WARNING! Basically all this is based off the new TV show, and there might be spoilers so YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! Also I would like to inform you that I am new at this stuff so if you don't like it you don't have to read it! Thank you and enjoy the story!

It was a bright and sunny day and everyone was getting ready for their first day of school at Etheria high. You see Etheria never really had a school until now, the council decided that children deserve an education- not only about math and English but about the history of their world.

Catra woke up to the sound of the alarm blaring into her ears. "UGHHH" Catra groaned as she pulled the pillow over her head. THUD! "Catra! Catra! Wake up!" Adora yanked the pillow away from Catra, "c'mon we have to get ready, don't want to be late!"

"Hey! Give me that back!" Catra snapped back sitting up. BONG! BONG! The alarm chimed.

"Okay I don't know about you but I'm going to get ready before shadow weaver comes in here" Adora climbs off Catra's bed and heads too the changing quarters.

"Rise and shine Glimmer, it's your first day of school, don't want to be late!" Glimmer pulls her covers over her head,

"Five more minutes" she says already drifting off to sleep.

"Glimmer! I said it's your first day of school!" The queen says walking out of her room, "be ready in 5!" Glimmer rushes out of bed and brushes out her short pink and purple hair. She throws on a purple dress and slips on some flats. BUZZ BUZZ. Glimmer checks her phone -Bow: hey, so excited, see you at the bus stop- Glimmer quickly gets her bag and rushes downstairs.

"Hey mom, I'm off to the bus stop!" Glimmer says walking out the door.

"Wait before you go, remember what I told you,"

"Yes mom I know, don't engage with the Horde" Glimmer recites.

"Very well, goodbye Glimmer."

"Bye mom" BLING! And with that Glimmer is already gone.

"Why do we have to go to this thing again?" Catra wines.

"It's good to test ourselves plus we get to learn new things!" Adora replies ignoring her wines. "Plus it will be fun!" The bus stops at the corner of the street. Adora steps onto the bus, "You coming?" Adora looks back

"yea yea, whatever!" Catra climbs on the bus. There weren't many others on the bus, just a couple people from near by bases. The bus finally arrives at the palace, "Wow that took long enough" Catra says jumping off the bus. "Wow would you look at this place it's so- so..."

"So bright, wow!" Catra interrupts. The school looked like something you would see in a movie. It was tall with big pillars. You could see that there were many different rooms and corridors, it was huge. The students piled in and swept Catra and Adora off their feet and into the building.

"Wow Bow and I can't believe we're actually here!" Glimmer exclaimed.

"I know right! So many new people here!" Bow and Glimmer walked down the hallway as people rushes by finding their classes. "See you at lunch, ok?!" Bow said to Glimmer as students cleared the halls.


The cafeteria was filled with people from all different parts of the Etheria. Catra and Adora were on the lookout for s lunch table. "Oh I see one over there!" Catra pointed to a small table in the corner. As they got closer to their seats people gave them weird looks.

"Why are people looking at us weirdly?" Adora whispers to Catra while taking a seat.

"I don't know, it's probably nothing!" Catra says quickly clearly anxious about the stares.

"Oh look a table!" Bow says pointing to a small table in the corner.

"Perfect!" Glimmer exclaims. They walk over and sit down.

"Wow sure is a bunch of people here!" Bow says.

"Yea, I'm just glad there aren't any Horde soldiers here" Glimmer says relieved.

"Yea me t..." Bow drops his sandwich. "G-Glimmer!" Bow taps Glimmer's shoulder.

"Huh? What?" Glimmer turns around and looks across the table. "Ar-are those H-h-horde soldiers?" Glimmer gulps.