Author's Note: It's me again and thanks for the feedback. I need it to improve my writing skills, so I appreciate the criticisms that are being written. I need more, please.

Anyways, do enjoy this piece.

Tyrion I – 296 AC

Tyrion never liked this part of the Rock for this was his father's favorite part. The place where he did his job as the Warden of the West and regardless of the abundance of torches that lit the hallways, this place was the coldest he'd been in but like always, he ignored it.

He walked down the ornately decorated hallway until he saw the doors to his father's private meeting room. For a private room, it was larger than the halls of most knightly houses but that's how everything else in the Rock is. What else did he expect from a family that has carved a castle into a mountain?

When he reached the doors, he found himself being glared at by the Red Cloaks that was ordered to guard the place, if it wasn't for the fact that he was just tired after waking up and not having a good proper fasting, unless one counts a cup of wine at breakfast, he would have given them his rumored 'demon eyes'.

"Halt!" One of the Red Cloaks shouted as he neared the door.

"What do you want?" Tyrion irritatingly replied back.

"Your father wasn't expecting you today. He's only allowed us to let the stated people in" The guard states.

"Then tell me this, you ingrate, when was the last time my father has expected me to come to his meeting?" Tyrion questioned. He snorted when they didn't reply.

'Always making my life a little bit harder, aren't you?' He cleared his throat to get their attention once more. "Well then, unless you want to lose your reliable source of income, you better let me through." He affirms, causing the Red Cloaks to finally let him through. Behind the door was another hallway that was about ten feet high and 50 feet in length, carved into solid rock and leading to the actual meeting hall. The hall was constructed in a way that there was only one official entrance and that the guard is unable to hear even the most heated of conversations.

"You're late," Tywin said in contempt, Tyrion being used to his father's words, ignored it and marched down towards his seat.

"My apologies, if I had known that there was going to be a meeting today, then I wouldn't be late and maybe if the guards also knew, then I wouldn't be held up half a day," Tyrion replies as he was busy positioning himself on the seat. He took a look around and he saw gloom covering the faces of every single attendant.

"May I ask as to why we're all gathered here, looking as if we were at a funeral?" Tyrion asks.

"Well nephew, it seems that the future would look bleak because a moon ago, the former Hand of the King, Jon Connington has passed away." Gerion somberly replied back.

Tyrion looks towards his father, trying to gauge his reaction. He knew that this would not be favorable for House Lannister. Jon was a competent Hand, comparable to Tywin's time during his term as Hand but he was aggressive towards House Lannister, most especially towards Tywin and many claimed that Jon was worried that the Old Lion would try to usurp the throne away from Aegon in favor of his grandchild, Daeron.

That's why his father tried to forsake Daeron's claim to the Iron Throne if his father died. Even though he should hate his father even more for this, he didn't have the energy left to do it. It doesn't help that Jon Connington is married to Janna Tyrell, creating a divide in the Reach and causing the Westerlands to have enemies in the south.

"Well, does it really concern us? He is a former Hand for a reason." Tyrion states, aware of the fact that the King hasn't been able to find a suitable replacement ever since Jon and King Rhaegar had their infamous falling out and its because of Rhaegar's decision to make Jaehaerys the new Lord of Harrenhal.

Rumors also began to circulate that King Rhaegar was planning to reappoint Jon because of the marriage proposals that was agreed upon between the Baratheon's and Connington's. Other says that King Rhaegar grew envious at the fact that his long-time friend and supporter was successfully courted and brought under Robert's fold.

"His death does not affect us directly, but as long as sheep have tongues, there will be those who'll whisper that we have a hand at his death." Tywin blandly replies, his gaze becoming focused. "And I fear that those rumors would become more widespread if our plan to squire Daeron to Robert becomes public." Those assembled at the table nodded. If it wasn't for Connington's untimely death, then the squiring would be seen as a way to bridge the gap between the King and the Lord of Storm's End but if the plan were to continue on, then it would be seen as a Lannister power-play, even if the plan was approved by the King beforehand.

"Wouldn't canceling our plans be taken as a slight to the King and an insult against Lord Baratheon?" Tygett asked.

"It will and combine with the recently announced betrothals between the Tyrells and Targaryens, I believe that we've reached the point of no return." Tywin indifferently replied.

"Well… the King has given many slights against Lord Baratheon over the years but as far as I know, no war has come off it. What makes this one any different?"

Tywin stayed silent for a while before looking back towards Tygett. "I wasn't talking about the Lord of Storm's End. No, Robert isn't a fool. He wouldn't move a finger to oppose or support the King. The main problem would be the marriage of two ambitious men; Prince Viserys, who would push his claim on the Iron Throne with the backing of Mace Tyrell, a man who wants his daughter to be a Queen." The Warden of the West states before hefting a heavy sigh.

"Such a misguided arrangement by our King, it's like putting a burning candle atop a pool of wildfire. All we have to do is to wait for the fires to burn all of those who would dare to stand in our way."

House Lannister as of the Year 296 AC

Warden of the West and Lord Paramount of the Westerlands: Tywin 'Old Lion' Lannister – Born in 242 AC
Spouse: Joanna Lannister – Died in the year 272 AC due to Childbirth

Siblings of Tywin Lannister:

Steward of Casterly Rock: Kevan Lannister – Born in 244 AC
Spouse: Dorna Lannister née Swyft – Born in 245 AC

- Lancel Lannister – Born in 282 AC

- Martyn Lannister – Born in 284 AC

- Willem Lannister – Born in 286 AC

- Gerold Lannister – Born in 288 AC

Genna Frey née Lannister– Born in 245 AC
Spouse: Emmon Frey – Born in 238 AC

- Lyonel Frey – Born in 260 AC
Spouse: Melessa Frey née Crakehall – Born in 260 AC

- Tion Frey – Born in 280 AC

- Joanna Frey – Born in 285 AC

- Cleos Frey – Born in 280 AC

- Tywin Frey – Born in 285 AC

Tygett Lannister – Born in 250 AC
Spouse: Darlessa Lannister née Marbrand – Born in 250 AC

- Tyrek Lannister - Born in 286 AC

- Tommen Lannister - Born in 287 AC

- Loren Lannister - Born in 287 AC

- Lyman Lannister - Born in 289 AC

- Tyland Lannister - Born in 291 AC

- Jason Lannister - Born in 293 AC

- Jeyne Lannister - Born in 295 AC

- Myrcella Lannister - Born in 296 AC

Gerion Lannister – Born in 255 AC
Spouse: Rhaenyra Lannister née Celtigar – Born in 255 AC

- Rowena Lannister – Born in 292 AC

- Joy Hill – Born in 286 AC

Children of Tywin Lannister:

- Queen Cersei Lannister – Born in 266 AC
Spouse: King Rhaegar I Targaryen

- Daeron Targaryen – Born in 284 AC

- Saera Targaryen – Born in 286 AC

- Maegelle Targaryen – Born in 288 AC

- Kingsguard Jaime Lannister – Born in 266 AC

- Tyrion Lannister – Born in 272 AC