In this introduction, Renee struggles to stay sober on the day she has to pick up her estranged daughter at the airport. But once she she sees the teenager she'll have more than just her drinking problem to worry about.

10AM. Not a good time to have a buzz on during a weekday especially not on the job. Of course Renee would always tell herself she'd quit drinking for a little while at least. She was resting her eyes on her desk in the little office of the Forks, Washington Police station.

"Detective Swan?" A rookie by the name of Wallace Graham knocked on the door frame; everyone just called him Rookie.

"What is it, Rookie?' Renee struggled to lift her head up, her tangled hair covered her bloodshot eyes.

"I got you that case file you wanted," he was a little concerned about her, he'd seen her like this almost every day since he started working.

Renee closed her eyes due to the bright lights. "Yeah, right. Just set it on my desk."

"Are you...are you alright?"

"Yes, God!" She ran her fingers over her face and through her hair. "It's been a long week ok?"

"Um, the chief wanted to see you."

"Fuck," she said under her breath, "Well if this is about working tonight he can forget it, I told him for months now that I'm expecting my daughter home. Her flight comes in late." She struggled out of her chair. Wallace sneaked a peek at her trash can, several packs of cigarettes and one discarded liquor bottle. He looked over at the opened bottom drawer like he was expecting to see something but Renee shut it before he could get a good glance.

She caught him peeking and got close to his face before exiting the room, "What are you looking at? Huh?"

She strolled over to the cheif's office, trading wisecracks along the way with her fellow officers.

"So is she all tatted up?" One joked, "We'll be running her in in no time."

"Nah, she'll be like her mother, a hard ass bitch!" One of the few female officers cackled.

"Watch yourselves," Renee warned.

"Is she hot?" A seasoned officer asked.

"Not sure. Maybe as average as any 17 year old," Renee teased with a glare; the officer backed off.

Renee parked it in front of the cheif's desk. He was almost always all serious with maybe a few moments of sarcasm. A top heavy black man with a straight mustache. He nodded to her, "Swan."

"Chief," she nodded back mocking his professionalism.

"I understand you will have your hands tied tonight."

"Not tonight, Chief. Those nights have been rescheduled," she chuckled to herself.

He didn't seem to find it one bit amusing. "I know you've been coming into work hungover, Swan. Also drunk. Someone found your flask."

Renee frowned, she had to look away from his judging eyes, "Look, I'm working on it. It won't happen again, Chief."

"You're a good detective, Swan. The only reason you haven't been canned yet is because you've got what the other officers lack."

"A hot body for my age?" She flashed her cigarette stained teeth.

He released what appeared to be a sly grin but only for less than a second. "You've got a knack. You know how things work. You've got the street smarts."

"That's very nice of you to say. Are you trying to ask me out?"

He remained straight faced, ignoring her. He retrieved an envelope from his desk drawer. He slid it to her slowly.

"What the hell?" Renee opened it to see two tickets to a concert that was happening in town next week.

"Have a good time."

"Wow, um, thank you..."

"Stay clean, Swan." Those words echoed in her head. It repeated on the drive back to the house. She promised her ex husband she'd straighten up her act. He left for Florida more than a decade ago when Bella was very young. It wasn't just Renee's job that made him uneasy it was the whiskey, the pills, the dope, her friends dropping in at odd hours. She was a good cop but those days were long behind her.

She didn't blame Charlie for getting out of Forks when he did. It wasn't the quiet and simple community it started out as, ever since they opened that casino it was like it went to Hell overnight. Gangs pushing drugs and mysterious disappearances. The only reason Charlie was letting her see her mother was because Renee told him crime went down and the streets were sage again which was technically true. Though only down 10%.

Renee tidied up the place. Her daughter's room was ready. She filled four trash bags and five recycling bags full of beer cans. She had to make sure she hid her porn. She was bisexual and suspected that Charlie knew about that but he was never the confrontational type. She wasn't sure why he'd put her on a flight coming in at 1 in the morning. She was nervous, this girl barely even remembered her, she hardly ever called her on the phone. She did try send a card every birthday and Christmas but she thought maybe Charlie stopped these from getting to her so kind if lost the habit over the years.

Her nerves were so bad she nearly reached for a whole bottle of scotch but stopped herself. This whole thing was a sign that she never thought would come. She had to do this. She had to be a mother. She kept a tiny bottle of Captain Morgan. Just a splash or two should calm her down on the ride over. She put on her leather jacket and tried acting out the encounter in the mirror. She thought she could play the cool mom.

She was stirred by the sounds of blaring car horns. She had to keep awake. She turned up the radio. Some terrible boy band. She had no idea what this girl's taste in music or anything was. What if these concert tickets were worthless to her? There was the airport. No doubt it was almost empty. She had to go to gate 5.

She slowly walked in looking around with her hands in her pockets; she realized she was going to have to do this more now that she was growing a beer gut. She did see a couple people but no one young enough to be the one she was after. Couples holding hands, some old people. Then she saw it. Probably the nicest ass she'd ever seen in her life. Some girl bent over looking at her luggage, plenty of time for Renee to get her fill. Those tight tight blue jeans with those embroidered pockets stretched over a nice round peach.

The girl must've felt someone staring. She looked up rather quickly to see the older woman gawking. Brunette. Skinny. Short. Big brown eyes on such a pale and innocent face.

"Fuck," Renee mumbled. "Uh..Isabella?"

"Mom?" She looked so sad, so lost. She stood there still as a statue. Renee rushed over to her and hugged her. It was an awkward moment but it brought so many tears.

She helped her with her luggage to the car. They didn't do a whole lot of talking the way home, it was a lot of small talk.

"You...have a nice flight in?"

" yeah..."

"I have food at home if you want anything."

"I ate on the plane," she said staring out the window.


A few minutes went by and she spoke up, "I go by Bella."

"Huh?" Renee turned her head quickly.

"I thought maybe Dad told you that."

"No he did not...sorry."

"It's ok," Bella said, half smiling.

Renee looked at the glove box. "I have something for you." She nodded and Bella looked in to see the concert tickets. Renee was worried when she looked them over rather plainly. "If that's lame I can get you something else."

"N-no no this is great."

She couldn't help but look at her proudly. She'd become such a beautiful young woman. Maybe she stared a little too long, she had better watch the road. It was hard no to. She hadn't seen this girl most of her life and now seeing her again was like meeting a completely different person. She served to avoid an oncoming truck. This startled Bella slightly.

"Sorry," Renee laughed nervously.

She thought they could put all of this awkwardness behind them but as she helped take her bags into the house she caught a glimpse of that perfect ass again. She could feel her heart pumping. "THAT'S YOUR FUCKING DAUGHTER!" She thought screamed at herself.

She showed her to her room. Bella was amazed at the way she kept it; pictures of horses and a doll house from the last time she was there. "Wow. This is really nice."

"You can decorate it any way you want of course," Renee scratched the back of her head.

Bella bent over again. "FUCKING CHRIST!" Renee thought.

Bella turned around and saw the stressed look on her face, "Are you ok?"

Renee nodded in a strange way, "Yeah. I just need to lie down."

Bella hugged her this time, taking her by surprise hugging her by the waist. "I'm glad I'm here."

"I'm glad you're here too. We'll catch up tomorrow ok?"

Before Renee was going to leave she couldn't help but sneak another peek as Bella unpacked. One thing for sure she was going to have the world's longest shower.

Hope you liked the first chapter. Things will get crazier as they go along!