his students into trouble for it not long ago. "What the heck do you mean inherit Toshinori?!"
"You'll see Aizawa, you'll see."
Inko just stared between the blonde, her son and the screen. She had had the thought earlier that might be the case but she brushed it off as impossible.
Bakugou and Todoroki in particular had practically shutdown in shock. For very similar and yet wildly different reasons. The rest of the students were all just doing quick theorising as the intro played while they had the chance.
"You fucking cheat" Bakugou growled under his breathe once he recovered.
"You know I get that you're all having a whole paradigm shift right now but the opening is about to end so your about to get your answers!" Sarah called out, getting them all to pay attention. No one noticed her scowl at Bakugou's words.
Midoriya looked on confused. Tears, snot and saliva running down his face.
Uraraka laughed a little. "Sorry Deku, its just….."
"No I get it." He reassured his friend. "I know I'm an ugly crier."
"Wait, what do you mean inherit? Inherit what?"
The blonde laughed.
"You should see your face right now! Don't worry, I'm not gonna force this thing on you."
He raised his hand into the air before pointing at Midoriya.
"Listen well, young man. This is your choice! Do you wanna accept my awesome power or naught?!"
"What is it with you and the theatrics, Toshinori?' Gran Torino thought with an amused shake of his head
The end of his dramatic question got a little muffled by the amount of blood that flew out as he asked.
"W...What Is he talking about?! What is this?!"
"There are a couple things you should know about my abilities. Journalists always assume my quirk is some type of super strength or invulnerability. When people ask in interviews I always make a joke and dodge the question."
Class 1-A collectively tensed up, realising they may be some of the few who would finally find out what All Might's quirk is. This was a huge deal!
Even some of the teachers felt a little giddy, seeing as the man's power was a well-guarded secret.
"That's because the world needs to believe its symbol of peace is just a natural born hero, like any of them. But I'm not. There's nothing natural about my ability."
"No way…." Muttered Sero, eyes wide. Vlad King rolled his eyes, he was so not buying this. Transferable quirks? What a load of garbage.
"You are so full of it. What's lying gonna do for the kid?! There's no way you could transfer your quirk!" He exclaimed. Miffed that the hero would lie to a vulnerable kid like that.
All Might just stared at his fellow teacher, bemused. "Wanna bet?"
"Yes, actually I do! So you understand lying has consequences!" Vlad king hissed, teacher mode fully setting in. "216,000 yen!" He bet confidently. The rest of the teachers blanched at that.
"Isn't that almost your whole teaching salary?! You shouldn't be betting at all! Think how you'll influence the children!" Exclaimed Thirteen. At that Midnight tutted and looked at the space-themed hero with an eyebrow quirked up.
"Did you not place a bet at the start of the school year over how many new students Aizawa would expel?" the triple X hero questioned with a teasing grin. The rescue hero at least had the dignity to look ashamed.
"Either way I'll take that bet gladly." All Might said nonchalantly with a smirk. Midoriya winced, thinking about the metaphorical knife about to pierce class 1-B's homeroom teacher.
The blonde shot out his arms as he stared into the sky.
"I wasn't born with this power. It's a sacred torch that was passed on to me from someone else!"
"Someone gave you this quirk?! No way."
The wind caused the blonde's shirt to float a bit, revealing his injury.
"Yes way!"
Everyone collectively cringed seeing it again.
"I don't think I'll ever get used to that." One student says softly.
"Even I never have." All Might admits.
"And your next! I can give you my abilities!"
'The shitstain is gonna fucking accept without any fucking hesitation' Bakugou thought to himself bitterly. 'Weakling like him shouldn't be given those fucking powers! The fucking cheater….. What the fuck is All Might playing at?!' He wanted to yell at the greenette but he was currently still too curious about All Might's quirk to kick off just yet.
"Wait, hold on! This is a lot to process!"
A website could be seen with people discussing All Mights quirk.
"Its true that there's been a lot of debate as to what your quirk actually is, nobody has ever figured it out, it one of the words greatest mysteries. People are constantly talking about it online."
Midoriya could be seen with swirls for eyes in a weird kind of void and the word mutter constantly leaving his mouth.
"But, well, the idea of passing on a quirk or inheriting it doesn't make any sense to me, I've never heard anything like that before, powers are supposed to be unique to each individual, I mean since the first superpowers, no one has ever been able to just give another their power like a present…"
The room was filled with quiet sniggering.
"Jeez Midoriya, you really are the muttering king aren't ya?!" Teased Jirou. The greenette blushed. If it was his show, they were in for a LOT more muttering eventually.
The blonde looked on with a blank expression on his face.
"Uhh, sounds like you're over thinking this whole inheriting business…"
Midoriya snapped out of it as the blond started waving his arms dramatically.
"You'll have to adjust your reality and accept this new truth. I can transfer my quirk to someone else. And that's just one facet of my secret abilities."
Everyone was at a loss for words. it wasn't a secret that the man's quirk was amazing, considering his status but to think, they never knew the extent of it…..
The man held his hand out and it seemed to emanate light as his hair started to fly in the wind.
"The true name of my power is One For All!"
"It's like that old story, the three mouse tears?" Kirishima asked before Present Mic corrected him.
"Close young listener, it's 'the three musketeers'"
'Its time' Both All Might and Midoriya thought. 'Now they'll know the truth about his quirk'
The camera zoomed into the blonde's eye and a light shot out, moving between different points of light in a dazzling display as a triumphant score began to play in the background.
"One person improves the power, then hands it off to another person. It continues to grow as it's passed along. It's this cultivated power that allows me to save those who are in need of a hero. The truth behind my strength."
"Woah….." Mina expressed. The display impressing everyone.
"Wait, if it improves with each user…And you definitely took it considering what we know….." Iida placed a hand to his chin as if in thought before staring at Midoriya wide-eyed. "Wouldn't that mean your power should be even stronger than All Might's!?"
All eyes fell on Midoriya. Asui spoke up. "No offense, Ribbit. But your power doesn't really seem stronger or even as strong as All Might's"
"Thats quite simple, One for All is still adjusting with your classmate, even now." To everyone but All Might's surprise, it was Gran Torino who spoke up. "It will still be a while until he reaches his prime. When its transferred, One for All usually is somewhat weaker than the previous user at first before shooting past the previous holder by usually quite large margins."
Everyone, teachers included, stared at the man as if he was some sort of alien oddity. All Might sighed, standing up. "Allow me to introduce you properly sir. Everyone this is pro hero and at one time U.A. teacher Gran Torino. Specifically he was my teacher."
Everyone sans All Might and Nezu, as well as some of the older U.A. teachers, greeted the man, apologizing for having not done so before. If he was All Mights teacher he had to be amazing!
They all turned back to the screen. Vlad King felt his heart sink, the comments made by Gran telling him he may of just lost his whole salary.
"But why would you choose to give me a gift like that? What if I can't live up to it?"
"I was on a long hunt for a worthy successor and then I watched you jump into action as the rest of us stood idly by. You may just be a quirkless fanboy, but you tried to save that kid! You acted like a hero!"
Tears started to for in Midoriya's eyes as he stared at the man. The blonde smacked his hand against his head in amusement
"Seriously! You gotta stop crying so much if you want my quirk. Come on kid."
Iida's hand tightened on Midoriya's shoulder and when the greenette looked, a soft but genuine smile crossed the taller teen's features. He returned it with his brightest grin.
The boy gripped his knees as his (presumably) future self could be heard.
"He said so much to encourage me, he even told me the secret behind his powers…is this…..is this what I've been waiting for all these years?!"
The greenette wiped his eyes and stood up with a determined look on his face.
"Ok i'll do it! Yes!"
All Might could be seen smiling
"No reluctance. Thats exactly how I figured you'd respond!"
Midoriya's voice could be heard once more.
"But it wasn't that simple, receiving All Might's power turned out to be no easy task as i'd soon find out."
"That...sounds slightly ominous, ribbit." Asui commented.
"Well All Might and Midoriya have got some insane power so it makes sense he probably had to do some serious training for it." Kirishima piped up and Midoriya groaned. "It'll probably be super manly!"
"Compared to the actual transfer, the training was easy to stomach." Midoriya said, garnering worried looks that only became more worried when All Might started roaring with laughter at the unintended pun.
The title screen appeared.
"Episode 3: Roaring Muscles"
Kirishima smiled. "So it IS a training episode, awesome!"
A rock was shown with a sign on it reading "Dagoba Municpal Beach Park.", it had clearly had games of tic-tac-toe played on it with chalk.
The camera panned along as a long noise of exertion was heard. Text atop the top of the screen read "Two days later – Early Morning"
Midoriya could be seen struggling with some ropes wrapped around his shoulder and a not so pretty face of exertion.
Inko immediately blanched, almost instantly picking up on what her son's training must have been. 'Wow Izuku, I know you're determined but ALL of Dagoba? And you became All Mights successor?! When we get home I am making you a celebration dinner, I'm so proud!'
It was revealed what Midoriya was trying to drag was a fridge, which All Might was sat atop.
"Hey, hey, hey! It's pretty comfy up on this fridge, how you doing down there?"
As if his inner smartass had decided to answer at his expense, Midoriya finally stopped pulling and fell into the sand, groaning.
"People move these every day you know, and most of them don't even have super strength."
"You had him try to move your fat ass in the very beginning of training? Are you TRYING to break his limbs?!" Aizawa hissed at the blonde quietly with a glare, who just put his hands up defensively.
"No, I wasn't expecting him to be able to do it right there, I was just contextualizing what he would be aiming for." The pro defended himself and then his eyes widened and he pouted at his colleague. "And I do NOT have a fat butt."
Groaning, the greenette turned to face the blonde.
"Well yeah but there's an extra 600 pounds with you sitting on top of it."
"Nah, I've lost weight so I'm down to 560 these days, in this form at least."
"Great…Much better"
"Oh my god, who know the broccoli child had it in him to be sarcastic with All Might?!" Hagakure asked with a snort.
Inko mentally took down that nickname to start using if it didn't have any negative memories for her son.
"Why do you have me hauling trash across the beach anyways?"
"HAHAHA. Take a look at yourself, you're not ready for my power!"
The blonde take photo's of the boy on his phone as he said this.
"B and A?" Kirishima questioned looking back as the others puzzled over the pro's sudden change of tune, going from being worthy to not being ready. Only a few quickly realised what that actually meant.
"B and A." All Might confirmed to the red haired teen.
Tears sprang from Midoriya's eyes.
"Wah! I though you said that I was worthy. AHH!"
"You know, knowing why you don't have confidence now, I'm not holding it against you." Jirou started as she twirled one of her Earjacks. "But seriously, at this point we could drain half the ocean and have it all back in a day if we just made you watch a sad movie."
"That's fair."
"I'm talking about your weak body!"
The greenette thankfully stopped screaming and looked back
"My quirk, One for All, is a whole lot to handle. The combined physical abilities of everyone who's ever used it creates a hurricane of pure force."
A silhouette of Midoriya appeared. And suddenly all his limbs tore off as his eyes widened in shock.
"Your arms and legs would shoot off if you tried to!"
Everyone flinched or shut their eyes at that. Inko felt like she would collapse, even if it was just shadow. Understanding dawned in the teacher's minds about why Midoriya was constantly getting hurt.
Aizawa felt a frown form on his face.
Midoriya shook himself as he crossed his arms looked around.
"Oookay. So…this whole trash thing is really some kind of hardcore gym workout. And…you're my trainer."
"Woah…Ten months with the number one pro as a personal trainer?" Kirishima asked and he suddenly looked like a puppy seeing his owners for the first time in years. "Awesome! Come on Midobro you must have learned some awesome fight moves or something as well."
"Not really…We were pretty much entirely focused on building up my body so I could take on One for All." Midoriya explained as he remembered all the things he did on that beach. It was weird seeing the trash heap now that he had gotten used to having cleared it all. "We never got to do anything beyond that, and really we're still building up my body."
"Yes that does make sense considering…." Iida trailed off and another loud smack resounded.
"Toshinori, when did you actually transfer the quirk?" Aizawa asked suspiciously, hair raising slightly. The blonde didn't answer. "Toshinori!"
"You'll see….."
"I don't like the sound of that."
"You got it! But there's another reason too. I did some research…"
"That's rare." Aizawa snarked and a few quiet giggles floated about the room.
"Turns out this part of the beach used to be beautiful but it's been a total mess for the last few years."
As he said this he lightly tapped a fridge, leaving a massive dent in it.
"That's right. Because of the ocean currents anything that gets dumped in the water ends up here. People take advantage of that when they're illegally dumping their trash. Now all the locals avoid this place."
"I'm sorry, do you just have an encyclopaedia or something in your head Midoriya?" Kaminari asked with a cocked eyebrow.
"I just like reading trivia online….It was a good distraction on the harder days…" The greenette defended, and he felt a new hand settle on his shoulder. Following it he meet Mina's eyes, silently comforting him as she squeezed his shoulder.
All Might place his hand atop the fridge. Slowly he started to crush it with next to effort.
"Heroes these days are all about showing off and fighting flash villains. Things were different before quirks. Service is what mattered. Back then heroes were those who helped the community, even if it WAS kind of dull."
Suddenly as the blonde finally crushed the appliance into the ground a hurricane appeared, blowing away more of the trash and allowing the sun to shine through.
The pro lifted his head and looked up at Midoriya.
"You will restore the coastline for this entire section of the beach. That is first step on your journey to becoming a hero!"
Some of the students whistled impressed, others felt their jaws drop. The teachers were actually quite intrigued by the exercise, and Nezu wondered if he shouldn't look into starting a community help program for extra credit.
Everyone jumped at the sudden roar of fury. Aizawa immediately had his capture scarf readied but he didn't grab him immediately, stopped by a hand on his shoulder that turned out to be Sarah's.
"WHY THE ACTUAL FUCK SHOULD ANYON-MHHFP, MHHPFH!" He was quickly silenced by a sheet of tape that manifested over his mouth. Sarah suddenly popped up in front of the blonde, unamused.
"Magically binding. Good luck peeling that off." She commented non-chalantly as she flicked the hair in her face behind her shoulder. "I was waiting for this particular complaint, wondering who would bring it up. You were exactly who I expected."
The blonde just glared. Everyone stared, even the more stoic and serious of the class caught off guard and slightly frightened by the unexpected outburst. The only one who didn't have a face of shock or fright was Todoroki, but his seat had turned partially to ice.
Sarah sighed. "I hope you're only accusing him of cheating because of your irrational hatred and inferiority complex-"
The blonde tried to throw out an explosion, instead of just erasing it like they were all certain she could do, she choose to throw her own hand forward. A powerful gust of wind tore through the room and the sheer energy that came with it left everyone gaping. Bakugou actually looked fearful for a moment.
It was easy to forget with her unassuming form that this girl was practically a living god. No one was forgetting at the moment though.
"Let me ask you something, what did you do to get your powers?"
The tape was still present, so Bakugou didn't give an answer. She then looked around and her glare turned to something softer, none of the divine wrath she had seemed to command moments prior. "Pretty much all of you as well, though of course you all have proven yourselves with them, what did you do to get them?"
Everyone was silent as realization set in.
"Exactly, you were born with them. Midoriya had to jump through hoop after hoop and work tirelessly, relentlessly to have what he has now, and he still has to work. I do like you all and I don't mean this in any mean-spirited way but…." She snapped her fingers and returned to her original position, Bakugou suddenly seated and ungagged but silent. "Izuku earned his powers more than anyone else, he didn't cheat, if anything he played the game on hard mode."
The girl then turned and in a much quieter tone, regarded the adults. "Sorry to lose my temper, a few particular feelings have built up since I came into the knowledge I have."
Aizawa wanted to groan.
The power of a god and she was still mentally just a teenager. How terrifying.
Izuku looked shock, before taking in his surrounding and all the trash.
"Um….all this?! But…..there's so much…that's impossible."
"Wouldn't that depend on…..wait…how many months are left until the exam at that point?!" Ectoplasm asked, a calculating look on his odd face.
"Ten months." All Might and Midoriya answered simultaneously.
"Ok, one, creepy." The cloning pro started. "Two EXCUSE ME WHAT?!"
A lot of things were quickly making more and more sense in people's heads.
"Young Midoriya, you want to go to U.A., right?"
"Well yeah, of course. It's where you went, so it has to be the best school around, right?"
The greenette clenched his hand with a small smile.
"It's a long shot, but I'm going to shoot for the moon."
"You gotta lotta spirit fanboy!"
The smile seemed to brighten at the compliment.
An aww came from one of the girls, no one was sure who.
"But! As I mentioned before, heroing is not easy to do without a quirk!"
"If by mentioned you mean completely shattered a child's dream and told them it was outright impossible and not just unlikely despite not knowing how that answer would affect them, sure." Gran Torino muttered quietly. The skinny blonde just shrunk in his seat.
All Might looked into the distance while Midoriya looked up to him.
"It's not fair, but it's the reality. U.A is also the hardest school to be admitted to so…."
Izuku ran forward a couple of steps.
"That means I have to get prepared really fast. U.A's entrance exam is in ten months!"
Suddenly All Might was seen tapping a pile of papers he seemed to magically gain from nowhere.
"Not to worry kid! I've got you covered with the help of my handy 'aim to pass American dream plan!'"
The writing on the sheets was shown, outlining the schedule for the boy to follow.
"BWAHHAAHAHA OH MY GOD!" Present Mic burst out laughing, some of the other teachers joined him or had face palmed but no one matched up the radio presenters reaction. "You're such a freakin westaboo oh my god this is great!"
It took quite a few minutes for the main to calm down, thoroughly caught off-guard, All Might's face going the same shade of red Izuku's might if he found himself in a girls room.
"Follow this to the letter and the beach should be cleaned up just in time! I also detailed every other aspect of your life while I was at it."
"Every aspect? That's an exaggeration right?" Mina questioned hopefully. Izuku snorted.
"Even my sleep is scheduled…."
"Every. Single. Aspect."
Multiple people noticeably paled.
All Might suddenly slid into frame rather comically, seemingly stage whispering to the greenette.
"If I'm being honest this is going to be super hard, think you're up to it?"
A nervous smile graced the teens face as the paper shook in his hand.
"Yeah, sure I am…..I have to work way harder than anyone else to get in, so what choice do I have? Right?"
"Oh, right before I forget, I'll send a copy of the soundtracks to your dorm rooms when their built." Sarah commented as she drew in the air with a tiny bolt of energy.
"Our….dorm rooms?" One of the students questioned and the girl just grinned.
"Give it a couple of seasons."
Drums suddenly kicked in and Midoriya could be heard as the camera panned to the sky. "And so, my ten months of hell began."
"Ominous but HECK YEAH TRAINING MONTAGE." Kirishima cheered happily, eliciting a few eye rolls.
Izuku grinned brightly but uneasily. He knew he'd be chewed out a little for his going off schedule. To be able to see all he did without the pain would be nice.
The first shot to appear was off Midoriya trying to drag a set of lockers, feet pushing into the sand with All Might's skinny form cheering him on.
"Come on, put your back into it young Midoriya!"
Next was the boy running with a tire in his arms.
"I'm using different muscle groups depending on the size and shape of the trash I'm holding."
"Oh so that's how it's training you…" Momo muttered aloud.
"Let's go, let's go! The clock is ticking and ten months will be over before you know it"
Suddenly he face planted.
"Plus ultra!" The entire room minus Inko and Gran Torino chanted instinctively before trading looks, and breaking into fits of giggles and groans.
Midoriya quickly got back on his feet and ran.
The shot then became that of Aldera junior high, first showing the entrance before appearing inside the class room. The teacher was talking about quirks while the camera moved back, suddenly revealing a haggard looking Midoriya.
"Oh wow you look….."
"Like shit." Izuku said without hesitation, catching everyone off-guard. Inko didn't know what to say to her innocent baby suddenly swearing. "Sorry, just…remembering exactly how I felt as well."
"Wow that training was rough then, if you of all people would swear over it."
"Ten months of hell was not an exaggeration."
"So….tired but….I gotta focus."
His empty notebook was shown, with a title at the top. 'Proposed Independent training Menu.'
All Might just shook his head and some people groaned lightly, realizing quicker than others what their friend was about to do.
"It would be better if I could finish a week before the exam, that means I've only got two hundred and ninety four days left. If I take recovery periods into account, then assuming I'll be resting two days between each hard work out-"
Suddenly the shot cut to his mouth to reveal he had started talking aloud.
"That gives me about 98 days of actual training even at my most efficient."
"You went off an All Might approved workout? That's…" Satou struggled to find the right word.
"Stupid." Aizawa said without missing a beat. Izuku nodded while rubbing the back of his head.
"I was gonna say ballsy but yeah." Satou admitted quietly. Izuku deflated slightly, knowing the criticism to be true made it worse to hear aloud.
Yaoyorozu of all people seemed too notice and quickly added her own comment. "You have to admit his quick maths was impressive their though."
Everyone nodded to that.
The mutter void from the beginning of the episode encapsulated him again while his classmates were shown to be staring at him shocked he would talk over the teacher.
"I can get in around five hours every morning and night so that's four hundred and ninety hours, also I'll need to make sure I'm hitting every muscle group, need to pay attention to the type of work I'm doing on the beach every day, I could start sneaking in extra workouts-"
At this point it became mostly intelligible and the teacher could be seen moving his hand via some rubber body quirk
A few giggles were gained from that.
"Hey! Midoriya!"
The hand karate chopped the greenette's head hard, enough that the boy was knocked out of shock.
A few audible snarls were heard from the back of the room.
"No teacher has any business laying their hands on a student to quiet them at all." Gran Torino said with a glower. "Especially not so violently."
None of the other teachers said anything but all seemed similarly displeased. All Might whistled innocently, hoping none of his own hits on Midoriya were ever too harsh without him realizing.
Inko sighed sadly.
"I wish I could say that's the worst a teachers done." She muttered, and Aizawa saw red.
"Did you hear him? Klutz!"
'Bitch!' Jirou thought in reply but didn't say it aloud, she doubted she'd get the same pass the greenette got a couple moments ago.
The rest of the class just sniggered while the camera zoomed in on an uninterested Bakugou.
A scene of a bright blue sky was shown next. Izuku ran down the beach wile All Might watched, it then cut to a shot of the boy's sneaker as he visibly strained to push something. It turned out to be a tire with it's metal cap still present.
Next he was seen running as All Might cheered him on.
The next shot the music began to peak as he was shown talking about the diet outlined with his mom, an adorable look upon his face. He was then shown eating it before a clock appeared in the dark, revealing it to now be night time.
Izuku was seen studying in a robe and…
Jirou and Kirishima, the most musical and most gym happy students felt grins split across their faces at the music. So that's why Sarah had offered to send it out.
Izuku was then shown pushing yet another set of lockers, All Might then giving him another plan.
"I will believe in what I've been working on."
The next shot was of Izuku trying to lift a weight too big for him and All Might rushing to stop him.
"Got over-enthusiastic, Midobro?" Kirishima teased lightly with a grin. "Done that a few times myself."
"Do what you like, just give me one thing"
Izuku struggled to do push-ups while sweat rolled off his head.
"I see the future, don't miss out now"
'He's really going all at it.'
Next he was half-asleep in class, the boy in front of him giving a disgusted look.
"Sadly that part would of happened regardless of his change, the time limit made the training even more brutal than mine and I didn't exactly have it easy." All Might commented. Gran Torino actually shuddered at the thought.
"Hero is in my heart, hero is in your heart"
Inko looked on shocked as Izuku scarfed down his meal, then asked for another.
"I've actually took to using those diets you outlined in your plan, All Might." Inko said with a finger to her chin. "Of course without the exercise, I'm getting a little more rotund then I'd like."
The blonde chuckled quietly.
"I don't care what other people say"
He then went for a run in the night.
"I can be a hero, you can be a hero"
The suns glare hit the camera as Midoriya kneeled beside a barrel before suddenly throwing up.
"Understandable but also ewww…." Mina said, gagging. A few people made similar noises. Midoriya just shrugged.
"If you wanna make it, just try hard"
Izuku's feet dragged through the mud as he tried to push a broken down truck. All Might just sighed and shook his head.
"I have two questions, one, how in god's name did a truck get on the beach?!" Iida asked and the others shrugged, unsure themselves. "Two, what exactly did you hope to accomplish trying to push a truck Midoriya?"
"Honestly I can't remember what I was thinking at a lot of moments here…."
"I know I'll resurface you!"
All Might watched Midoriya swim next, in his muscle form wearing a tight-fitting red and white swimmers outfit.
"I FOUND WALLY!" Izuku suddenly shouted, catching everyone off-guard except All Might who suddenly buffed up with a look of irritation.
" O, WALDO!"
"WHAT?!" Everyone else questioned and the two looked around while All Might deflated, narrowly avoiding a thwack from Recovery Girl.
"Sorry, in-joke from our time training."
Izuku made fast stroked back and forward. Suddenly a group of girls appeared behind them, a quick flash then showed All Might revelling in the attention while Izuku continued to swim.
"Wow. Just, wow." Was all anyone could say. All Might had the sense to look somewhat ashamed but he moved to defend himself.
"Well I could hardly let anyone know I was training young Midoriya."
"I'm sure." Aizawa deadpanned.
Izuku was then shown lifting weights in-doors, putting a microwave or something similar into a truck outside and finally using a clenching tool while in school.
"He found a way to sneak in exercising during school. Of course he did." Aizawa muttered unamused.
Bakugou cursed the fact he hadn't thought of that.
Midoriya was then shown physically carrying All Might across the beach for a piggy back ride. The screen then faded to black as the music closed out
"Holy crap…." Someone muttered.
"Yeah, that's impressive." Aizawa admitted.
Izuku could swear he heard Mina muttering something about wanting a piggy back ride now…..Dammit he had to offer her one once this ordeal was all done now wouldn't he?
Suddenly a note fluttered in front of him and he took it, surprised to see it having his exact thought on it. It hadn't been subtle and everyone was now looking at him. Sarah then spoke up, drawing the attention away.
"Entirely forgot to mention, whenever you think of something you'll need or want to do following this situation when you all return home, a note will appear for the first thought and update for any subsequent ones."
"Useful." Midoriya muttered, having no idea the piggy back apocalypse he had doomed himself to upon their return, as the other girls would simply get jealous and want piggy back rides of their own. Sarah grinned, fully aware of his fate.
Izuku could be heard struggling as the camera panned along, the tree's indicating it had to be sometime in autumn with the color and the piles of leaves on the ground. Izuku was carrying a microwave in his hands as All Might lead the way on a Segway.
The back of the boy's head was then shown as the camera began to tilt and the world became off-color, a disorienting noise loudly blaring over his strained noises.
"Uh oh…." Sero muttered.
A crash noise was heard and All Might stopped before, turning around to check on his successor. He sighed and turned fully once he took in what had happened.
Izuku laid flat on the ground, splayed out and the microwave off to the side.
"And that is why you don't change your health plans without consulting a professional." The present All Might said as he crossed his arms. His serious demeanour was quickly undercut by recovery girl's cries of 'Hypocritical oaf'
"Hey, hey kid! Look alive now, you've only got three months left, what are you gonna give up after all this work? Want to flush it all down the toilet and take it easy?"
Izuku slowly tried to scramble forward but seemed to be struggling to move. All Might's face suddenly became one of worry as he witnessed this.
"You're overworked…..The Aim to Pass American Dream Plan was designed with your body in mind, it was fine-tuned to ensure your progress was swift but manageable, which means you haven't been following it properly-"
Izuku struggled to breathe on the ground, hands grasping into the dirt.
"You're overdoing things! That's going to have the opposite effect on your body from what we want!"
"I have to work harder…."
"Izuku….." Uraraka muttered, not realizing she was using the boy's first name. Said boy froze up a little but he couldn't say he disliked it.
"…Or I won't stand a chance against the other applicants."
Izuku slowly struggled to push himself up. All might's face turned to one of shock.
"I don't just want to get into U.A….I want…..to excel."
He dragged himself forward, despite his condition, a testament to his will.
"I want….to be like you!"
He slowly managed to pull himself up and look at his mentor, tears in his eyes, face determined.
"I want…to be the greatest hero in the world. So I'll keep on trying until I have what it takes to do that!"
"That kid is just one endless supply of expectation shattering's, isn't he?" Aizawa asked rhetorically as he leaned back. If In his own private thoughts, he was proud to call the boy one of his students, well that was nobodies business but his.
All Might looked down at him as the background turned into red speed lines, the pro moved by the boy's words. A flashback suddenly occurred to the second episode, where Izuku was talking to the man during their first meeting, except he seemed calmer.
"I want people to see my fearless smile and feel safe, and be just like you!"
All Might's voice was heard, but his mouth didn't move.
"Got to hand it to the kid, he's given a lot of thought to the future."
Suddenly the blonde bulked up and he picked up the greenette by his clothes, shaking him slightly.
"That fighting spirit is what I like about you fan boy! It serves you well! I do get your concerns, that said, now is not the time to go and rush progress! Fear not! I can get you back on track! Leave it to this old man to adjust your plan!"
"You're not….old….All Might."
The blonde just responded with a large bout of laughter.
"Wait, how old ARE you, All Might?" Asked Todoroki, either oblivious or uncaring of the rudeness of the question. Fortunately All Might didn't seem to care.
"Trade secret my boy! You've had much more revealed than most people, let me keep some secrecy-"
"He's in his fifties, likely 56." Izuku said casually as he sipped some juice he had gained from seemingly nowhere. The skinny blonde pouted more like a petulant child than an esteemed professional.
"Why, my boy?"
"Revenge for the swimming scene."
"Entirely fair, I suppose."
A tree could be seen in the night, leaves completely gone as the sound of a car door being shut was heard. All Might was shown walking from a truck he seemingly arrived in with writing on the screen revealing the date to be February 26.
Midoriya could be heard narrating.
"And suddenly, it was the morning of the exam."
Everyone muttered between themselves at that before Todoroki of all people turned to the greenette, shocked. "You didn't get your powers until the exam?"
Midoriya nodded, absent-mindedly rubbing the arm he broke during the ordeal.
Iida then looked down ashamed, not meeting the greenette's eyes. "I must apologise, profusely. Had I known…"
Midoriya placed his hand on the blue haired teens shoulder with a soft smile. "It's fine, I forgave you ages ago."
"Woah what the, you ok dude?!" Kirishima asked, blinking in surprise at the sudden scream. Midoriya just blushed as he remembered the moment his emotions all came pouring into him.
All Might looked up to the source of the noise with a look of confusion. The camera cut to a large mound of trash and panned up, revealing Izuku on top screaming his lungs into disrepair.
All Might's eyes widened in shock as the sun began to rise. The camera cut to Izuku still screaming as the camera zoomed into his sweating, shirtless form.
"Wow dude…." From Jirou, that was the only comment anyone could think to make. Seeing Izuku of all people screaming into the sky was just…weird.
All Might took a few steps forward as his look of shock remained.
"Hey hey hey, holy crap kid-"
A sweeping shot of the beach was shown as All Might's own theme played in the background, it was plain as day that Midoriya had cleaned up every last scrap, the trash heap he stood upon merely needing to be collected.
"-You even cleaned up outside the area I told you too. Seriously, there's no one spec of trash left on this beach!"
He what?!
Not for the first time and not for the last, Izuku was being stared at by everyone, jaws agape. He just chuckled nervously as he scratched the back of his head. "No sense in a half-done job, right?"
Uraraka felt the odd urge to swoon. Before anyone could say anything the past All Might said exactly what they were thinking more or less.
"Holy….Stinking…SUPER CRAP!"
The blonde buffed up at the final two words. Midoriya then began to tumble backwards, falling off the mound of garbage, only to be caught by the pro.
"Excellent work!"
Midoriya gave his mentor a weak smile.
"I finished everything….All Might…..I did it….Do you think you're ready now?"
"I feel like that's arguable. No offense Deku." Uraraka said but the boy just grinned nervously.
"In all fairness, we were mostly aiming for it not to kill me immediately on getting them." He defended. "Not to mention at that point, I didn't exactly have a say in getting any more training in."
"Wait didn't you say something about the actual transfer being worse than the training?" Hagakure suddenly remembered and everyone else then also turned to look at him surprised. "What's worse than those ten months."
"I mean in a relative scale, maybe that was a bit much on the exaggeration but…..you'll see." Was the only answer Midoriya provided. The actual transfer he did not want to think about any longer than he needed to.
"Yeah, you did good kid. I gotta say I'm impressed. I knew you had it in you but this is beyond! Look at this."
The blonde held a phone that looked tiny in his massive palms, a picture of the greenette on it.
"Huh, what's this?"
"You, crying ten months ago! Look how far you've come!"
A panning shot went down the boy's body, showing of his normally hidden muscles and strong physique.
There were various reactions, most of the boy's grinned in appreciation of their friends hard work, some of the girls tried not to blush to hard, Uraraka desperately tried to not let her nosebleed show.
Inko felt her pride swell but also snickered quietly seeing the reactions of them all. No one saw the note manifest in front of her with a single instruction on it.
'Invite the girls over to embarrass Izuku.'
If a mother couldn't tease her child, who could?
"Such improvement! There's still a long road ahead of you before you can inherit my full power set, but it's starting to look like you can do it!"
Izuku slowly lifted his hand up to look at it as he trembled. He sniffled lightly.
"All Might….do I deserve this? Are you sure? You put so much time and energy into helping me, how did I end up so lucky?"
The blonde just laughed as his thoughts were heard.
"You're really worried about that after all this time?"
The pro placed a hand on his protégés shoulder.
"It was your hard work that did this, not mine! Now, for your reward, Izuku Midoriya!"
"Yes sir!"
Most people in the room unconsciously leant forward in their seat a little. This was it, the moment their friend/student had been unfairly robbed of so long ago.
All Might plucked a hair from his head and held it between his fingers as he talked.
"Someone told me this once. There's a difference between being lucky, and deserving. One is an accident, the other a reward, never get the two mixed up!"
"Quite an eloquent statement All Might." Nedzu commented as he sipped his tea.
"Take that to heart young man! This gift, you earned it with your own valiant efforts."
The greenette's eyes widened before they set into a look of determination and his fist clenched.
"And so, I held out my weak quirkless hands…
All might held out his own hand, the strand of hair still firmly held there.
"….and grabbed the future."
"Eat this!"
Silence encapsulated the room.
No one knew how to react.
Some gagged after a moment, other just looked around confused.
"All might, you were kidding right? Midoriya, you didn't actually have to eat that, right?!" Asked Mina as she looked between the too. Izuku's face of disgust was all the answer anyone needed.
"He literally wasn't kidding when he said it was harder to stomach." All Might mentioned from above.
"But why like that!?" Someone asked with a gag.
All Might rubbed the back of his head at Izuku's confused face, while the camera panned away from them towards the stairs.
"To inherit my power-set you need to swallow some of my dna, that's how it works!"
Oh. OH.
"Yeah, all things considered, I think we should all just be happy it was hair and swiftly move on."
"This isn't exactly how I imagined it!"
The camera started to zoom in on Midoriya's shoes.
"Come on, there's no time! You'll be late for the exam! EAT, EAT, EAAATTTT!"
"So….how did you imagine it then?" Asked Tokoyami, trying not to think about what Midoriya was definitely eating in the shot.
"For some reason even I don't know, I was thinking some kind of…..well energy transfer if that makes sense. Like I'd have to my place my hand in his, there'd be a glow and that would be it. Honestly don't know why though."
"Ha! If only it were that simple, young Midoriya. If only."
The intermission cards played.
The entrance of U.A was seen, with text showing it to now be 8:40 a.m that same day.
"Made it just in time."
Izuku could be seen panting slightly as he walked down towards the school.
"I was so worried about missing the exam, I didn't get a chance to test out my new power."
"Wait so that means…The first time you used them…oh wow…." Uraraka was shocked, and the one or two other students who had been in the greenette's group shared similar looks of wonderment. At her realization, the brunette leaned her head onto Midoriya's shoulders with a giddy smile, failing to note his reddening face.
Said teen meanwhile had melted into his seat a little, embarrassment hitting him. He had just remembered what was about to happen with the brunette beside him, not his proudest moment on reflection.
"Eat this!"
"I swallowed the hair but I don't feel any different."
Everyone cringed at that. That could not have been pleasant at all.
"Stupid Deku…."
Izuku turned around surprised, to see Bakugou stalking past with his hands in his pockets.
"Get out of my way now before I set you on fire,"
The greenette started flailing at the threat, frightened.
"O-oh h-hey let's just d-do our best out t-there ok!? Good luck!"
The blonde just stomped past.
Gran Torino frowned. "If no one else is going to say it, I will. He never should have been allowed into a top hero school like U.A if that was his temperament during the exam."
Nezu rubbed his paws together in thought. "While young mister Bakugou has quite good grades, I do admit his personality is worse than I had originally thought it to be. Perhaps we can help him after this ordeal but we absolutely must consider some type of more thorough background check for future exams."
Midoriya turned confused to watch his once friend walk off. Two other random applicants could be seen talking about him.
"I think that's the kid who withstood the sludge villain, his name is Bakugou, right?"
"Yeah, he's the real deal."
The camera zoomed in as Midoriya's thoughts could be heard.
"Ever since that day….Kacchan's been taking it easier on me."
He sighed, slouching.
"I guess I was just scared out of habit."
Pretty much everyone frowned at that. He shouldn't have been scared in the first place.
The world faded to a blue background as the teen seemed to sparkle slightly.
"I'm not defenceless anymore though, I have to remember all the work I put in! Thanks to All Might, I'm finally going to be able to become a hero!"
"Yeah!" Mina, Hagakure and Uraraka cheered. The greenette was starting to notice a pattern with the three girls specifically seeming to cheer him on the most.
The boy was then shown tripping over his own feet and plummeting to the ground.
"Or I'll just die."
A few giggles came from that.
"You gave up so quickly." Midnight chuckled, trying to keep her composure.
He never hit the ground, instead stopping halfway with a dumb look on his face. The camera zoomed out to reveal the boy was floating in the air, a girl with brown hair holding onto him.
"Heh, are you ok?"
"URARAKA!" Most of the class cheered, seeing the girl, who blushed at the reaction but beamed bright.
"Woah woah!"
Instead of answering verbally the greenette flailed in the air, freaking out. The girl just giggled before setting him down. She clapped her hands together and smiled brightly.
"I stopped you with my quirk, sorry I didn't ask first, but I figured you wouldn't mind me catching you."
"Thanks for that by the way."
"You paid it back more than enough later so no need to say thanks but your welcome."
Izuku stared silently, dumbfounded.
"Isn't this all like….way nerve racking?!"
He merely stuttered in response.
"Well guess I'll see ya inside! Bye!"
With that she turned and walked off, leaving Izuku standing there still dazed.
Inko placed her palm into her face before anything even occurred on screen. She knew how awkward her son could be.
"Holy wow I talked to a girl."
Yup. Inko sighed sadly, it wasn't his fault.
Most everyone was actually seeming pretty uncomfortable as they all realized why Izuku had such a reaction. A lot of things about him that seemed funny stemmed from a much less comedic place.
A arrow pointed to his head as he laughed a little crazily, text reading "Didn't actually talk."
That got a few brief giggled while the present day Midoriya hid behind his hands, not wanting to look at anyone.
Uraraka tried to comfort him a little with a hand on his shoulder.
A sign was shown inside, reading 'U.A High School Hero Course, Exam Orientation.'
Inside a couple of lights flicked and a muffled rock song could be heard as Present Mic's voice was heard.
"What's up, U.A candidates? Thanks for tuning in to me, your school DJ. Come on and let me hear ya!"
The present day 1-A was a little giggly at this, remembering the various attempts the man had made to get them to react.
"To be fair, I don't know why you expected anyone trying to get accepted into a prestige school would do something that would typically get them in trouble." Thirteen said, picking at a loose thread on their cushion.
"Keeping it mellow, huh? That's fine, I'll skip straight to the main show. Let's talk about how this practical exam is going to go down ok? Are you Readayy?!"
Even Aizawa snorted at the second instance.
"Oh my goodness it's the voice hero Present Mic! So cool!"
Midoriya had his hands to his mouth, looking excited. Bakugou sat beside him, a bored frown upon his face.
"Didn't take you long to start nerding out, huh?" Jirou teased and the boy just sighed.
"I listen to his radio show every day of the week! It's so cool all the U.A. teachers are all-"
"Why don't you shut up?"
"Why don't you learn not to be a jerk." Uraraka commented quietly, ignoring the blonde's quiet growl in response.
"Glad to see I got a loyal listener in the crowd!" Present Mic laughed, giving his student a grin. "Though now I gotta wonder if ya ever called in!"
"Once, didn't get through." The greenette shrugged quietly and the man groaned before smirking.
"Well, guess we gotta change that!"
"Like you're application said, today you rocking boys and girls will be out there conducting ten minute mock battles in super hip, urban settings! After I drop the mic, you'll head to your specified battle centre! Sound good?"
Midoriya and Bakugou could be seen holding cards, inspecting the information on them as the music cut out for more silence.
"I see. There splitting us up so we can't work with any of our friends."
It cut to show the information on the greenette's card, along with a very dopey picture of said teen.
"That's quite the smile you got there dude." Kirishima snickered and Midoriya scratched the back of his neck.
Iida was silent, frowning. He'd always been a stickler for the rules but even he could acknowledge he sometimes went overboard in enforcing them, something he was getting better at realising with time.
This was before he'd begun to relax though, and with the knowledge he now possessed he could only feel ashamed for how he had treated the boy.
"Yeah, you're right. Our examinee numbers are one after the other but we're assigned to different battle centres…."
"Get your eyes off my card."
The class just let out a collective annoyed sigh at this point, irritating the blonde.
"Damn. I was really looking forward to crushing you."
"Guess it worked out well for Midoriya that they weren't paired together then." Gran Torino commented as he shook his head. Nezu frowned.
"That was quite a recent change as well…."
"Alright listen up! There's three types of faux villains at every battle centre, you'll earn points based on their level of difficulty so choose wisely. Your goal in this trial is to use your quirk to raise your score by shredding these faux villains like a mid-song guitar solo! But check it! Attacking other students is a U.A no no, ya dig?"
"Excuse me, sir but I have a question!"
The students who hadn't been at that particular entrance exam (there were three, held throughout the week in case of unexpected circumstances) grinned as they recognized the voice.
Those who had been present however frowned, having only just remembered Iida's interruption that day. Jirou in particular, surprisingly, found herself gritting her teeth but for good reason.
"Hit me!"
"On the printout, you've listed four types of villains, not three. With all respect, if this is an error on official U.A. material, it is shameful! We are exemplary students, we expect the best from Japan's most notable school. A mistake such as this won't do!"
"Wow, Iida, you even lecture teachers before you're accepted in?" Kaminari laughed, before noting the expressions on the people who had been present. "Uh, what's up with you guys?"
"I…. made an error." Iida said, not elaborating further. "Again, even if you forgive me, I cannot apologize enough."
"Oh god, what did you do?"
Iida twirled in his spot and pointed right at Midoriya, still glaring.
"Additionally, you with the unkempt hair."
Midoriya pointed at himself, confused, confirming it was him who was being called out.
"You've been muttering this entire time, stop that. If you can't bother to take this seriously, leave. You're distracting the rest of us."
There was silence for a moment, then to everyone's surprise a familiar pair of earjacks shot out and smacked the class president upside the head. "Ow!"
"Ah! Jirou, don't! I already forgave him!" Midoriya called but the frog girl shook her head.
"Still, prez, you shouldn't call someone out so publicly like that. Especially on something like that." She berated, sounding genuinely irritated despite not being as close to Midoriya. "You have no idea what his previous circumstances were, for all you knew it could have been an actual condition he couldn't help. Not to mention, you couldn't judge from those, what, ten minutes? Whether he was taking it seriously without knowing him. Not to mention, I was just two rows along and even with my hearing I could barely hear him, so you sure you weren't lacking attention yourself."
"Jirou-" Midoriya's face lit up red at the girl's unexpected defence of him but Iida held up his hands, stopping his friend and nodding.
"No, Midoirya, she's right. I won't deny I took my desire to do everything properly much to far during the entrance exam. I presumed to know you and your intentions multiple times when I shouldn't have and was most definitely in the wrong." The blue haired teen sighed. "This was not the last of my short sightedness that day, but I am in fact glad to be called out on it, as I would do others. It was not ok."
Midoriya nodded slowly, understanding there was no arguing with Iida on this and the other members of the class seemed satisfied that the representative had learned his lesson.
"So why didn't you say anything about it Mic?" Aizawa interrogated, with a raised brow. The blonde teachers flushed and for once was quiet as he answered.
"He intimidated me."
"God dammit Mic."
Some people laughed at the greenette being called out and Present Mic brought the attention back to him.
"Alright, alright, Examine #7111, thanks for calling in with your request."
"I… may have forgot I WASN'T on the radio."
"God dammit Mic."
The shadow of the zero pointer appeared on screen, as Present Mic continued to explain.
"The fourth villain type is worth zero points! That guy's just an obstacle we'll be throwing in your way. There's one in every battle centre, think of it as a hurdle you should try to avoid."
"Pfft, like most people could do anything but." Midoriya snorted, confusing Momo and Todoroki and eliciting reluctant laughs from the rest. The zero pointer was something they all remembered, and not fondly.
"It's not that it can't be beaten, but there is kinda no point. I recommend my listeners try to ignore it and focus on the ones at the top of the charts!"
Iida bowed, satisfied and sat back down.
"Thank you very much, please continue!"
Some random people could be seen talking to one another.
"Oh I get it, so they're kinda like traps you have to get by in games."
"The whole thing's like a video game."
"Yes, that was rather intentional on our part. We felt it would be the easiest way for everyone to understand, even if they missed part of the explanation for some reason." Nezu elaborated.
"That's all I got for you today! I'll sign off with a little present, a sample of out school motto. As general Napoleon Bonevard once laid down: 'A true hero is one who overcomes life's misfortunes.'"
As Present Mic gave his speech the camera panned over Midoriya, iida, Uraraka and Bakugou.
"Mhm, now that's a tasty soundbyte! Ya ready to go beyond? Let's hear a Plus Ultra!"
Silence once again as Midoriya simply took in his paper.
Taking pity on their English teacher, the 1-A students all chorused out together "PLUS ULTRA!"
The blonde smiled thankfully while their homeroom teacher just rolled his eyes.
"Good luck! Hope you practiced hitting more than just books!"
The scene switched to the front of one of the battle arena's, one based upon a city district that 1-A had held their first hero class in. Information come up on screen, revealing it to be battle centre B.
People muttered as they stood outside the gates, Midoriya standing at the very back of the pack. A rock theme began to play, as the bo shaked with a nervous smile.
"Well, this is it. Time to put ten months of training with All Might to the test. I WILL become a hero. Just like I always dreamed."
"Damn right you will!" Mina cheered, causing the boy to blush but grin.
"I won't let myself down!"
With that thought, the greenette raised his hands and held them for a moment, before slapping the sides of his face to psyche himself up. As the slap sounded, the screen went black and the rock jingle finished up and lead perfectly into the calmer ending theme.
"DANG IT!" Hagakure shouted annoyed. "I was super excited to see Midoriya doing the test as well."
"Eh, you could skip it entirely and not miss much to be honest." The boy admitted, rubbing the back of his neck. "The only part I really did anything was at the end."
"But that's for next episode!" Sarah interrupted, clicking her fingers to start switching over.
"If he only got his powers at the exam then that explains so much." Aizawa muttered annoyed, turning to Nezu and All Might. "And one of you two should have said SOMETHING! I can think of multiple things I could have handled better had I known at the least his quirk only just showed up!"
All might had the sense to look guilty. Before he could continue his rant, Sarah appeared before them.
"Oh, Vlad King?"
"Huh?" Suddenly a note fluttered down in front of class 1-B's homeroom teacher and he read it aloud. "Pay All Might your whole salary."
There was silence for a moment as the implication set in and then the blood manipulator groaned.
Sarah giggled, as the screen flickered to life. "Now, onto episode four!"
A/N: End of year present for you all!~
What did i say? I told y'all, NEVER cancelled! Hiatuses that can make Steven Universe jealous? Sure but cancelled? NEVER! been working on this on and off for months but it's just harder to make these than other stuff and I now manage like 7 different AU's i have to give my attention to. i still work on this when i can but it's not priorty i'm afraid.
Still, never will it be cancelled!