Lucy Reborn

(A/N: This story takes place after the Tenrou Island 7-year gap. Lucy had found out about her father and everyone's sorrow for the years they lost were still fresh wounds. Looking back Lucy could only see herself as weak, sure she had her spirits but without them she was useless… This story takes place 3 years after that incident, when Lucy finally returned to Fairy Tail~ Enjoy! There will be hints of different ships such as NaLu, LaLu, Gajevy, Gruvia & more ^_^)

It has been 3 years since Lucy has been in Magnolia; she has changed a lot since then, in more ways than one.

3 years ago

"Lucy…" Natsu mumbled quietly, his expression bore that of sorrow and guilt, he was there when she was told of her fathers passing. Her expression to that dreadful news tore right through his heart. He now stood behind her as she tearlessly mourned for her father, stood in the middle of the road. Happy moved to say something but Natsu shook his head not allowing it.

"Natsu?" Lucy finally spoke up and turned to face Natsu, though her bangs shadowed her eyes, "Yes? What is it Lucy?" he replied in earnest, anything to comfort his most cherished companion.

"My father… He's dead… Yet I cannot shed a single tear for him… Does this mean he meant nothing to me?" she asked, sounding sorrowful and guilty for just thinking this! Natsu shook his head, causing Lucy to raise hers and look at her pink-haired friend. "No, of course not" Natsu spoke and walked towards her, placing a hand on her small shivering shoulder "Tears or no tears, I know that your father would never win any awards for his position, however, he was still your family" He smiled softly "tears will come in their own time, but I can see from just looking at you, the pain of loss, this is how you're mourning him and his memory" he spoke softly.

Lucy nodded, through good efforts Natsu hadn't managed to cheer Lucy up "Thank you, Natsu… I'm gunna go home… I'll see you later, okay?" she spoke with a low voice, this dry tone felt like a thousand needles in Natsu's heart, however, there was nothing he could do… He knew she needed some time alone…

"Okay Lucy… I'll see you later, yeah?" he sent her a final smile.

This was the last time Natsu had seen Lucy.

Back to the present

Lucy walked out of the Magnolia train station, black leather bag thrown over her shoulder. Her appearance would come as a shock to anyone who knew her years ago, back then she was a light-hearted girl, with brightly coloured clothing, medium length golden hair that formed bunches most of the time, even her brown eyes used to have a glitter to them.

Not any more.

She emerged from the exit gate, her blonde hair long in length, going past her posterior, her bangs framed the sides of her face. She now had one large scar going down from her forehead, though her left eyebrow and eye, to the middle of her left cheek. However, her eyes were the feature that stood out the most, accompanying the scar, was her left eye. Though the right was still brown, if not changed slightly with gold and red streaks, her left eye was blood red, with specs of blue and green by the iris. When out in public she wore a black bandana around her head to cover her one eye and scar, this bandana was from the celestial world, enabling her to see through it but having no one see her hidden imperfection; similar to a one-way mirror, she can see out and no one can look in.

Lucy had grown in to a mature young lady, taller than a few years ago and every muscle beautifully toned, even her skin was slightly tanned in comparison to her previous pale self. Along side this physical change was a mental change, her style and fashion had completely flipped; from the innocent pinks and whites, she now wore a black fitted crop top that was sleeveless and had a low V-neck, which left nothing to the imagination, though it showed off her beautiful curves. The top had an embedded effect of gloss black scales when light hit it just right, accompanying her top was a thin red net-like scarf that wrapped around her neck and flowed down to her knees. Below her waist she wore black ripped skinny jeans with red thread and red fish net tights visible through the tears. Up to just below her knees she wore Black leather boots with only a slight, thick heal, these boots, however, were scuffed up a lot. She had obviously been wearing them for a long time; they were still in good contention nonetheless. Around her waist was a leather belt, which held her two sets of keys; she had collected many other contracts along the way during those three years. She also carried her whip on the other side, this whip however was made of pure black metal with sharp edges that would cut anything it touched, Luckily Lucy had black, scaled, fingerless gloves to protect herself from this.

Lucy walked through the town of Magnolia, the feeling of nostalgia flowing through her. It had been so long since she'd seen her home, but an internal dread still bubbled inside her… She hadn't said goodbye, she had only left a note for Natsu before she'd left… What must they have thought…? 'They must hate me… or think I'm dead' she thought to herself with a heavy sigh, she hadn't kept in contact over the years after all, god knows what the guild thought.

Three years ago

Natsu had gone home with his blue companion after departing from Lucy, of course he had poked his head into the guild but there was no life there, it was getting late after all.

The next day Natsu and Happy decided to cheer up in hopes that their cheerful expressions would liven up their guild again. They waltzed into the guild with a grin in the early afternoon; Natsu, nor Happy, were morning people and commonly came to the guild in the afternoon. "Hey everyone!" he grinned, he caught everyone's attention and managed to get a few smiles and greetings back; that was better than nothing he supposed.

"Hey Mira~! Food please!" he grinned his toothy grin, Mira was the only other person with her normal spirit "Sure thing~!" he giggled and plated them up some meat.

After a couple hours Mira spoke, interrupting the conversation at the team Natsu table "Where is Lucy? It's late and I haven't seen her today?" she asked. Everyone knew of Lucy's father's passing a few days ago, they'd let Lucy be alone as that is what they thought was best, except Natsu of course.

"I guess she is at home" Erza spoke up, the others nodded in silence before Natsu stood up "We should go see her! Bring cakes and gifts, try and cheer her up~" Natsu suggested. Though he would usually prepare for the others to turn down any idea he comes up with, to his surprise everyone agreed.

It wasn't long before they were all outside Lucy's apartment; they walked up the stairs with food bags in hand to have a mini living-room picnic. Natsu was the first at her door; though he would usually go through her window, he felt this wasn't an appropriate time, plus Erza would beat him to a bloody pulp. Natsu knocked on the door and blinked when it just swung open "U-Uh… Lucy? You're door was open, we are coming in!" he called out. "Lucy would never leave her door unsecure" Gray pointed out, they all walked in and widened their eyes at what they saw.

The whole apartment was empty, only some bare furniture remained… The group stood there in shock for a few minutes taking in the cold empty, Lucy-lacked space.

"We must have the wrong apartment" Natsu spoke up first broking the silence and not liking the echo his voice had created.

"I'm sorry but you have the right apartment" A voice said from the door.

"Who are you?" Erza asked, all on guard in case this woman was a threat, which was when Natsu recognised her "I know you! You're Lucy's landlady!" he exclaimed with a big grin hoping she would know what happened here, everyone relaxed as the landlady nodded her head.

"I am, however, I can not help you with your friend, she packed and left late last night, most of her things went in to storage, however, she told me to give this to a Natsu Dragneel should he come rampaging in" she spoke holding out a small white envelope.

Natsu ignored the 'rampaging' and took the letter from the landlady, his heart felt as though it were being squeezed so tightly it might explode. Erza, Gray and Wendy's eyes widened at the news, their expressions imprinted with shock, sorrow and wonder; wondering why Lucy would just take off like this.

Natsu read the letter, his face paled and he shook his head "Natsu?" Wendy spoke up seeing the fire dragon pale considerably. "What does it say?" Erza then asked, but Natsu didn't respond, his bangs covered his lowered face, shadowing his eyes, but they weren't enough to cover the tears that streamed down his face. The others saw this causing their eyes to widen even further, they didn't get a change to say anything as Natsu ran, he ran so fast out of the building leaving the letter to flutter to the ground besides the others.

Still in shock everyone stared at where Natsu was standing "Natsu was…" Wendy began "Crying…" Gray finished almost in a whisper. Erza picked up the letter and took it upon herself to read it aloud for everyone to hear.

To Natsu,

I'm sorry for leaving like this but I had no other choice, the death of my father made me realise my weakness. I could never survive if anything were to happen to you and the others. With that in mind I now realise that I need to become stronger, to protect you all if the event calls for it… I have now realised that without my spirits I am useless, always getting in the way and getting you hurt for saving me…

I have left you, and I'm sorry… I hope you can forgive my rude departure… I plan to return one day but only when I am strong enough, I hope you will all be well!

I will see you again one day, hopefully sooner than later

Love Lucy Heartfelia

This letter brought the guild to a halt for weeks, Natsu wasn't seen for weeks, he'd gone off on his own in search of Lucy, to bring her back, to tell her she was wrong and that she was stronger than she thinks!

But to no avail… after half a year the guild went back to how it used to be, exactly the same. The only difference was the warmth of Lucy's laugh and her discipline along-side Erza when the boys were fighting. They missed her, but they knew she would some day return.

(A/N: Review pwease~ Let me know your thoughts below! There are lots of yummy scenes coming your way for every kind of fan and shipper :P More to come soon!

Also! My Draft doodle of Lucy's new look 0-0 Sorry it's not great but hopefully enough for imagination hahaha)