Inuyasha was pressed tightly to his father's chest, his powerful youki surrounding him. He sighed as he felt his youkai relax and whimper in delight. Silly thing. He thought to it, but it didn't retaliate, it merely urged him to get closer, which wasn't possible. Before he knew it, they were back at the castle, but everything looked so different. The homes were much more developed, and the town had become much larger than what he'd last seen. "It's really been 50 years…" He whispered to himself. Touga's arms tightened around him a bit. When they landed everything stopped. All the people meandering around just cease all action. A servant even dropped the vase she was holding, no one even flinched when it shattered on the ground.

Inuyasha felt his anxiety spike a bit, "Heh heh…" He laughed nervously, "Not dead actually, surprise!" He rubbed the back of his neck and looked at his father. He was just looking down at him with soft eyes. Inuyasha didn't know what to do with that look so he frowned. He looked at his brother who was still staring at him with the same wonder as in the village. "Um…I'll…go to my…room…'s? ...and uh bathe…been a long time since I've had one I guess…." He began to stiffly walk off but was followed by his father and brother. His rooms were spotless, all the broken furniture replaced, it had been a while after all. "Are you two gonna bathe with me?" He asked staring at the dogs who finally found their voices.

"Yes." Lord Touga answered. Inuyasha said nothing and merely nodded as he started to undress in the bathing chamber. When naked, Inuyasha began to check over his body. He found that on his legs and torso he held a deep bruise that resembled the winding roots of the tree that had begun to grow around him. His hands were filthy, and he could feel the multitude of insects that had made his hair their homes. He was worried that there were some in his ears, but he couldn't feel anything. He began cleaning all the grim away, leaving Sesshomaru and Touga to do the same in the large bathing chambers. When he was finally clean, he stretched and settled into the hot water which his body really appreciated. He was hungry too.

Touga pinched the bridge of his nose, "I just…don't understand…"

Inuyasha tilted his head, "Me either…I thought I was dead when I saw the arrow sticking out of my chest…" He said quietly, remembering the terrifying sensation and rubbing his chest.

"While you were pinned." Sesshomaru began grabbing their attention as he spoke for the first time, "Do you remember anything?"

Inuyasha silently stared at the water, a blush boiling his face, "I remember a lot of shouting and screaming. This lady was really screaming her head off. Then nothing…then I started hearing you and dad…then just you…a lot of rain and animals….and you…" Inuyasha would never admit this but he'd gotten used to listening to his brother talk. His voice was deep and cut clean through the air like music. It was odd for him when he woke and was no longer hearing a consistent stream of it. Inuyasha felt his face heat up when thinking about how nice it felt to be able to speak to them once again. He felt his stomach clench when he thought again at his outburst that lead to his pseudo death. "I'm really sorry." Inuyasha bit his lower lip, he looked up at his brother, who was silent and watching him.

The man didn't look like he'd aged, but he looked like he'd matured a lot. Inuyasha looked away from him and down at his unchanged body under the water. He just felt like he'd gone to sleep and woken up. When they exited the bath, the healer was waiting for them. Inuyasha was checked over repeatedly and multiple tests were taken, and it showed that he hadn't aged at all. Everything was the same as if he was frozen through time. Inuyasha wasn't sure what time of day it was but he was brought food and ate slowly under the watchful eyes of his family. He felt horrible, he wanted to see his aunt but didn't know if it was possible. There were so many thoughts going through his head and he wasn't sure if he was ready to face them. He stretched a bit, the bruising on his torso was painful, and his body had a dull ache from not being used. Hey, are you okay? Inuyasha decided to start with his youkai. Fine. Better. Annoyed. It responded. Inuyasha quirked a brow, why annoyed? He waited for a response. You ignore me. Will not talk if ignored. It growled. Great, his youkai had its panties in a twist. Inuyasha sighed. I'm sorry, you know I don't know much of anything about you, or any of this. In the other world, if you'd started talking to me, I'd have to take meds and probably be committed for schizophrenia or something. Inuyasha listened to it grumble a bit before settling down, stating that it was still recovering.

His father and brother were still with him, but neither was saying anything. They were just staring at him, and it was making him nervous. He could feel his heart start to be a little faster, "I…I need some air." Before either could speak against it, he rushed out of his rooms and down another hall, headed to a garden he used to frequent. It was the one with the largest apple tree. He loved it there, a servant had told him the tree was demonic which is why his youki liked its fruit so much. They were basically poison to humans though. On his way he caused a servant to faint, and the castle servants were all in shock at seeing their deceased prince. Before he could jump up into the tree, he noticed the multitude of new trees baring all types of fruit. "Wow…" He approached one, jumping up and grabbing a plump looking orange. Observing it, he held it to his chest…"I…I really died…" His eyes began to sting as tears fell from his eyes. "I died…I really did…." He sniffled and wiped at his tears with his haori though they continued to pour from his eyes.

From a window, the lord and his heir were watching the young inu. Lord Touga was at a lost for what he could do for his son. The man was practically a stranger, and instinctually things were lost on him at times. Sesshomaru's stomach was in a knot. His younger brother had survived, and he would help the young man return to where he belonged, no matter what it took. Sesshomaru left his father to watch over his sobbing sibling.

After a few days, and a lot of paperwork the lord was finally able to relax about causing a panic in the kingdom. The story was that the young prince had been attacked fifty years ago, and his heart pierced by a sacred arrow. Miraculously, due to his hanyou origin, his human half shielded his demonic half, and he was able to survive, unaging and still throughout the years. The lord let out a breath before sending the announcement off. He took a look at his son who sat in a comfortable chair, reading a book he pulled from the shelves. He'd been reluctant to let the boy out of his sight and had wished his elder son would've stayed. He would have felt more comfortable that way. Though, Inuyasha hadn't voice any complaints as he probably would have all those years ago. Although to the hanyou, it was a few short days which truly solidified what his friend had said. There was a knock at the door. "Lord Touga, the wolf king has arrived." A servant came in and bowed, followed by said wolf king and his entourage before leaving politely.

Inuyasha looked up from his book and his eyes widened. He'd expected to see Kouga's father, not the wolf himself. "K-Kouga…?" The wolf's eyes widened exponentially as he stared at his long lost friend.

"How…" Was his simple question. He felt the strings of his heart pull tight. He couldn't believe his eyes. Hakkaku and Ginta came in behind him as his guards, and they too stood in shock. Inuyasha was the first to make a move as he wrapped his arms around his friend, who was taller and much broader than before. "Inuyasha…I'm sorry…" Kouga hugged him back tightly as he held back his tears. "I'm so sorry…" He whispered.

Inuyasha didn't like how tiny he felt being hugged by his clearly older and more mature friend, so he shook him off politely. "Wow you got tall."

Kouga laughed and pushed him playfully, "And you're still so tiny. Why?"

"Well according to everyone, the arrow stopped everything, so I haven't aged a day." Inuyasha explained. "So what's this about being the wolf king? What happened?" The hanyou was a little nervous about Kouga's response. He knew the wolf lost his mother to an attack and was worried that the same might've befallen his father.

"I know I'm young still, but I'm an adult now and the acting king, though my father is still supervising me. He was hurt a while back and can't get to these speeds anymore, which is very important to our tribe." Kouga explained, really taking in his friend and just how young he still seemed.

"Oh okay, I'm glad. I was worried." Inuyasha smiled up at him.

Kouga felt his youkai flicker a bit. While he would never admit it, he'd had quite the crush on the hanyou before and it was clear that it hadn't waned in the slightest. If anything, it was probably a little stronger now than before. The hanyou looked just as cute as before.

"Lord Kouga." The dog demon lord's voice brought him from his musings.

Kouga turned, straightened up and bowed, "Yes Lord Touga."

"I had not sent a letter to you about him because it was important for you to see him in person and for me to speak to you." Touga looked at Ginta and Hakkaku who were also hugging son. He'd made quite a few friends it seemed. "This world is much too dangerous for Inuyasha to remain here…as much as I wish he could, I would prefer it if he was in the other realm and safe from these dangers."

"I agree wholeheartedly with you." Kouga nodded his understanding.

"I will have to ask your attendants to leave the room for this next piece." Lord Touga stated.

Ginta and Hakkaku saluted the three royals before leaving the room. Lord Touga waved his hand and a barrier was formed around the room. "Sesshomaru will be standing in as the acting lord of the west while I am away. I need someone to watch over Inuyasha while I conduct my investigations. I would ask my mate, but she will not be available for some months. She is off in the ancestral lands for ceremony and must not be disturbed." Lord Touga sighed. Inuyasha and Kouga waited for him to continue. "I do not wish to confine him either. I trust you to see to his safety. I will be placing a large amount of responsibility on Sesshomaru; however, I will also be placing a large amount of responsibility on you as I would like for you to remain by his side indefinitely."

"What are you talking about?" Inuyasha asked.

"I will be leaving the castle for a few weeks and will not be taking you with me. I feel more at ease with you staying in the West." Touga explained.

"…but I…just woke up…." Inuyasha frowned. His youkai wasn't too happy with the news either.

"I know pup, and I would like to stay as well, but that will not help you get home." Lord Touga explained.

"My lord where are you going?" Kouga asked, understanding what he meant by responsibility. Inuyasha couldn't be the only royal in the western castle. There was a chance people would try to take advantage of him.

"After all these years, my men have finally located that witch." He stood and clasped Inuyasha's shoulders, "Inuyasha I will return you to the other world. I wish for your safety and health. I will go to this witch." Inuyasha nodded, feeling particularly useless. While he was able to use a great deal of his abilities, this world was too foreign to him for him to truly do anything. He wished he was stronger. Lord Touga pulled him into a hug, knowing he wouldn't be able to see his pup for quite a time.

"Wait." Inuyasha knew he'd have to tell them about Kagome sooner or later. "Kouga, do you remember my friend Kagome?"

Kouga thought for a moment, "Oh, black hair, brown eyes, cute face, skimpy clothes, and wants to fuck you?" Inuyasha face palmed at his description of her even though it was pretty accurate. "What...about her?" Kouga couldn't understand why Inuyasha would even be bringing her up.

Inuyasha pursed his lips, "I didn't tell you when we were in the village because I didn't want you to kill her because of how she looks and smells…but she's here…in this world…"

Kouga's eyes went wide, "That's not possible! She doesn't have any youki, I checked! I check every human since I met you!"

"Kagome? What?" Lord Touga questioned.

"She's the one who pulled the arrow out. She's my friend from school. I don't know how or why, but she's in this world." Inuyasha explained.

"Could she be a key in returning you to the other world?" Lord Touga wanted to see this girl. She'd saved his son after all. Inuyasha nodded. "Take me to her."


Kagome was sitting on the porch of the old woman Inuyasha had left her with. Since she's been here the villagers had been treating her with a strange amount of respect that she couldn't get used to. The woman who resembled his aunt and had the same name explained a lot to her. About how youkai were real in this world, and that her friend was a hanyou, half youkai, half human. It all made her head spin. The only thing she could do now was wait for him to return. She turned the pink orb over in her hand. It was called the Jewel of Four Souls, a sacred jewel that many demons wanted. She stood and began to walk around the village, she was bored. They were just a bunch of farmers in this small village, she missed the city and all of its conveniences. She did help the priestess with her tasks though. Kagome sighed as a group of people bowed to her again. She only nodded because the last time she bowed to them they freaked out. Saying Lad Kikyo this, and Lady Kikyo that. She swore that if one more person called her that she was going to lose her shit.

An alarm bell began to ring, Kagome's heart began to pound as she rushed back to the hut of the priestess. Outside she could barely make out what was going on. "You have returned my Lords." Kaede spoke.

"Remember, you cannot freak out at her. She looks and smells just like the person who pinned me to the tree, but she isn't. She's my friend."

Kagome's eyes widened. That was Inuyasha's voice. She ran from the hut, "INUYASHA!" She jumped into his arms without thinking. "I missed you…"

"Kags, I've only been gone a few days, you're okay right?" Inuyasha asked, eyeing his father who's youkai was clearly struggling.

"How can I be okay? I just want to go home already." She cried in his arms.

"Yeah, you and me both." Inuyasha stood her up and wiped her tears. "Kagome, I need you to understand somethings that are very important. One, in this world, there was another person who looked and smelled just like you. She's the one who almost killed me with the arrow you pulled out." Kagome covered her mouth and a few tears fell and she sniffled. "Two, I'm a prince in this country so be careful with how you are around me, some people might take it wrong and it could cause issues. Three, I'm actually trapped here Kagome. I can't go home because it's not working. Usually, I can go back and forth. Do you understand?"

"I think…so…" Kagome frowned. She didn't want to be called the name of the person who hurt her friend.

"Okay, this is my dad. My actual bio dad. He's the Lord of these lands." Inuyasha explained slowly, hoping his father could keep it together.

Kagome looked over at the towering demon Inuyasha resembled and bowed low, "Nice to meet you, my name is Kagome Higurashi."

Lord Touga took her in. His youkai wanted her dead though he could see from her attire that she wasn't from this world. "And this is my friend Kouga, he's the king of the wolf demons."

She bowed and introduced herself to him as well, "Yasha, you know a lot of high-profile people you know…" She never thought she'd be meeting royalty.

"Yeah, but Kagome, how on Earth did you get here?" Inuyasha and company listened as she explained what happened before freeing Inuyasha from the arrow. "Let's go to the well then."

"I've never heard of an object being used to traverse the realms. Strong youki simply have the ability." Lord Touga commented.

"Do you think if I jump down, I can go back?" She asked quietly looking down to the dirt ground of the well.

"It's worth a shot." Kouga commented.

"What if it doesn't and I break my leg?" Kagome frowned. "Would I die from a broken leg here? Are they able to fix bones?" She asked, noting the lack of advancement here.

Inuyasha sighed, he didn't want her to get hurt, though he was sure there was some type of magic that could heal her injuries. "Come here, we'll jump down together." He picked her up bridal style. "What should I do if it works?" He asked his father and friend.

"Stay there for the time being." His father answered, "I'll come find you."

Inuyasha nodded, and with Kagome in his arms they jumped into the well and disappeared. The two felt like they were floating, and then Inuyasha felt his feet on the ground. Looking up, he could see a roof. His eyes widened as they climbed out. "It worked! I'm back!" He exclaimed.

"Inuyasha…are you supposed to look like that?" Kagome asked. She wasn't sure how it worked but she knew he had regular ears.

Inuyasha's hands went to his head and he fell to his knees. "No way…" He felt his stomach turn a bit, "Why is this happening to me? Why haven't I gone back to normal? Usually when I switch, my appearance does too…" Inuyasha bit his lip, he couldn't call this working. He was happy to be back, but this wasn't normal. He couldn't live here looking as he did.

"What now?" Kagome asked quietly.

Inuyasha rubbed the back of his neck, "I have to go back. This isn't right." Kagome nodded with a frown. "But I think I'll go see my aunt first. Where are we?"

"We're at my family's shrine in my hometown…it'll take a while to get back to Nagoya. We're really far west right now." Kagome explained. "It'd take a few hours by train."

Inuyasha ran a hand through his hair. "Do you think you could bring her here? I don't think it's a good idea for me to go out like this. The other worlders might see me and question my being here." Kagome looked confused so Inuyasha explained how the worlds were connected.

"I never knew…my grandfather used to talk about things like that a lot, but why was there someone who looked just like me there? Then, your aunt had a look alike too." Kagome was very confused; it made her head spin.

"I'm not too sure either. It makes my head hurt." Inuyasha sighed. "Well, I guess I'll go back."

"I'll come back through when I get her here to let you know."

"Yeah, I'll place a guard by the well, and they'll send a messenger. Thank you Kags." Inuyasha brought her into a hug causing the poor woman to blush scarlet. She watched him turn around and jump back into the well with a slight frown on her face. She never would have thought demons were real, and to find out one of her friends was a hanyou was a real shock to her system. Maybe she should start listening to her grandpa's ramblings.

Inuyasha sat alone in his rooms with his thoughts. His stomach hurt but he didn't feel like eating, too much had changed, and he was feeling very overwhelmed with the new adjustments. Even if they figured out how to get him home, his life in that world had already changed too. He wanted to cry but was tired of that too. "Do you want to talk to me now?" He asked his youkai in his head.


"Damn sorry? Why are you still pissed off at me?"

You don't trust me.

"How am I supposed to?"

I'm YOU!

Inuyasha sighed. He understood that to a certain degree, but it was hard to really accept. Even now, he felt insane speaking to his youkai. He remembered hearing his human half speaking to it while they were pinned to the tree, "What about my other half? Why can't I talk to that one?"

Can't talk to you…

"Why not?

I don't know.

Inuyasha moved from the sitting area to his bed. There was so much he was learning about himself that he just didn't understand. His abilities he understood somewhat, his heritage, not at all. He was tired of being ignorant, and tired of being protected all the time. He wanted to be able to do something too, he felt like a damsel in distress. Kouga was currently with his father and Sesshomaru, who'd been called back to the castle quickly as he was well on his way to wandering. Things were still really awkward with the man; it was hard for Inuyasha to even start a conversation with him. Lord Touga and Kouga were disappointed when he came back through the well but understood why it wouldn't be a good idea for him to stay there. He began to walk the halls, his security detail strict in following him at a respectful distance. These two were quite new from what he gathered, having never laid eyes on the lords hanyou son. He'd learned that they thought he would look quite deformed and monstrous from their whispered conversations. They assumed his hearing was bad for some reason, probably his human heritage but he could hear their conversations loud and clear but wouldn't let it be known. Apparently, some laws had changed around the land and many hanyou children were allowed to be born but the mothers were typically brought to the castle city where they could get protection. Inuyasha hadn't yet seen any hanyou children running around but then again, he hadn't been to the town since the arrow was removed.

The hanyou stopped walking in the middle of the hall and sighed a loud breath. "This fucking sucks." His guards tensed and looked at each other.

"Is everything alright your highness?" One asked.

Inuyasha looked back at them, really taking them in before realizing something. There was something he could do right now to be involved more. "Where are the…barracks? Is that what they're called here?"

The guards looked at each other before looking back at him, "Um, we can guide you to them milord." Inuyasha nodded. He followed the guards to the barracks. There were several fields of training guards going on with his father's war advisers overseeing. A general saw him observing and rushed over to greet him.

"Young prince is there something you need?" He asked politely, before looking at the two guards that brought him here.

"I just want to watch." Inuyasha stated, not taking his eyes away from the combat. This is what he wanted, he wanted to learn how to keep himself safe, so everyone stopped treating him like a delicate flower. He could defend himself in the other world, but he didn't have the skill or know how to keep himself safe in this world, but he was an excellent student and a quick study, so he could learn. The general guided him to a boxed area where royalty could sit and observe, he pulled one knee up in the comfortable chair and watched in interest as they were trained. The hand to hand combat was laughable and he felt sorry for them because of all the holes and gaps he saw, yes there was form but it was clear hand to hand combat wasn't important to them. The weapon training though, it was incredible. There were so many techniques and abilities, it was clear which one got the most attention. From his observations he was sure he could take them all on in hand to hand combat, it was just all the magic shit where he lost his nerve. He didn't like being hurt, and the idea of fighting against someone with unknown magical powers was difficult. He'd already been killed once, and he didn't think he was allowed a second time.

He sighed aloud again, making the guards look at each other, wondering what was going through his head. "Is something not to your liking milord?"

"I'm fine." Inuyasha stated before jumping into the training grounds. The guards scrambled to follow him down. Inuyasha approached the advisers who looked confused about why he was here. The general that guided him to the observational area was quick to join them.

"Is there something we can do for you your highness?"

"I want to train. Do I have to talk to my father about that?" Inuyasha asked, watching the pathetic hand to hand combat training. He could seriously mop the floor with them.

"Yes, however you would not be starting on the training grounds. It's much too dangerous. You'd be given a private tutor then join the guards for a time before starting weapons training."

Inuyasha balked at the idea of training here in hand to hand combat. "I don't need training on what they're doing, I'm already better than they are." He wasn't being cocky but that's what it sounded like to the advisers and general.

"Milord, the guards here have trained for 20 years. They are some of the best…" The adviser was interrupted by Inuyasha's surprised look.

"Really? 20 years and this is the best!?" The guards on his security detail were a part of this group and felt offended. They'd been told they would be protecting the helpless prince who wasn't trained in any form of combat and couldn't protect himself. So why was he looking down on them?

"Milord, it's quite advanced so mayhaps it doesn't look like much to you but..." The general began, feeling annoyed with the prince's disrespect of his elite but not able to say something against it.

"Fine, I'll prove it to you. I'll spar hand to hand no youki magic with the best you have." Inuyasha stared, kicking off his shoes as they would hinder him more than anything. The general wanted to growl, what could this protected prince do? When he'd already been killed by a mere human. The general wanted to say something so badly but couldn't and it got on his nerves. Dealing with the pompous dogs in the royal family annoyed him to no end. He hadn't noticed Inuyasha staring at him until he spoke again, "You can drop all the pomp and circumstance. I'm not Sesshomaru, I won't have you beheaded or something for speaking your mind. There's something you wanna say right?"

The general stiffened and the advisers glared at him. "That wouldn't be appropriate milord. My opinion has no meaning."

"I order you to say what's on your mind. No pomp and circumstance…I can do that right?" Inuyasha said and asked looking back at his two guards then at the advisers. He looked at the general, he didn't know what the general was exactly, but it was in the cat family. Maybe a tiger if he went by the dark markings.

"That's a lot coming from the princess being protected by those very same guards." The man growled. "You're insulting the very people charged with risking their lives to protect you. How did you make it to this age without knowing any combat yet assume you can defeat them? You're pompous and arrogant."

"Who said I didn't know any combat?" Inuyasha looked at everyone, no one having an answer. "I'm training in hand to hand yes, all the youkai stuff not really. I wasn't raised here but I'm not at ignorant as you all seem to think, and I'll prove it. I'll spar with you and you can take me down a peg, how's that? First person on their back?"

"Your highness I do not recommend sparing with general Haruki. He is highly trained and…"

"Shut up, I didn't ask for your opinion." Inuyasha rolled his eyes, he wasn't rude by nature, but they were annoying him. Soon the field was clear and all that was left were general Haruki and Inuyasha. The hanyou just smiled as the general got into his stances, it was clear he was trained the same way so this would be easy work for him. General Haruki was getting angrier, seeing the cocky smirk on his face. He came in quick and hot, deciding he wouldn't hold back against him. He became even angrier when Inuyasha seemed to maneuver and dodge him easily, with that same annoying smirk. Inuyasha could tell how mad the man was getting and that was his indicator that this was truly the best the man could do. Anyone with basic knowledge of boxing or martial arts could combat this. It really showed that youkai relied on their youki and magic to fight since it was so underdeveloped. Blocking one of Haruki's hits showed the power behind it and made him wobble a bit but he was able to withstand it. Soon Haruki relied on trying to grab him, which is when Inuyasha saw his opportunity, flipping the man to his back as he'd done in the past to Sesshomaru. The man was lying on his back in shock. "Don't believe everything you hear." Inuyasha stated in a bored tone, his arm throbbing a bit where he'd blocked the general's hit. The advisers and soldiers were looking at him in shock. That's when he saw Lord Touga, Sesshomaru, Kouga. The only one who hadn't been looking at him with wide eyes was Kouga, who knew about his martial arts training.

He walked over to them as did the advisers trying to explain to the lord that Inuyasha had done this on his own. "You must've been bored if you're out here kicking their asses." Kouga chuckled lightly.

"I thought maybe being trained would help me feel more secure here, but I think I need to be training them, this is kind of sad." Inuyasha said honestly. "I was really surprised." Lord Touga listened as he spoke to Kouga, he'd never seen anyone aside from himself and Sesshomaru defeat Haruki. "At this point there are probably a lot of humans that could kick their asses in hand to hand since humans probably don't have much else to rely on aside from weapons if I'm thinking about it correctly. I'd have to study how different styles were developed before I really make that assumption though."

"Inuyasha if you want to be trained you should've come and spoken with me." Lord Touga stated.

"Yeah they said that, but I'm not trying to go backwards." Inuyasha gestured at the soldiers and Haruki who still remained sitting on the ground in shock.

Lord Touga nodded and confirmed he would have something set up for his son. This would help, if Inuyasha was trained it would alleviate a lot of his worries. Being his son the hanyou had a large target on his back, not to mention his own enemies in this world. He guided them all from the grounds thinking about who would be best suited for teaching him about this world before he left to find the witch, and potentially the person who he was assuming harmed his child. There was truly only one person he could think of, his mate. She'd trained Sesshomaru quite thoroughly in dealing with unknown youkai and their abilities, however she wouldn't be available for quite some time. He was trained by his father who was still alive, but they weren't on good terms. Even when he and his mother came to the palace, they were cold to him, and barely showed any interest in Inuyasha. They'd had a falling out even before Sesshomaru was born and hadn't yet reconciled. If youkai could do anything, they could hold a grudge like no other. He could have his war advisers and generals train him, but they weren't inu and couldn't train him on the use of his instincts or shiro-inu specific magic. Inuyasha could manipulate his youkai to a point but it was clear he had no idea what he was truly capable of. He swallowed his pride and sent a missive to his father and mother, requesting their help. He hoped that expressing that Inuyasha's safety was at risk, that they wouldn't punish him too. Their problem was with Touga, not his child. He would have to wait to leave a few days longer for their reply. In that time, he could get his son started on manipulating his youki to his will.

A few days passed and Inuyasha was currently sitting in a garden alone, practicing what his father was teaching him. It was very difficult; he was supposed to manifest his youki into a ball outside of his body. When his father and Sesshomaru demonstrated, it came easily to them. He wished Sesshomaru's mother was here, the way she explained things was very clear and he just wasn't getting it. He could see it condensing but he couldn't maintain it for long. He sighed and stood before heading to his lessons. He had continued his reading and writing lessons, along with working with his father before he left. Kouga had gone back to the Kourinome mountains and would return when his father left to confront the witch that his men were keeping track of.

Inuyasha wandered through the halls with his security detail, he missed the other world. Kouga had suggested he try to find things he enjoyed here to avoid a repeat of the built-up stress from before. He said he should remind himself that time moves very slowly there and while he'd already lost 2 years, it was better than the 50 he'd lost here. He'd fallen into a routine, it was simple, but it kept him busy. He found his feet taking him to the wing that housed Sesshomaru's rooms. They still hadn't really had a chance to speak since his revival. Things felt really awkward whenever they were together with their father and Inuyasha didn't know why but it upset him. He came to the door of his study and knocked.

"Come in." Inuyasha opened the door and saw Sesshomaru sitting at his desk going through paperwork. "Did you need something Inuyasha?"

"No…can I just…hang out?" Inuyasha asked feeling the awkward tension in the room. He was having a hard time being by himself because of how unkind his thoughts were. He thought it best to be around people instead of isolating himself. Sesshomaru said nothing as Inuyasha pulled a book from the self and sat in a comfortable chair, but he couldn't take his eyes off of him.

Suddenly the door burst open, "LORD SESSHOOOOMARUUUUU!" Inuyasha looked over with wide eyes. He had no idea what he was seeing, he'd never seen a youkai that looked like this little green thing.

"What the fuck?"

The creature turned bulging yellow eyes towards him, "How dare you use such disgusting language around his majesty Lord Sesshomaru! Know your place filthy mongrel!"

Inuyasha glared at the creature, he wouldn't say the fact that he was a prince was going to his head, but it was very useful when dealing with annoying people here. "Excuse me?" One of his guards entered and pointed their spear at the creature.

"To disrespect the prince is to disrespect Lord Touga!" He growled angrily.

"The only one disrespecting Lord Sesshomaru is you and this disgusting commoner's language!"

The guard growled, "Stand down." The guard put their weapon away and the toad gave a smug look. "Jaken." The toad peddled over quickly, Sesshomaru not bothering to look at him and instead focusing on his younger brother. "This is Inuyasha. My younger brother." The youkai's eyes became wider and he looked at Sesshomaru who began glaring at him, then at Inuyasha who clearly was ready to strike him. The toad had never been allowed to come with Lord Sesshomaru when he visited the dead prince and had been on an errand, only just now returning.

"Surely you jest milord!" Jaken squawked. "I can't imagine anyone of your noble blood using such language!" He then began to laugh. Inuyasha crossed his arms and glared some more.

"Annoying as fuck."

"Classless!" The toad nearly shouted. "How dare you force milord to listen to your filthy mouth! I'll have you thrown in a cell for the rest of your days!"

Sesshomaru suddenly struck him over the head. Shocking the toad who looked up at him. "Inuyasha was recently freed. You will do well to respect his station." Jaken couldn't believe that someone of the shiro-inu lineage would use such language. They were high bred, powerful, above all others in their power and beauty. Jaken had heard a bit about the younger prince. He was a hanyou, lesser, a monstrosity that shouldn't exist. Jaken couldn't believe he had the audacity to even carry a drop of his Lord Sesshomaru's blood in his veins.

"Stop making eye contact with me." Inuyasha could see the building hatred in the creature's eyes. They'd only just met and already the thing hated him for whatever reason. It quickly looked at the floor and Inuyasha shuddered. It was gross looking; he'd never thought he'd see anything like it.

The guard was dismissed and Sesshomaru informed him that while he was pinned Jaken had become his retainer. After explaining what that meant Jaken begrudgingly began relaying information to Sesshomaru about some towns at the boarder of the west. Inuyasha was leaning on the arm rest of the chair and eventually dozed off listening to him drone on. Sesshomaru's attention quickly shifted to his sleeping face. He felt his youkai thump in his mind and pushed it down and away. He and Inuyasha could never be mates. He needed to return to the otherworld for his safety. Standing, he approached the younger, interrupting Jaken's long winded report. "Inuyasha." He stirred a bit. Sesshomaru felt his hand twitch, before steeling his resolve and caressed the soft ears atop his head. "Inuyasha, if you are tired you should rest in your bedroom."

Inuyasha opened his eyes slowly, "What…?" He mumbled as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes.

"If you wish to rest, you should do so in your bedroom." Sesshomaru stated again. Jaken's jaw dropped. His lord had just repeated himself!

"Yeah…okay…just kind of hard to do right now." Inuyasha stood up and stretched, putting the book back where he found it.

"You are having trouble sleeping?" Sesshomaru asked, watching Inuyasha's behavior.

Inuyasha frowned, he was still feeling very awkward about Sesshomaru but at least he was speaking to him normally, albeit cold. "Yeah, the whole dying thing isn't something you can just get over in a few days." Inuyasha let out a distressed whine after a moment before covering his mouth in confusing. Sesshomaru stepped a bit closer as his youkai demanded.

"Your youkai is distressed. I assume it is still recovering?"

"Yeah…that's probably why I'm having such a hard time with condensing my youki right?" Inuyasha asked, given his confirmation through a curt nod.

"You should hold off and rest. Physically and mentally. I will let father know that your youkai still needs time to recover."

Inuyasha nodded, for some reason he wanted to spend more time with Sesshomaru. He felt more comfortable with he or his father near. "Do you wanna eat lunch with me?"

"Lord Sesshomaru has a very busy schedu-!" Jaken tried to interject.

"Yes. Shall we eat in the garden?" Sesshomaru suggested. It'd been quite a while since they last shared a meal together. The lord would have thought Inuyasha hated him with every fiber of his being. Afterall, it was entirely his fault. He didn't deserve Inuyasha's time or forgiveness, but he craved it.

"Okay." Inuyasha nodded.

Soon they were in the garden being served by the servants. Inuyasha realized that he'd never shared a meal with Sesshomaru alone before. While they weren't alone since the toad was standing there and there were servants, he meant that usually their father was there too. Inuyasha felt anxious and antsy…he thought back to his time pinned to the tree. Sesshomaru's constant stream of talking, each word melding into the next. He wanted to ask him about some of the things that had been said. Inuyasha stopped eating as he zoned out causing Sesshomaru to give him a worried look.

"I'm so sorry Inuyasha. It's all my fault. It's my fault."

"I'm so sorry. You didn't deserve this."

"How selfish am I? I should be the one pinned here; this was my doing."

"I'm sorry."

"It's my fault my brother died. I killed you with my selfishness and I wish I could apologize to you. I'm sorry Inuyasha."

"We'll find a way to get you down and give you a proper burial." Inuyasha felt his head throb a bit. For so long he only heard Sesshomaru apologies, before they became stories. Sesshomaru began telling him of his travels as he wandered, his voice describing the things he saw with impeccable detail.

"The seas of the east are like no other. The water the color of emeralds because of the beautiful light green sand. The fruit is fresh and the weather mild. I'm sure you would've loved to see it Inuyasha."

"The jungles of the north are odd. There are so many demon trees whispering their temptations. On a hill, a human faced fruit tree grew. It was quite a disgusting sight."

Inuyasha felt his head throb some more.

"I want to show you all those sights. My lovely little brother."

"There are many hanyou children coming to the castle town, they seem hopeful and it's thanks to you Inuyasha."

"I've never met anyone that I cared for like I do you Inuyasha."

"The one thing I'll regret for the rest of my life is not telling you that I loved you."

"I love you Inuyasha."

"I love you Inuyasha."

"I love you Inuyasha."

"I love you Inuyasha."

"I love you Inuyasha."

"I love you Inuyasha."

"I love you Inuyasha."

"I love you Inuyasha."

"Inuyasha." Inuyasha was brought back to the present from his echoing thoughts with a start. He looked up at Sesshomaru who was looking at him with concern. Inuyasha felt his eyes stinging, he brought his hands to his face and felt the tears. He wiped his face but saw his sleeve covered in blood, his nose was bleeding too. Sesshomaru stood quickly and practically dragged him to the healer's rooms. The healer began to check him over and Sesshomaru was going to leave but Inuyasha grabbed his sleeve without a word. "Inuyasha?" He felt weird, he didn't want Sesshomaru to leave. The lord said nothing and took a seat. Inuyasha released him and quietly allowed the healer to finish checking him over. The healer stated that Inuyasha should rest a while longer, he was overexerting himself and his youkai wasn't as ready as they'd assumed. When the healer allowed him to leave, Sesshomaru walked him back to his rooms. "Get some rest before dinner. If you still aren't feeling well, I'll have dinner sent to your rooms."

Inuyasha nodded and watched Sesshomaru turn to leave before going into his bedroom. "What the fuck is wrong with me...?" He curled into a ball on his bed. Want. Inuyasha narrowed his eyes. "He's my brother." Doesn't matter. "The hell it doesn't!" Inuyasha growled. Then if he wasn't? Inuyasha wasn't going to dignify that with an answer. He thought about Sesshomaru and how often he must have visited. The youkai had mourned him for such a long time, and it hurt to think about. He closed his eyes as his youkai continued to push thoughts of Sesshomaru at him. Soon he found himself rocking against his bed and his hands trailed down his body to his leaking cock and greedy hole. Inuyasha stroked himself and rocked into his fingers as his youkai aided his fantasy. Sesshomaru was annoyingly attractive, and he'd seen him naked and wondered how his cock felt. Inuyasha didn't realize but his eyes had gone red and his fangs elongated as he panted. Moaning loudly, he inched closer and closer to completion. He thought about their kissing those years ago, Sesshomaru holding him tightly in his embrace. "...f-fuck…" he grunted as he came. It came in waves and he felt his whole-body shudder and twitch. He couldn't even tell where the orgasm was coming from as he continued to stroke his cock and abuse his twitching hole. "I'm fucking disgusting." He whispered to himself as he came down his mind still full of Sesshomaru. Mine.

Story was revised