
This story is a fan fiction of my own creation inspired by various sources. Both Darth Vader and Darth Sidious along with any Star Wars franchise reference belong to Lucasfilm, while all secondary characters, environment and locations belong to Games Workshop. I do not claim any ownership of the source material. This story was created for entertainment purposes and not intended to be linked directly to either the Star Wars universe or the Warhammer 40,000 universe official canons. All rights reserved to the respective owners.

My sincere thanks to George Lucas, Rick Priestly, Andy Chambers and all the people in charge of creating and expanding both of these fantastic universes.I hope you can keep fascinating and inspiring many generations to come.

I also appreciate all who collaborated in the editing of this fanfic, and above all my readers. Love you guys.

41st Millennium: A Star Wars Story

By: Lewis II

Original Idea by:

YouTube (2018). " Could Darth Vader survive in Warhammer 40k?" Commissar Gamza: YouTube. From: /p0czd32HPQw

YouTube (2018). " Could Darth Sidious survive in Warhammer 40k?" Commissar Gamza: YouTube. From: /p0czd32HPQw

Logo by Lewis II, both emblems are property of Games Workshop and Lucasfilm

Chapter 1:

The Arrival

It was a gray and cold day, the rain has kept on pouring for the 6th day in a row. The gun noises in the distance gave the new reinforcements shivers down their spines. For the others, it was just a distant sound, one more reminder to thank the Emperor for being alive one more day. After all, they were all that was left after several skirmishes, and the boys of the 7th company were the only ones available to provide help, as useless rookies as they are, all of them coming from the z4 command post. The last patrol returned from the main front with only 2 men. They know this planet is only a few days away from Exterminatus, what point does it make to charge into battle? Perhaps watching the Chapter in action or simply helping the Chaplain complete his sacred task while taking out some Xenos in the process. Seperus Prime used to be an agricultural world as many, filled with noise, color and activity, ready to supply for the troops and citizens of the Imperium. Now it's just a couple of somber processing plants, dead crops, gray plains and mud filled marshes. As the command post remained nearly silent, something happened on the southern plains close to the main compound, near the newly digged trenches.

The winds started blowing in different directions for a while until they formed a small vortex in the middle of the field. What the guardsmen assumed to be a new storm incoming, proved to be wrong as the rain diminished. A small dome of lightning appeared in front of them, big enough to provide shelter for one man it seemed. Several lights and sounds surrounded the dome, and as minutes went by, more energy and light was produced . The veteran officers reported it back to the headquarters, they received the same order: "No matter what it is, hold the line guardsmen. Keep us posted. Over." The dome exploded in a flash and several of the guardsmen were thrown to the walls of their trenches.

A figure appeared, bent on one knee as a guardsman before an Astartes. The silence of rain prevailed until it started breathing: harsh and uneasy yet ominous and constant, resembling a fierce but wounded beast that uses its own willpower to stay alive. As it stood, the figure became clearer and yet more perplexing. A dark cape and a helmet, not so different from the ones used by the Skitarii Vanguard and the Commissars, a tight suit with gloves, boots, shoulder protectors and a control panel with buttons on its chest, all combining both human and robotic appearance and covered in different shades of black and grey minus several areas. Simple and threatening, as if he embodied the nature of the grim outer space itself, yet with no apparent physical augmentations. Most of the soldiers remained either astonished or nervously brave, as if some of them would try to hang on to their sanity while others would have been driven insane and retreat from this unknown creature, probably linked to the Chaos gods and their energy.

One veteran captain sent a trooper forward with a simple grin and a hand gesture. After all, It was just another heretic, another foe to be taken down, no matter its nature or the cost, less powerful as it seemed. The sole guardsman climbed the trench and aimed with his lasgun as he spoke to the strange figure:

"This is Corporal Stephan Androxius, 417th regiment, Cadian Shock Troopers, identify yourself or you will be shot!"

As he finished the phrase, the guardsman desperately reached his own neck with his hands. He appeared to be choking on something. His body levitated while he tried to find the ground with his feet. As the strange figure made a hand gesture with his fully extended arm, in a clear display of psychic powers. He then spoke his first words:

"Are you threatening me, rebel scum?"

A small device soared into his hand and a red beam came out, resembling some kind of sword. The guardsman flew towards him and with a single swing, was decapitated by the Dark Man. As the guardsman's body laid on the ground, the rest of his platoon opened fire, since it became a threat that was clearly underestimated. The Dark Man managed to bounce off several of the rounds with his sword, redirecting them towards his attackers and killing a third of them while others simply pierced his cape or were caught by his bare hands. Two squads emerged from the ruins and flanked the Dark Man from the right, throwing grenades as they approached the target . The grenades were stopped mid air and thrown back to the guardsmen, who simply screamed and fell as the explosions tore them apart. A guardsman crawled to cover on the right flank while holding in his own entrails, taking advantage of the sniper fire from the southeast. The Dark Man stopped the sniper round mid air with a hand gesture as the other two deviated, killing the frontline radio operator. The moment the Dark Man twisted his finger, the sound of a snapping neck and a dropped corpse was heard in the distance, taking out the sniper while reflecting the shots fired from the remaining troops on the right flank. He proceeded to use his power to disarm the rest of the frontline with a pulling gesture and stepped forward. The four oldest veterans armed themselves with power swords, pistols and shotguns, and after rallying what was left of the frontline, climbed over and charged towards him, making some guardsmen recover lasguns from the hands of their fallen brothers and use them for a bayonet charge. They charged screaming, roaring at the top of their lungs, as any brave imperial guardsman should, hoping to overrun him. Little they knew the charge only sealed their fate, when the Dark Man delivered devastating close quarter blows using his sword and psycher powers. Bones were bent and broken, exposing the splintered remains, limbs were hacked, torsos stabbed, bodies torn in half. Screams, growls and the stench of burned flesh persisted as this mysterious entity took them out one by one and also by several groups at a time, gracefully and effectively, emulating an intricate choreography, a dance of death. A tremor was felt and several of the weapons and Armour started to move by themselves. Mere seconds later, they were crushed by the same power the Dark Man used to kill his first victim. Rifles and grenades exploded, canons were bent, mortars were neutralized and turrets were obliterated. The Dark Man walked away as two hundred brave Cadian Troopers layed on the ground, some disfigured to the point of not being recognizable anymore.

As he entered the command post building, he heard a muffled voice transmitting some message:

"Incoming artillery barrage, Commissar. Danger 10 minutes,stay put. over."

The soldier wielding the radio sported a sober yet very distinctive uniform, resembling some sort of commanding officer. The Dark Man decided to spare him for some minutes for interrogation as he took out the rest of the soldiers inside. He then calmly approached the Commissar as the last dying guardsman reached for him, confirming his title while he yelled it in pain. The Dark Man addressed the young yet bloodthirsty Commissar cadet:

"Take me to the emperor and I may save you from a painful death."

As he cleared his throat, he articulated a nervous yet potent answer:

"I would rather die a thousand deaths than give you the coordinates for the sacred world of Terra, you heretic."

"Heretic." The Dark Man replied, as he was never called that before. What does it meant? Could it be another Jedi who knows about his past ? Or just another democratic idealist who leads a resistance movement far away from the empire's jurisdiction? Was it a mere coincidence? Was he truly far beyond his known galaxy?

The Dark Man proceeded to collect himself and formulate another question:

"I see this system is beyond the outer rim, for I have no recall of it. Tell me,which master do you serve,young one?"

The officer remained calm and almost static as he extended his arm, reaching for his weapon.

"I only serve the Astra Militarum and the God Emperor himself,damned monster!"

Responded, as he pulled out a Chainsword and charged towards him.

Although some rounds have grazed his armor and wounded him, the Dark Man was still strong and fast enough to dodge and repel his attacks, as if he was simply toying with his adversary. Every clash between the two swords costed the chainsword some of its teeth,some engine bolts, some parts of its armor plate, leaving it useless after several swings. As the commissar reached for his pistol, the Dark Man hacked his sword wielding hand, along with one leg. With a muffled scream and a rage expression, the commissar then crawled to a wall and, using it as support, pointed out his pistol on the Dark Man. In the blink of an eye, both of his remaining limbs were severed.

Knowing that this would be the end of his life, and with the intention of gaining time for reinforcements, the commissar addressed him one last time:

"You truly are one tough psycher, and a cold bastard. But you're no ordinary savage, otherwise I'd be dead long ago. May I know the name of my slayer?"

The Dark Man turned the radio on remotely while staring at his victim through the helmet and moving his body forward on one knee, appearing to want a closer look at his dying foe. He then proceeded to answer and transmit his message as a warning for anyone listening:

"You and your petty army shall refer to me as Darth Vader, Lord of the sith. And I shall erase all those who stand in my way."

He stated while turning his back and swinging his sword. He then crushed the radio and walked away as the commissar's head rolled on the floor. After leaving the building, Vader approached to his spawning point, where burn marks and several shards of the ancient holocron still remained, some even with parts of the symbols that his master marked on the floor for the ritual. Perhaps his master would have run with the same luck as he did. As he still dwelled on these thoughts, Vader noticed a singularity in the force. There was a severe lack of it in its pure state, most of it being channeled and absorbed by beings beyond any measure known for him, full of emotion and power. He realized for the first time that this foreign system escaped his knowledge and it could be part of an entirely new galaxy, and that perhaps he was almost defenseless against these new enemies. But chief among all these sensations, the flickering presence of other force wielders was gone. not the inquisitors, not the hidden Jedi, not even that annoying beacon of guilt in Tatooine. For the first time in years, he felt truly alone in this new location, not even feeling the burden of his force connection to his master inside him. He noticed a cloud of dust and smoke on the horizon. Grazed and with part of his energy depleted, Vader took an offensive stance and readied his saber for a new attack, as the foreign beings charged on him, pronouncing a single loud war cry: WAAAAAAGH!